Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.763
EU - Europa 883
AS - Asia 379
SA - Sud America 20
AF - Africa 12
Totale 4.057
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.719
IT - Italia 417
SE - Svezia 217
SG - Singapore 162
IN - India 108
FI - Finlandia 90
CN - Cina 70
DE - Germania 54
CA - Canada 42
ID - Indonesia 30
GB - Regno Unito 18
BG - Bulgaria 16
RO - Romania 16
IE - Irlanda 13
UA - Ucraina 10
BR - Brasile 9
RU - Federazione Russa 9
FR - Francia 6
NL - Olanda 6
TG - Togo 6
CH - Svizzera 5
PE - Perù 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
AR - Argentina 4
IR - Iran 4
ES - Italia 3
MY - Malesia 2
TR - Turchia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BE - Belgio 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
PA - Panama 1
Totale 4.057
Città #
Fairfield 520
Woodbridge 250
Seattle 233
Ashburn 209
Houston 186
Wilmington 169
Cambridge 167
Chandler 165
Rome 123
Singapore 121
San Paolo di Civitate 87
Ann Arbor 83
Princeton 75
Santa Clara 71
Plano 55
Lawrence 52
Beijing 49
Helsinki 48
Ottawa 31
Jakarta 30
Boston 27
San Diego 25
Dearborn 24
Andover 20
Millbury 18
Sofia 16
Dublin 13
Des Moines 11
Norwalk 11
Toronto 10
Falkenstein 9
Munich 9
Hefei 7
São Paulo 7
Boardman 6
Lomé 6
Milan 6
New York 6
Phoenix 6
Sasso 6
Bühl 5
Centrale 5
Falls Church 5
London 5
Mannheim 5
Southend 5
Federal 4
Muizenberg 4
Redmond 4
Cagli 3
Genoa 3
L’Aquila 3
Mountain View 3
Naples 3
Rieti 3
Venezia 3
Zanjan 3
Zaragoza 3
Aci Catena 2
Bari 2
Bern 2
Bremen 2
Chicago 2
Fabro 2
Henderson 2
Istanbul 2
Kunming 2
Labico 2
Leawood 2
Liscate 2
Los Angeles 2
Modena 2
Nanjing 2
Nuremberg 2
Palermo 2
Piacenza 2
Pisa 2
Provo 2
Romainville 2
Sacramento 2
Salerno 2
San Mateo 2
Southwark 2
Squillace 2
Amsterdam 1
Asso 1
Baku 1
Baotou 1
Berlin 1
Brussels 1
Changsha 1
Chengdu 1
Colleferro 1
Como 1
Delhi 1
Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen 1
Fasano 1
Ferrara 1
Garden City 1
Guangzhou 1
Totale 3.104
Nome #
BULLKID: BULky and Low-Threshold Kinetic Inductance Detectors 222
CALDER: neutrinoless double-beta decay identification in TeO2 bolometers with kinetic inductance detectors 106
DEMETRA: Suppression of the Relaxation Induced by Radioactivity in Superconducting Qubits 98
Analysis of cryogenic calorimeters with light and heat read-out for double beta decay searches 97
CUORE-0 detector: Design, construction and operation 97
Al/Ti/Al phonon-mediated KIDs for UV–vis light detection over large areas 92
Analysis techniques for the evaluation of the neutrinoless double-βdecay lifetime inTe130with the CUORE-0 detector 91
Design and Fabrication of the KID-Based Light Detectors of CALDER 88
First array of enriched Zn82Se bolometers to search for double beta decay 87
First results and perspectives of CALDER 86
The CUORE and CUORE-0 experiments at Gran Sasso 85
Search for neutrinoless β+ EC decay of Te 120 with CUORE-0 84
Characterization of the KID-Based Light Detectors of CALDER 83
New application of superconductors: high sensitivity cryogenic light detectors 83
The projected background for the CUORE experiment 79
First results from CUORE: a search for lepton number violation via 0νββ Decay of Te130 79
Phonon-mediated KIDs as light detectors for rare-event search: the CALDER project 79
Fabrication of the CALDER light detectors 79
Measurement of the two-neutrino double-beta decay half-life of 130 Te with the CUORE-0 experiment 78
Study of rare nuclear processes with CUORE 78
Characterization of a SrF2 scintillating bolometer 78
Low energy analysis techniques for CUORE 77
The CUORE and CUORE-0 experiments at LNGS 76
High sensitivity phonon-mediated kinetic inductance detector with combined amplitude and phase read-out 76
Scintillating bolometric technique for the neutrino-less double beta decay search: The LUCIFER/CUPID-0 experiment 76
A BGO scintillating bolometer as dark matter detector prototype 74
The CUORE cryostat and its bolometric detector 71
Measurement of the nuclear recoil thermal relative efficiency factor with an undoped sapphire scintillating bolometer 70
Complementarity of dark matter direct detection: The role of bolometric targets 70
Analysis of the 40K contamination in NaI(Tl) crystals from different providers in the frame of the ANAIS project 69
Background model for a NaI (Tl) detector devoted to dark matter searches 68
Search of the neutrino-less double beta decay of 82 Se into the excited states of 82 Kr with CUPID-0 67
CUPID-0: the first array of enriched scintillating bolometers for 0decay investigations 66
First result on the neutrinoless double-β decay of 82se with CUPID-0 66
Bulk NaI(Tl) scintillation low energy events selection with the ANAIS-0 module 65
Exploring the neutrinoless double beta decay in the inverted neutrino hierarchy with bolometric detectors 64
Results of CUORE-0 and prospects for the CUORE experiment 62
Cross-national evidences of a school-based universal programme for promoting prosocial behaviours in peer interactions: main theoretical communalities and local unicity 62
Light Relative Efficiency Factors for ions in BGO and Al2O 3 at 20 mK 56
Background studies for NaI(Tl) detectors in the ANAIS dark matter project 56
Preliminary results of ANAIS-25 56
Monte Carlo evaluation of the external gamma, neutron and muon induced background sources in the CUORE experiment 54
Towards an absolute determination of the particle energy thermalized in bolometers 53
null 53
Study of scintillation in natural and synthetic quartz and methacrylate 53
Energy partition in sapphire and BGO scintillating bolometers 52
Slow scintillation time constants in NaI(Tl) for different interacting particles 52
Measurement of the L/K electron capture ratio of the 207Bi decay to the 1633 keV level of 207Pb with a BGO scintillating bolometer 51
CUORE sensitivity to 0 decay 51
CUORE and CUORE-0 experiments 50
null 49
Recent performance of scintillating bolometers developed for dark matter searches 49
Study of parylene-coated NaI(Tl) at low temperatures for bolometric applications 48
Thermal relative efficiency factor for recoiling 206Pb nuclei in a sapphire bolometer 46
CALDER: High-sensitivity cryogenic light detectors 44
Phonon traps reduce the quasiparticle density in superconducting circuits 43
Scintillating bolometers: A key for determining WIMP parameters 41
Search for Majoron-like particles with CUPID-0 40
Measurements and Simulations of Athermal Phonon Transmission from Silicon Absorbers to Aluminum Sensors 40
Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay of Te 130 with CUORE-0 37
Phonon and light read out of a Li 2MoO 4 crystal with multiplexed kinetic inductance detectors 36
Final results of CALDER: kinetic inductance light detectors to search for rare events 33
Machine learning techniques for pile-up rejection in cryogenic calorimeters 31
Impact of particles on the planck HFI detectors: Ground-based measurements and physical interpretation 25
Reducing the impact of radioactivity on quantum circuits in a deep-underground facility 21
CALDER - Neutrinoless double-beta decay identification in TeO2 bolometers with kinetic inductance detectors 19
Totale 4.367
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.129
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 12.129

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020693 0 0 0 0 0 106 127 143 122 83 57 55
2020/2021448 46 40 60 21 64 30 14 23 50 44 39 17
2021/2022704 4 48 92 37 90 10 19 73 40 44 139 108
2022/2023782 157 227 57 40 44 80 6 52 48 25 34 12
2023/2024312 24 29 9 15 23 35 14 35 5 41 26 56
2024/2025389 27 140 79 60 55 28 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.367