SANTINI, Tiziana
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.790
EU - Europa 1.511
AS - Asia 442
AF - Africa 23
SA - Sud America 19
Totale 3.785
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.767
IT - Italia 874
SE - Svezia 246
SG - Singapore 204
IN - India 107
CN - Cina 81
UA - Ucraina 76
DE - Germania 71
FI - Finlandia 55
GB - Regno Unito 41
FR - Francia 28
NL - Olanda 25
ID - Indonesia 23
BG - Bulgaria 22
TG - Togo 22
BE - Belgio 17
AR - Argentina 16
IE - Irlanda 16
CA - Canada 14
CH - Svizzera 10
HK - Hong Kong 10
AT - Austria 8
ES - Italia 7
BZ - Belize 6
IR - Iran 4
KR - Corea 4
RO - Romania 4
CL - Cile 3
LI - Liechtenstein 2
PL - Polonia 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TR - Turchia 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
JP - Giappone 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 3.785
Città #
Rome 428
Fairfield 196
Chandler 191
Ashburn 151
Singapore 149
Woodbridge 97
Cambridge 84
Wilmington 80
Seattle 72
Ann Arbor 70
Houston 69
Stockholm 63
Santa Clara 57
Princeton 49
Milan 38
New York 34
Beijing 31
Plano 31
Jacksonville 30
Helsinki 27
San Paolo di Civitate 25
Millbury 24
Jakarta 23
Boston 22
Lomé 22
Pune 22
Sofia 22
Fremont 20
Lawrence 19
Boardman 18
Dearborn 18
San Diego 17
Munich 16
Andover 15
Dublin 14
Federal 14
Norwalk 14
Bologna 13
Falkenstein 12
Dallas 11
Redwood City 10
Brussels 9
Des Moines 9
Genova 9
Naples 9
San Jose 9
Stanford 9
Toronto 9
Zurich 7
Belize City 6
Bühl 6
Falls Church 6
Genoa 6
Hefei 6
Noto 6
Paris 6
Phoenix 6
Hong Kong 5
Leuven 5
Nanjing 5
Sant'agata De' Goti 5
Trieste 5
Vienna 5
Breda 4
Castel Madama 4
Oxford 4
Palermo 4
Pontinia 4
Sanchotello 4
Venezia 4
Albuquerque 3
Amsterdam 3
Bonn 3
Cascina 3
Cerveteri 3
Dortmund 3
Endine Gaiano 3
Everett 3
Fiuggi 3
Grottaferrata 3
Las Vegas 3
Lingolsheim 3
London 3
L’Aquila 3
Martinsried 3
Mentana 3
Minneapolis 3
Montréal 3
Nijlen 3
Quartucciu 3
Rieti 3
Salzburg 3
Santa Maria La Carita 3
Shanghai 3
Washington 3
Ancona 2
Bari 2
Bayamón 2
Berlin 2
Braunschweig 2
Totale 2.579
Nome #
Circ-ZNF609 regulates G1-S progression in rhabdomyosarcoma 184
Circ-ZNF609 Is a Circular RNA that Can Be Translated and Functions in Myogenesis 164
A KO mouse model for the lncRNA Lhx1os produces motor neuron alterations and locomotor impairment 160
Characterization of the lncRNA transcriptome in mESC-derived motor neurons: Implications for FUS-ALS 138
Trans-generational epigenetic regulation associated with the amelioration of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 117
Visualization of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Long Noncoding RNAs at Single-Cell Level by RNA-FISH 117
A Long Noncoding RNA Controls Muscle Differentiation by Functioning as a Competing Endogenous RNA 115
A Regulatory Circuitry Between Gria2, miR-409, and miR-495 Is Affected by ALS FUS Mutation in ESC-Derived Motor Neurons 110
Deciphering the long noncoding RNAs language in myogenesis: a comprehensive glimpse on Charme 110
Deficiency in the nuclear long noncoding RNACharme causes myogenic defects and heart remodeling in mice 105
Intronic determinants coordinate charme lncRNA nuclear activity through the interaction with MATR3 and PTBP1 104
Epigenetic regulation of Wnt7b expression by the cis-acting long noncoding RNA Lnc-Rewind in muscle stem cells 101
The Tumor Marker Human Placental Protein 11 Is an Endoribonuclease 99
A multifunctional locus controls motor neuron differentiation through short and long noncoding RNAs 98
The long non-coding RNA Kcnq1ot1 controls maternal p57 expression in muscle cells by promoting H3K27me3 accumulation to an intragenic MyoD-binding region 97
Characterization of the human long noncoding RNA Charme 95
SMaRT lncRNA controls translation of a G-quadruplex-containing mRNA antagonizing the DHX36 helicase 92
MicroRNAs Involved in Molecular Circuitries Relevant for the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Pathogenesis Are Controlled by the Dystrophin/nNOS Pathway 86
HOTAIRM1 regulates neuronal differentiation by modulating NEUROGENIN 2 and the downstream neurogenic cascade 84
MiR-31 modulates dystrophin expression: New implications for Duchenne muscular dystrophy therapy 82
The long noncoding RNA Charme supervises cardiomyocyte maturation by controlling cell differentiation programs in the developing heart 80
The lncRNA Charme regulates skeletal muscle differentiation and heart development 79
Prdm16-mediated H3K9 methylation controls fibro-adipogenic progenitors identity during skeletal muscle repair 77
Circ-Hdgfrp3 shuttles along neurites and is trapped in aggregates formed by ALS-associated mutant FUS 75
Novel long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in Myogenesis: A miR-31 overlapping lncRNA transcript controls myoblast differentiation 69
Colony shape as a genetic trait in the pattern-forming Bacillus mycoides 63
Exon 45 Skipping Through U1-snRNA Antisense Molecules Recovers the Dys-nNOS Pathway and Muscle Differentiation in Human DMD Myoblasts 62
Specificity of cell wall and division septum formation in Bacillus mycoides 58
Aggregazione e forme sopraindividuali di Bacillus mycoides 57
HOTAIRM1 regulates neuronal differentiation by controlling NEUROGENIN 2 and the downstream neurogenic cascade 57
M6A reduction relieves FUS-associated ALS granules 55
Non-coding regulation of myogenic chromatin 55
Dalla forma della cellula alla forma della colonia: costruzione della parete cellulare in Bacillus mycoides. 53
La divisione cellulare in BACILLUS MYCOIDES 53
Bacillus mycoides: analisi dei rapporti tra le cellule nella architettura delle colonie. 49
Insights into the genetic organization of the Bacillus mycoides cryptic plasmids pDx14.2 and pSin 9.7 deduced from their complete nucleotide sequence. 49
Transcriptional analysis of ftsZ within the dcw cluster in Bacillus mycoides 48
Costruzione delle colonie di Bacillus mycoides 47
A defence against free oxygen radicals: Bacilli got it too 44
“I geni della divisione ed il citoscheletro in Bacillus mycoides" 44
Characterization of divisome and cytoskeleton genes in Bacillus mycoides. 43
SCF and IL-33 regulate mouse mast cell phenotypic and functional plasticity supporting a pro-inflammatory microenvironment 41
Long non coding RNAs and muscle differentiation 40
The long noncoding RNA HOTAIRM1 contributes to neuronal differentiation by regulating Neurogenin 2 expression 40
Specificity of cell wall and division septum formation in Bacillus mycoides II 36
La forma della colonia come carattere genetico in Bacillus mycoides 36
Localization of new peptidoglycan at poles in Bacillus mycoides, a member of the Bacillus cereus group 36
HOTAIRM1 regulates neuronal differentiation by controlling NEUROGENIN 2 and the downstream neurogenic cascade 32
A tripartite circRNA/mRNA/miRNA interaction regulates glutamatergic signaling in the mouse brain 31
Relazioni tra il citoscheletro ed il divisoma in Bacillus mycoides 28
CyCoNP lncRNA establishes cis and trans RNA-RNA interactions to supervise neuron physiology 27
Neurogenin 2 expression is regulated by the long noncoding RNA HOTAIRM1 during in vitro neuronal differentiation 26
From mouse to human: how RNA epigenetic influences cardiomyocytes maturation to prevent cardiac hyperplasia 23
“Modulazione Trascrizionale dell’operone ftsAZ in B.mycoides”. 19
ALS-associated FUS mutation reshapes the RNA and protein composition of stress granules 18
SCF and IL-33 regulate intestinal mouse mast cell plasticity in colon cancer 14
Long noncoding RNA HSCHARME promotes the maturation of stem cells-derived cardiomyocytes by controlling gene regulatory networks altered in human cardiomyopathies 11
Totale 3.972
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.182
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 12.182

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020311 0 0 0 0 0 53 58 52 35 44 35 34
2020/2021510 38 66 49 17 10 33 103 26 31 72 35 30
2021/2022736 27 38 42 133 55 17 16 60 58 34 156 100
2022/2023756 116 107 40 87 77 69 9 40 88 52 38 33
2023/2024584 40 47 46 48 57 121 22 39 8 53 48 55
2024/2025630 109 88 134 98 110 91 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.972