DE ROSA, Anna Maria Silvana
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.925
EU - Europa 4.908
AS - Asia 3.021
SA - Sud America 407
AF - Africa 96
OC - Oceania 30
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 18.389
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.640
UA - Ucraina 1.382
IN - India 1.013
SG - Singapore 993
IT - Italia 888
CN - Cina 872
FI - Finlandia 572
SE - Svezia 506
FR - Francia 451
DE - Germania 323
AR - Argentina 263
CA - Canada 244
GB - Regno Unito 160
RU - Federazione Russa 139
IE - Irlanda 99
BE - Belgio 98
BR - Brasile 88
RO - Romania 54
NL - Olanda 52
MX - Messico 38
CH - Svizzera 33
ES - Italia 26
ZA - Sudafrica 26
CO - Colombia 25
AU - Australia 24
AT - Austria 20
CL - Cile 18
ID - Indonesia 18
PL - Polonia 18
IR - Iran 17
PH - Filippine 17
BG - Bulgaria 16
MA - Marocco 14
HU - Ungheria 13
PT - Portogallo 13
TH - Thailandia 13
TR - Turchia 13
LB - Libano 12
DZ - Algeria 9
RS - Serbia 9
IL - Israele 8
MG - Madagascar 8
CI - Costa d'Avorio 7
HR - Croazia 7
PK - Pakistan 7
BF - Burkina Faso 6
CM - Camerun 5
GR - Grecia 5
HK - Hong Kong 5
VN - Vietnam 5
GE - Georgia 4
KZ - Kazakistan 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PE - Perù 4
PY - Paraguay 4
SN - Senegal 4
TN - Tunisia 4
TW - Taiwan 4
CY - Cipro 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
EC - Ecuador 3
EE - Estonia 3
JP - Giappone 3
LT - Lituania 3
MD - Moldavia 3
NO - Norvegia 3
SC - Seychelles 3
TG - Togo 3
AL - Albania 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
CU - Cuba 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EG - Egitto 2
GN - Guinea 2
KR - Corea 2
NC - Nuova Caledonia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EU - Europa 1
GF - Guiana Francese 1
LR - Liberia 1
MC - Monaco 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MY - Malesia 1
NP - Nepal 1
RE - Reunion 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 18.389
Città #
Chandler 1.471
Beijing 757
Fairfield 642
Singapore 642
Jacksonville 579
Princeton 570
Plano 517
Wilmington 448
Ann Arbor 401
Woodbridge 366
Santa Clara 348
Houston 333
Ashburn 301
Federal 247
Rome 231
Boston 219
Boardman 181
Cambridge 177
Millbury 163
Seattle 152
Andover 135
Norwalk 125
Des Moines 124
Toronto 102
San Diego 96
Dearborn 95
Dublin 95
Paris 62
Helsinki 60
Moscow 59
Falkenstein 55
San Mateo 53
Falls Church 50
Milan 47
Montreal 37
Los Angeles 35
Brussels 34
Mannheim 33
San Paolo di Civitate 32
Bühl 31
Redmond 30
Lawrence 25
Buffalo 22
Hefei 21
Southend 19
Grenoble 18
Ottawa 17
Nanjing 16
Nicholasville 16
Redwood City 16
Toulouse 16
Liège 15
Louvain-la-Neuve 15
Iasi 14
Kunming 14
Palermo 14
Vienna 14
Mexico City 13
Muizenberg 13
Rio de Janeiro 13
Aubervilliers 12
Jakarta 12
Launceston 12
Sofia 12
Nürnberg 11
Padova 11
Bangkok 10
Bari 10
Kraków 10
Laurel 10
Montréal 10
Turin 10
Venice 10
Bern 9
Dallas 9
Gatineau 9
Harringay 9
Lappeenranta 9
Lyon 9
Stockholm 9
Victoria 9
Villeurbanne 9
Amsterdam 8
Antananarivo 8
Auburn Hills 8
Belgrade 8
Bogotá 8
Cologne 8
Naples 8
Pretoria 8
Québec 8
Tehran 8
Budapest 7
Georgsmarienhütte 7
Groningen 7
Indiana 7
Laval 7
Leawood 7
London 7
Lucciana 7
Totale 10.803
Nome #
Les réseaux sociaux, nouvel espace interactif pour les représentations sociales et l’intervention. En discutant de psychanalyse, de psychiatrie et de santé mentale sur Facebook, Twitter et Yahoo! Answers 508
The role of Academic Social Networking in the dissemination of the Social Representations literature 440
recensione al libro: - Selvini Palazzoli M. (a cura di), Il Mago smagato. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1976 188
Geo- mapping the evolution of the social representations theory: the Latin America scenario 116
Inflammatory bowel disease nurse specialists for patients on biological therapies: a nationwide Italian survey 100
The boomerang effect of radicalism in Discursive Psychology: A critical overview of the controversy with the Social Representations Theory. 94
The king is naked. Critical Advertisement and Fashion: the Benetton Phenomenon. 90
Social representations in the "social arena" 85
The impact of the impact of meta-data mining from the SoReCom “A.S. de Rosa” @-Library 77
The social representations of mental illness in children and adults. 75
O pensamento social de universitários sobre beleza e cirurgia estética 74
Économie et finance durant la crise financière mondiale: représentations sociales, métaphores et figures rhétoriques dans le discours des médias de l’automne 2008 au printemps 2010 71
Le "réseau d'associations": une technique pour détecter la structure, les contenus, les indices de polarité, de neutralité et de stéréotypie du champ sémantique liés aux Représentations Sociales. 70
Sur l'usage des association libres dans l'étude des représentations sociales de la maladie mentale. 68
Profiling authors based on their participation in academic social networks 67
Destination @-Branding of Ten European Capitals Through the Institutional Stems and Commercial Logos 65
Risk Perception as a Motivational Barrier for Online Purchasing. 65
From the psychoanalyst’s couch to social networks 63
Evaluative dimensions of urban tourism in capital cities by first-time visitors 63
Mosaic of Images of Europe and its Imaginary "Center of Gravity": results from the cross-national research program EuroSKYcompass. 62
Social representation faced to science and technological development, its regulatory policies and impact on education 62
Atteggiamenti pro e contro gli acquisti on line mediati dalle rappresentazioni di Internet in potenziali acquirenti. 62
Destination @-Branding of Ten European Capitals Through the Institutional Stems and Commercial Logos 62
Between physical and virtual reality: The case of benetton brand, "a company that is born from ideas" 61
The generativity of the social representations theory for multiple paradigmatic approaches along different decades and across various geo-cultural contexts – continents 59
The anthropological and ethnographic approaches to social representations theory: a systematic meta-theoretical analysis of publications based on empirical studies 59
“La psychanalyse, son image et son public” fifty years later: explorations via social networks. 58
The attractiveness of the social representation theory for various disciplinary, thematic domains and topics characterized by differently shared Social Representations 58
Special Issue "Looking at the History of Social Psychology and Social Representations: Snapshot views from two sides of the Atlantic" 57
Evaluative dimensions of urban tourism in capital cities by first-time visitors 57
Madness imagery across two countries. 56
The Iconographic Archaeology of Madness: Stability/Changing of Social Representations more than 20 years after the “Basaglia” law 56
Ambiguous Images in Advertising: An application of the Associative Network Method. 55
Mapping the dissemination of the theory of social representations via academic social networks 55
Towards a specialised repository on “Migration studies” through new filters of the SoReCom A.S. de Rosa @-library 55
1961-1976: Notes in the Margin to a Meta-theoretical Analysis of the Two Editions of La Psychanalyse, son Image et son Public. 54
Social representations of the European capitals and destination e-branding via multi-channel web communication 54
Analyse de l’effet des messages publicitaires grâce au réseau d’associations. 53
Icon and symbol: Two sides of the coin in the Investigation of Social Representations. 53
Psychogenetic Aspects in Social Representations of ‘Mad Person’ and ‘Madness’. 53
New Forms of International Cooperation in Doctoral Training: Internationalization and International Doctorate: One Goal, Two Distinct Models 53
Place-identity and social representations of historic capital cities: Rome through the eyes of first-visitors from six countries. 52
“?Por qué es importante?” Notas inspiradas en una mirada reflexiva a la teoria de las representaciones sociales. 52
Resisting cognitive polyphasia in the social representations of madness. 52
Promoting Joint European/International Doctorates in a global scenario: Opening the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication to the World 51
Reality changes faster than research. National and supranational identity in Social Representations of European Community in the context of changes in International relations. 51
Mapping Current, Future and Ideal Family Structure and Relations in Emerging Adults 51
Le “réseau d’associations” comme méthode d’étude dans la recherche sur les R.S.: structure, contenus et polarité du champ sémantique. 51
La représentation sociale des droits de l'homme: une recherche internationale sur l'étendue et les limites de l'universalité. 51
A “Rede Associativa”: uma técnica para captar a estrutura, os conteùdos, e os ìndices de polaridade, neutralidade e estereotipia dos campos semànticos relacionados com a Representações Sociais. 50
The European Ph.D. on Social Representations ad Communication: Integrating Virtual and Physical Mobility via the European Ph.D. Web-Auditorium 50
Verbal-, Textual-, Image- Traditional and New Media- based methodologies adopted for the study of social representations: The Integrative Perspective of the “Modelling Paradigmatic Approach” 50
Bridges or walls? A metaphorical dichotomy of Pope Francis versus Donald Trump's views of transnational migration 50
Costruzioni identitarie e rappresentazionali in riferimento ad alcune azioni istituzionali promosse dall' Unione Europea 49
recensione al libro: - Trentini G., Il cerchio magico. Il gruppo come oggetto di metodo in psicologia sociale e clinica. Milano: F. Angeli, 1987 49
Madness imagery and social representations of mental illness: “cognitive polyphasia” and the co-existing model of myth, common sense and science 49
Attitudes and motivations towards the 'history of psychology’ in university lectures and students of the discipline 49
Future world citizens: the outcome of the encounter of different cultures and their relocation in the world map following today’s migration phenomenon. 49
An empirical example of the comparison between multiple correspondence analysis and space analysis: The diffusion of the social representations theory through the institutional context of scientific communication. 48
Good "Real" Economics versus Bad "Virtual" Finance: A rhetorical device in the media and expert discourse. 48
A Shocking Mass Flashbulb Memory: Collective Remembering, Shared Emotions and Representational System related to the traumatic 9/11 from September 11 to the Iraq war. 48
Myth, Science and Social Representations: from replacing to coexisting model 48
Una lettura trigenerazionale degli atteggiamenti emotivi in famiglie problematiche e non: una ricerca multi-metodo sulle relazioni familiari. 48
Soddisfazione residenziale nell'ambiente urbano: un approccio "contestuale-dinamico". 48
Children’s knowledge, beliefs and feelings about the people who belong to different national and state groups. 48
50 anos depois: a ‘Psychanalyse, son image et son public’ na era do Facebook 48
Economics, Finance and Social Representations: The rethorical opposition between Good "Real" Economics versus Bad "Virtual" Finance in the media, web communities and expert discourse 47
Is she black or white? Conflitcting interpretations and contrasting attitudes towards ambiguous Benetton advertising 47
'Place-identity' et évaluation de l'environment urbain 47
From theory to meta-theory in S.R.: the lines of argument of a theoretical-methodological debate. 47
Controversial social representations about migrants from multi-voice and multi-agent (scientific, institutional and lay people) discourses and immigrant’s experiences 47
Experiences/Expertise in Joint–Innovative Doctorate and related digital infrastructure: the SoReCom “A.S. de Rosa” @-Library as Research tool for meta-theoretical analysis and specialised repositories 47
E-commerce e turismo: comprare pacchetti di viaggio su Internet o in Agenzia? 46
Wirkungsanalyse von Werbebotschaften mittels Assoziationsgeflecht. Spontane Reaktionen auf und überlegte Beschreibung von Benetton-Werbebildern. 46
Social Represetantions and Attitudes: problems of coherence between the theoretical definition and procedure of research. 46
null 45
Thematic perspectives and epistemic principles in developmental Social Cognition and Social Representation. The meaning of a developmental approach to the investigation of. S.R. 45
Dimensione internazionale del Dottorato e Dottorati Internazionali congiunti: uno scopo, due distinti modelli 45
Imagerie collective et representations social de la folie dans les dessins d'enfants et l'histoire de l'Art. 45
Social and family influences in the construction of the temporal perspective in subjects during vaious phases of the life cycle 45
New Forms of International Cooperation in Doctoral Training Internationalisation and International Doctorate: One Goal, Two Distinct Models. 45
Soddisfazione coniugale e attribuzioni emotive quali indicatori di congruenza nei patterns relazionali di coppia 45
Social Representation "of" and "on" the Internet: the persuasive power of advertising through the World Wide Web 45
Health and Community: Meta-theoretical analysis of literature inspired by the Social Representations Theory 45
Social and architectural legibility of the city. Metropolis 2000. 45
State of the art of social representations theory in Asia. An empirical meta-theoretical analysis 45
Social representations of the stock market in financial advisors, investors and media: a field study carried out in Europe and China 45
Identitk of vegan and vegetarian’s social representations and social eating practices through field study, traditional media and web2.0 user-generated content studies in four geo-cultural contexts 45
Twitter as social media arena for polarised social representations about the (im)migration: The controversial discourse in the Italian and international political frame 45
Roma vista “dal cielo” e “dalla superficie”: rappresentazioni sociali di aereoportuali e lungoresidenti nella capitale. Simposio “Le rappresentazioni del sociale”. 45
The So.Re.Com. EuroPhD World: Combining Partnerships with Innovation. 44
Current, Future and Ideal Family: an empirical exploration of the relations between imaginary and normative dimensions in social and collective representations about the family in young Italians 44
Readiness for school: analisi comparata del test polacco di Wilckoga-Okon, del Mosaico di Gille e del D.T.V.P. di Frostig 44
E' bianca o nera? Interpretazioni e atteggiamenti nei confronti della comunicazione pubblicitaria Benetton 44
Atteggiamenti pro e contro gli acquisti online mediati dalle rappresentazioni dei potenziali acquirenti 44
Visiting Warsaw for the first time: imagined and experienced urban places 44
How to sell pullovers by provoking discussion on social issues. The role of the Advertising for activating and diffusing Controversial Social Representations, 43
Aspetti strutturali e di contenuto nelle rappresentazioni sociali della malattia mentale in gruppi naïves e di 'esperti'. 43
Pourquoi le tiers? 43
Totale 6.521
Categoria #
all - tutte 60.286
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 557
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 60.843

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.456 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 199 87 462 562 33
2020/20211.522 209 177 62 217 26 140 19 147 65 276 137 47
2021/20224.230 108 350 269 150 644 64 31 360 504 434 225 1.091
2022/20233.910 1.042 324 147 403 690 426 30 201 379 41 187 40
2023/20242.187 140 307 100 124 229 140 136 180 32 283 255 261
2024/20251.608 347 96 276 148 464 266 11 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.929