Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.706
EU - Europa 627
AS - Asia 314
SA - Sud America 17
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 3.666
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.696
IT - Italia 221
SG - Singapore 139
IN - India 120
SE - Svezia 120
FI - Finlandia 66
UA - Ucraina 63
RU - Federazione Russa 62
CN - Cina 29
DE - Germania 28
GB - Regno Unito 20
ID - Indonesia 20
BR - Brasile 10
RO - Romania 10
IE - Irlanda 9
BE - Belgio 7
CA - Canada 7
GR - Grecia 6
AR - Argentina 4
AT - Austria 4
FR - Francia 4
CH - Svizzera 3
MX - Messico 3
CL - Cile 2
PK - Pakistan 2
AU - Australia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ES - Italia 1
JO - Giordania 1
NL - Olanda 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
TR - Turchia 1
VN - Vietnam 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 3.666
Città #
Fairfield 487
Ashburn 261
Woodbridge 220
Seattle 201
Houston 196
Wilmington 156
Cambridge 152
Chandler 129
Santa Clara 106
Princeton 100
Ann Arbor 97
San Paolo di Civitate 84
Singapore 75
Lawrence 61
Rome 59
Plano 52
Boston 50
San Diego 36
Moscow 23
Jacksonville 22
Beijing 21
Jakarta 20
Andover 18
Norwalk 18
Des Moines 17
Millbury 17
Lappeenranta 11
Milan 10
Bühl 8
Dublin 8
Brussels 7
San Mateo 6
Dearborn 5
Frosinone 5
Helsinki 5
Dallas 4
Falls Church 4
Federal 4
London 4
Nuremberg 4
Reggio Emilia 4
Toronto 4
Arezzo 3
Bristol 3
Karlsruhe 3
Mexico City 3
Naples 3
Phoenix 3
Southend 3
Agrigento 2
Auburn Hills 2
Catania 2
Falkenstein 2
Grafing 2
Lahore 2
Linz am Rhein 2
Magenta 2
Mannheim 2
Nanjing 2
New York 2
Philadelphia 2
Stezzano 2
Vienna 2
Yubileyny 2
Americana 1
Belo Horizonte 1
Berkeley 1
Bern 1
Boardman 1
Bologna 1
Brentford 1
Brisbane 1
Buffalo 1
Chongqing 1
Cimitile 1
Civitavecchia 1
Clearwater 1
Como 1
Curitiba 1
Fort Worth 1
Green Bay 1
Guangzhou 1
Hebei 1
Indiana 1
Ipatinga 1
Izmir 1
Jianning 1
Jinan 1
Juiz de Fora 1
Jundiaí 1
Köln 1
Lake Elsinore 1
Las Vegas 1
Los Angeles 1
Mcallen 1
Minsk 1
Montréal 1
Muizenberg 1
North York 1
Nossa Senhora da Glória 1
Totale 2.858
Nome #
Master Integrals for the two-loop, non-planar QCD corrections to top-quark pair production in the quark-annihilation channel 127
Master integrals with one massive propagator for the two loop electroweak form-factor 108
Master integrals with 2 and 3 massive propagators for the 2 loop electroweak form-factor - planar case 105
Two-loop master integrals for the mixed EW-QCD virtual corrections to Drell-Yan scattering 87
The qT subtraction method for top-quark production at hadron colliders 72
Two-loop light fermion contribution to Higgs production and decay 71
Analytic results for virtual QCD corrections to Higgs production and decay 71
Electroweak top-quark pair production at the LHC with Z′ bosons to NLO QCD in POWHEG 71
Decays of scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs bosons into fermions: Two-loop QCD corrections to the Higgs-quark-antiquark amplitude 70
Two-loop master integrals for the planar QCD massive corrections to di-photon and di-jet hadro-production 70
Evaluating a family of two-loop non-planar master integrals for Higgs + jet production with full heavy-quark mass dependence 70
On the generalized harmonic polylogarithms of one complex variable 69
Electroweak corrections to Higgs production and decay 69
Two-loop QCD corrections to the heavy quark form factors: Anomaly contributions 69
Planar master integrals for the two-loop light-fermion electroweak corrections to Higgs plus jet production 69
Heavy-flavor contribution to Bhabha scattering 67
Two-loop QED Bhabha scattering: Soft emission and numerical evaluation of the differential cross-section 66
The two loop crossed ladder vertex diagram with two massive exchanges 65
Two-loop QCD corrections to the heavy-to-light quark decay 64
NLL resummation of the heavy-quark hadroproduction cross-section 64
Master integrals for the 2-loop QCD virtual corrections to the forward-backward asymmetry 64
Planar box diagram for the (NF=1) 2-loop QED virtual corrections to Bhabha scattering 63
Two-loop Bhabha scattering in QED: Vertex and one-loop by one-loop contributions 63
Scalar particle contribution to Higgs production via gluon fusion at NLO 63
Calculation of the two-loop heavy-flavor contribution to Bhabha scattering 62
Master integrals for double real radiation emission in heavy-to-light quark decay 62
Light-quark two-loop corrections to heavy-quark pair production in the gluon fusion channel 62
Analytical method for next-to-leading-order QCD corrections to double-Higgs production 58
Two-loop fermionic corrections to heavy-quark pair production: the quark-antiquark channel 57
Master integrals for the two-loop light fermion contributions to gg->H and H->gammagamma 56
Two-loop planar corrections to heavy-quark pair production in the quark-antiquark channel 55
Two-loop leading color corrections to heavy-quark pair production in the gluon fusion channel 54
Sudakov resummation of multiparton QCD cross sections 53
A Four-Point Function for the Planar QCD Massive Corrections to Top-Antitop Production in the Gluon-Fusion Channel 53
QCD corrections to static heavy-quark form factors 53
Two-loop QED Bhabha scattering differential cross section 52
Two-loop mixed QCD-EW virtual corrections to the Drell-Yan production of Z and W bosons. 52
Two-loop QCD corrections to the vector form factors for the heavy-quark photo-production 51
Two-Loop Corrections to Top-Antitop Production at Hadron Colliders. 51
Vertex diagrams for the QED form factors at the 2-loop level 50
Two-loop QCD corrections to the heavy quark form factors: the vector contributions 50
null 48
QED vertex form factors at two loops 47
Two-Loop QED Heavy-Flavor Contribution to Bhabha Scattering 47
A numerical routine for the crossed vertex diagram with a massive-particle loop 47
NNLO QCD×EW corrections to Z production in the q q channel 47
null 46
Quest for precision in hadronic cross sections at low energy: Monte Carlo tools vs. experimental data 45
Two-loop QED corrections to Bhabha scattering. 45
Double-real corrections at O(ααs) to single gauge boson production 45
Top Quark Production at Hadron Colliders: an Overview 45
Two-Loop integrals for precision Higgs boson phenomenology 44
Two-loop QCD corrections to the heavy quark form factors: Axial vector contributions 43
Two-parton contribution to the heavy-quark forward–backward asymmetry in NNLO QCD 39
Top-quark production at hadron colliders 37
Analytical calculation of two-loop feynman diagrams 32
Next-to-leading order corrections to light-quark mixed QCD-EW contributions to Higgs boson production 32
Differential equations for multi-point feynman functions calculation 31
NNLO QCD$ imes$EW corrections to on-shell $Z$ production 31
Bhabha Scattering at NNLO 31
Mixed Strong-Electroweak Corrections to the Drell-Yan Process 29
Heavy-quark form-factors and threshold cross section at O (alpha**2(S)). 28
Two-Loop Four-Fermion Scattering Amplitude in QED 26
On-shell Z boson production at hadron colliders through O(ααs) 25
Electroweak physics 25
Two-loop planar master integrals for Higgs→3 partons with full heavy-quark mass dependence 24
Two-parton contribution to the heavy-quark A(FB) at NNLO QCD in e+ e- collisions. 21
null 19
Full top-quark mass dependence in diphoton production at NNLO in QCD 17
Two-loop form factors for diphoton production in quark annihilation channel with heavy quark mass dependence 17
Next-to-leading-order QCD corrections to Higgs production in association with a jet 12
Evaluation of Feynman integrals with arbitrary complex masses via series expansions 11
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the decay width H → Zγ 9
Non-planar two-loop Feynman integrals contributing to Higgs plus jet production 7
Two-loop mixed QCD-EW corrections to neutral current Drell-Yan 6
Totale 3.766
Categoria #
all - tutte 11.172
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 11.172

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 141 64 44 34
2020/2021294 28 48 16 23 8 24 16 27 37 31 26 10
2021/2022708 10 43 93 15 93 19 23 79 53 73 93 114
2022/2023653 157 166 40 23 69 62 2 24 59 30 16 5
2023/2024331 12 29 14 80 20 18 3 28 0 48 36 43
2024/2025314 31 22 31 20 79 48 78 5 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.766