Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 876
NA - Nord America 303
AS - Asia 275
AF - Africa 19
SA - Sud America 19
OC - Oceania 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 1.504
Nazione #
IT - Italia 588
US - Stati Uniti d'America 286
SG - Singapore 95
FR - Francia 67
ES - Italia 54
IN - India 37
TR - Turchia 35
DE - Germania 33
HK - Hong Kong 31
GB - Regno Unito 26
RU - Federazione Russa 25
CN - Cina 23
ID - Indonesia 17
NL - Olanda 17
CH - Svizzera 11
SE - Svezia 11
ZA - Sudafrica 10
CA - Canada 9
PT - Portogallo 9
AU - Australia 8
BR - Brasile 8
TW - Taiwan 8
CO - Colombia 7
IE - Irlanda 7
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 7
JP - Giappone 6
KR - Corea 6
RS - Serbia 6
DK - Danimarca 5
DZ - Algeria 5
IR - Iran 5
MX - Messico 5
FI - Finlandia 4
BE - Belgio 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PE - Perù 3
ZW - Zimbabwe 3
BY - Bielorussia 2
PA - Panama 2
RO - Romania 2
UA - Ucraina 2
VN - Vietnam 2
CL - Cile 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EU - Europa 1
GT - Guatemala 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 1.504
Città #
Rome 245
Milan 79
Singapore 74
Santa Clara 61
Diyarbakır 28
Chandler 27
Barcelona 24
Hong Kong 17
Fairfield 15
Princeton 15
Zaragoza 15
Jakarta 14
Boston 11
Ashburn 10
Naples 10
Wilmington 9
Mumbai 8
Ascoli Piceno 7
Casoria 7
Dublin 7
Macao 7
Vic 7
Belgrade 6
Bologna 6
Castelfidardo 6
Central 6
Macerata 6
Millbury 6
San Jose 6
Turin 6
Cambridge 5
Florence 5
Medellín 5
Pretoria 5
San Cristóbal de La Laguna 5
Shanghai 5
Andover 4
Arzano 4
Brugg 4
Cagliari 4
Catania 4
Clapham 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Genoa 4
Genzano Di Roma 4
Guangzhou 4
Halle 4
Hamburg 4
Istanbul 4
João Pessoa 4
Latina 4
Mazara del Vallo 4
Moscow 4
New York 4
Pescara 4
The Hague 4
Vittuone 4
Woodbridge 4
Zurich 4
Addlestone 3
Aveiro 3
Brussels 3
Chieti 3
Coventry 3
Empoli 3
Gangseo-gu 3
Harare 3
Hyderabad 3
Lima 3
Livorno 3
London 3
Melbourne 3
Mountain View 3
Nottingham 3
San Benedetto del Tronto 3
San Diego 3
Toronto 3
Ardea 2
Artvin 2
Basel 2
Beaverton 2
Berlin 2
Boardman 2
Bow 2
Caerano di San Marco 2
Carolina 2
Castellana Grotte 2
Coimbra 2
Copenhagen 2
Edinburgh 2
Elk Grove Village 2
Essen 2
Falkenstein 2
Feltre 2
Fuseyachō 2
Giovinazzo 2
Helsinki 2
Islington 2
Kowloon City 2
Lahti 2
Totale 967
Nome #
A Framework for adapting Digital Twin approaches for Knowledge Management in Public Services 95
Towards the economic viability of Digital Manufacturing. In search for a business framework through regional case studies 95
Tracing Design’s Value in Distributed Manufacturing 94
Urban Manufacturing Policy Toolkit: strategie per la progettazione e produzione partecipata tra maker, designer, imprese e istituzioni 79
Tracing Design’s Value in Distributed Manufacturing 79
null 79
Design-driven approach for Maker practices. A tool proposal for proximity-based projects in urban context 76
Making in Proximity: Design Policies for collaborative making cultures 72
Invention and innovation 68
Co-Design processes for the inclusiveness of Rome's temporary communities 62
Co-Design processes for the inclusiveness of Rome's temporary communities 61
Makerspaces e amministrazioni locali. Un toolkit a sostegno degli spazi del fare collaborativo. 58
From the spool to the city 57
Design 2030. People, Users, Designers 57
Design Ethnography driven innovation for Urban Sport Communities 54
A designed generation: Maker's maturity and social responsibility 53
null 48
Love Leftovers - Useful fictions and what if we could put our memories on sale? 44
Design for circular Made in Italy. How to foster for efficient Waste Management into manufacturing ecosystem 43
MakIN'Rome living lab. A case study of design-driven approach for the development of urban community-based projects for the development of urban community-based projects 42
Participatory tool for productive citizenship in a regional maker network 39
Processes for managing and designing circularity in the Italian furniture industry. Current practices and future strategies for tools of interconnectivity. 38
Design 2030. Persone, Utenti, Designers 37
Designer e progettazione sociale: conoscenze, urgenze e opportunità di intervento 35
Invention and innovation 34
Il design per l'educazione nel terzo settore 31
Lazio Making Network. Digital skills for resilient cities and communities 31
Service design for the public sector. Challenges and opportunities to design for the complexity of public endeavour 20
Assessing the impact of maker services in Barcelona and Milan towards the 15-minute city model through their accessibility 19
Proximity-based urban planning models as the inter-face between governments and makers, designers, and citizens towards distributed economies 15
PlayQBO 13
Making makers citizenships. Network tools for Lazio digital manufacturers’ awareness 11
null 9
Virtual Proximity in the factory processes: designing interfaces between industrial equipment and human operators 8
null 4
null 3
Totale 1.681
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.651
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 245
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.896

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
2020/2021119 6 1 21 3 1 3 3 16 4 35 5 21
2021/2022251 11 16 29 15 20 12 0 12 27 14 28 67
2022/2023256 37 13 17 32 35 8 16 20 32 5 28 13
2023/2024346 34 55 39 38 17 20 15 27 5 27 37 32
2024/2025703 45 61 61 105 130 116 139 46 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.681