Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.776
EU - Europa 2.468
AS - Asia 964
OC - Oceania 46
SA - Sud America 27
AF - Africa 25
Totale 7.306
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.708
IT - Italia 1.734
SG - Singapore 312
IN - India 225
CN - Cina 169
SE - Svezia 143
GB - Regno Unito 120
DE - Germania 79
CA - Canada 65
FI - Finlandia 64
FR - Francia 61
ID - Indonesia 60
UA - Ucraina 59
RU - Federazione Russa 38
AU - Australia 36
TR - Turchia 35
BG - Bulgaria 34
PK - Pakistan 33
PH - Filippine 32
IE - Irlanda 24
NL - Olanda 19
BR - Brasile 15
PT - Portogallo 15
IR - Iran 13
KR - Corea 13
SI - Slovenia 13
RO - Romania 11
TW - Taiwan 11
EG - Egitto 10
HK - Hong Kong 10
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
BE - Belgio 9
IL - Israele 9
AR - Argentina 7
ES - Italia 7
VN - Vietnam 7
MK - Macedonia 6
NO - Norvegia 6
LT - Lituania 5
MY - Malesia 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
AT - Austria 4
CH - Svizzera 4
CY - Cipro 4
JP - Giappone 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
PE - Perù 3
TH - Thailandia 3
DZ - Algeria 2
ET - Etiopia 2
GH - Ghana 2
GR - Grecia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KE - Kenya 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
AL - Albania 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GE - Georgia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LB - Libano 1
LY - Libia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MX - Messico 1
PA - Panama 1
PL - Polonia 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 7.306
Città #
Rome 410
Fairfield 380
Chandler 324
Santa Clara 286
Singapore 230
Dearborn 208
Woodbridge 148
Wilmington 146
Ashburn 140
Princeton 131
Seattle 125
Houston 117
Cambridge 107
Pittsburgh 96
Plano 95
Millbury 79
San Paolo di Civitate 72
Beijing 65
Milan 65
Ann Arbor 63
Boston 47
Lawrence 46
San Diego 43
Jakarta 38
Naples 31
Sofia 31
Andover 30
Redwood City 27
Toronto 25
Norwalk 23
Dublin 22
Florence 21
Moscow 21
Padova 21
New York 19
Jacksonville 18
Ercolano 16
Selçuklu 16
Hefei 15
Bologna 14
Sesto Fiorentino 14
Bari 13
Lahore 13
Turin 13
Mannheim 12
Ottawa 12
Des Moines 11
Nanjing 11
Paris 11
Ardrossan 10
Edmonton 10
Genoa 10
Nanchang 10
Coventry 9
Lissone 9
Ljubljana 9
Verona 9
Ankara 8
Arese 8
Bowling Green 8
Bühl 8
Cagliari 8
Desio 8
Palermo 8
Phoenix 8
Salerno 8
Salford 8
Sydney 8
Venice 8
Brisbane 7
Central 7
Davao City 7
Fano 7
Livorno 7
Melbourne 7
Seodaemun-gu 7
Surabaya 7
Almada 6
Boardman 6
Brescia 6
Brussels 6
Chieti 6
Cholsey 6
Dunedin 6
Giovinazzo 6
Helsinki 6
Kassel 6
L’Aquila 6
Porto 6
San Mateo 6
Tianjin 6
Abingdon 5
Ashland 5
Castelfiorentino 5
Catania 5
Cesano Maderno 5
Federal 5
Hackney 5
Hishult 5
Jinan 5
Totale 4.278
Nome #
Metodi narrativi per la formazione degli insegnanti: il diario di bordo 454
Gratitude and envy: implication for career development 240
Italian translation of the questionnaire for professional training evaluation 197
What happened to the clinical approach to case study in psychological research? A clinical psychological analysis of scientific articles in high impact-factor journals 169
Analisi emozionale del testo della stampa italiana sull'inclusione scolastica degli studenti con disabilità 150
Alexithymia and psychological distress affect perceived quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus 127
Validation of the collaboration and support for inclusive teaching (CSIT) scale in special education teachers 125
La "peste del secolo" nella stampa italiana: le rappesentazioni dell'AIDS negli anni '80 e 2000 a confronto 121
A new psychodynamic conceptualization of career adjustment: Validation of the DCS (Dynamic Career Scale) and experimental evaluation of the PICS (Psychodynamic Intervention for Career Strategies) program 117
Terremoto e resilienza delle comunità: Una ricerca esplorativa sulla cultura locale nel territorio dell’Alta Valle del Velino 102
L'intervento psicologico per l'orientamento in uscita in ambito universitario. Un progetto di ricerca-intervento/psychological intervention for exit guidance in university context. A research-intervention project 102
Le dimensioni motivazionali dell’apprendimento scolastico: uno studio correlazionale sul concetto di sé e gli stili di attribuzione 101
Inclusion in Mozambique: a case study on a cooperative learning intervention / La inclusión en Mozambique: un estudio de casos sobre una intervención de aprendizaje cooperativo 101
Correlazione tra depressione e aderenza al trattamento: indagine in un campione di persone con diabete. Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea di Roma (2018-19) 96
Simboli e significati nella cultura locale di una periferia urbana: uno studio di caso 94
Career adaptability as a strategic competence for career development: an exploratory study of its key predictors 93
The relationship between gratitude and loneliness: the potential benefits of gratitude for promoting social bonds 84
AIDS as social construction: text mining of AIDS-related information in the Italian press 83
Lavorare in un centro di PMA: analisi delle narrazioni del personale medico-sanitario 82
Trends of psychology-related research on euthanasia: a qualitative software-based thematic analysis of journal abstracts 81
Managing emotions and therapeutic alliance in Advanced fertility care: a qualitative study 79
I modelli culturali nel discorso sul cybersex: analisi di un corpus di articoli di giornale 78
The potential role of perceived support for reduction of special education teachers’ burnout 78
Extreme desire for motherhood: analysis of narratives from women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) 78
Cultural Models of Special Education in Macedonia: Towards a Systemic and Integrative Perspective 77
A brief scale on attitude toward learning of scientific subjects (ATLoSS) for Middle School students 77
Giving a voice to gambling addiction: analysis of personal narratives 77
Exploring quality of life in Italian patients with rare disease: A computer-aided content analysis of illness stories 75
Social desirability bias in self-reported wellbeing measures. Evidence from an online survey 75
La rappresentazione sociale della chirurgia estetica nella stampa divulgativa italiana 74
Ricomincio da tre. Lezioni da tre esperienze italiane di analisi controfattuale in ambito educativo 71
Envy-related dynamics in criminal conduct: a case-control study between male inmate and general population and further insights on murderers. 71
Health demand in primary care context: What do people think about physicians? 71
School improvement plans and student achievement: Preliminary evidence from the Quality and Merit Project in Italy 70
The social construction of envy in scientific community: an analysis of scholarly psychological publications 70
Un ponte tra università e lavoro. Rappresentazioni di un gruppo di studenti sul tirocinio in psicologia 69
Cultural models shaping stalking from a content analysis of Italian newspapers 69
Students' Perception of School Violence and Math Achievement in Middle Schools of Southern Italy 69
Psychodynamic insights from narratives of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a qualitative phenomenological study 68
Perception of attachment security in families with children affected by neurological illness 66
Disability and inclusive workplaces: diversity management programs in Italian multinational companies 63
Italian translation and validation of the Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6). 63
The experience of therapeutic community: emotional and motivational dynamics of people with drug addiction following rehabilitation 62
"I Have been bullied at workplace!": a qualitative study on italian employees' stories 61
The failure of “traditional adult goals” for today’s young people: new cohabitations and new coexistences 61
Promoting the development of children with disabilities through school inclusion. Clinical psychology in supporting teachers in Mozambique 60
Work symbolic motive scale: development and validation of a measure of affective investment at work 60
The effectiveness of psychodynamic career counselling: a randomised control trial on the PICS programme 60
La relazione che organizza il contesto sanitario: domanda dell’utenza e risposta dei servizi sanitari, nel territorio e nell’ospedale - The relationship which organizes the healthcare context: users’ demand and response of healthcare services, in the territory and the hospital 59
Are social support and coping styles differently associated with adjustment to cancer in early and advanced stages? 59
What about fertility staff emotions? An explorative analysis of healthcare professionals’ subjective perspective 59
null 58
Trauma e riparazione in una comunità colpita dal sisma: una lettura clinica dinamica per l’intervento post-emergenziale 56
Chronic illness as loss of good self: underlying mechanisms affecting diabetes adaptation 55
The contribution of psychology to research on congenital anomalies (CAs): computer-aided thematic analysis of international scientific literature 54
The parental predictors of child's attachment security and the moderation role of child's disability. Reframing parenting programs for families with children affected by neurological illness 54
Comunicazione mediatica e rappresentazioni sociali: L’inclusione scolastica degli studenti con disabilità nella stampa divulgativa 53
La rappresentazione del rapporto tra utenti e sistema sanitario: I modelli culturali dei medici di medicina generale - The representation of the relationship between users and healthcare system: Cultural models of general practitioners 53
Il ruolo dell'alessitimia nel burnout del personale socio-sanitario. Una rassegna dei risultati di ricerca 52
Psicologia della salute e riqualificazione urbana: una proposta metodologica per la ricerca-intervento 52
Editoriale - Editorial 51
Which affects affect the use of new technologies? Italian adaptation of the Internet Motive Questionnaire for Adolescents (IMQ-A) and criterion validity with problematic use and body dissatisfaction 51
null 50
Sharing problem gamblers’ experiences: a text analysis of gambling stories via online forum 50
The social mandate of psychotherapy in media representation: a text analysis of the Italian press 48
Insegnare la statistica a scuola: un confronto tra nuclei tematici nei diari di bordo del progetto M@t.abel a.s. 2009/2010 48
Emotional and symbolic components of hikikomori experience: A qualitative narrative study on social withdrawal 48
Facing the earthquake: a case study in the centre of Italy 47
Addiction, locus of control and health status: a study on patients with substance use disorder in recovery settings 47
Regular teachers' representation of school inclusion in Macedonia: A multivariate study 46
The Role of Defense Mechanisms in Treatment Adherence in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: An Exploratory Study 46
Imagining future internship in professional psychology: A study on university students' representations 46
The relationship between health care users’ demand and the health care system’s response: a research on change observed in the health care system, in the hospital and in the territory 45
La “fabbrica dei miracoli”: modelli simbolico-affettivi condivisi dal personale medico-sanitario di una clinica di fertilità 45
Vitamin D status is associated with anxiety levels in postmenopausal women evaluated for osteoporosis 45
Gender-related stereotypical bias in professional psychology: a syudy on university students interpresonal perceptions 44
A Psychological Approach to Big Data Analysis: The Implicit Symbolic Meanings in Online Content (ISMOC) Method 44
Going beyond the visible in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Defense mechanisms and their associations with depression and health-related quality of life 44
Development and validation of the Dynamic Career Scale (DCS): a psychodynamic conceptualization of career adjustment 44
Narrazioni di luoghi in un dopo terremoto: trauma e tensione verso il futuro 43
Elaborazione della perdita e malattia cronica: effetti sulla qualità della cura nel contesto della diabetologia. 43
Child abuse: una analisi dei modelli di intervento psicologico 42
Integration of disability at primary and lower secondary schools in Italy. A research study on assistants for autonomy and communication 42
Inclusion is a hard work. A research contribution aimed at supporting teachers 42
Deceptive dynamics in drug addiction and their role in control beliefs and health status reporting: a study on people with substance use disorder in treatment 42
A systematic review of psychodynamic theories in community psychology: Discovering the unconscious in community work 42
Towards a community clinical psychology? Insights from a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature 42
Psychodynamics in diabetes. the relevance of deepening the symbolic in treatment adherence 41
Diversity management: explorative research on a new perspective of human resources management in Italian-based firms 40
Il gruppo come risorsa per familiari di soggetti con disagio psichico nella Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi di Liegro 40
null 40
Attachment relationships in families with children affected by neurological illness 38
Lo smartphone a tavola: Uno studio correlazionale sulle nuove tecnologie e gli stili alimentari in preadolescenti e adolescenti 38
In-home elder care. The case of Italy: The badante 37
Public knowledge of cybersex from media discourse: What relationship between Internet and sexuality? 37
null 37
Identification with the other is associated with quality of care in diabetes clinical settings: implications for doctor-patient relationship 37
Didattica e apprendimento in matematica: uno studio sui resoconti di buone pratiche 36
Il ruolo dei processi simbolici nella progettazione di servizi per la comunità: Una ricerca-intervento in un’area periferica di Roma 36
null 36
Totale 7.055
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.190
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 20.190

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020657 0 0 0 0 0 0 179 199 97 75 60 47
2020/2021536 51 42 40 46 40 54 25 59 73 31 48 27
2021/20221.401 23 75 102 29 143 17 27 126 123 80 438 218
2022/20231.188 230 162 33 88 152 127 21 69 142 32 85 47
2023/20241.185 59 119 92 102 115 105 99 76 13 140 115 150
2024/20251.146 102 158 124 201 318 219 24 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.673