Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.989
EU - Europa 5.054
AS - Asia 2.059
SA - Sud America 106
AF - Africa 103
OC - Oceania 42
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
Totale 13.360
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.599
IT - Italia 2.275
SG - Singapore 760
GB - Regno Unito 501
CN - Cina 496
IN - India 442
NL - Olanda 435
SE - Svezia 370
CA - Canada 351
DE - Germania 291
FI - Finlandia 179
FR - Francia 151
BG - Bulgaria 142
UA - Ucraina 141
KR - Corea 96
RU - Federazione Russa 85
RO - Romania 72
IE - Irlanda 69
ES - Italia 66
GR - Grecia 58
BR - Brasile 57
HK - Hong Kong 52
KE - Kenya 44
BE - Belgio 43
JP - Giappone 42
AU - Australia 38
TR - Turchia 38
AR - Argentina 34
CH - Svizzera 27
ID - Indonesia 26
DK - Danimarca 23
IR - Iran 19
AT - Austria 18
MX - Messico 18
PL - Polonia 17
EG - Egitto 16
LT - Lituania 15
EE - Estonia 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
IL - Israele 11
NI - Nicaragua 11
PH - Filippine 11
PT - Portogallo 11
TW - Taiwan 11
TH - Thailandia 10
DZ - Algeria 9
LU - Lussemburgo 9
PK - Pakistan 9
PA - Panama 8
TG - Togo 8
EU - Europa 7
NG - Nigeria 7
SI - Slovenia 7
CL - Cile 6
NP - Nepal 6
ZA - Sudafrica 6
MY - Malesia 5
NO - Norvegia 5
VN - Vietnam 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
HU - Ungheria 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
SC - Seychelles 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
EC - Ecuador 3
MT - Malta 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
CO - Colombia 2
CY - Cipro 2
HR - Croazia 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MA - Marocco 2
NE - Niger 2
PE - Perù 2
PY - Paraguay 2
TN - Tunisia 2
UG - Uganda 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 2
BY - Bielorussia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
Totale 13.360
Città #
Rome 757
Singapore 562
Fairfield 525
Chandler 484
Ashburn 368
Santa Clara 284
Woodbridge 271
Wilmington 244
Montréal 240
Boardman 222
Beijing 212
Princeton 211
Seattle 204
Cambridge 191
Mcallen 182
Amsterdam 178
Ann Arbor 173
Houston 172
San Paolo di Civitate 172
Munich 142
Sofia 141
Plano 139
Rovigo 117
Southend 114
Milan 111
Lawrence 106
Boston 93
Millbury 65
Dublin 63
Jacksonville 62
Andover 60
San Diego 60
Dearborn 51
Toronto 48
Naples 47
Norwalk 45
Helsinki 37
Los Angeles 35
New York 35
San Mateo 34
Federal 32
Moscow 32
Nairobi 32
Paris 32
Brussels 31
Des Moines 31
Nanjing 27
Delft 25
Yancheng 23
Ottawa 22
Falls Church 21
Padova 21
Istanbul 20
Jakarta 20
London 20
Pomezia 20
Central 19
Shanghai 17
Bari 16
Falkenstein 16
Frankfurt am Main 16
Imola 16
São Paulo 16
Ankara 15
Washington 15
Bengaluru 14
Chennai 14
Florence 14
Gwanak-gu 14
Sydney 14
Melbourne 13
Tallinn 13
Cairo 12
Seongnam-si 12
Bühl 11
Delhi 11
Managua 11
Tokyo 11
Bregenz 10
Mannheim 10
Mazzano Romano 10
San Jose 10
Schinznach Bad 10
Tehran 10
Venezia 10
Warsaw 10
Westminster 10
Berlin 9
Dayton 9
Gimpo-si 9
Hefei 9
Madrid 9
Queens 9
Seoul 9
Valencia 9
Cagliari 8
Fulham 8
Indiana 8
Lomé 8
Montreal 8
Totale 8.178
Nome #
Desing and realization of an innovative deployable solar panel system for cubesats 1.016
GreenCube: Microgreens cultivation and growth monitoring on-board a 3U cubesat 475
Design, Manufacturing and Test of the cubesat URSA MAIOR 209
Lessons learned from the GreenCube 3U CubeSat operations in Medium Earth Orbit 181
Sapienza space debris observatory network (SSON): a high coverage infrastructure for space debris monitoring 179
Roboptics Srl 151
EQUO: an EQUatorial Observatory to improve the Italian space surveillance capability 147
Genetic Algorithm for Space Debris and Space Objects Attitude Motion Reconstruction Through Optical Measurements 131
A university Nano satellite for student international cooperation through hands-on education 126
Design, Manufacturing, and Ground Testing of a Control-Moment Gyro for Agile Microsatellites 118
Carbon foam electromagnetic mm-wave absorption in reverberation chamber 117
LED-based optical communication on a nano-satellite platform 110
The UNISAT program: Lessons learned and achieved results 103
Analysis of orbit determination for space based optical space surveillance system 102
Lightcurve inversion for attitude determination 102
A space standards application to university-class microsatellites: The UNISAT experience 101
Attitude Determination of Orbiting Objects from Lightcurve Measurements 99
Electromagnetic absorption properties of spacecraft and space debris 99
From IKUNS to 1KUNS - First Kenyan university nanosatellite 98
Outgassing effect in polymeric composites exposed to space environment thermal-vacuum conditions 98
Analysis of the UNISAT-3 solar array in-orbit performance 97
Improving accuracy of LEO objects Two-Line Elements through optical measurements 97
LEDSAT: A LED-Based CubeSat for optical orbit determination methodologies improvement 96
Evaluation of atomic oxygen effects on nano-coated carbon-carbon structures for re-entry applications 95
LEO object’s light-curve acquisition system and their inversion for attitude reconstruction 94
The unisat program: Lessons learned and achieved results 93
LED-based attitude reconstruction and back-up light communication: Experimental applications for the LEDSAT CubeSat 93
First optical space debris detection campaign in Italy 91
Algorithm for missile detection from radar data 91
A reliability engineering approach for managing risks in CubeSats 89
Testing the VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range) in the stratosphere: STRATONAV experiment 88
Boom And Tip Mass for UNISAT-5 gravity-gradient attitude stabilization system 86
LEDSAT: In-orbit demonstration mission for LED-based cluster launch early identification and improved LEO surveillance 85
Experimental characterization of building material absorption at mmWave frequencies: By using reverberation chamber in the frequency range 50-68 GHz 85
CultCube. Experiments in autonomous in-orbit cultivation on-board a 12-Units CubeSat platform 84
Lessons learned from the S5Lab hands-on student activities on the ledsat, greencube and WildTrackCube-SIMBA nanosatellites 84
Spacecraft recognition in co-located satellites cluster through optical measures 82
Experimental validation of VOR (VHF Omni Range) navigation system for stratospheric flight 82
Usage of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for improved satellite tracking 82
Passive magnetic attitude stabilization system of the EduSAT microsatellite 81
A novel recycling concept for space debris mitigation 81
Redemption: A microgravity experiment to test foam for space debris removal 81
Manufacturing and launching student-made microsatellites: “hands-on” education at the University of Roma 80
HypSat program 79
A led-based technology to improve the orbit determination of LEO satellite 79
Space debris observation activities at s5lab: From telescope measurements to orbit and attitude determination 79
Satellite early identification through LED observations: First in-orbit results from WildTrackCube-SIMBA 79
UNISAT-3 attitude determination using solar panel and magnetometer data 78
Photometric characterization of geo objects from the Loiano Telescope 75
An innovative deployable solar panel system for Cubesats 74
Libration Damping System in the Attitude Stabilization of University Microsatellites 74
Optical tracking and orbit determination performance of self-illuminated small spacecraft: LEDSAT (LED-based SATellite) 74
A cubesat constellation for maritime surveillance 73
Thermosphere density and wind measurements in the equatorial region using a constellation of drag balance nanospacecraft 72
BVRI photometric observations and light-curve analysis of GEO objects 71
A new educational program: astronautics in high school 71
Thermo-mechanical characterization of carbon-based ceramic foams for high temperature space application 70
Bi static optical measurements for reentering objects attitude and obit determination 70
Stratospheric balloon tracking system design through software defined radio applications: STRAINS experiment 70
Nanosatellite Cluster Launch Collision Analysis 69
Innovative tracking systems test on-board a stratospheric balloon: the STraIns experiment 69
Horus: multispectral and multiangle cubesat mission targeting sub-kilometer remote sensing applications 69
A concept mission for the Stellar Population and Evolution with Cubesats (SPEC) 68
Collision risk analysis for nanosatellite cluster launches 68
CubeSat Confusion CubeSat ID via Ground-based Observations of a Pulsed LED Beacon 67
First in-orbit operations for the WildTrackCube-SIMBA and LEDSAT 1U CubeSats 67
Stratospheric balloon attitude and position determination system based on the VHF omnidirectional range signal processing: TARDIS experiment 67
NARCISO: a microsatellite that takes pictures of itself 66
Opportunities and technical challenges offered by a LED-based technology on-board a CubeSat: The LEDSAT mission 66
SIRDARIA: A low-cost autonomous deorbiting system for microsatellites 65
A New Method For DGPS Ambiguity Resolution 64
Automated image analysis for space debris identification and astrometric measurements 64
Space Debris Measurement Using Joint Mid-Latitude and Equatorial Optical Observations 64
Large data collection through innovative optical systems for angles-only orbit determination 63
Efficient Fast Open-Loop Attitude Control Strategy for Earth Imaging Nanospacecraft 63
Development and qualification of a LED-based payload for a CubeSat platform: LEDSAT mission 63
An Hexapod Rover For Low-Cost Educational Experiments On Autonomous Navigation Systems And Algorithms 62
Miniaturized attitude control system for nanosatellites 61
Near real time space-based space debris detection based on parallel image processing pipeline 61
Close Approach Analysis in the Geosynchronous Region Using Optical Measurements 60
Internet-of-Things sensor applications on the Sapienza S5Lab CubeSats: from wildlife monitoring to inter-satellite link research 59
Hands-on education for innovative research fields: A cubesat manufactured with rapid protyping technique 59
Design, Manufacturing, and Test of a Real-Time, Three-Axis Magnetic Field Simulator 59
Development and testing of a LED-based optical data link for the LEDSAT CubeSat 59
A Space Standards Proposal For University-Class Microsatellites 58
Efficient and automatic image reduction framework for space debris detection based on GPU technology 58
Experimental validation of a theoretical model for the study of atomic oxygen degradation of space systems 58
The EduSAT microsatellite 57
UNICubeSAT: A satellite for aeronomy measurements in orbit 56
Compass, bugs and redemption: Educational experiments of the University of Bologna on sounding rockets and stratospheric balloons 56
An orientable solar panel system for nanospacecraft 56
The first italian observatory for space debris observation 56
A telescope mount suitable for space surveillance 55
A Broglio drag balance system for thermosphere density measurements using University nanosatellites 54
Hands-on education through nano-satellites development: Past, current and future projects at sapienza S5Lab 54
In orbit performances of the UNISAT-3 solar arrays 53
First italian space debris observatory: the image processing automation 53
Sun direction determination improvement by albedo input estimation combining photodiodes and magnetometer 53
Shared CubeSat Bus Approach for the design and development of the Sapienza S5Lab nano-satellites 52
Early identification and attitude reconstruction of LED-equipped satellites for Space Traffic Management and improved trackability 52
Totale 9.450
Categoria #
all - tutte 43.822
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 232
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 44.054

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.308 0 0 0 0 0 224 277 222 173 183 144 85
2020/20211.040 59 52 31 200 59 26 48 118 145 187 81 34
2021/20222.033 10 112 175 186 312 78 46 227 162 167 170 388
2022/20232.256 446 435 115 153 208 188 86 115 212 72 119 107
2023/20242.687 307 181 305 178 180 360 200 218 65 226 216 251
2024/20252.231 370 257 348 324 423 509 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.824