Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.288
EU - Europa 1.489
AS - Asia 746
SA - Sud America 38
AF - Africa 16
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.578
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.250
IT - Italia 668
SG - Singapore 288
UA - Ucraina 271
IN - India 227
CN - Cina 218
SE - Svezia 165
FI - Finlandia 158
DE - Germania 58
GB - Regno Unito 36
CA - Canada 35
AR - Argentina 29
IE - Irlanda 24
RU - Federazione Russa 22
LT - Lituania 18
BE - Belgio 14
TG - Togo 12
NL - Olanda 11
FR - Francia 9
RO - Romania 8
BG - Bulgaria 7
CH - Svizzera 6
CL - Cile 6
ID - Indonesia 4
MT - Malta 4
TR - Turchia 4
CO - Colombia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
MX - Messico 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
ES - Italia 2
GR - Grecia 2
RS - Serbia 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
EU - Europa 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IL - Israele 1
MA - Marocco 1
NO - Norvegia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 5.578
Città #
Fairfield 379
Chandler 355
Woodbridge 213
Singapore 206
Ashburn 192
Houston 175
Princeton 166
Wilmington 154
Rome 141
Beijing 133
Cambridge 131
Plano 128
Ann Arbor 123
Seattle 118
Jacksonville 96
Des Moines 94
Boston 91
Santa Clara 57
Lawrence 44
Millbury 44
San Paolo di Civitate 43
San Diego 42
Andover 31
Norwalk 31
Federal 29
Helsinki 29
Toronto 26
Dublin 24
Boardman 17
Florence 16
Milan 15
Brussels 14
Falkenstein 13
Falls Church 12
Lomé 12
Los Angeles 12
Chieti 10
Dearborn 10
Naples 10
Cosenza 9
Mannheim 9
Moscow 9
Bühl 8
Parma 8
Pescara 8
Southend 8
Bari 7
New York 7
San Mateo 7
Sofia 7
Buffalo 6
Catania 6
Messina 6
Nanjing 6
Varese 6
Bern 5
Dallas 5
Indiana 5
London 5
Ottawa 5
Prato 5
Roseto Degli Abruzzi 5
Turin 5
Borgolavezzaro 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Jakarta 4
Kunming 4
Oristano 4
Pisa 4
Vigodarzere 4
Auburn Hills 3
Bucaramanga 3
Chongqing 3
Istanbul 3
Jinan 3
Mandatoriccio 3
Mexico City 3
Muizenberg 3
Nibionno 3
Paola 3
Rende 3
Sapri 3
Stornara 3
Taranto 3
Torino 3
Villagrande Strisaili 3
Alessandria 2
Amantea 2
Ancona 2
Azzate 2
Bagno A Ripoli 2
Bahar Ic-caghaq 2
Barcelona 2
Baronissi 2
Belgrade 2
Berlin 2
Bolzano 2
Buti 2
Caltagirone 2
Castel Baronia 2
Totale 3.697
Nome #
Microzonazione sismica della fascia costiera del comune di Senigallia: aspetti geologici e geologico-tecnici 176
Carta geomorfologica del bacino del Trionto (Calabria) 121
L'impatto delle attività antropiche sulle acque sotterranee dell'area di Malagrotta (Roma- Italy) 117
Nanoseismic monitoring of gravity-induced slope instabilities for the risk management of an aqueduct infrastructure in Central Apennines (Italy) 104
Integrated seismic monitoring system in a major aqueduct infrastructure 102
The 1783 Scilla rock-avalanche (Calabria, southern Italy) 95
Multi-sensor system designed for monitoring rock falls. The experimental test-site of Acuto (Italy) 88
Earthquake-induced ground failures in Italy 85
An example of earthquake triggered landslide in structurally complex formations. 82
Experiment of an innovative nanoseismic monitoring applied to gravity-induced slope instabilities in a karstified rock mass 78
Impact of weathehering on the geomechanical properties of rocks along thermal-matamorphic contact belts and morpho-evolutionary processes: the deep-seated gravitational slope deformations of Mt. Granieri-Salincriti (Calabria-Italy) 76
New statistical RI index allow to better track the dynamics of COVID-19 outbreak in Italy 76
Geological-evolutionary model of a gravity-induced slope deformation in the carbonate Central Apennines (Italy) 75
Back analysis of a rock landslide to infer rheological parameters 74
The Large Salcito Landslide Triggered by the 2002 Molise, Italy, Earthquake 72
Recorded displacements in a landslide slope due to regional and teleseismic earthquakes 72
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the influence of anthropic pressure on subsidence in a sedimentary basin near Rome 71
Time dependent behaviour of granitic rocks related to their alteration grade. 69
Terrestrial SAR interferometry monitoring of natural slopes and man-made structures 69
Multisensor landslide monitoring as a challenge for early warning. From process based to statistic based approaches 69
Probabilistic versus deterministic seismic hazard analysis: an integrated approach for siting problems 67
Microseismicity within a karstified rock mass due to cracks and collapses as a tool for risk management 66
Time variations of the K0 coefficient in overconsolidated clays due to morphological evolution of slopes 64
Laboratory and numerical modelling of the lateral spreading process involving the Orvieto hill (Italy) 62
I calanchi del settore settentrionale della fascia periadriatica abruzzese: quadro morfotettonico e loro evoluzione. 60
La valutazione del rischio di frana: metodologie e applicazioni al territorio della Regione Lazio. 59
Il dissesto Idrogeologico 59
Displacement patterns of a landslide affected by human activities: insights from ground-based InSAR monitoring 59
Research and development of advanced technologies for landslide hazard analysis in Italy 58
New insights into the temporal prediction of landslides by a terrestrial SAR interferometry monitoring case study 57
Seismic monitoring of the gravity-induced deformation involving the Peschiera Spring slope (Italy) for the management of a main infrastructure 57
Microseismicity due to gravity-induced rock-mass deformations and a related alarm system 55
A field experiment for calibrating landslide time-of-failure prediction functions 54
Lateral spreading processes in mountain ranges: Insights from an analogue modelling experiment 54
Earthquake-reactivated landslide scenarios in Southern Italy based on spectral-matching input analysis 53
An evaluation of anthropic pressure increase in a subsidence area near Rome (Italy) [Una valutazione dell'incremento della pressione antropica nell'area subsidente di Tivoli-Guidonia (Roma)] 53
Ground effects induced by the Umbria-Marche earthquakes of September-October 1997, Central Italy 52
Comparison of approaches for data analysis of multi-parametric monitoring systems. Insights from the Acuto test-site (Central Italy) 52
Ecosystem of the Anticolana Valley- Fiuggi (Italy) . 50
Geological risks in large cities: The landslides triggered in the city of Rome (Italy) by the rainfall of 31 January-2 February 2014 50
Integrating natural hazards in Spanish and Italian land use planning 49
Seismometric monitoring of hypogeous failures due to slope deformations 49
Experimenting an embedded-sensor network for early warning of natural risks due to fast failures along railways 49
Assetto sismotettonico regionale ed effetti di superficie indotti dal terremoto dell'Umbria-Marche del 26/09/97 47
A phisical analogue model to analyse interaction between tensile stresses and dissolution in carbonate slopes. 47
Le colate di fango e detrito lungo il versante costiero tra Bagnara Calabra e Scilla (Reggio Calabria): valutazioni di suscettibilità 46
From the geological to the numerical model in the analysis of gravity-induced slope deformations: An example from the Central Apennines (Italy) 46
Analisi tridimensionale dei versanti rocciosi: la frana di Salincriti (RC). 46
September 2000 flood event in ionian Calabria (Italy): resulting geomorphological and infrastructural effects. 45
Earthquake-induced ground failures in Italy from a reviewed database 45
- Tinari landslide (Calabria Region -Italy): study and corrective measures. Proceedings of the European Sub-Committee " Stabilitation of landslides in Europe 44
Proposed seismic classification of Italy and related actions 41
Landslide risk reduction by coupling monitoring and numerical modeling 41
Recenti frane sismoindotte sul territorio italiano: i casi di Salcito (CB) e di Cerda (PA) 40
Costruzione del modello geologico-tecnico in ammassi cristallino-metamorfici affetti da intensi processi di alterazione: un esempio di applicazione nei bacini delle Allaro ed Amusa (Massiccio delle Serre, Calabria). 39
Geomorfologia e caratteri geotecnici dei depositi di terre rosse nelle aree carsiche degli aurunci orientali (Lazio Maridionale-Italia) 39
La vulnerabilità degli acquiferi nell smaltimento dei rifiuti 39
Caratteristiche e correlazioni geotecniche dei depositi bradanici affioranti a NE della Fossa. 39
Useless preaching 39
Costruction of engineering-geology model of crystalline-metamorphic rock masses experiences deep weathering processes: exsemple of application to the Allaro and Amusa river basin(Serre massif, Calabria, ITALY) 38
Theoretical and experimentalvaluation of recent layey soils compressibility. 38
Assetto sismotettonico regionale ed effetti di superficie indotti dal terremoto dell'Umbria-Marche del 26 settembre 1997 38
Development of a geological model useful for the study of the natural hazards in urban environments. An example from the eastern sector of Rome (Italy) 38
Caratteri peculiari delle deformazioni gravitative ed evoluzione morfodinamica del settore periadriatico dell'Abruzzo settentrionale 37
Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation in Italy. 36
Microseismicity related to gravity-induced slope deformations for risk management 36
Lo stato idrogeologico 35
Sulla presenza di deformazioni gravitative profonde di versante nella parte centrale del bacino pilo-pleistocenico lucano 35
The impact of alterations on deep-seated gravitational deformations: the case of Mt. Granieri-Salincriti (Calabria – Italy) 34
Elementi per la diagnosi delle opere d'arte: considerazioni sugli aspetti geologici 33
Integrated continuous monitoring of landslides interacting with infrastructures: new insights from a site test for rock mass rheology and failure forecasting 33
50 años de la tragedia de Vajont (italia) 33
Realizzazione di una diga in terra in condizioni geologiche difficili 33
Cartografia della pericolosità connessa ai fenomeni di instabilità dei versanti 33
Handbook for Institutional Responses to coastal hazards 33
Mountain slope deformations in the Salto and Sagittario river valleys (Central Apennines) 32
Le forme del rilievo. Atlante illustrato di geomorfologia 32
Determinazione della pericolosità da frana: un esempio di applicazione di una nuova metodologia. 31
Il ruolo degli eventi naturali sulla evoluzione urbana del centro abitato di Caulonia-Castelvetere (Reggio Calabria) 31
Settlement induced by a road embankment on recent alluvia deposits urba area (Aniene river- Rome- Italy) 31
Deformazioni e movimenti di massa indotti dal sisma del 23.11.1980 30
The gravitational slope deformation of Mt. Rocchetta ridge (central Apennines, Italy): geological-evolutionary model and numerical analysis 30
Mechanisms of Deep Seated Gravitational Deformations: parameters from laboratory testing and for analogical and numerical modelling 30
Analisi del rischio di inquinamento dell falde idriche nello smaltimento dei rifiuti. 30
Evoluzione geologico-geomorfologica dell'area Isola del Gran Sasso-Castelli (Teramo-Italia) 29
Deformazioni gravitative profonde di versante: aspetti cinematici ed analisi dei rapporti con alcuni processi alterativi 29
Proposta di Legenda geomorfologica a indirizzo applicativo 29
Procedura per la valutazione del rischio di inquinamento in acquiferi porosi: un'applicazione nella media valle dell'Arno (Italia centrale) 29
From the refinement of geological models to risk management: The role of landslide monitoring 29
Weathering of cristalline-metamorphic roks in the Allaro and Amusa river(Serre massif, Calabria, Italy): general aspects and effects of thermal-metamorphic contact belts 29
Deep seated slope deformations and large rockslides: From geological modeling to risk management 29
A physically-based scale approach to the analysis of the creep process involving Mt. Granieri (Southern Italy) 29
Residual soil as costructio materials for earth dams 28
Terremoti e attività antropiche 28
Totale 5.102
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.043
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 181
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 17.224

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020480 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 104 76 103 91 22
2020/2021407 47 40 10 52 14 23 40 48 26 53 44 10
2021/20221.191 14 82 89 66 156 15 22 122 93 109 150 273
2022/20231.186 266 173 74 98 154 179 26 49 102 12 39 14
2023/2024546 48 75 45 34 29 33 21 55 1 99 33 73
2024/2025471 76 53 74 72 84 110 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.727