Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.513
NA - Nord America 2.913
AS - Asia 2.215
OC - Oceania 459
AF - Africa 210
SA - Sud America 138
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 13.452
Nazione #
IT - Italia 5.805
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.758
AU - Australia 439
PH - Filippine 432
SG - Singapore 431
IN - India 273
SE - Svezia 232
GB - Regno Unito 214
FR - Francia 176
RO - Romania 165
CA - Canada 129
DE - Germania 128
MY - Malesia 123
IE - Irlanda 121
TR - Turchia 119
CN - Cina 117
CH - Svizzera 109
IR - Iran 104
NL - Olanda 100
ID - Indonesia 98
KR - Corea 86
EG - Egitto 70
PK - Pakistan 70
TW - Taiwan 59
BG - Bulgaria 58
PT - Portogallo 55
AR - Argentina 45
FI - Finlandia 44
HK - Hong Kong 43
AT - Austria 36
KE - Kenya 36
LV - Lettonia 36
UA - Ucraina 34
BR - Brasile 33
BE - Belgio 31
TH - Thailandia 31
SA - Arabia Saudita 30
RU - Federazione Russa 28
JP - Giappone 25
PE - Perù 25
VN - Vietnam 24
IQ - Iraq 23
ET - Etiopia 22
IL - Israele 22
ZA - Sudafrica 22
JO - Giordania 21
MX - Messico 21
ES - Italia 20
PS - Palestinian Territory 20
CO - Colombia 18
NG - Nigeria 18
GR - Grecia 12
MT - Malta 12
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
LT - Lituania 11
HU - Ungheria 10
KW - Kuwait 10
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 10
AL - Albania 9
NO - Norvegia 9
NP - Nepal 9
FJ - Figi 8
LK - Sri Lanka 8
TG - Togo 8
BH - Bahrain 7
EE - Estonia 7
MD - Moldavia 7
OM - Oman 7
EC - Ecuador 6
IS - Islanda 6
KH - Cambogia 6
PL - Polonia 6
RS - Serbia 5
SI - Slovenia 5
TN - Tunisia 5
UG - Uganda 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
CL - Cile 4
LY - Libia 4
NA - Namibia 4
SC - Seychelles 4
BW - Botswana 3
PY - Paraguay 3
QA - Qatar 3
BT - Bhutan 2
CM - Camerun 2
CW - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.CW??? 2
GF - Guiana Francese 2
GH - Ghana 2
LB - Libano 2
MA - Marocco 2
MU - Mauritius 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BZ - Belize 1
DK - Danimarca 1
Totale 13.443
Città #
Rome 1.300
Milan 447
Fairfield 291
Singapore 286
Chandler 156
Florence 143
Horia 140
Princeton 139
Ashburn 138
Naples 133
Woodbridge 128
Santa Clara 121
Wilmington 117
Dublin 107
Sydney 106
Melbourne 103
Bologna 91
Houston 89
Turin 88
San Paolo di Civitate 85
Cambridge 82
Seattle 80
Millbury 76
Ann Arbor 71
Bari 71
Kuala Lumpur 68
Beijing 65
Lawrence 64
Brisbane 61
Parma 57
Sofia 55
Perth 54
Genoa 53
Plano 52
Jakarta 46
Quezon City 45
Trieste 43
Federal 42
San Diego 42
Andover 41
Istanbul 41
Catania 40
Boston 39
Nowon-gu 39
New York 36
Bremen 34
Morton Grove 34
Padova 34
Brescia 33
Toronto 33
Verona 32
Cairo 31
Pescara 31
Zollikofen 31
Lahore 30
Perugia 30
Boardman 29
Cagliari 29
Dearborn 29
Palermo 29
Tehran 28
Davao City 27
Paris 27
Nairobi 26
Vienna 25
Adelaide 24
Helsinki 22
Pisa 22
Ancona 21
Manila 21
Norwalk 21
Paços de Ferreira 21
Amman 20
Aprilia 20
Montreal 20
San Juan 20
Trento 20
Cagayan de Oro 19
Venice 19
Jelgava 18
Treviso 18
Forlì 17
Moscow 17
San Mateo 17
Chiang Mai 16
Clark 16
Lima 16
Strasbourg 16
Amsterdam 15
Bergamo 15
Bern 15
Kolkata 15
Munich 15
Livorno 14
Los Angeles 14
Riyadh 14
Ankara 13
Cebu City 13
Civitavecchia 13
Corsico 13
Totale 6.783
Nome #
A rapid review of time management strategies among nurse managers 1.057
Il Middle Management infermieristico. Delineazione del ruolo alla luce dei recenti sviluppi in Sanità 898
Manuale di procedure infermieristiche basate sulle evidenze 850
Impact of nursing students on the quality of care perceived by patients. a systematic review of the literature 424
Measuring knowledge, attitudes and behavior of nurses in medication management. Cross-cultural comparisons in Italy and Malta 389
How to improve educational behaviors for caregivers and patients having Central Venous Access Device (CVAD). a scoping review 353
Improving sleep quality in cancer patients. a literature review on non-pharmacologic interventions 335
L’infermiere in chirurgia robotica. uno studio fenomenologico 335
Validation of a questionnaire for ICU nurses to assess knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards medication errors 273
Le delirium rooms. un modello a gestione infermieristica 260
Role of specialized nutrition for wound healing: a narrative review 231
Reliability and use of Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in italian sample of university professors 205
Una medicazione per ogni ferita. cenni di gestione infermieristica delle lesioni da pressione 202
Gestione avanzata delle vie aeree. un’overview sull’intubazione orotracheale Airways advanced management. An overview about orotracheal intubation 189
Elderly patients with multimorbidity in the home setting: umbrella review on therapeutic non-adherence causes 173
Nurses distracted by smartphone use during clinical practice. Italian validation of the "Nurses' use of personal communication devices (PCD) questionnaire" 172
Valutazione del dolore neuropatico. una ricerca infermieristica 165
Malattia oncologica e telenursing. nuove prospettive infermieristiche 162
Telenursing interventions in lung cancer patients on chemotherapy. A systematic review 136
Indagine conoscitiva sul concetto di competenza avanzata nella professione infermieristica 134
Studio osservazionale sull’utilizzo del Pediatric Alarm Score 132
L’ecografia infermieristica nei dipartimenti di emergenza 129
The impact of vaginal and endometrial microbiota in women's fertility: a review of literature 129
La Scuola Convitto “Regina Elena” 122
L’evoluzione della chirurgia robotica. un nuovo ruolo per l’infermiere 121
Nozioni essenziali di nursing chirurgico 121
Nurses and Night Shifts. Poor Sleep Quality Exacerbates Psychomotor Performance 121
Quality and relevance of master degree education for the professional development of nurses and midwives 115
The cost of fast-rotating backward-shift work among nurses 115
Farmaci LASA: strategie per la prevenzione dell’errore di terapia [Look-alike, sound-alike drugs. Strategies for preventing medication errors] 114
Assistenza Infermieristica ed esiti sensibili. Unità operativa a gestione infermieristica: uno studio retrospettivo Nursing care and sensitive outcomes. Nursing management unit. a retrospective study 114
Medication adherence in chronic older patients. An Italian observational study using medication adherence report scale (MARS-5I) 112
Definizione del ruolo del Middle Nurse Manager in Italia. Stato dell’arte e prospettive organizzative 110
Farmaci LASA: risk management ed errori in terapia 107
Knowledge, behaviours, training and attitudes of nurses during preparation and administration of intravenous medications in intensive care units (ICU). A multicenter Italian study 105
Accesso intraosseo in emergenza una tecnica salvavita poco usata 104
L’accuratezza delle diagnosi infermieristiche. crossmapping in un’unità operativa a gestione infermieristica The accuracy of nursing diagnosis. cross-mapping in an operational unit of nursing management 102
Are knowledge and skills acquired during the master degree in nursing actually put into practice? A pilot study in Italy 101
Stroke ischemico nell’anziano valutare la disfagia e prevenire la malnutrizione 93
Not only a problem of fatigue and sleepiness: changes in psychomotor performance in Italian nurses across 8-h rapidly rotating shifts 89
Nutrition in patients with unilateral neglect 87
Management del dolore post-operatorio. competenze infermieristiche 85
Pratica clinica in farmacologia d'emergenza 85
La valutazione della disgeusia nel paziente oncologico 85
Comparison of sleep and attention metrics among nurses working shifts on a forward- vs backward-rotating schedule 84
Quality of life for patients with incurable stage IV colorectal cancer. Randomized controlled trial comparing resection versus endoscopic stenting 82
Gestione del rischio e dell’errore. Quali strategie? 80
Farmaci orfani. uno sguardo sulle politiche di produzione e ricerca in ambito europeo [Orphan drugs. An European production, research and development policies] 78
Il setting domiciliare e gli errori terapeutici. nuovi paradigmi infermieristici 77
Valutazione dell’impatto della presenza degli studenti infermieri sulla qualità assistenziale percepita dai pazienti in tre reparti per acuti dell’area medica del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma 76
The association between personality trait and the development of postoperative complications in enterostomized patients. Systematic review of literature 76
Instruments to facilitate the decision-making process on how to administer infusions simultaneously in intensive care units. An Italian experience [Strumenti per facilitare il processo decisionale sulla modalità di somministrazione di infusioni in contemporanea in setting intensivi. Un'esperienza italiana] 75
Gestione dell’alimentazione in emodialisi 73
The role of hysteroscopy in unexplained infertility 71
Individual circadian preference, shift work, and risk of medication errors. A cross-sectional web survey among italian midwives 71
Manuale di procedure infermieristiche basate sulle evidenze. Guida Essenziale 70
Management and treatment of taste and smell alterations in oncologic patients undergoing antitumoral therapy and radiotherapy 70
Pain management. uno studio infermieristico 69
Stress-related vulnerability and usefulness of healthcare education in Parkinson's disease. the perception of a group of family caregivers, a cross-sectional study 68
Gestione della comunicazione nel paziente enterostomizzato 68
La gestione del catetere venoso periferico 66
Knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and training needs of ICU nurses on medication errors in the use of IV drugs: a pilot study 66
Integrazione ospedale-territorio. un servizio socio-sanitario 64
A comparative study of data collection methods in the process of nursing: detection of chemotherapy side effects using a self-reporting questionnaire 64
Factors related to medication errors in the preparation and administration of intravenous medication in the hospital environment 64
Medication errors in intensive care units. nurses’ training needs 63
Stravasi da farmaci citotossici. le competenze infermieristiche 63
Guida alla somministrazione sicura dei farmaci endovenosi 61
Medication errors in the emergency department. knowledge, attitude, behavior, and training needs of nurses 61
Studio di validazione dell’emPHasis-10 per la popolazione italiana Validation of the emPHasis-10 for the Italian population 61
Aderenza terapeutica. rischi, strumenti di misura e strategie di implementazione 60
The lived experiences of family members of Covid-19 patients admitted to intensive care unit. A phenomenological study 59
Pain management in eras® approach for abdominal surgery: a narrative review 58
Smartphone distraction during nursing care. Systematic literature review 58
L’uso dei farmaci inotropi. Una revisione narrativa della letteratura 55
Le infezioni ospedaliere associate all’igiene delle unghie negli infermieri 55
Comunicare in contesti sanitari tra scambio di informazioni e interazione tra persone 54
Perioperative nutritional support or perioperative fasting? A narrative review 54
La presa in carico di un paziente portatore LVAD AD - Jarvik 2000 53
Assessment of tetanus immunity status by tetanus quick stick and anamnesis: a prospective double blind study 53
Contact precaution procedures in healthcare facilities 53
Valorizzazione del sistema tutoriale 51
La metafisica del dolore 50
Multidimensional assessment using a modified s.Va.m.a scale, a pilot study in patients aged 65 or older 48
Risk of medication errors and nurses' quality of sleep: a national cross-sectional web survey study 47
How do Vaccinators Experience the Pandemic? Lifestyle Behaviors in a Sample of Italian Public Health Workers during the COVID-19 Era 46
Farmaci Look Alike/Sound Alike. errori di somministrazione della terapia e sicurezza dei pazienti in ospedale 45
The occupational health nurse and his/here role in the prevention of work-related diseases: results of an observational study 45
Infodemiological patterns in searching medication errors: relationship with risk management and shift work 44
A worldwide bibliometric analysis of published literature on medication errors 44
Responsabilità professionale di equipe 43
Medication errors in homecare setting. An Italian validation study 43
Can nurses' shift work jeopardize the patient safety? A systematic review 42
Utilizzo e diffusione delle nuove tecnologie mobili per ridurre l’obesità 41
Health self-perception in patient with Crohn’s disease. a web survey 41
Assistenza infermieristica nel quadro clinico del “Collodion Baby” 40
Structure and Characteristics of Diabetes Self-management Applications. A Systematic Review of the Literature 40
Impact of the sign language for pediatric patients with a tracheostomy 40
BRASS score and complex discharge. a pilot study 39
Totale 12.877
Categoria #
all - tutte 32.631
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 32.631

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020487 0 0 0 0 0 90 113 71 64 67 51 31
2020/2021614 21 27 47 164 46 30 28 31 48 109 39 24
2021/20221.329 26 57 90 146 129 33 133 139 132 55 192 197
2022/20231.629 258 224 80 159 89 97 35 100 157 140 171 119
2023/20245.534 191 276 403 512 650 571 561 517 177 605 571 500
2024/20253.885 581 563 792 839 671 439 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.154