Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.339
EU - Europa 936
AS - Asia 645
SA - Sud America 33
AF - Africa 14
OC - Oceania 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.975
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.299
SG - Singapore 253
IN - India 211
IT - Italia 208
UA - Ucraina 204
SE - Svezia 176
CN - Cina 170
FI - Finlandia 127
DE - Germania 62
GB - Regno Unito 42
IE - Irlanda 35
CA - Canada 32
AR - Argentina 28
BE - Belgio 25
RU - Federazione Russa 21
BG - Bulgaria 12
MX - Messico 7
TG - Togo 7
RO - Romania 6
FR - Francia 5
NL - Olanda 5
IR - Iran 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
AU - Australia 3
BR - Brasile 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DK - Danimarca 2
IL - Israele 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
BO - Bolivia 1
BZ - Belize 1
CH - Svizzera 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EU - Europa 1
HR - Croazia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
KR - Corea 1
MA - Marocco 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 5.975
Città #
Fairfield 626
Chandler 390
Woodbridge 378
Ashburn 295
Houston 265
Seattle 247
Ann Arbor 231
Wilmington 222
Cambridge 217
Singapore 178
Princeton 123
Plano 113
Dearborn 102
Boston 94
Santa Clara 84
Jacksonville 77
San Paolo di Civitate 75
Beijing 74
Lawrence 70
Rome 65
Des Moines 48
San Diego 41
Dublin 35
Boardman 34
Federal 28
Andover 24
Toronto 23
Brussels 22
Millbury 19
Hefei 18
Norwalk 18
Helsinki 17
Bremen 13
Falls Church 13
Moscow 12
Sofia 12
Bühl 11
Kunming 10
San Mateo 10
Jinan 8
Nanjing 8
Falkenstein 7
Lomé 7
Grafing 6
Mannheim 6
London 5
Atlanta 4
Dallas 4
Guangzhou 4
Laurel 4
Lumezzane 4
Ottawa 4
South Shields 4
Auckland 3
Buffalo 3
Chicago 3
Fasano 3
Florence 3
Johannesburg 3
Leawood 3
Mexico City 3
Munich 3
New York 3
Shenyang 3
Southend 3
Stabroek 3
Tappahannock 3
Vibo Valentia 3
Zhengzhou 3
Auburn Hills 2
Brno 2
Changsha 2
Chengdu 2
Edinburgh 2
Fremont 2
Indiana 2
Jerusalem 2
Kropyvnytskyi 2
Los Angeles 2
Montréal 2
Nanchang 2
New Delhi 2
Padova 2
Philadelphia 2
Pune 2
San Francisco 2
Springfield 2
Albano Laziale 1
Azzano Decimo 1
Bassano Romano 1
Belize City 1
Bern 1
Bologna 1
Bratislava 1
Brisbane 1
Castello Di Fiemme 1
Copenhagen 1
Corsico 1
Curitiba 1
Fiumicino 1
Totale 4.506
Nome #
29 year-old man with new onset seizures 122
Fatal listeria meningitis in immunosuppressed patient 93
A longitudinal fMRI study on motor activity in patients with multiple sclerosis 92
EEG/fMRI study of ictal and interictal epileptic activity: Methodological issues and future perspectives in clinical practice 91
The value of computerized tomography in the diagnosis of cerebellar atrophy 91
A longitudinal study of MR diffusion changes in normal appearing white matter of patients with early multiple sclerosis 87
Pituitary macroadenomas: preoperative evaluation of consistency with diffusion-weighted MR imaging--initial experience 85
Anterior corpus callosum atrophy and verbal fluency in multiple sclerosis. 82
Bacille calmette guerin (BCG) vaccine in multiple sclerosis (MS): A single crossover study 81
Computed tomography findings in the first few hours of ischemic stroke: implications for the clinician 81
Quantitative magnetic resonance analysis in vascular dementia 80
Delayed increase in infarct volume after cerebral ischemia: Correlations with thrombolytic treatment and clinical outcome 79
MRI measures and their relations with clinical disability in relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. 78
Serial study of gadolinium-DTPA MRI enhancement in multiple sclerosis. 78
Neuroplastic Changes in the Brain: A Case of Two Successive Adaptive Changes Within the Motor Cortex 78
Atassia cerebellare di Friedreich. Uno studio di voxel-based morphometry (VBM). 77
Clinical and instrumental evaluation of patients with ischemic stroke within the first six hours. 76
A method for real-time artifact filtering during simultaneous EEG/fMRI acquisition: preliminary results 75
Drug resistant ADLTE and recurrent partial status epilepticus with dysphasic features in a family with a novel LGI1 mutation: electroclinical, genetic, and EEG/fMRI findings 75
Peripheral white blood cell count in cerebral ischemic infarction. 75
Hemorrhagic transformation of brain infarct: predictability in the first 5 hours from stroke onset and influence on clinical outcome 74
Neurophysiological and functional MRI evidence of reorganization of cortical motor areas in cerebral arteriovenous malformation 73
Embolism to the brain during carotid stenting and surgery 72
Enhanced brain motor activity in patients with MS after a single dose of 3,4-diaminopyridine 72
Imaging of leukocytic infiltration in human cerebral infarcts. 71
Changing prognosis of primary intracerebral hemorrhage: results of a clinical and computed tomographic follow-up study of 104 patients. 71
SPECT, MRI and cognitive functions in multiple sclerosis. 71
MRI Findings in Lymphomatosis Cerebri: Description of a Case and Revision of the Literature 70
Pneumocephalus and Tension Pneumocephalus After Posterior Fossa Surgery in the Sitting Position : a Prospective Study 70
Hyperdense middle cerebral artery CT sign. Comparison with angiography in the acute phase of ischemic supratentorial infarction. 70
Embolism to the brain during carotid stenting and surgery 70
Cervical MRI findings in intracranial hypotension. 69
Thrombosis of cerebral veins dural sinuses after paratyphi. 68
Lezioni di Neuroradiologia 68
Hemorrhagic transformation within 36 hours of a cerebral infarct: relationships with early clinical deterioration and 3-month outcome in the European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study I (ECASS I) cohort. 68
Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Patients with Non-Diagnostic CT in the Post-Acute Phase of Cerebral Ischemia 67
Posterior circulation infarcts simulating anterior circulation stroke: Perspective of the acute phase 66
Magnetic resonance imaging changes with recombinant human interferon-beta-1a: a short term study in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. 66
Hemorrhagic transformation of ischemic brain tissue asymptomatic or symptomatic? 65
Medial longitudinal fascicles 63
Comparison of cerebral angiography and transcranial Doppler sonography in acute stroke. 63
Computerized tomography in CO poisoning 62
Real-time MR artifacts filtering during continuous EEG/fMRI acquisition 62
Clinical presentation and frequency of potential sources of embolism in acute ischemic stroke patients: the experience of the Rome Acute Stroke Registry. 62
Reversible diffusion MRI abnormalities and transient mutism after liver transplantation. 61
Embolism to the brain during carotid stenting 60
Quantitative assessment of blood-brain barrier permeability in multiple sclerosis using 68-Ga-EDTA and positron emission tomography. 60
Eventi microembolici in 50 stenting ed in 50 tromboendoarteriectomie carotidee consecutive. 60
Motor stimulation response by technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime split-dose method and single photon emission tomography 59
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma with CT and MRI appearance of meningioma. 59
Motor recovery after early brain damage: a case of brain plasticity 57
Supratentorial diffuse astrocytic tumours: proposal of an MRI classification. 57
null 56
Motor recovery after early brain damage: a case of brain plasticity. 55
Presurgical integrated MRI/SPECT localization of the sensorimotor cortex in a patient with a low-grade astrocytoma in the rolandic area. 55
Cerebral hemodynamics on MR perfusion images before and after bypass surgery in patients with giant intracranial aneurysms 55
Radiological assessment of necrosis in glioblastoma: variability and prognostic value 55
Relationship between vascular enhancement, cerebral hemodynamics and MR angiography in case of acute stroke 54
Relationship between corpus callosum atrophy and cerebral metabolic asymmetries in multiple sclerosis. 54
Functional MRI changes in the central motor system in myotonic dystrophy type 1 54
fMRI evidence of brain reorganization during attention and memory tasks in multiple sclerosis 53
[SPECT study of acute cerebral ischemia. Preliminary results of the Unità de Roma]. 53
Medical therapy of true precocious puberty due to hamartoma of the tuber cinereum 52
Cortical and sub-cortical changes during motor activation in patients with Myotonic Dystrophy: a fMRI study 51
Ictal hemodynmic changes in late-onset Rasmussen encephalitis 50
Long-term reproducibility of fMRI activation in epilepsy patients with Fixation Off Sensitivity. 49
Therapeutic window for pharmacological treatment in acute focal cerebral ischemia. 49
The influence of clinical relapses and steroid therapy on the development of Gd-enhancing lesions: a longitudinal MRI study in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. 49
The influence of cerebral white matter hyperintensity on cognitive function in mild cognitive impairment 49
Increased brain activation in myotonic dystrophy during a complex cognitive task evidenced by fMRI 49
Fast spin-echo and fast fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery versus conventional spin-echo sequences for MR quantification of multiple sclerosis lesions. 48
Metastasis along the stereotactic biopsy trajectory in glioblastoma multiforme 48
Hemorrhagic infarct - Reply 48
Differential diagnosis of brain tumor and brain abscess with diffusion MR. Report of 2 cases and review of the literature 47
Clinical outcome of acute ischemic stroke patients with hemorragic transformation of the infarct. 44
Haemorrhagic transformation of acute cerebral ischaemia on CT 43
Cerebellar atrophy in Huntington's disease. Clinical report and computerized tomography 43
Fast spin-echo and fast fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery versus conventional spin-echo sequences for MR quantification of multiple sclerosis lesions. 41
Clinical outcome of ischemic stroke patients with hemorragic infarction. 41
Cortical motor reorganization in akinetic patients with Parkinson's disease: a functional MRI study. 41
Motor recovery after stroke: morphological and functional brain alterations 39
Ganglion of deep peroneal nerve: electrophysiology and CT scan in the diagnosis 39
Semiquantitative human cerebral perfusion assessment with ultrasound in brain space-occupying lesions: preliminary data. 39
Sequential computed tomography and 123I-HIPDM scans in multiple sclerosis with large plaque. A case report. 38
Metabolic alterations transients during paroxysmal activity in an epileptic patient with fixation-off sensitivity (FOS): a case study 38
Unusual presentation of bilateral lesions involving basal ganglia in decompensated cirrhosis with acute parkinsonism 37
Structural brain correlates of neurologic abnormalities in multiple sclerosis. 36
CT findings in peripheral mononeuropathies. 35
BOLD functional MRI applied to patients with intrinsic cerebral lesions in critical areas 34
Valore prognostico dell'infarcimentoemorragico nell'evoluzione clinica dei pazienti con ischemia cerebrale sovratentoriale 33
Serial monthly MRI in early onset multiple sclerosis 32
Visualization of evolving status epilepticus with diffusion and perfusion MR imaging 30
Encephalophaty during immunosuppression therapy: the role of DWI and ADC maps 29
Spontaneous disappearance of iuxta-sylvian cyst: MRI study and clinical evaluation 29
Cortical extension of the infarct in patients with initial subcortical damage can be a useful end-point for clinical trials in acute ischemic stroke. 28
L'angiografia d'urgenza nei pazienti affetti da stroke ischemico sovratentoriale: 40 casi esaminati entro 4 ore 28
Studio mediante Angio-TC spirale con ricostruzione 3D degli aneurismi cerebrali nelle fasi pre e post-chirurgica dei pazienti afferiti al nostro centro dal Giugno 1999 al Giugno 2000 25
The role of Corpus Callosum damage in altered motor activation pattern in patients with Multiple Sclerosis 25
Totale 5.875
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.616
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 16.616

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020947 0 0 0 0 0 219 201 177 147 99 73 31
2020/2021414 48 68 24 51 30 21 4 46 35 48 28 11
2021/20221.177 16 75 97 36 147 31 12 137 80 96 200 250
2022/20231.211 227 237 46 159 148 156 9 47 116 17 39 10
2023/2024369 20 70 8 16 30 33 16 28 1 56 46 45
2024/2025358 51 70 51 32 74 80 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.087