Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.809
EU - Europa 2.440
AS - Asia 990
SA - Sud America 70
OC - Oceania 22
AF - Africa 19
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 10.352
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.767
IT - Italia 970
UA - Ucraina 640
SG - Singapore 391
IN - India 367
SE - Svezia 234
FI - Finlandia 201
CN - Cina 157
DE - Germania 95
GB - Regno Unito 82
AR - Argentina 58
RU - Federazione Russa 45
CA - Canada 36
IE - Irlanda 32
FR - Francia 24
NL - Olanda 21
AU - Australia 20
BE - Belgio 18
ID - Indonesia 18
RO - Romania 18
CH - Svizzera 17
IR - Iran 14
KR - Corea 14
ES - Italia 12
HK - Hong Kong 7
PL - Polonia 7
TR - Turchia 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
TG - Togo 6
AT - Austria 5
DK - Danimarca 5
IL - Israele 5
MX - Messico 5
BR - Brasile 4
CL - Cile 4
JP - Giappone 4
TW - Taiwan 4
CO - Colombia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
PT - Portogallo 3
EU - Europa 2
KE - Kenya 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SC - Seychelles 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
GR - Grecia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MT - Malta 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
UY - Uruguay 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 10.352
Città #
Fairfield 1.019
Woodbridge 643
Houston 502
Ashburn 455
Ann Arbor 394
Seattle 394
Wilmington 356
Cambridge 338
Chandler 326
Singapore 266
Jacksonville 261
Rome 207
Princeton 206
San Paolo di Civitate 197
Plano 175
Boston 131
Santa Clara 118
Lawrence 112
San Diego 94
Beijing 93
Millbury 59
Federal 58
Andover 49
Dearborn 49
Norwalk 48
Milan 47
Helsinki 37
Dublin 32
Swinton 30
Des Moines 26
Toronto 26
Moscow 23
Falkenstein 20
San Mateo 19
Bühl 17
Falls Church 17
Jakarta 16
Mannheim 15
Boardman 14
Brussels 14
Raleigh 14
Busan 13
Tehran 10
Turin 10
Philadelphia 9
Redwood City 9
Trento 9
Zurich 9
Bari 8
Florence 8
London 8
Phoenix 8
Pune 8
Melbourne 7
Messina 7
Nanjing 7
Padova 7
Torino 7
Amsterdam 6
Buffalo 6
Genova 6
Hong Kong 6
Lomé 6
Redmond 6
Shanghai 6
Catania 5
Fort Worth 5
Isernia 5
Kunming 5
Los Angeles 5
Muizenberg 5
Naples 5
New York 5
Sassari 5
Springfield 5
Adelaide 4
Auburn Hills 4
Barcelona 4
Bergamo 4
Bremen 4
Cossato 4
Hefei 4
Jerusalem 4
Jinan 4
Napoli 4
Perth 4
Pforzheim 4
Redlands 4
Taranto 4
Velletri 4
Vienna 4
Altdorf bei Nurnberg 3
Aversa 3
Bern 3
Caserta 3
Cavarzere 3
Chicago 3
Chongqing 3
Denekamp 3
Empoli 3
Totale 7.244
Nome #
La "fallacia della congiunzione" nel giudizio probabilistico 508
Anxiety and individual differences in event-related potentials during the recognition of sense and nonsense words. 115
Preferred EEG brain states at stimulus onset in a fixed interstimulus interval auditory oddball task, and their effects on ERP components 102
40-Hz EEG asymmetry during recall of emotional events in waking and hypnosis: Differences between low and high hypnotizables 98
The Influence of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Val158Met Gene Polymorphism, Persistence, and Attentional Characteristics on Novelty Seeking 96
The cross-cultural generalizability of Zuckerman’s Alternative Five-Factor Model of personality 92
ERP indicators of Self-Pain and Other-Pain Reductions to Placebo Analgesia Responding: The Moderating Role of the Fight-Flight-Freeze System 92
Effects of placebo analgesia and hypnotizability on prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex: A study of induced neural oscillatory activity 91
The mediating role of heart rate variability in people with trait anxiety in a change blindness task. 91
Circadian typology and the Alternative Five-Factor Model of personality 83
Heart and the brain: the role of heart rate variability in cognitive functions 82
New directions in hypnosis research: strategies for advancing the cognitive and clinical neuroscience of hypnosis 78
Effects of state and trait emotions on prepulse inhibition: A Study of induced oscillatory brain activity. 77
The behavioural approach system and placebo analgesia during cold stimulation in women. A low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) analysis of startle ERPs 77
Relations between hypnotizability and psychopathology revisited 76
Emozioni, Temperamento e Personalità: aspetti psicofisiologici 75
Psychopathy traits and reinforcement sensitivity theory: prepulse inhibition and ERP responses 75
Double dissociation between the neural correlates of the general and specific factors of the Life Orientation Test-Revised 74
The Influence of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Val158Met Gene Polymorphism, Persistence, and Attentional Characteristics on Novelty Seeking 74
Effects of blood pressure on cognitive performance: a systematic review 74
Decelerative changes in heart rate during recognition of visual stimuli: effects of psychological stress. 73
EEG activity and heart rate during recall of emotional events in hypnosis: relationships with hypnotizability and suggestibility. 73
Impulsivity and semantic/emotional processing: an examination of the N400 wave 73
Gamma activity in schizophrenia: evidence of impaired network binding? 73
Somatosensory event-related potential and autonomic activity to varying pain reduction cognitive strategies in hypnosis 73
Personality effects on ERP and HR changes to positive and negative emotional stimuli 72
Individual differences in the emotional modulation of prepulse inhibition: An ERP study. 72
EEG Asymmetry during covert mental activity and its relationship with hypnotizability. 71
Perception and modulation of pain in waking and hypnosis: functional significance of phase-ordered gamma oscillations 71
Extraversion and behavioural approach system in the stimulus analysis and motor response initiation 71
Effects of Feedback control on EEG alpha asymmetry during covert mental tasks 71
BIS/BAS sensitivity and emotional modulation in a prepulse-inhibition paradigm. A brain potential study 70
Hypnotizability and placebo analgesia in waking and hypnosis as modulators of auditory startle responses in healthy women. An ERP study 70
Hypnotizability-related EEG alpha and theta activities during visual and somesthetic imageries 70
The influence Of Reward Sensitivity, Heart Rate Dynamics And Eeg-Delta Activity On placebo analgesia 70
Deutsch's frequency anisotropy and ear advantage in a dichotic test of musical chords 69
Event-related potentials as asymmetry indices of lateralized cognitive processes during music and verbal tasks 68
Personality, event-related potential (ERP) and heart rate (HR): An investigation of Gray's theory. 67
EEG alpha Asymmetry: Task difficulty and Hypnotizability 67
Attività motoria e sincronizzazione dell'attività gamma EEG 67
Psychophysiological Correlates of Hypnosis and Hypnotic Susceptibility 67
Mental rotation and fluid intelligence: A brain potential analysis 67
Italian Norms for the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A. 67
Emotional Intelligence, Extraversion and Behavioral Inhibition System as predictors of Autisms Spectrum Quotient: performance on subliminal and supraliminal emotional face perception 67
The late posterior negativity in episodic memory. A correlate of stimulus retrieval? 67
Neuroticism-Anxiety, Impulsive-Sensation Seeking and autonomic responses to somatosensory stimuli 66
Pain modulation in waking and hypnosis in women: Event-related potentials and sources of cortical activity 66
Resting frontal asymmetry and reward sensitivity theory motivational traits 66
Testing Zimbardo’s Stanford Time Perspective Inventory (STPI)-Short Form: An Italian study 65
Event-related potentials and heart rate to emotional Words 65
Pain perception, obstructive imagery and phase-ordered gamma oscillations 64
Changes of eeg band oscillations to tonic cold pain and the behavioral inhibition and fight-flight-freeze systems 64
Pain perception, somatosensory event-related potentials and skin conductance responses to painful stimuli in high, mid, and low hypnotizable subjects: effects of differential pain reduction strategies 64
EEG activity and heart rate during recall of emotional events in hypnosis: Relationships with hypnotizability and suggestibility 63
EEG-gamma event-related activity to motor response and reaction time. 63
P300 event-related-potential amplitudes and evoked cardiac responses during hypnotic alteration of somatosensory perception. 63
Hemispheric activity of 40 Hz EEG during recall of emotional events: differences between low and high hypnotizables 63
Sex moderates the association between the COMT Val158Met single-nucleotide polymorphism and disorderliness facet of novelty seeking 63
Global and local analysis, mental rotation, and letter recognition 62
Relations among EEG-alpha asymmetry and positivity personality trait 62
Personality and placebo analgesia during cold stimulation in women: A Low-Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) analysis of startle ERPs 62
Anxiety, Perception, and control of heart rate 62
Effects of memory load on event-related patterns of 40-Hz EEG during cognitive and motor tasks. 61
The magnitude of placebo analgesia effects depends on how they are conceptualized 61
On the psychophysiology of extraversion 61
Extraversion, neuroticism and individual differences in event-related potentials 60
Cardiovascular reactivity during hypnosis and hypnotic susceptibility: Three Studies of Heart Rate Variability. 60
Morningness-eveningness preference and sensation seeking 60
Cross-cultural validity of the I7 impulsiveness-venturesomeness- empathy scales: Evidence from the Italian I7 59
Italian Norms for the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C 59
EEG oscillatory activity associated to monetary gain and loss signals in a learning task: Effects of attentional impulsivity and learning ability 59
EEG alpha reactivity and extraversion-introversion. 59
Localizationism, antilocalizationism, and the emergence of the unitary construct of consciousness in Luigi Luciani(1840-1919) 59
Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire: Preliminary results of the Italian version 59
Temporal aspects of hypnotic processes 59
The contribution of suggestibility and expectation to placebo analgesia phenomenon in an experimental setting 58
Personality effects on attentional shifts to emotional charged cues: ERP, behavioural and HR data 58
EEG asymmetry and heart rate during experience of hypnotic analgesia in high and low hypnotizables. 58
Cross-cultural generalizability of the Alternative Five-factor Model using the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire 58
Relations among EEG-alpha asymmetry, BIS/BAS, and dispositional optimism 57
Dispositivo per la registrazione di comandi verbali in elettroencefalografia 56
Biofeedback e autocontrollo 56
Personality and augmenting/reducing (A/R) in auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) during emotional visual stimulation 56
Focused analgesia in waking and hypnosis: Effects on pain, memory, and somatosensory event-related potentials 56
Heart Rate Variability and Pain: A Systematic Review 56
Suggestibility and 40-Hz EEG activity during depht reversal phenomena 55
Event-related components of the punishment and reward sensitivity 55
Personality and temperament in the event-related potentials during stimulus recognition tasks 55
Hemispheric asymmetry, personality and temperament 55
Personality, Placebo Analgesia, Pain and Empathy for Pain: Self-report and Electrocortical Correlates 55
Event-related potentials during hypnotic hallucination 54
Mental ability and information processing during discrimination of auditory motion patterns: Effects on P300 and mismatch negativity 54
Blockierende Halluzination, Aufmerksamkeit und Automatismus in der Hypnose 53
Cross-country analysis of alternative five factor personality trait profiles 53
Totale 7.222
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.798
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 125
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 29.923

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.244 0 0 0 0 0 0 292 314 238 214 108 78
2020/2021891 130 154 33 74 26 82 22 90 59 113 69 39
2021/20221.888 15 121 196 79 265 28 44 187 155 158 262 378
2022/20231.456 357 375 83 102 146 126 16 48 114 14 55 20
2023/2024751 46 111 31 45 100 31 26 46 7 139 57 112
2024/2025617 79 49 128 72 124 163 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.574