'New Avenues for Listening.' Sensory Culture in the Digital Age and the Persistence of Utopia
2016 Palazzetti, Nicolò; Giunta, Violeta Nigro
Backstage Live. Theatre, Opera and the Obscene in the Visual Age
2021 Palazzetti, Nicolo'
Bartók against the Nazis. The Italian premieres of "Bluebeard's Castle" (1938) and "The Miraculous Mandarin" (1942)
2020 Palazzetti, Nicolo'
Béla Bartók in Italy. The Politics of Myth-Making
2021 Palazzetti, Nicolo'
Béla Bartók, Ferruccio Busoni et la querelle autour de la "Gesamtausgabe" de Liszt
2019 Palazzetti, Nicolo'
Du loggione aux mèmes. Les fans d’opéra à l’ère numérique à Milan et à New York
2024 Palazzetti, Nicolo
From Paris to Rome. Alfredo Casella and Béla Bartók in the Early Twentieth Century
2018 Palazzetti, Nicolo'
From street musicians to divas. Italian musical migration to London in the age of diaspora
2021 Palazzetti, Nicolo
Il musicista della libertà: l'influenza di Béla Bartók nella cultura musicale italiana degli anni Quaranta e Cinquanta del Novecento
2015 Palazzetti, Nicolò
Introduction. Music, Politics, Society, the Role of Analysis
2017 Caputo, Simone; Palazzetti, Nicolo'; Cecchi, Alessandro
Italian Harmony during the Second World War. Analysis of Bruno Maderna's First String Quartet
2015 Palazzetti, Nicolò
La ricezione italiana di Béla Bartók nel Novecento. Storia della costruzione di un mito
2022 Palazzetti, Nicolo'
Musique et intermédialité dans le cyberespace. Popular music, live streaming, opéra
2024 Palazzetti, Nicolo
Opera Fandom in the Digital Age: A Case Study from the Teatro alla Scala
2021 Palazzetti, N
Opera, Audio Technologies, and Audience Practices in the Late Nineteenth Century: The Case of Jules Verne
2022 Palazzetti, Nicolo
Ripensare l’opera lirica nell’era di Internet, a ritroso fino a Jules Verne
2021 Palazzetti, Nicolò
Soft Machine, la "Scène de Canterbury" et le rock progressif italien : concerts, échanges et influences au cours des années 1970
2022 Palazzetti, Nicolo'; Marza', Ruben
The Bartók myth. Fascism, modernism and resistance in Italian musical culture
2016 Palazzetti, Nicolo'