Are we (still) Human?
2018 Giambattista, Angela
Are we (still) Human? Diid. Disegno Industriale Industrial Design, n° 64/18, Design after Modernity. ISSN:1594-8528, ISBN: 9788832080087
2018 Giambattista, A.
Brain-Based-Design. L’elaborazione dei dati cerebrali e sensoriali per il progetto
2014 Giambattista, Angela
Cognitive Ergonomics Components for Analysis of User Interface in Healthcare Industry
2021 Zolotova, Mariia; Giambattista, Angela
Comunità sportive come aggregatori della diversità nel contesto urbano. Indagine etnografica e sviluppo di un modello di coinvolgimento
2024 Malakuczi, Viktor; Giambattista, Angela; Gentile, Andrea; Ershova, Mariia
Curb the environmental impact of hospitals through the redesign of single-use procedural kits
2022 Cito, GABRIELE MARIA; Giambattista, Angela
DESIGN & CHALLENGES Riflessioni sulle sfide contemporanee del Design
2017 DI LUCCHIO, Loredana; Giambattista, Angela
Design and Medicine. Between scientific synergies and experiential outcomes
2019 Giambattista, Angela
Design as a Driver for Innovation in the Healthcare Sector
2018 Giambattista, A.
Design e medicina. Tra sinergie scientifiche ed esiti esperienziali
2019 Giambattista, Angela
Design for care. Prodotti percettivi per il benessere terapeutico
2016 Giambattista, Angela
Design for care. Prodotti percettivi per il benessere terapeutico. TESI DI DOTTORATO DI RICERCA INTERNAZIONALE IN DESIGN E INNOVAZIONE – XXVIII CICLO. VOL. UNICO, pp. 1-204
2017 Giambattista, Angela; Buono, M.; DI LUCCHIO, Loredana; Duarte, E.
Design for Human-System Interaction in the Healthcare Context through Cognitive Ergonomics
2021 Zolotova, Mariia; Giambattista, Angela
Design for Next, 12th EAD Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 12-14 April 2017
2017 DI LUCCHIO, Loredana; Imbesi, Lorenzo; Giambattista, Angela; Malakuczi, Viktor
Design for Next, 12th EAD Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 12-14 April 2017
2017 DI LUCCHIO, Loredana; Imbesi, Lorenzo; Giambattista, Angela; Malakuczi, Viktor
Design for sustainable healthcare. Cutting the impact of medical products through disposable packaging
2021 Cito, GABRIELE MARIA; Giambattista, Angela
Design Schools Exchange. Conversations on design education in between China and Italy
2021 Giambattista, Angela
Design Schools Exchange. Conversations on design education in between China and Italy
2021 Giambattista, Angela
Design to Care: Education Experiences to design local healthcare services
2019 Giambattista, A; Zolotova, M.
Designing Care. How Design can improve medical products for a therapeutic wellbeing
2017 Giambattista, Angela