LEMORINI, Cristina
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.309
EU - Europa 3.392
AS - Asia 1.815
SA - Sud America 167
AF - Africa 72
OC - Oceania 25
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 10.781
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.204
IT - Italia 1.539
SG - Singapore 876
IN - India 388
UA - Ucraina 335
CN - Cina 334
SE - Svezia 272
DE - Germania 176
FI - Finlandia 172
GB - Regno Unito 164
RU - Federazione Russa 150
FR - Francia 126
ES - Italia 123
CA - Canada 90
BR - Brasile 85
IL - Israele 73
NL - Olanda 63
AR - Argentina 54
BE - Belgio 47
TR - Turchia 45
IE - Irlanda 44
ID - Indonesia 26
PL - Polonia 26
AU - Australia 24
RO - Romania 24
ZA - Sudafrica 24
EE - Estonia 20
CH - Svizzera 19
CO - Colombia 18
BG - Bulgaria 15
GR - Grecia 14
HK - Hong Kong 13
AT - Austria 12
KZ - Kazakistan 12
DZ - Algeria 11
MX - Messico 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
IR - Iran 8
RS - Serbia 8
TG - Togo 8
HR - Croazia 7
MA - Marocco 7
PT - Portogallo 7
SI - Slovenia 7
ET - Etiopia 6
KE - Kenya 6
KR - Corea 5
NO - Norvegia 5
TW - Taiwan 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
DK - Danimarca 4
EC - Ecuador 4
JP - Giappone 4
VE - Venezuela 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
CY - Cipro 3
HT - Haiti 3
MY - Malesia 3
PH - Filippine 3
CL - Cile 2
JO - Giordania 2
MR - Mauritania 2
NG - Nigeria 2
SM - San Marino 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
EU - Europa 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
PA - Panama 1
SC - Seychelles 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 10.781
Città #
Chandler 616
Ashburn 456
Singapore 395
Fairfield 391
Rome 365
Beijing 230
Woodbridge 212
Santa Clara 202
Princeton 201
Houston 199
Wilmington 199
San Mateo 179
Brescia 167
New York 165
Seattle 160
Ann Arbor 140
Plano 135
Jacksonville 125
Cambridge 117
Millbury 98
Boston 79
Washington 77
Milan 67
Andover 59
Dearborn 57
Council Bluffs 51
San Paolo di Civitate 44
Federal 43
Toronto 43
Dublin 41
Helsinki 40
Des Moines 39
San Diego 37
Brussels 33
Cosenza 33
Norwalk 32
Lawrence 30
Moscow 30
Boardman 28
Bologna 28
Jakarta 26
Barcelona 23
Filettino 20
Los Angeles 20
Pune 20
Ottawa 19
Stockholm 19
Tel Aviv 18
Naples 16
Florence 15
Phoenix 15
Bari 14
Cagliari 14
Groningen 14
Padova 14
Bühl 13
Petah Tikva 13
Sofia 13
Toulouse 13
Istanbul 12
Siena 12
Tübingen 12
Camden 11
Falkenstein 11
Falls Church 11
Johannesburg 11
Mannheim 11
Cape Town 10
Chicago 10
Madrid 10
Ridder 10
São Paulo 10
Yubileyny 10
Berlin 9
Bogotá 9
Dallas 9
El Vendrell 9
Malmo 9
Munich 9
Nuremberg 9
Paris 9
Rimini 9
Santander 9
Southend 9
Tucson 9
Haifa 8
Livorno 8
Lomé 8
London 8
Marseille 8
Pathanamthitta 8
Valladolid 8
Warsaw 8
Aci Catena 7
Bordeaux 7
Durham 7
Frankfurt Am Main 7
Jerusalem 7
Redwood City 7
Serra 7
Totale 6.334
Nome #
The ‘Textile culture at Pompeii’ Project 132
The origins of recycling. A Paleolithic perspective 129
The Gotera Archaeological Mission in Southern Ethiopia: A preliminary field report on the ongoing research at the Middle Stone Age site of Gotera 123
Old stones’ song—second verse. Use-wear analysis of rhyolite and fenetized andesite artifacts from the Oldowan lithic industry of Kanjera South, Kenya 119
Shaped stone balls were used for bone marrow extraction at Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel 115
La necropoli eneolitica di Lunghezzina (Roma) 114
The contribution of experimental archaeology in addressing the analysis of residues on spindle-whorls 114
Reconnaitre des tactiques d'exploitation du milieu au Paleolithique Moyen. La contribution de !'analyse fonctionnelle. Etude fonctionnelle des industries lithiques de Grotta Breuil (Latium, Italie) et de La Combette (Bonnieux, Vaucluse, France) 111
Preliminary data from Valle Giumentina Pleistocene site (Abruzzo, Central Italy). A new approach to a Clactonian and Acheulian sequence 110
On Quina and demi-Quina scraper handling. Preliminary results from the late Lower Paleolithic site of Qesem Cave, Israel 109
Bannia – Palazzine di Sopra.Una comunità neolitica del V millennio a.C. Quaderni del Museo Archeologico del Friuli Occidentale 106
The function of recycled lithic items at late Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel. An overview of the use-wear data 106
A blade for all seasons? Making and using Amudian blades at Qesem Cave, Israel 102
The Gotera archaeological mission in southern Ethiopia: ongoing research in the Middle Stone Age site of Gotera (Oromia, Borana zone) 99
Early evidence of stone tool use in bone working activities at Qesem Cave, Israel 98
Scrapers of Callista chione from Grotta del Cavallo (Middle Palaeolithic cave in Apulia): evaluating use-wear potential, Proccedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group at Tallin, 26 Agosto- 31 Agosto 2003, Tallin: 319-324. 97
A new Palaeolithic discovery: tar-hafted stone tools in a European Mid-Pleistocene bone-bearing bed 96
Old stones' song: Use-wear experiments and analysis of the Oldowan quartz and quartzite assemblage from Kanjera South (Kenya) 96
Fat residue and use-wear found on Acheulian biface and scraper associated with butchered elephant remains at the site of Revadim, Israel 95
Animal residues found on tiny Lower Paleolithic tools reveal their use in butchery 95
Palaeoloxodon exploitation at the Middle Pleistocene site of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italy) 94
Attività produttive nel villaggio neolitico di Masseria Candelaro (FG): l’apporto dell’indagine tecnologica e funzionale dell’industria litica. 93
Approaches to the acquisition and use of animal materials 93
Use-wear analysis of an Amudian laminar assemblage from the Acheuleo-Yabrudian of Qesem Cave, Israel 92
Evidence for the repeated use of a central hearth at Middle Pleistocene (300 ky ago) Qesem Cave, Israel 92
Bread in Prehistory. Looking for the path of an extraordinary invention 92
Making Textiles at Arslantepe, Turkey, in the 4th and 3rd Millennia BC. Archaeological Data and Experimental Archaeology 90
A scraper's life history. Morpho-techno-functional and use-wear analysis of Quina and demi-Quina scrapers from Qesem Cave, Israel 87
Auf den Spuren antiker Textilkultur. Textile Hinterlassenschaften zur Zeit des Vesuvausbruchs 79 n. Chr. 87
Come diventare artisti paleolitici: un esempio di riproduzione di incisioni decorative su ciottolo 86
Ground stone tool production and use in the Late Upper Palaeolithic: The evidence from Riparo Dalmeri (Venetian Prealps, Italy) 85
I pugnali litici da Torre della Chiesaccia e Casetta Mistici (Roma). Analisi preliminare delle tracce d’uso 85
Two Middle Pleistocene sites near Rome (Italy): La Polledrara di Cecanibbio and Rebibbia-Casal De' Pazzi. 83
Distribution of artifacts and ecofacts in an early bronze age house in Eastern Anatolia. Space use and household economy at Arslantepe VI b2 (2900–2750 bce) 83
Mode 1 or Mode 2? “Small tools” in the technical variability of the European Lower Palaeolithic. The site of Ficoncella (Tarquinia, Lazio, central Italy). 83
Art et vie quotidienne dans l’Epigravettien final: les galets utilisés de Grotta della Ferrovia (Italie Centrale) 81
Coppa Nevigata: catalogo dei reperti 79
Coppa Nevigata: l'industria litica, la pietra pesante e l'industria in materia dura animale di una struttura del Protoappenninico 78
Testing the hypothesis: experimental approach and use-wear analysis in prehistoric archaeology 78
La lavorazione della pietra nell'Epigravettiano finale: i ciottoli incisi della Grotta della Ferrovia (Ancona) 77
The use of ash at Late Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel—An integrated study of use-wear and residue analysis 77
The lithic perspective: Reading Copper Age societies by means of techno-functional approach 75
Analisi delle tracce d’uso e dei residui organici di una punta foliata dal corredo della tomba 8 di Casetta Mistici (Roma) 75
Ongoing research at the late Middle Pleistocene site of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (central Italy), with emphasis on human elephant relationships 75
“Teste di mazza”: The Nuragic mace-heads (Sardinia, Italy). Technological and experimental analysis 74
Tecnologia, funzioni e spazi di vita: una comunità che cambia nel Neolitico del Tavoliere 70
Chapter IV, Technologies and Materials Used in Seal Manufacture at Arslantepe 70
An Amudian Oddity: A Giant Biface from Late Lower Palaeolithic Qesem Cave 70
Il dialogo fra analisi tecno-funzionale, etno-archeologia e tradizione nell’interpretazione archeologica: il caso dei “pettini” di Coppa Nevigata (Foggia) 68
Mode 1 or Mode 2? Small tools in the technical variability of the European Lower Palaeolithic: the site of Ficoncella (Tarquinia, Lazio, central Italy) 68
ANTIQUITY - Palaeolithic cutlery 400 000–200 000 years ago: tiny meat-cutting tools from Qesem Cave, Israel 67
I più antichi agricoltori italiani. Nuove prospettive di ricerca su base multidisciplinare 67
Palaeoloxodon and human interaction. Depositional setting, chronology and archaeology at the middle pleistocene Ficoncella site (Tarquinia, Italy) 66
Behind the scenes. Introduction to the human activities in the Iron Gates region. Preliminary use-wear analysis of chipped stone artefacts from Lepenski Vir and Padina (Serbia) 66
The function of prehistoric lithic tools: A combined study of use-wear analysis and FTIR microspectroscopy 66
Highlighting specialization in Prehistoric Societies with a use-wear approach. Catalhöyük (Neolithic phases) (Central Anatolia) and Arslantepe (East Anatolia) (EBA phase) in comparison 65
Pesi e fuseruole. La tessitura nelle comunità eneolitiche del territorio di Roma 65
Prehistoric exploitation of minerals resources. Experimentation and use-wear analysis of grooved stone tools from Grotta della Monaca (Calabria, Italy) 65
L’archeologia sperimentale e la documentazione etnoarcheologica come strumenti interpretativi dei manufatti in osso. 65
Il Gaudo a sud del Tevere: abitati e necropoli dall’area romana 63
From Aterian notch to Aterian tang. How to make a technological invention 63
Seal Impressions on Cretulae at Arslantepe: Improving the Methodological and Interpretative References 62
Strategie di sussistenza nel Paleolitico inferiore a La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Roma). Lo sfruttamento di una carcassa di Palaeoloxodon antiquus 62
Osservazioni sul potenziale interpretativo delle industrie litiche: un'applicazione a contesti del neolitico tardo in Italia centrale 61
A multivariate analysis for enhancing the interpretation of infrared spectra of plant residues on lithic artefacts 61
Le punte di lancia del lago di Mezzano (Valentano, VT). Uno sguardo d’insieme 61
An Acheulean site of the last Interglacial at Boccabianca (Cupra Marittima, Marche). 60
Analisi tecnologica e funzionale del pettine n.1 60
Experimental archaeology for the interpretation of use-wear. The case study of the small tools of Fontana Ranuccio (late Lower Palaeolithic, Central Italy) 60
The points reference collection 59
The origin of early Acheulean expansion in Europe 700 ka ago. New findings at Notarchirico (Italy) 59
Jiboui, station moustérienne d’altitude dans le Vercors (Drôme) 59
Functional analysis of abraded heavy duty tools, In: M.Liverani (a cura di), Aghram Nadharif, Tha Archaeology of the Lybian Sahara 58
Tool Function in the Past: Use-Wear, Residues and Techno Morphological Analysis of Stone and Ceramic Materials 58
The use-wear studies on the lithic industries 58
Environment and daily life in the Campagna Romana of the late Lower Palaeolithic. The case-study of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Latium, Italy) 57
Experimentation and traces analysis of macro-lithic tools. The cas of Grotta della Monaca Cave (San'Agata di Esaro-Cosenza, Italy) 57
The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age technologies in Anatolia. A review of the studies on chipped stones 57
Paléolithique Moyen dans le Sud du Massif Central : les données du Valay (Haute-Loire, France), Données récentes sur les premiers peuplements en Europe 56
Tool Function in the Past: Use-Wear, Residues and Techno-Morphological Analyses of Stone and Ceramic Materials” Summer School 56
The sociality of food in late Chalcolithic Anatolia: A view from material culture at the site of Arslantepe 56
Seal Impressions on Cretulae at Arslantepe:a new approach 55
Ricostruzione del gesto artistico preistorico attraverso un approccio integrato di archeologiasperimentale, analisi delle tracce tecnologiche e foto-modellazione 3D: il caso studio delle Veneri di Parabita 55
La « Vénus offrant » de Frasassi (Italie centrale) : un nouveau type de statuette paléolithique. 54
Anchor axes: a case-study of wear traces analysis on ethno-archaeological stone tools from Brazil. An anthropological reflection on functional meaning 54
Micro-photogrammetry and traceology: new on-site documentation approaches using portable digital microscopes 53
The Middle Pleistocene Paleolithic site with large mammal fauna of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italy): recent data and prospects. 53
Il sito fortificato di Meduno Sach di Sotto (Pordenone) nel quadro dell'Eneolitico dell'Italia nord-orientale 53
A combined analysis of lithic assemblages from Cayonu 53
The role of burins and their relationship with art through trace analysis at the Upper Paleolithic site of Polesini Cave (Latium, Italy) 53
Il riparo di Tschonstoan sull’Alpe di Siusi – Seiser Alm 52
Experimentation and traces analysis of macro-lithic tools: the case of “Grotta della Monaca” Cave (Sant'Agata di Esaro-Cosenza, Italy). In: Playing with the time. Experimental archeology and the study of the past (Alonso R., Canales D., Baena J., Eds.), Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 52
La selce si usa, non si “spreca” 52
Le punte foliate dai contesti funerari di Torre della Chiesaccia (Roma). Analisi delle tracce d’uso e dei residui 52
Le gisement paléolithique à grands mammifères du Pleistocène moyen à La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italie): données recentes et perspectives. 51
Il sito di Sant’Anna di Oria (Brindisi): risultati dell’analisi funzionale dell’industria litica scheggiata 51
Reconnaître des tactiques d’exploitation du milieu au Paléolithique moyen. La contribution de l’analyse fonctionnelle. Etude fonctionnellle des industries lithiques de Grotta Breuil (Latium, Italie) et de La Combette (Bonnieux, Vaucluse, France) 51
The function of prehistoric lihtic tools: a combined study of use-wear analysis and FTIR microspectroscipy. Results and open problems. 51
Totale 7.560
Categoria #
all - tutte 34.563
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 507
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 35.070

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 202 102 40
2020/2021981 70 67 27 79 101 79 45 85 70 109 72 177
2021/20221.757 12 102 136 77 239 43 38 162 163 127 319 339
2022/20231.999 370 161 77 244 229 236 36 280 184 78 90 14
2023/20241.769 62 164 122 99 149 407 88 109 26 170 194 179
2024/20252.402 144 87 195 205 240 332 289 276 634 0 0 0
Totale 11.277