Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.761
EU - Europa 1.466
AS - Asia 615
SA - Sud America 46
AF - Africa 25
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 6.915
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.720
IT - Italia 666
SG - Singapore 267
SE - Svezia 240
IN - India 213
FI - Finlandia 167
UA - Ucraina 125
DE - Germania 114
CN - Cina 109
AR - Argentina 40
CA - Canada 39
IE - Irlanda 36
RU - Federazione Russa 27
GB - Regno Unito 26
TG - Togo 22
ES - Italia 16
BE - Belgio 9
RO - Romania 8
BG - Bulgaria 6
ID - Indonesia 6
NO - Norvegia 6
VN - Vietnam 6
FR - Francia 4
IR - Iran 4
NL - Olanda 4
CL - Cile 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
KR - Corea 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
GR - Grecia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
MX - Messico 2
PL - Polonia 2
AL - Albania 1
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
BR - Brasile 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CO - Colombia 1
GE - Georgia 1
HR - Croazia 1
JP - Giappone 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 6.915
Città #
Fairfield 734
Ashburn 384
Woodbridge 376
Chandler 318
Seattle 308
Cambridge 267
Houston 252
Wilmington 239
Santa Clara 209
Rome 199
Ann Arbor 189
Singapore 182
Princeton 137
Plano 129
Boston 79
Des Moines 68
Beijing 67
Grafing 66
San Paolo di Civitate 56
Lawrence 54
Millbury 54
San Diego 51
Helsinki 43
Federal 40
Jacksonville 40
Cagliari 38
Boardman 35
Dublin 35
Andover 32
Fremont 30
Milan 30
Toronto 29
Norwalk 28
Dearborn 27
Falls Church 23
Lomé 22
Santiago De Compostela 15
Moscow 14
Bühl 12
Falkenstein 12
San Mateo 12
Mannheim 10
Naples 10
Brussels 9
Los Angeles 8
Florence 7
Napoli 7
Bremen 6
Buffalo 6
Hanoi 6
Jakarta 6
New York 6
Oslo 6
Sofia 6
Taranto 6
Chieti 5
Laurel 5
Ortona 5
Fasano 4
Indiana 4
London 4
Ottawa 4
Phoenix 4
Pune 4
Saviano 4
Shanghai 4
Southend 4
Washington 4
Bari 3
Campagnano Di Roma 3
Cicciano 3
Ferentino 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Jinan 3
Kunming 3
Nocera Inferiore 3
Portici 3
Ronciglione 3
Tappahannock 3
Borgo Montello 2
Capriolo 2
Collecorvino 2
Eboli 2
Fiumicino 2
Frattamaggiore 2
Kolkata 2
Lappeenranta 2
Las Vegas 2
Latina 2
Leawood 2
Lustra 2
Luzzara 2
Marche 2
Montréal 2
Nanchang 2
Nanjing 2
Norristown 2
Padova 2
Palermo 2
Prague 2
Totale 5.164
Nome #
Superstrutture e proprietà chimica-fisiche e topologiche del DNA e dei suoi complessi di associazione con proteine. 201
Arginine- and lysine-rich peptides: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity 109
Peptides with regularly alternating enantiomeric sequence: from ion channel models to bioinspired nanotechnological applications 104
Non-enzymatic oligomerization of 3',5' cyclic CMP induced by proton- and UV-irradiation hints at a non-fastidious origin of RNA 99
Exploiting novel tailored immunotherapies of type 1 diabetes: Short interfering RNA delivered by cationic liposomes enables efficient down-regulation of variant PTPN22 gene in T lymphocytes 97
Switchable length nanotubes from a self-assembling pH and thermosensitive linear L,D-peptide-polymer conjugate 97
A theoretical model of the sequence dependent superstructures of DNA 96
PEGylated β-sheet breaker peptides as Inhibitors of β-amyloidf ibrillization 96
Mapping the intrinsic curvature and the flexibility along the DNA chain. 95
Sequence-dependent collective properties of DNAs and their role in biological systems 88
Identification of protein domains on topological basis. 87
Curcumin loaded nanocarriers obtained by self-assembly of a linear D,L-octapeptide-poly(ethylene glycol) conjugate 86
A Statistical Thermodynamic Approach for Predicting the Sequence-Dependent Nucleosome Positioning Along Genomes 86
Catanionic vesicles and DNA complexes: a strategy towards novel gene delivery systems 85
Struttura e proprietà chimico-fisiche di polipeptidi con configurazioni regolarmente alternate come modelli di mediatori di scambio ionico in membrane. 84
Self-assembly and drug release study of linear l,d-oligopeptide-poly(ethylene glycol) conjugates 83
Deracemization of an axially chiral biphenylic derivative as a tool for investigating chiral recognition in self-assemblies 82
A possible role of DNA superstructures in genome evolution 80
A possible role of DNA superstructures in genome evolution. 80
Structure and stability of the Boc(D-Pro-L-Pro)2OCH3 Na+ complex: a model of poly(D,L-proline), an alkali ion channel across membranes. 78
Generation of RNA Molecules by a Base-Catalysed Click-Like Reaction 78
Bioinspired nanotubes from self-assembly of a linear L,D-oligopeptide-poly(ethylene glycol) conjugate 77
Albumin binding onto synthetic vesicles 76
Relazioni tra sequenza nucleotidica del DNA e sue proprietà termodinamico-statistiche, superstrutturali e dinamiche. 76
Achiral dye/surfactant heteroaggregates for chiral sensing of phosphocholines 74
A theoretical model for the prediction of sequence-dependent nucleosome thermodynamic stability 73
Poly(DL-proline), a synthetic polypeptide behaving as an ion channel across membranes: conformational studies on ion complexes of the tetramer Boc(D-Pro-L-Pro)2OCH3 73
From the sequence to the superstructural properties of DNAs 72
DNA topology in a chromatin model system. 71
A theoretical model of DNA curvature. 71
Identification of protein domains on topological basis. 70
Mechanical properties of single molecules: a theoretical approach. 70
A DSC investigation on the influence of gemini surfactant stereochemistry on the organization of lipoplexes and on their interaction with model membranes 70
Circular dichroism and thermal melting differentiation of Hoechst 33258 binding to the curved (A(4)T(4)) and straight (T(4)A(4)) DNA sequences 69
Dual role of sequence-dependent DNA curvature in nucleosome stability: the critical test of highly bent Crithidia fasciculata DNA tract 69
A statistical approach for analyzing structural and regulative information in prokaryotic genomes 68
Recognition on the nanoscale of a DNA sequence by an inorganic crystal surface. 67
Theoretical models for studying thermodynamic properties of biological macromolecules 67
A new simple procedure for discriminating between deracemization and an induced CD effect in chiral recognition experiments on atropoisomers 66
Recognition of the DNA sequence by an inorganic crystal surface 65
Predicting nucleosome positioning in genomes: Physical and bioinformatic approaches 65
Poly(DL-proline), a synthetic polypeptide behaving as an ion channel across bilayer membranes. 64
Encapsulating carbon nanotubes in aqueous ds-DNA anisotropic phases: shear orientation and rheological properties 63
Effect of the inclusion of sodium cations on the binding properties of aswitchable diporphyrin receptor. 62
Systematic search for compact structures of telomeric nucleosomes 62
Prediction of Nucleosome Positioning in Genomes: Limits and Perspectives of Physical and Bioinformatic Approaches 62
Nanoscale mechanical and dynamical properties of DNA single molecules 62
Theoretical prediction of the gel electrophoretic retardation changes due to point mutations in a tract of SV40 DNA. 61
Polymorphic self-organization of Lauroyl peptide in response to pH and concentration 61
Transcription of chirality from molecules to complex systems: the role of hydrophobic interactions 61
D,L peptides as strong inhibitors of HIV-1 GP120. 60
Conformations of oligoprolines with different configurational sequences and their association complexes with alkali and alkali-earth ions. 59
DNA sequence-dependent Curvature and Flexibility in stability and Organization of nucleosomes. 59
Superstructural information in DNA sequences: from structural toward functional genomics. 59
Peptides with regular enantiomeric sequences: A wide class of modular self-assembling architectures 57
Statistical thermodynamic approach for evaluating the writhe transformations in circular DNAs 57
Geometrical, conformational and topological restraints in regular nucleosome compaction in chromatin 57
Sequence-dependent DNA dynamics by scanning force microscopy time-resolved imaging 56
Structural information in deterministic fluctuations of base sequences in DNAs. Theoretical prediction of DNA superstructures. 56
Towards an increase of the hierarchy in the construction of DNA-based nanostructures through the integration of inorganic materials. 55
Sequence-dependent DNA curvature and flexibility from scanning force microscopy images 55
Protein binding onto surfactant-based synthetic vesicles 54
The elastic model in the mechanics of DNA deformations. 54
Superstructural informations in the base sequences of nucleic-acids 52
Sequence-dependent DNA curvature and flexibility from Scanning Force Microscopy images. 51
Deracemization of an axial chiral biphenylic structure in chiral micellar aggregates. 51
A Statistical Thermodynamic Approach for Predicting The Sequence-Dependent Nucleosome Positioning along Genomes 50
Theoretical-computational modelling of the L-alanine CD spectrum in water 50
Self-assembling peptide-polymer conjugates as promising candidates for drug delivery and imaging 49
A theoretical Model for the Prediction of Nucleosome Thermodynamic Stability in Terms of DNA Sequence. 48
Sequence-dependent DNA curvature and flexibility from Scanning Force Microscopy Images. 48
DNA On Surfaces: Adsorption, Equilibration And Recognition Processes From A Microscopist’s View. 48
Channel structures in synthetic polypeptides with alternating configurations. Conformational analysis of poly(DL-proline). 48
Structural information in deterministic fluctuations of base sequences in DNAs. Theoretical prediction of DNA superstructures. 46
Synthesis and Study of Cyclopeptides with Regular Enantiomeric Sequences as Self-Assembling Nanotubes for Nanotechnology 46
“Deracemizzazione di derivati difenilici in aggregati micellari chirali” 45
Sequence-dependent DNA curvature and flexibility from Atomic Force Microscopy. 45
Conformational investigations on proline oligomers with regular enantiomeric sequences as models for the ion transport across membranes. 45
Analisi delle superstrutture delle fibre di cromatina e della loro dinamica mediante microscopia a forza atomica. 44
null 44
Models for the prediction of DNA superstructures and their association complexes with proteins 43
Complexation and organization of doxorubicin on polystyrene sulfonate chains: impacts on doxorubicin dimerization and quenching 42
Studio delle interazioni tra proteine e vescicole catanioniche per applicazioni nella terapia genica non virale 42
Previsione della distribuzione di nucleosomi lungo genomi. 41
Topological restrains in protein foldin. 41
DNA sequence-dependent curvature and flexibility in stability and organisation of nucleosomes. 40
Metal chelates anchored to poly-L-peptides and linear D,L-alpha-peptides with promising nanotechnological applications 40
Chiral recognition of atropoisomeric compounds in chiral aggregates 38
First order elasticity in the superstructural transformations of DNAs. 37
A theoretical model for the prediction of nucleosome thermodynamic stability in terms of DNA sequence 37
Dual role of DNA intrinsic curvature and flexibility in determining nucleosome stability 37
Deracemization of chiral biphenylic derivatives by chiral aggregates 36
Sintesi di derivati perilenici funzionalizzati con amminoacidi come nuovi ligandi del DNA G-quadruplex 34
Polipeptidi sintetici conduttori ionici a canale attraverso membrane lipidiche. 33
Self-assembling nanowires from a linear L,D-peptide conjugated to the dextran end group 33
Cyclopeptides with regular enantiomeric sequences: a wide class of modular architectures for nanotechnological applications 31
Study of protein binding onto cat-anionic vesicles for nanomedicine applications 30
Totale 6.333
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.861
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 18.861

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020981 0 0 0 0 0 153 206 196 188 101 89 48
2020/2021562 52 55 16 50 22 52 13 54 114 70 38 26
2021/20221.283 9 87 118 23 160 32 24 126 99 125 114 366
2022/20231.245 242 212 66 121 125 176 26 91 99 37 40 10
2023/2024607 51 75 33 54 46 57 7 92 8 65 58 61
2024/2025571 58 36 77 43 201 156 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.105