Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.714
EU - Europa 1.857
AS - Asia 904
SA - Sud America 55
AF - Africa 27
OC - Oceania 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 7.567
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.661
IT - Italia 573
RO - Romania 510
SG - Singapore 358
IN - India 257
SE - Svezia 176
CN - Cina 167
UA - Ucraina 156
FI - Finlandia 150
DE - Germania 83
GB - Regno Unito 51
NL - Olanda 41
CA - Canada 39
AR - Argentina 34
ID - Indonesia 31
IE - Irlanda 26
MY - Malesia 24
BR - Brasile 18
BG - Bulgaria 15
RU - Federazione Russa 14
PK - Pakistan 13
FR - Francia 12
PH - Filippine 12
BE - Belgio 10
MX - Messico 10
TG - Togo 10
BJ - Benin 8
HK - Hong Kong 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
KR - Corea 7
PL - Polonia 7
AU - Australia 6
AT - Austria 5
PT - Portogallo 5
CH - Svizzera 4
CY - Cipro 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
JP - Giappone 4
TH - Thailandia 4
CL - Cile 3
BZ - Belize 2
ES - Italia 2
EU - Europa 2
GR - Grecia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KE - Kenya 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
LY - Libia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SC - Seychelles 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TR - Turchia 2
DK - Danimarca 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EE - Estonia 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
MC - Monaco 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
RS - Serbia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 7.567
Città #
Fairfield 800
Horia 489
Woodbridge 409
Chandler 391
Ashburn 336
Seattle 332
Houston 280
Wilmington 248
Cambridge 243
Singapore 239
Rome 190
Ann Arbor 169
Princeton 140
San Paolo di Civitate 124
Plano 118
Millbury 96
Beijing 88
Lawrence 81
Santa Clara 65
Boston 46
Des Moines 46
San Diego 46
Jacksonville 42
Dearborn 40
Andover 34
Helsinki 32
Federal 31
Jakarta 31
Norwalk 30
Milan 27
Toronto 25
Boardman 24
Dublin 22
New York 21
Mannheim 16
London 15
Sofia 15
Falls Church 13
Dallas 12
Lappeenranta 12
Ottawa 12
Fremont 11
Phoenix 11
Amsterdam 10
Falkenstein 10
Karachi 10
Lomé 10
Brussels 9
Moscow 9
Bühl 8
Cotonou 8
Naples 7
San Mateo 7
Bremen 6
Los Angeles 6
San Jose 6
Trieste 6
Utrecht 6
Warsaw 6
Chennai 5
Dawlish 5
Guangzhou 5
Hefei 5
Iasi 5
Las Vegas 5
Nanjing 5
Trento 5
Bangkok 4
Besançon 4
Biñan 4
Brno 4
Buffalo 4
Cagliari 4
Davis 4
Florence 4
Fuzhou 4
Hong Kong 4
Indiana 4
Kunming 4
Vienna 4
Berkel en Rodenrijs 3
Genoa 3
Gyeonggi-do 3
Limassol 3
Melbourne 3
Mestre 3
Nuremberg 3
Philadelphia 3
Pune 3
Salerno 3
San Michele All'adige 3
Selvazzano Dentro 3
Shanghai 3
São Paulo 3
Vleuten 3
Abuja 2
Albano Laziale 2
Albuquerque 2
Altamura 2
Auckland 2
Totale 5.723
Nome #
Efficacy of acoustic waves in preventing Streptococcus mutans adhesion on dental unit water line 162
Effect of urban wastewater discharge on the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in two Italian rivers 161
Frequency of virulence and antibiotic resistance genes in Escherichia coli isolates in two rivers of central Italy 127
Microbiological safety of glasses dispensed at 3D movie theatres 123
Plant-associated invertebrates and hydrological balance in the large volcanic Lake Bracciano (Central Italy) during two years with different water levels 109
Ecological correlation between diabetes hospitalizations and fine particulate matter in Italian provinces 108
Zoonosi, ambiente e salute: l'impatto dei patogeni trasmissibili dall'uomo agli animali 100
Awareness towards Chikungunya virus infection risk by general practitioners in Rome: a questionnaire based survey before the 2017 outbreak 97
Differential induction of type I and III interferon genes in the upper respiratory tract of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 96
Applications of ecological stoichiometry for sustainable acquisition of ecosystem services 89
Studio di correlazione ecologica tra prevalenza del diabete e qualità dell'aria in alcune province italiane 89
Are There Side Effects to Watching 3D Movies? A Prospective Crossover Observational Study on Visually Induced Motion Sickness 86
Spatial and temporal hot spots of Aedes albopictus abundance inside and outside a South European metropolitan area 85
Evaluation of timing of re-appearance of VBNC Legionella for risk assessment in hospital water distribution systems 80
Assessing the risk of autochthonous yellow fever transmission in Lazio, central Italy 80
Online Health Literacy Survey on a sample from Italian General Practitioners patients 80
Efficient sampling methodologies for lake littoral invertebrates in compliance with the European Water Framework Directive 79
Developing a multimetric index of ecological integrity based on macroinvertebrates of mountain ponds in central Italy. 77
Assessing the relationship between the Lake Habitat Survey and littoral macroinvertebrate communities in European lakes 77
Benthic macroinvertebrates in lake ecological assessment: A review of methods, intercalibration and practical recommendations 77
Evaluation of interleukin 28B single nucleotide polymorphisms in infants suffering from bronchiolitis 76
The Ebola virus disease outbreak in Tonkolili district, Sierra Leone: a retrospective analysis of the Viral Haemorrhagic Fever surveillance system, July 2014–June 2015 76
Is swimming in recreational water associated with the occurrence of respiratory illness? A systematic reviewand meta-analysis 75
Transmission dynamics of the ongoing chikungunya outbreak in Central Italy. From coastal areas to the metropolitan city of Rome, summer 2017 74
The potential human exposure to antibiotic resistant-Escherichia coli through recreational water 74
Association between air pollution and emergency room visits for atrial fibrillation 74
Biological monitoring of rivers and the European Water Legislation 73
Incrementare la collaborazione tra medicina umana e medicina vetrinaria. Il punto di vista dei medici di sanità pubblica 72
Increasing the collaboration between human and animal medicine: the perspective of public health physicians. 72
Modelling lake macroinvertebrate species in the shallow sublittoral: relative roles of habitat, lake morphology, aquatic chemistry and sediment composition 71
Limnological aspects of an Apennine shallow lake 71
Analisi dell’effetto di differenti tecnologie sull’evoluzione della Carica Mesofila Totale ed Escherichia coli in rucola ready-to-eat 70
Factors influencing persistence of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 in laboratory cocultures 70
Developing a multimetric index of ecological integrity based on macroinvertebrates of mountain ponds in central Italy 69
Meat intake and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a meta-analysis of observational studies 69
A survey of visually induced symptoms and associated factors in spectators of three dimensional stereoscopic movies 69
Knowledge, attitude and behaviour toward MRSA: Results from a survey among biomedical students and the general population 68
Real-life use of tocilizumab with or without corticosteroid in hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 pneumonia. A retrospective cohort study 68
Towards holistic assessment of the functioning of ecosystems under the Water Framework Directive 67
Species distribution and habitat features in lentic Odonata 67
Assessment of the ecological status of European surface waters: a work in progress 66
A biotic index using benthic macroinvertebrates for Italian lakes 65
Size structure of benthic invertebrate assemblages in a Mediterranean river 65
Ecological association between diabetes prevalence and air pollution in Italian provinces 64
Association between PM10, PM2.5, NO2, O3and self-reported diabetes in Italy: a cross-sectional, ecological study 64
Presence and time resuscitation of Viable But Nonculturable (VBNC) Legionella species in a hospital water system 64
Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus colonization and antibiotic susceptibility: A survey among biomedical students 64
Human exposure to antibiotic resistant-Escherichia coli through irrigated lettuce 64
Estimating the risk of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika outbreaks in a large European city 64
A comparative analysis of the 2007 and 2017 Italian chikungunya outbreaks and implication for public health response 64
Ecological quality ratios for ecological quality assessment in inland and marine waters 63
The benthic community structure in mountain ponds affected by livestock watering in nature reserves of Central Italy 63
The importance of spatial variation of benthic invertebrates for the ecological assessment of European lakes 62
Analysis of changes over 44 years in the phytoplankton of Lake Võrtsjärv (Estonia): The effect of nutrients, climate and the investigator on phytoplankton-based water quality indices 62
null 61
Relationships among macroinvertebrate community structure, bio/ecological trait profiles, and environmental descriptors in European human-altered streams 60
Temporal pattern of macroinvertebrate diversity and production in a new man made shallow lake 60
Response of littoral macroinvertebrates to morphological disturbances in Mediterranean lakes.The case of Lake Piediluco (central Italy) 60
Relative impacts of morphological alteration to shorelines and eutrophication on littoral macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean lakes 60
Climate change effects on water level variation and the response of benthic invertebrates in a Mediterranean lake (Lake Bracciano, Central Italy). 60
Effects of a waste water treatment plant on organic matter dynamics and ecosystem functioning in a Mediterranean stream 58
Urban stressors alter the trophic basis of secondary production in an agricultural stream 57
Pattern of structure and diversity of the macrobenthic assemblage in volcanic lakes of Central Italy. 57
Reaching a common understanding of good ecological status for monitoring European rivers 56
The relationship between body size, pupal thoracic horn development and dissolved oxygen in Chironomini (Diptera : Chironomidae) 56
Chikungunya fever in the Emilia Romagna region: What is the public health message? 56
Selecting macroinvertebrate taxa and metrics to assess eutrophication in different depth zones of Mediterranean lakes 55
Macroinvertebrate size spectra of Mediterranean ponds with differing hydroperiod length 55
Performance of different biotic indices and sampling methods in assessing water quality in the lowland stretch of the Tiber River 54
Macroinvertebrate size spectra of Mediterranean ponds with different hydroperiod length. 53
Site-specific chlorophyll reference conditions for lakes in Northern and Western Europe 53
A pilot application of a questionnaire to evaluate visually induced motion sickness in spectators of tri-dimensional (3D) movies 53
Nitrogen and phosphorus retention in a human altered stream 52
null 52
Phosphorus reference concentrations in European lakes 51
Does lake habitat alteration and land-use pressure homogenize European littoral macroinvertebrate communities? 51
Chlorophyll-nutrient relationships of different lake types using a large European dataset 50
The monitoring of ecological status of european freshwaters 50
A pilot exercise to assess population vulnerability to diseases transmitted by the tiger mosquito in Rome 50
Freshwater ecosystem structure-function relationships: from theory to application 50
Performance of a new phytoplankton composition metric along a eutrophication gradient in Nordic lakes 49
Tools for the development of a benthic quality index for Italian lakes 49
Nutrient transient storage by the invertebrate assemblage in streams with contrasting nutrient loads 49
Nutrient and chlorophyll a temporal patterns in eutrophic mountain ponds with contrasting macrophyte coverage 49
An ecological assessment system for sub-alpine lakes using macroinvertebrates, the development of a parsimonious tool for assessing ecological health of European lakes 48
Habitat characteristics and odonate diversity in mountain ponds of central Italy 48
Diversity predicts stability and resource use efficiency in natural phytoplankton communities 48
null 47
Microbiological surveillance of endoscopes and implications for current reprocessing procedures adopted by an Italian teaching hospital 47
Morphological alterations of lake shores in Europe: A multimetric ecological assessment approach using benthic macroinvertebrates 47
Protocollo di campionamento e analisi dei macroinvertebrati negli ambienti lacustri 46
Chlorophyll reference conditions for European lake types used for intercalibration of ecological status 46
The alternative stable state concept and the management of Apennine mountain ponds 45
Spatial modes for transmission of chikungunya virus during a large chikungunya outbreak in Italy. A modeling analysis 45
The STREAMES Project: Linking Heuristic And Empirical Knowledge Into An Expert System To Assess Stream Managers 44
Macroinvertebrati di acque lacustri: stato attuale delle conoscenze e prospettive future 43
Application of an image analysis system to the determination of biomass (ash free dry weight) of pond macroinvertebrates 43
The exposure to recreational water: are European guideline microbiological indicators effective to prevent health outcomes? A systematic review 43
Temporal pattern of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) on surface of an intensive care unit of a large hospital 43
Relationships between pressures, chemical status, and biological quality elements. Analysis of the important knowledge gaps for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 42
Totale 6.652
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.726
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 21.726

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.079 0 0 0 0 0 177 218 203 190 123 102 66
2020/2021938 53 68 27 506 15 26 17 35 63 57 41 30
2021/20221.384 18 101 133 35 173 32 41 151 119 115 197 269
2022/20231.320 266 310 65 154 117 136 28 54 119 16 43 12
2023/2024663 26 81 28 91 60 59 13 57 9 96 68 75
2024/2025615 95 124 92 81 129 94 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.829