Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 883
NA - Nord America 833
AS - Asia 719
SA - Sud America 36
AF - Africa 5
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 2.479
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 810
SG - Singapore 560
IT - Italia 388
RU - Federazione Russa 172
DE - Germania 64
IN - India 56
FI - Finlandia 50
ID - Indonesia 43
UA - Ucraina 37
NL - Olanda 36
BR - Brasile 27
SE - Svezia 26
IE - Irlanda 24
GB - Regno Unito 19
AT - Austria 18
BG - Bulgaria 18
CA - Canada 17
HK - Hong Kong 17
CN - Cina 14
TR - Turchia 7
FR - Francia 6
KR - Corea 6
MX - Messico 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
BE - Belgio 5
AR - Argentina 4
IR - Iran 4
PL - Polonia 4
AL - Albania 3
CH - Svizzera 3
JP - Giappone 3
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PE - Perù 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RO - Romania 2
AU - Australia 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CL - Cile 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ES - Italia 1
ET - Etiopia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
PH - Filippine 1
TW - Taiwan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 2.479
Città #
Singapore 405
Santa Clara 221
Rome 171
Boardman 60
Ann Arbor 52
Ashburn 50
Jakarta 43
Fairfield 41
Moscow 40
Milan 32
New York 28
Pune 28
Woodbridge 26
Nuremberg 25
Dublin 24
Helsinki 23
Seattle 21
Lappeenranta 19
Cambridge 18
Sofia 18
Wilmington 17
Jacksonville 16
Hong Kong 15
Chandler 13
Bologna 11
Dallas 10
Yubileyny 10
Princeton 9
Rotterdam 9
Vienna 9
Boston 8
London 8
Munich 8
Council Bluffs 7
Houston 7
Plano 7
San Diego 7
Toronto 7
Ferrara 6
Lawrence 6
Massafra 6
Palermo 6
Springfield 6
Belfast 5
Cordaleo 5
Naples 5
Sala Baganza 5
Americana 4
Falkenstein 4
Mexico City 4
Miami 4
North Bergen 4
Polignano a Mare 4
Prineville 4
São Paulo 4
Florence 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Ischia 3
Los Angeles 3
Millbury 3
Mississauga 3
Montreal 3
Parma 3
Roche-la-Moliere 3
San Jose 3
Seongbuk-gu 3
Tirana 3
Abu Dhabi 2
Andover 2
Angri 2
Azzano San Paolo 2
Bari 2
Borgaro Torinese 2
Brescia 2
Bühl 2
Campinas 2
Castelnuovo Rangone 2
Cesena 2
Chesterfield Court House 2
Chicago 2
Chiswick 2
Cicciano 2
Civitanova Marche 2
Clifton 2
Cluj-Napoca 2
Correggio 2
Dearborn 2
Draper 2
Dubai 2
Fort Worth 2
Funchal 2
Gatineau 2
Hamilton 2
Iesi 2
Kottayam 2
Lagos 2
Latsch 2
Lecco 2
Lima 2
Manassas 2
Totale 1.707
Nome #
Neurophysiology of CSWS associated cognitive dysfunction 76
Autism in tuberous sclerosis: evoked potential evidence for a deficit in auditory sensory processing 73
Targeted re-sequencing in malformations of cortical development. genotype-phenotype correlations 72
Spike-induced interference in auditory sensory processing in Landau-Kleffner syndrome 53
"Il Brain Mapping nella cefalea giovanile" (Brain Mapping and Childhood Migraine) 52
Antidepressant effect of vagal nerve stimulation in epilepsy patients: a systematic review 48
Fenotipo epilettico e gestione terapeutica in un paziente con deficit di succinico semialdeide deidrogenasi: evoluzione dall’ infanzia all’ età adulta 46
Frontal lobe epilepsy associated with tuberous sclerosis: electroencephalographic-magnetic resonance image fusioning 45
Epilepsy Phenotypes of Vitamin B6-Dependent Diseases: An Updated Systematic Review 41
Generation of an induced pluripotent stem cell line CSSi015-A (9553), carrying a point mutation c.2915C > T in the human calcium sensing receptor (CasR) gene 40
Il Brain Mapping nelle cefalee dell'età evolutiva. 39
Phenotypes and Genotypes of Inherited Disorders of Biogenic Amine Neurotransmitter Metabolism 38
Un caso di stroke metabolico in una paziente con deficit di DHPR: il possibile ruolo dei folati cerebrali 37
Management of infants with brief resolved unexplained events (Brue) and apparent life-threatening events (alte): A rand/ucla appropriateness approach 36
The burden of epilepsy on long-term outcome of genetic developmental and epileptic encephalopathies: A single tertiary center longitudinal retrospective cohort study 34
GNAO1 Haploinsufficiency: The Milder End of the GNAO1 Phenotypic Spectrum 33
Expiratory braking defines the breathing patterns of asphyxiated neonates during therapeutic hypothermia 33
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: The need for age-specific evidence-based prevention 32
Biallelic variants in GTPBP3: New patients, phenotypic spectrum, and outcome 31
Psychiatric Manifestations in Children and Adolescents with Inherited Metabolic Diseases 28
Seizures in the neonate: A review of etiologies and outcomes 27
EEG in neonatal seizures: where to look and what to see 27
Febrile and postinfectious myoclonus: Case reports and review of the literature 26
Neuropsychological and behavioral disorders as presentation symptoms in two brothers with early-infantile niemann-pick type C 25
Concomitant MPZ and MFN2 Gene Variants and Charcot Marie Tooth Disease in a Boy: Clinical and Genetic Analysis-Literature Review 25
Misdiagnosis of functional neurological symptom disorders in paediatrics: Narrative review and relevant case report 24
Psychopathological Characteristics and Subjective Dimensions of Suicidality in Adolescents at Ultra High Risk (UHR) for Psychosis 24
Giftedness and Twice-Exceptionality in Children Suspected of ADHD or Specific Learning Disorders: A Retrospective Study 23
Clinical profiles of acute arterial ischemic neonatal stroke 23
Disturbo del neurosviluppo e parkinsonismo-distonia ad esordio tardivo nel deficit di DNAJC12 23
A Novel Family with Demyelinating Charcot–Marie–Tooth Disease Caused by a Mutation in the PMP2 Gene: A Case Series of Nine Patients and a Brief Review of the Literature 22
Estensione del fenotipo epilettico nel deficit di diidropteridina reduttasi (DHPR): una paziente con pattern tipo Lennox-Gastaut e stato di male epilettico focale dopo stroke metabolico 22
KCNQ2 - Related Epilepsy: geno - phenotype relationship with tailorized anti seizures medication (ASM): Systematic review 22
Consensus protocol for EEG and amplitude-integrated EEG assessment and monitoring in neonates 22
A painful stiff neck following an ear, nose, and throat surgical procedure: Case report 22
Infantile-Onset Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease With Pyramidal Features and White Matter Abnormalities Due to a De novo MORC2 Gene Variant: A Case Report and Brief Review of the Literature 22
Early Immunotherapy and Longer Corticosteroid Treatment Are Associated With Lower Risk of Relapsing Disease Course in Pediatric MOGAD 21
Short-term neurodevelopmental outcome in term neonates treated with phenobarbital versus levetiracetam: A single-center experience 21
CDKL5 deficiency-related neurodevelopmental disorders: a multi-center cohort study in Italy 21
Alternating hemiplegia of childhood and a pathogenic variant of ATP1A3: a case report and pathophysiological considerations 21
The diagnostic and prognostic role of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in glucose transporter 1 deficiency: a systematic review 21
Levetiracetam versus Phenobarbital for Neonatal Seizures: A Retrospective Cohort Study 20
The impact of a newly established specialized pediatric epilepsy center in Tanzania: An observational study 20
A standardised assessment scheme for conventional EEG in preterm infants 20
Aberrant mid-sagittal fiber tracts visualized by diffusion tensor MR: A case report 20
A new CHD2 variant: not only severe epilepsy—a case report 18
Multiple complex developmental disorder (MCDD): Did we throw the baby out with the bathwater too fast? A systematic review 18
A 15-year epileptogenic period after perinatal brain injury 18
Pediatric-Onset Epilepsy and Developmental Epileptic Encephalopathies Followed by Early-Onset Parkinsonism 18
Acute symptomatic neonatal seizures, brain injury, and long-term outcome: The role of neuroprotective strategies 18
Caratterizzazione fenotipica ed outcome della forma recessiva di DYT/PARKGCH1 18
Managing intrafamilial maltreatment in psychiatric clinical care: Insights from an Italian adolescent cohort 17
Acute symptomatic neonatal seizures in preterm neonates: etiologies and treatments 17
Are obstetric complications related to adult schizophrenia? A case-control study 17
Epilepsy phenotypes across the different age-ranges in IQSEC2-related encephalopathy: An Italian multicentre retrospective cohort study 17
'A novel TRIP4 Variant Associated with Peripheral Neuropathy: Expanding the Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of ASC1-Related Myopathy' 16
Psychiatric Emergency in Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Study in Parma Local Health Unit 16
Neurophysiological Analysis of Cortical Myoclonic Tremor and Excessive Startle in ARHGEF9 Deficiency 16
What is new: Talk about status epilepticus in the neonatal period 16
Gait Alteration in Individual with Limb Loss: The Role of Inertial Sensors 16
Diverse Linguistic Development in Prelingually Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants 16
"Tapping-evoked spikes" in a patient with Angelman syndrome 16
Epilepsy, electroclinical features, and long-term outcomes in Pitt–Hopkins syndrome due to pathogenic variants in the TCF4 gene 16
Acute motor neuropathy after intrathecal treatment with methotrexate: A case report 16
Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy and PLA2G6-associated neurodegeneration: An update for the diagnosis 15
Incidence of neonatal seizures, perinatal risk factors for epilepsy and mortality after neonatal seizures in the province of Parma, Italy 15
The role of electroencephalogram in neonatal seizure detection 15
Epilepsy after neonatal seizures: Literature review 15
Patterns of novel alleles and genotype/phenotype correlations resulting from the analysis of 108 previously undetected mutations in patients affected by neurofibromatosis type I 15
EEG Monitoring of the Epileptic Newborn 15
National survey on the prevalence of single-gene aetiologies for genetic developmental and epileptic encephalopathies in Italy 15
A novel ALG14 missense variant in an alive child with myopathy, epilepsy, and progressive cerebral atrophy 15
Developmental EEG hallmark or biological artifact? Glossokinetic artifact mimicking anterior slow dysrhythmia in two full term newborns 14
Status dystonicus: Management and prevention in children at high risk 14
Epilepsy features in ARID1B-related Coffin-Siris syndrome 14
Herpes zoster preceding neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: casual or causal relationship? A systematic literature review 14
Paroxysmal nonepileptic motor phenomena in newborn 14
Epileptic and non-epileptic paroxysmal motor phenomena in newborns 14
Unilateral Facial Palsy in an Adolescent with Guillain-Barré Syndrome 14
Care to relieve pain-stress in preterm newborns 14
Association between neonatal Volkmann’s syndrome and perinatal ischemic stroke: Review of the literature 14
A wire-free, non-invasive, low-cost video processing-based approach to neonatal apnoea detection 14
Neonatal Seizures: A Review of Outcomes and Outcome Predictors 14
Neonatal seizures in preterm newborns: A predictive model for outcome 14
Optimizing Detection Rate and Characterization of Subtle Paroxysmal Neonatal Abnormal Facial Movements with Multi-Camera Video-Electroencephalogram Recordings 14
Celiac disease and headache in children: A narrative state of the art 14
Deep learning for EEG seizure detection in preterm infants 14
Reassessment of the NF1 Variants of Unknown Significance Found During the 20-Year Activity of a Genetics Diagnostic Laboratory 13
Markov chain modeling and simulation of breathing patterns 13
A scoring system for early prognostic assessment after neonatal seizures 13
CMV-associated axonal sensory-motor Guillain-Barré syndrome in a child: Case report and review of the literature 13
Beyond neonatal seizures - epileptic evolution in preterm newborns: a systematic review and meta-analysis 13
What are the considerations when initiating treatment for epilepsy in children? 13
Respiratory rate monitoring by maximum likelihood video processing 13
KCNQ2 encephalopathy: A case due to a de novo deletion 13
CARFS7: A guide and proforma for reading a preterm neonate's EEG 13
Heart rate variability in neonatal seizures: Investigation and implications for management 13
Adjunctive Brivaracetam in Focal Epilepsy: Real-World Evidence from the BRIVAracetam add-on First Italian netwoRk STudy (BRIVAFIRST) 13
Early-onset Dopamine Transporter Deficiency Syndrome: Long-term Follow-up 13
Totale 2.289
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.572
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 27.572

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202029 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 6 8 2 2
2020/202172 10 6 1 4 3 12 14 5 2 8 5 2
2021/202294 0 5 14 0 19 4 1 11 3 8 15 14
2022/2023757 14 13 3 4 8 4 26 175 323 97 76 14
2023/2024782 24 36 37 39 58 137 31 41 13 119 94 153
2024/20251.324 40 68 128 149 210 439 240 50 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.195