(2009). Synthesis of γ-aminobutiric acid (GABA) by lactic acid bacteria:from functional foods to cosmetics
2009 Coda, R; RIZZELLO C., G; DE ANGELIS, M; DI CAGNO, R; Cassone, A; Siragusa, S; Gobbetti, M
A chestnut-hemp type-II sourdough to improve technological, nutritional, and sensory properties of gluten-free bread
2023 Montemurro, Marco; Beccaccioli, Marzia; Perri, Giuseppe; Rizzello, Carlo Giuseppe; Reverberi, Massimo; Pontonio, Erica
Adhesion and survival of probiotic bacteria on table olives with the aim of formulating new functional foods
2005 Lavermicocca, P; Lonigro, Sl; Valerio, F; De Angelis, M; Morelli, L; Callegari, Ml; Rizzello, Cg; Visconti, A
Advances in the use of beneficial microorganisms to improve nutritional and functional properties of fermented foods
2024 De Bellis, Palmira; Rizzello, CARLO GIUSEPPE
Adverse Reactions to Gluten: Exploitation of Sourdough Fermentation
2014 Di Cagno, R; Rizzello, Cg; Gobbetti, M
Ancient grains sourdough
2009 Coda, R; Rizzello, Cg; Guylane, L; Gobbetti, M
Ancient grains sourdough. Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Sourdough “from arts to science”
2009 Coda, R; Rizzello, C; Guylane, L; Gobbetti, M
Angiotensin I-converting-enzyme-inhibitory and antibacterial peptides from Lactobacillus helveticus PR4 proteinase- hydrolized caseins of milk from six species
2003 Minervini, F; Algaron, F; Rizzello, Cg; Fox, Pf; Monnet, V; Gobbetti, M
Angiotensin I-converting-enzyme-inhibitory and antimicrobial bioactive peptides
2004 M, Gobbetti; Minervini, F.; Rizzello, C. G.
Antibacterial activities of peptides from the water-soluble extracts of Italian cheese varieties
2005 Rizzello, Cg; Losito, I; Gobbetti, M; Carbonara, T; De Bari, Md; Zambonin, Pg
Antifungal activity of Meyerozyma guilliermondii. Identification of active compounds synthesized during dough fermentation and their effect on long-term storage of wheat bread
2013 Coda, Rossana; Rizzello, Carlo G.; Di Cagno, Raffaella; Trani, Antonio; Cardinali, Gianluigi; Gobbetti, Marco
Antifungal activity of sourdough fermented wheat germ used as an ingredient for bread making
2011 Rizzello, Cg; Cassone, A; Coda, R; Gobbetti, M
Antifungal activity of Wickerhamomyces anomalus and Lactobacillus plantarum during sourdough fermentation: identification of novel compounds and long-term effect during storage of wheat bread
2011 Coda, R; Cassone, A; Rizzello, Cg; Nionelli, L; Cardinali, G; Gobbetti, M
Antifungal effect of bioprocessed surplus bread as ingredient for bread-making. Identification of active compounds and impact on shelf-life
2020 Nionelli, L.; Wang, Y.; Pontonio, E.; Immonen, M.; Rizzello, C. G.; Maina, H. N.; Katina, K.; Coda, R.
Antifungal peptides from faba bean flour fermented by Levilactobacillus brevis AM7 improve the shelf-life of composite faba-wheat bread
2023 Verni, Michela; Wang, Yaqin; Clement, Heliciane; Koirala, Prabin; Rizzello, CARLO GIUSEPPE; Coda, Rossana
Antihypertensive peptides from ultrafiltration and fermentation of the ricotta cheese exhausted whey. Design and characterization of a functional ricotta cheese
2021 Pontonio, E.; Montemurro, M.; Gennaro, G. V. D.; Miceli, V.; Rizzello, C. G.
Attività proteolitica di batteri lattici del lievito naturale su allergeni da frumento
2005 M, DE ANGELIS; Rizzello, C. G.; DE SIMONE, C.; Farris, G. A.; Turrini, F.; Scala, E.; Gobbetti, M.
Attività proteolitica di batteri lattici del lievito naturale su allergeni da frumento
2005 DE ANGELIS, M; Rizzello, C; DE SIMONE, C; FARRIS G., A; Turrini, F; Scala, E
Attività proteolitica di batteri lattici del lievito naturale su allergeni da frumento
2005 DE ANGELIS, M.; Rizzello, C.; DE SIMONE, C.; Farris, G. A.; Turrini, F.; Scala, E.
Batteri lattici e loro uso sotto forma di lievito naturale per la produzione di pane e prodotti da forno con elevate proprietà nutrizionali e sensoriali. Pane e prodotti da forno a basso indice glicemico ed alto contenuto in fibra alimentare
2008 Gobbetti, M; Cassone, A; Rizzello, Cg; Damiano, N