CARUSO, Gianfranco
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.096
EU - Europa 3.767
AS - Asia 1.819
SA - Sud America 107
AF - Africa 67
OC - Oceania 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 12.870
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.892
IT - Italia 1.548
SG - Singapore 700
FI - Finlandia 537
IN - India 460
CN - Cina 437
SE - Svezia 395
DE - Germania 322
UA - Ucraina 293
GB - Regno Unito 202
CA - Canada 175
ID - Indonesia 102
BG - Bulgaria 79
FR - Francia 75
AR - Argentina 72
RU - Federazione Russa 68
IE - Irlanda 56
RO - Romania 54
NL - Olanda 44
TG - Togo 40
JP - Giappone 31
TR - Turchia 24
BR - Brasile 19
MX - Messico 18
GR - Grecia 17
KR - Corea 16
CH - Svizzera 15
HK - Hong Kong 14
ES - Italia 12
IR - Iran 12
BE - Belgio 10
ZA - Sudafrica 10
BZ - Belize 8
TW - Taiwan 8
AU - Australia 7
AT - Austria 6
PL - Polonia 6
PT - Portogallo 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
IQ - Iraq 5
LY - Libia 5
PE - Perù 5
CL - Cile 4
DZ - Algeria 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
RS - Serbia 4
VN - Vietnam 4
CO - Colombia 3
EE - Estonia 3
EU - Europa 3
LV - Lettonia 3
NG - Nigeria 3
PR - Porto Rico 3
VE - Venezuela 3
HU - Ungheria 2
IL - Israele 2
NO - Norvegia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
AL - Albania 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
HR - Croazia 1
MA - Marocco 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 12.870
Città #
Fairfield 794
Chandler 600
Rome 524
Singapore 505
Ashburn 457
Woodbridge 390
Lappeenranta 323
Wilmington 319
Seattle 296
Houston 295
Ann Arbor 278
Princeton 271
Cambridge 243
Dearborn 242
Santa Clara 238
Plano 203
Beijing 163
Boston 155
San Paolo di Civitate 126
Millbury 109
Lawrence 102
Montréal 92
Jakarta 89
Jacksonville 87
New York 87
Andover 83
Munich 83
Des Moines 79
Milan 79
Sofia 78
Federal 72
San Diego 68
Norwalk 62
Dublin 54
Ottawa 46
Moscow 41
Boardman 40
Helsinki 40
Lomé 40
Falls Church 36
Nanjing 29
San Mateo 28
Hefei 27
Toronto 26
Falkenstein 25
Kunming 25
Turin 24
Phoenix 23
Tokyo 21
Istanbul 17
Bühl 16
Indiana 15
Jinan 15
San Jose 15
Mannheim 14
Boxmeer 13
Buffalo 13
Nanchang 13
Nürnberg 13
Guangzhou 12
Bekasi 11
Bologna 11
Chicago 11
Brussels 10
Leawood 10
Southend 10
Stockholm 10
Bremen 9
Correggio 9
Napoli 9
Paris 9
Shanghai 9
Torino 9
Belize City 8
Genoa 8
Modena 8
Taichung 8
Bern 7
Chongqing 7
Dallas 7
Las Vegas 7
Livorno 7
London 7
Mexico City 7
Pisa 7
Pomezia 7
Redwood City 7
San Francisco 7
Zhengzhou 7
Albuquerque 6
Bari 6
Changsha 6
Civitavecchia 6
Florence 6
Fuzhou 6
Los Angeles 6
Mazzano Romano 6
Muizenberg 6
Pleasanton 6
Shenyang 6
Totale 8.582
Nome #
Cryostat Pressurization in the ITER plant during an out-Vessel Loss of Cooling Accident Sequence 258
Recent progress in the WCLL breeding blanket design for the DEMO fusion reactor 173
In-box LOCA accident analysis for the European DEMO water-cooled reactor 128
Analisi comparata di interventi di riqualificazione energetica per la Facoltà di architettura di Roma “Valle Giulia” Energy saving potential for the Faculty of Architecture "Valle Giulia" in Rome 122
DEMO WCLL BB breeding zone cooling system design: analysis and discussion 121
Recent progress in developing a feasible and integrated conceptual design of the WCLL BB in EUROfusion Project 117
Thermal-hydraulic modeling and analyses of the water-cooled EU DEMO using RELAP5 system code 113
Uncertainty quantification method for RELAP5-3D© using RAVEN and application on NACIE experiments 107
CFD simulation of the magnetohydrodynamic flow inside the WCLL breeding blanket module 105
WCLL breeding blanket design and integration for DEMO 2015: status and perspectives 104
Modelling of dust resuspension in Tokamak devices during an air inflow event 103
Cogenerazione integrata in un sistema ibrido con motore ad idrometano per un impianto natatorio 103
Three-dimensional MHD flow and heat transfer in a channel with internal obstacle 97
A desalination plant utilizing solar heat as heat supply, not affecting the environment with chemicals 95
Numerical Simulation of a Fire Scenario 94
null 94
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of an innovative decay heat removal system for lead-cooled fast reactors 92
Experimental investigation on free surface vortices driven by tangential inlets 91
On the impact of the heat transfer modelling approach on the prediction of EU-DEMO WCLL breeding blanket thermal performances 90
Study of EU DEMO WCLL breeding blanket and primary heat transfer system integration 89
A Preliminary Exergy Analysis of the EU DEMO Fusion Reactor 88
Comparative CFD simulations of a hydrogen fire scenario 87
Advancements in DEMO WCLL breeding blanket design and integration 86
Steam Generator mock-up preliminary design suitable for Pb-Li technology demonstration and code assessment 86
An anisotropic numerical model for thermal hydraulic analyses: application to liquid metal flow in fuel assemblies 82
Post-test simulation of a PLOFA transient test in the CIRCE-HERO facility 82
MYRRHA primary heat exchanger experimental simulations on CIRCE-HERO 82
Numerical study of the MHD flow around a bounded heating cylinder: heat transfer and pressure drops 82
CFD analysis of WCLL BB PbLi manifold 81
Effects of cross sections library parameters on the OECD/NEA Oskarshamn-2 benchmark solution 81
Optimization of the first wall cooling system for the DEMO WCLL blanket 79
Pool temperature stratification analysis in CIRCE-ICE facility with RELAP5-3D© model and comparison with experimental tests 78
Investigation on bathtub vortex flow field by Particle Image Velocimetry 78
Pre-test analysis of accidental transients for ALFRED SGBT mock-up characterization 77
Cutting-edge R&D activities of CIRTEN in support of the Technology Park annexed to the Italian National Repository of radioactive waste 76
High Energy Efficiency Desalination Project Utilizing A Full Titanium Desalination Unit And A Solar Pond As Heat Supply 76
Esercitazioni di Impianti Nucleari 76
TURB-2: Un codice per la simulazione del ciclo termico secondario previsto nel PUN 75
Experimental study on unstable free surface vortices and gas entrainment onset conditions 75
Thermo-hydraulic analysis of EU DEMO WCLL breeding blanket 75
Supercritical carbon dioxide applications: features and advantages 74
Preliminary evaluation of the expansion system size for a pressurized gas loop: Application to a fusion reactor based on a helium-cooled blanket 74
Numerical study of laminar magneto-convection in a differentially heated square duct 73
Experimental investigation of free surface vortices and definition of gas entrainment occurrence maps 73
MHD mixed convection flow in the WCLL: heat transfer analysis and cooling system 73
Investigation on RELAP5-3D© capability to predict thermal stratification in liquid metal pool-type system and comparison with experimental data 73
Pre-test analysis of protected loss of primary pump transients in CIRCE-HERO facility 73
Preliminary MHD pressure drop analysis for the prototypical WCLL TBM with RELAP5/MOD3.3 73
Optimization of the HVAC systems in the large buildings of the "Città dello Sport" in Rome, using CFD simulation 72
Electromagnetic coupling phenomena in co-axial rectangular channels 72
Advancements in the design of safety-related systems and components of MARS nuclear plant 71
New RELAP5-3D Lead and LBE Thermophysical Properties Implementation for Safety Analysis of Gen IV Reactors 71
PSICROMETRIA - Teoria e Applicazioni 70
Analisi dinamica del sistema edificio-impianto di un dipartimento universitario 70
Film condensation in inclined tubes with noncondensable gases: An experimental study on the local heat transfer coefficient 70
600 MW MARS Nuclear Power Plant 70
System thermal-hydraulic modelling of the phénix dissymmetric test benchmark 69
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the DEMO WCLL elementary cell: BZ tubes layout optimization 69
Preliminary safety analysis of an in-vessel LOCA for the EU-DEMO WCLL blanket concept 68
Preliminary neutron kinetic. Thermal hydraulic coupled analysis of the ALFRED reactor using PHISICS/RELAP5-3D 68
Pressure suppression system influence on vacuum vessel thermal-hydraulics and on source term mobilization during a multiple first Wall – Blanket pipe break 68
Analisi di un impianto di trigenerazione: simulazione delle prestazioni di una microturbina a gas. 67
Ice layer growth on a cryogenic surface in a fusion reactor during a loss of water event 67
Performance-based ECCS cladding acceptance criteria: A new simulation approach 67
Supercritical carbon dioxide applications for energy conversion systems 67
Thermo-fluid dynamic study of the MHD flow around a cylinder in the case of bounding walls with non-uniform electrical conductivity 66
Magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer around a heated cylinder of arbitrary conductivity 66
Modeling the lithium loop in a liquid metal pool-type divertor 64
Sizing of the Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System of a Fusion Reactor Based on a Water-Cooled Blanket, for the Purpose of the Preconceptual Design 64
MHD forced convection flow in dielectric and electro-conductive rectangular annuli 64
Numerical simulation of thin-film MHD flow for nonuniform conductivity walls 64
Computational MHD analyses in support of the design of the WCLL TBM breeding zone 64
Experimental investigation on pure steam and steam-air mixture condensation inside Tubes 63
Influence of PbLi hydraulic path and integration layout on MHD pressure losses 63
An experimental study on the air-side heat transfer coefficient and the thermal contact conductance in finned tubes 63
Fisica dell’Edificio: Psicrometria 61
Sea-water desalination with nuclear and other energy sources: the EURODESAL project 61
MARS - A competitive PWR based completely on passive safety systems 61
An alternative solution for heavy liquid metal cooled reactors fuel assemblies 61
Simulation of cryogenic He spills as basis for planning of experimental campaign in the EVITA facility 61
Analysis of the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the EU-DEMO WCLL breeding blanket cooling systems during a loss of flow accident 61
Analisi delle prestazioni di un sistema passivo di asportazione del calore tramite il codice RELAP 5 60
Experimental campaign for the study of the steam condensation inside tubes in presence of high percentage of non condensibles 60
MHD pressure drop estimate for the WCLL in-magnet PbLi loop 60
Economics of Sea Water Desalination with Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Other Energy Sources: The EURODESAL Project 59
Evaluation of the thermal-hydraulic performances of a once-through steam generator in nuclear fusion applications 59
A methodology to evaluate the economic and environmental parameters of the main equipment in a CHCP system 58
Condensation heat transfer coefficient with noncondensable gases inside near horizontal tubes 58
CFD analysis and risk management approach for the long-term prediction of marble erosion by particles impingement 58
Thermal hydraulic transient analysis of ITER safety-relevant secondary cooling water system 57
Contributo allo sviluppo di un ambiente integrato per la progettazione degli interventi di efficientamento 56
Progettazione di una rete di generazione distribuita dell’energia quale esempio dimostrativo di impiego di tecnologie energeticamente efficienti 56
Integral study of accident sequences with reference to NPPs next to the Italian borders 56
Experimental investigation of flow boiling in a 4.0 mm tube at different gravity conditions: 0g, 1g, and 2g 56
Development of a RELAP5/MOD3.3 module for MHD pressure drop analysis in liquid metals loops. Verification and validation 56
Preliminary uncertainty quantification of the core degradation models in predicting the Fukushima Daiichi unit 3 severe accident 56
DEMO – The main achievements of the Pre – Concept phase of the safety and environmental work package and the development of the GSSR 56
Audit energetico ed ipotesi di riqualificazione di un edificio universitario 55
Totale 7.820
Categoria #
all - tutte 43.529
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 43.529

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.566 0 0 0 0 0 388 325 237 240 184 104 88
2020/20211.226 176 121 41 115 58 57 42 110 213 129 115 49
2021/20222.275 50 121 193 75 331 99 45 229 195 187 233 517
2022/20232.326 526 448 137 195 226 248 56 126 181 36 87 60
2023/20241.931 100 230 50 215 115 204 146 71 37 487 128 148
2024/20251.509 166 129 357 241 336 280 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.558