FERRARA, Vincenzo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.795
EU - Europa 2.027
AS - Asia 1.101
SA - Sud America 75
AF - Africa 43
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
OC - Oceania 7
Totale 7.055
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.745
IT - Italia 1.137
SG - Singapore 421
IN - India 309
CN - Cina 245
SE - Svezia 185
FI - Finlandia 157
UA - Ucraina 128
DE - Germania 103
FR - Francia 63
GB - Regno Unito 60
IE - Irlanda 51
AR - Argentina 47
CA - Canada 41
BG - Bulgaria 18
ID - Indonesia 18
NL - Olanda 18
RO - Romania 17
BE - Belgio 13
CH - Svizzera 13
KR - Corea 13
RU - Federazione Russa 13
JP - Giappone 12
TG - Togo 12
EG - Egitto 11
ES - Italia 11
TR - Turchia 11
IQ - Iraq 10
DZ - Algeria 9
PE - Perù 9
DK - Danimarca 8
VN - Vietnam 8
AT - Austria 7
CO - Colombia 7
PL - Polonia 7
BR - Brasile 6
IR - Iran 6
TW - Taiwan 6
AU - Australia 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 5
EU - Europa 5
HK - Hong Kong 5
PK - Pakistan 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
GR - Grecia 4
MX - Messico 4
MY - Malesia 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
CL - Cile 3
HN - Honduras 3
JO - Giordania 3
PH - Filippine 3
PS - Palestinian Territory 3
SR - Suriname 3
TH - Thailandia 3
TN - Tunisia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PA - Panama 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SO - Somalia 2
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
JE - Jersey 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
MK - Macedonia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 7.055
Città #
Chandler 378
Fairfield 371
Rome 355
Singapore 294
Princeton 209
Ashburn 203
Woodbridge 185
Santa Clara 180
Wilmington 172
Plano 144
Seattle 129
Houston 128
Beijing 125
Cambridge 123
Ann Arbor 122
Boston 87
Millbury 84
Milan 76
Andover 62
Des Moines 61
Dearborn 57
Federal 47
San Paolo di Civitate 46
Dublin 44
Jacksonville 44
New York 44
Lawrence 41
San Diego 39
Boardman 30
Norwalk 29
Toronto 22
Bari 20
Naples 19
Ottawa 17
Falls Church 16
Helsinki 16
Sofia 16
Villeurbanne 16
Dallas 15
Guangzhou 15
San Mateo 15
Bologna 13
Turin 13
Lomé 12
Mannheim 12
Falkenstein 11
London 11
Catania 10
Florence 10
Hefei 10
Bühl 9
Jakarta 9
Kunming 9
Los Angeles 9
Shanghai 9
Corvallis 8
Padova 8
Vaprio d'Adda 8
Verona 8
Bern 7
Bogotá 7
Brussels 7
Indiana 7
Jinan 7
Messina 7
Mulazzo 7
Redwood City 7
Warsaw 7
Auburn Hills 6
Bergamo 6
Cagliari 6
Istanbul 6
Livorno 6
Nanjing 6
Nürnberg 6
Redmond 6
Saint Charles 6
Ancona 5
Brescia 5
Eagle Mountain 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Lyon 5
Napoli 5
Pescara 5
Simi Valley 5
Southend 5
Xi'an 5
Buffalo 4
Buk-gu 4
Chengdu 4
Gainesville 4
Genoa 4
Iasi 4
La Perla 4
Lahore 4
Moscow 4
Odenton 4
Palermo 4
Piura 4
Shaoxing 4
Totale 4.494
Nome #
Celle a combustibile microbiche terrestri: uno strumento efficace nel recupero di suoli contaminati e nella produzione di energia. 425
Ricordo di Cesare Maria Ottavi 261
Radar onda continua modulata in frequenza (FMCW) a uso educazionale: rilevatore di distanza e velocità, applicazioni Ground Penetrating Radar 127
Design and Realization of a Cheap Ground Penetrating Radar Prototype @ 2.45 GHz 127
Circuiti per la microelettronica 125
GPR/GPS/IMU system as buried objects locator 102
An addressing effective computer model for surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cells 92
Improvement of GPR tracking by using inertial and GPS combined data 87
Efficient energy harvesting for microbial fuel cell dedicated to wireless sensor network 82
Electrical characterization of MFC for low power applications 78
Passive matrix SSFLC display with analogue grey levels using PTFE alignment films 78
Influence of charge transfer complex doping of polyamide alignment film on SSFLC cell performance 75
MFC as energy harvesting for powering WSNs 73
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 70
Optical technologies for E-O LIDAR applications 68
Ray-tracing and UTD analyses for microcellular communications in urban scene: A software methodology that uses 3-D GIS data of buildings 68
Wireless Sensor Network Powered by a Terrestrial Microbial Fuel Cell as a Sustainable Land Monitoring Energy System 68
MFCs as biosensor, bioreactor and bioremediator 67
Electromagnetic exposure of GPR operators and interference issues 66
Nano-klystron: New design and technology for THz source 66
Influence of alignment techniques on switching behaviour of SSFLC cells 64
Integration of Ground Penetrating Radar with Global Position System and Inertial Measurement Unit for archaeological application 64
Use of PTFE Alignment Layers in Passive Addressed SSFLC Displays 64
Pervasive technologies for the reduction of disaster consequences: Opportunities and questions 62
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 61
Electromagnetic scattering in dissipative materials 61
Matrix Addressing Waveforms For Grey Shades SSFLC Displays 61
Antenne planari altamente direttive per investigazioni in spazio aperto e in scenari extraterrestri 60
Custom measuring system tailored for MFCs 60
Coupling efficiency enhancement between SU-8 waveguides and plasmonic nanostructures through indium tin oxide thin films 57
Technical survey about available technologies for detecting buried people under rubble or avalanches 56
Transparent Thin Film Heater with Integrated Temperature Sensors for Thermal Treatment of Biomolecules in Lab-on-Chip Systems 56
Analogue grey level in SSFLCD by varying surface anchoring 55
Remote sensing detection techniques for brownfield identification and monitoring by GIS tools 53
Video speed low total voltage matrix addressing technique for SSFLC displays 53
Studies on addressing techniques for bistable Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal cells 52
Influence of ion transport in SSFLC addressing and image sticking 51
Brownfield identification: different approaches for analysing data detected by means of remote sensing 51
An Integrated approach to the pollution hazard analysis and management 50
Wireless network sensors that are energy efficient for monitoring and early warning 50
IEEE/ISPRS Joint Workhop on Remote Sensing and Data Fuson over Urban Areas 50
Microbial fuel cell: an energy harvesting technique for environmental remediation 50
Integrated Optoelectronic Device for On-Chip Detection of Fluorescent Molecules 48
PIERS 2019 Rome Young Scientist Program Committee 47
Environmental remediation and possible use of terrestrial microbial fuel cells 47
A review on ground penetrating radar technology for the detection of buried or trapped victims 46
Design and realization of a cheap GPR prototype & Recent advancements in forward-scattering methods 45
Ground penetrating radar prototypes developed in COST action TU1208 45
Development of embedded and user-side software for interactive setup of a frequency-modulated continuous wave ground penetrating radar dedicated to educational purposes 45
Porus Silicon: a Buffer Layer for PbS Heteroepitaxy 44
Review on MFC for application to monitoring 44
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 43
Smart objects and wireless sensor networks for monitoring: Sustainable technology in disaster management 43
MFC Performance and Applications 42
Bio-electrochemical system depollution capabilities and monitoring applications. Models, applicability, advanced bio-based concept for predicting pollutant degradation and microbial growth kinetics via gene regulation modelling 42
System for positioning and tracking of GPR based on inertial and GPS data integration 41
Microbial Fuel Cells: Performance and Applications 41
Rome addressing modes for surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid-crystal (SSFLC) matrix displays 41
Tecniche di interoperabilità di dati e applicazioni nei sistemi distribuiti GIS 40
Inertial and GPS data integration for positioning and tracking of GPR 40
A grey scale ssflc display and its matrix addressing”, 4, Proceedings of the 29th Freiburg Workshop on Liquid Crystals, Friburgo (D), 22-24 marzo 2000 39
Technology based on distributed GIS tools: an approach for sustainable planning 39
La simulazione di episodi di inquinamento atmosferico per il supporto alle decisioni nelle politiche di sanità 39
Invitation STSM researcher to take part in project of GPR development, COST Action TU1208 39
Compressive sensing in Direction of Arrival (DOA) applications. A comparative study on different acquisition systems 39
Telecommunication satellite technical solutions for geo-localisation of interfering sources: an innovative approach 39
Analyses and Measures of GPR Signal with Superimposed Noise 38
On-glass thin film transistor based on p-i-n amorphous silicon junction 38
Integrated data and utilities to support sustainable planning 37
Previsione di propagazione elettromagnetica nelle città mediante ray tracing 3-D insieme a UTD e uso di dati GIS relativi agli edifici 37
Disaster Management 2015 37
La presentazione dei data base e gli algoritmi nella gestione dei dati ambientali 37
Single-snapshot time-domain direction of arrival estimation under bayesian group-sparse hypothesis and vector sensor antennas 37
Sustainablle Development 2009 36
Disaster Management 2011 36
Transistori ad effetto di campo MOS (MOSFET) 36
Electromagnetic fields evaluation by means of standard algorithms and cartographic data. Broadcast case into urban environment 35
Earth observation and network of in situ ground sensors for disaster management and early warning 35
A Novel Machine to Deposit Thin PTFE Films for LC Alignment 35
La simulazione di sistemi territoriali finalizzata alla pianificazione in tempo reale di reti di radiocomunicazione 35
Modi di indirizzamento matriciale per display a cristalli liquidi ferroelettrici 34
Assegnazione di 1 assegno di ricerca di categoria B – Tipo I – Bando n. 11/2015 34
Custom measuring instrument dedicated to microbial fuel cell characterization 34
PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - PIERS 2019 Rome 34
Territorial Information System interoperability: a design improving interaction in an emergency 34
Brownfields 2008 33
2nd International Workshop on Collaborations in Emergency Response and Disaster Management 33
Low-cost stellar sensor for attitude control of small satellites 33
Study of indium tin oxide thin film as fluorescence enhancers for optical biosensing in water quality analysis 32
Assegno di Ricerca 32
Prediction method that extends the point to point procedures to large areas in the evaluation of broadcasting services and interference levels in band IV,V and VI 32
Comparison of two Drain Modulator for Multi-Mode Multi-Band Transmitters employing EER Technique 32
Complementi ed esercizi di Elettronica Applicata I 32
Telerilevamento e identificazione di brownfields per una loro analisi mediante GIS 31
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 31
Assegno di Ricerca 31
Commisione per la valutazione di Borse di Collaborazione studenti 31
Assegnazione di 1 assegno di ricerca di categoria B – Tipo I – della durata di 1 anno, Bando n. N. 2/2016 31
Influence of ionic contamination on SSFLCD addressing”, 5th International Conference on FLC 31
Totale 5.621
Categoria #
all - tutte 22.388
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 22.388

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020688 0 0 0 0 0 158 137 116 84 83 80 30
2020/2021322 33 38 9 25 4 17 15 33 42 51 34 21
2021/20221.398 21 112 99 31 194 25 32 135 110 115 180 344
2022/20231.372 339 176 83 109 137 184 13 83 126 29 71 22
2023/20241.209 69 150 41 91 95 144 109 75 22 147 120 146
2024/2025940 163 140 168 81 273 115 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.435