Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 670
EU - Europa 194
AS - Asia 121
SA - Sud America 8
AF - Africa 1
Totale 994
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 669
UA - Ucraina 86
SG - Singapore 77
IN - India 24
IT - Italia 24
RU - Federazione Russa 22
SE - Svezia 19
HK - Hong Kong 17
FI - Finlandia 16
GB - Regno Unito 14
AR - Argentina 7
DE - Germania 5
CN - Cina 3
IE - Irlanda 3
NL - Olanda 3
BG - Bulgaria 1
BR - Brasile 1
CA - Canada 1
PT - Portogallo 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 994
Città #
Santa Clara 110
Woodbridge 65
Houston 63
Fairfield 54
Chandler 53
Singapore 47
Ann Arbor 34
Ashburn 31
Jacksonville 31
Seattle 27
Cambridge 20
Wilmington 20
Hong Kong 16
Plano 15
Princeton 15
Rome 12
Boardman 10
Des Moines 10
Millbury 10
Boston 9
Moscow 9
Lawrence 8
Philadelphia 8
Federal 7
Andover 6
Norwalk 4
San Paolo di Civitate 4
Birmingham 3
Dublin 3
San Diego 3
Falkenstein 2
Mannheim 2
Naples 2
Beijing 1
Buffalo 1
Giulianova 1
Helsinki 1
Hounslow 1
Indiana 1
Jinhua 1
Muizenberg 1
New York 1
Prineville 1
Santiago 1
Shanghai 1
Sofia 1
Toronto 1
Trieste 1
Totale 728
Nome #
Quasi linear flows on tori: regularity of their linearization 96
Homoclinic splitting problems 83
Melnikov's approximation dominance. Some examples.Reviews on Mathematical Physics 73
Separatrix splitting for systems with three time scales 72
Large deviations in rarefied quantum gases}, Journal of Statistical Physics 72
Hamilton-Jacobi equation, heteroclinic chains and Arnol'd diffusion in three time scales systems 63
Lindstedt series, ultraviolet divergences and Moser's theorem 58
Field theory and KAM tori 54
Renormalization group and the Fermi surface in the Luttinger model 43
Homoclinic splitting. I. Comment on a Physica D paper of Rudnev and Wiggins 39
A field theory approach to Lindstedt series and Hamilton--Jacobi equation for hyperbolic tori in three time scales problems 38
Lindstedt series for periodic solutions of beam equations under quadratic and velocity dependent nonlinearities. 29
Homoclinic splitting. II. A possible counterexample to a claim by Rudnev and Wiggins on Physica D, 114, 3--80, 1998 27
Periodic solutions of completely resonant nonlinear wave equations. 21
Nonperturbative RG for the weak interaction corrections to the magnetic moment 6
Renormalization group for fermions. A review on mathematical results 6
Anderson localization for the Holstein model 5
Anomaly Non-Renormalization, Lattice QFT, and Universality of Transport Coefficients 5
Vanishing of the Anomaly in Lattice Chiral Gauge Theory 5
Emergent Adler-Bardeen theorem 5
Quantization of the Interacting Hall Conductivity in the Critical Regime 4
Construction of periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions by the Lindstedt series method 4
Time evolution of the Luttinger model with nonuniform temperature profile 4
Anomalous Behavior in an Effective Model of Graphene with Coulomb Interactions 4
Universality in the 2d Quasi-periodic Ising Model and Harris–Luck Irrelevance 4
Non-integrable fermionic chains near criticality 4
The absence of logarithmic divergences in the spin and charge density correlations of the 1d Hubbard model 4
Ising models with four spin interaction at criticality 4
Massless Sine-Gordon and Massive Thirring Models: Proof of Coleman's Equivalence 4
Fermi liquid behavior in the 2D Hubbard model at low temperatures 4
Lattice gauge theory model for graphene 4
Marginal Fermi liquid behaviour in the half filled Hubbard model with cut-off 4
Universality, phase transitions and extended scaling relations 4
Incommensurate Charge Density Waves in the adiabatic Hubbard-Holstein model 4
The scaling limit of the energy correlations in non-integrable Ising models 4
Anomaly cancellation in the lattice effective electroweak theory 4
Anomalous universality in the anisotropic Ashkin-Teller model 3
Localization of interacting fermions in the Aubry-Andre'model 3
On the density-density critical indices in interacting Fermi systems 3
null 3
Coupled identical localized fermionic chains with quasirandom disorder 3
The Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model on the Honeycomb Lattice 3
Universal conductivity and dimensional crossover in multi-layer graphene 3
Lattice quantum electrodynamics for graphene 3
Peierls instability for the Holstein model with rational density 3
Vanishing of Drude Weight in Interacting Fermions on ℤᵈ with Quasi-Periodic Disorder [Vanishing of Drude Weight in Interacting Fermions on Z(d) with Quasi-Periodic Disorder] 3
Non-universality in Ising models with four spin interaction 3
Nonperturbative renormalization of the lattice Sommerfield vector model 3
Rigorous construction of ground state correlations in graphene: renormalization of the velocities and Ward Identities 3
Weyl semimetallic phase in an interacting lattice system 3
Tree expansion and multiscale analysis for KAM tori 3
Canonical Drude Weight for Non-integrable Quantum Spin Chains 3
Drude Weight in Non Solvable Quantum Spin Chains 3
Universality of one-dimensional Fermi sSystems, I. Response functions and critical exponents 3
Steady States and Universal Conductance in a Quenched Luttinger Model 3
Mass generation in a fermionic model with finite range time dependent interactions 3
Quantum quench for inhomogeneous states in the nonlocal Luttinger model 3
Universality of one-dimensional Fermi Systems, II : the Luttinger liquid structure 3
Functional integral construction of the massive Thirring model: verification of axioms and massless limit 3
Universality of Conductivity in Interacting Graphene 3
Spin Hall insulators beyond the helical Luttinger model 3
Developments in the theory of universality 3
Renormalization group and Ward identities for infrared QED4 3
Extended Scaling Relations for Planar Lattice Models 3
Localization in Interacting Fermionic Chains with Quasi-Random Disorder 3
Universality Relations in Non-solvable Quantum Spin Chains 3
Renormalization group and asymptotic spin-charge separation for chiral luttinger liquids 3
Quasi linear flows on tori and regularity of their linearization 3
Localization in the ground state of an interacting quasi-periodic fermionic chain 3
Height fluctuations in non-integrable classical dimers 3
Ward identities and Dyson equation for $d=1$ interacting Fermi systems 3
Small denominators and anomalous behaviour in the incommensurate Holstein-Hubbard model 3
Topological phase transitions and universality in the Haldane-Hubbard model 3
Universality of the Hall Conductivity in Interacting Electron Systems 3
Absence of interaction corrections in the optical conductivity of graphene 3
Ward identities and chiral anomaly in the Luttinger liquid 3
Interacting Weyl semimetals on a lattice 3
Universality, exponents and anomaly cancellation in disordered Dirac fermions 3
Dense gaps in the interacting Aubry-André model 3
Universal Relations for Nonsolvable Statistical Models 3
Exact renormalization group computation of the optical conductivity of graphene 3
Beta Function and anomaly of the Fermi surface for a d=1 system of interacting fermions in a periodic potential 3
Renormalization group for the XYZ model 3
Multi-Channel Luttinger Liquids at the Edge of Quantum Hall Systems 2
Gentle introduction to rigorous Renormalization Group : a worked fermionic example 2
Stability of Weyl semimetals with quasiperiodic disorder 2
Conductivity between Luttinger liquids: coupled chains and bilayer graphene 2
Height fluctuations in interacting dimers 2
Anomaly Non-renormalization in Interacting Weyl Semimetals 2
A field theory approach to Lindstedt series for hyperbolic tori in three time scales problems 2
Nonperturbative Adler-Bardeen theorem 2
Non-integrable Dimers: Universal Fluctuations of Tilted Height Profiles 2
Anomalous critical exponents in the anisotropic Ashkin-Teller model 2
Conductivity in the Heisenberg chain with next-to-nearest-neighbor interaction 2
Haldane relation for interacting dimers 2
Rigorous analysis of the Tomonaga model by means of Ward identities and the renormalization group 2
Totale 1.089
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.437
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.437

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202055 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 18 9 15 2 2
2020/202188 12 11 3 8 2 18 2 8 4 10 10 0
2021/2022146 0 11 16 7 17 5 3 13 15 11 14 34
2022/2023151 29 18 3 26 27 23 0 10 10 1 4 0
2023/202439 1 10 1 4 3 2 0 1 0 5 5 7
2024/2025340 13 2 6 105 145 69 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.105