CARLUCCI, Margherita
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.604
EU - Europa 1.111
AS - Asia 612
SA - Sud America 30
AF - Africa 10
OC - Oceania 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 5.375
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.573
IT - Italia 472
SG - Singapore 199
IN - India 181
SE - Svezia 164
CN - Cina 160
UA - Ucraina 129
FI - Finlandia 72
BG - Bulgaria 58
GB - Regno Unito 50
DE - Germania 36
ID - Indonesia 28
RU - Federazione Russa 28
RO - Romania 22
AR - Argentina 21
CA - Canada 21
IE - Irlanda 20
TR - Turchia 14
ES - Italia 13
KR - Corea 11
FR - Francia 10
GR - Grecia 9
MX - Messico 9
NL - Olanda 9
BE - Belgio 7
BR - Brasile 7
IR - Iran 7
TG - Togo 7
CH - Svizzera 6
AU - Australia 5
JP - Giappone 5
PK - Pakistan 3
EU - Europa 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
BY - Bielorussia 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CL - Cile 1
EC - Ecuador 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 5.375
Città #
Fairfield 599
Woodbridge 321
Ashburn 304
Wilmington 233
Seattle 220
Houston 213
Chandler 199
Cambridge 197
Ann Arbor 157
Santa Clara 141
Singapore 138
Beijing 131
Rome 118
Princeton 115
Plano 85
Salerno 79
San Paolo di Civitate 60
Sofia 55
Boston 50
Millbury 48
San Diego 48
Jacksonville 44
Lawrence 43
Des Moines 36
Andover 33
Dearborn 31
New York 27
Jakarta 24
Southend 22
Federal 21
Dublin 20
Norwalk 17
Moscow 16
Boardman 14
Toronto 14
Milan 13
Trabia 11
Geumjeong-gu 9
Bühl 7
Falls Church 7
Lomé 7
Mannheim 7
Ottawa 7
Perfugas 7
Bern 6
Brussels 6
Bursa 6
Athens 5
Falkenstein 5
Madrid 5
Naples 5
Tokyo 5
Auburn Hills 4
Barcelona 4
Bari 4
Bucharest 4
Centro 4
Helsinki 4
Iasi 4
Indiana 4
Latina 4
Los Angeles 4
Mexico City 4
Nanjing 4
Nettuno 4
Segni 4
Abbey Wood 3
Ahmedabad 3
Ankara 3
Bologna 3
Bremen 3
Buffalo 3
Cagliari 3
Cantagalo 3
Chicago 3
Florence 3
Focşani 3
Islamabad 3
Istanbul 3
Kampung Melayu 3
Kilburn 3
Las Vegas 3
London 3
Montefiore Conca 3
Porto Sant'Elpidio 3
Pune 3
Redwood City 3
Rio de Janeiro 3
Stockholm 3
Washington 3
Adelaide 2
Antrodoco 2
Derby 2
Fabriano 2
Folignano 2
Fremont 2
Gangi 2
Genova 2
Guangzhou 2
Guidonia Montecelio 2
Totale 4.139
Nome #
In-between stability and subtle changes: urban growth, population structure, and the city life cycle in Rome 107
Towards sustainable growth? A multi-criteria assessment of (changing) urban forms 100
Consumer Price Indexes: An Analysis of Heterogeneity Across Sub-Populations 96
The way towards land consumption: Soil sealing and polycentric development in Barcelona 95
Complexity in action: Untangling latent relationships between land quality, economic structures and socio-spatial patterns in Italy 92
Land-use structure, urban growth, and periurban landscape: a multivariate classification of the European cities 91
New wine in old bottles: The (changing) socioeconomic attributes of sprawl during building boom and stagnation 90
Land quality and the city: Monitoring urban growth and land take in 76 Southern European metropolitan areas 86
Crisis-driven changes in construction patterns: evidence from building permits in a Mediterranean city 86
Towards sustainability in agro-forest systems? Grazing intensity, soil degradation and the socioeconomic profile of rural communities in Italy 85
Towards (spatially) unbalanced development? A joint assessment of regional disparities in socioeconomic and territorial variables in Italy 85
Diversification in urban functions as a measure of metropolitan complexity 85
An empirical assessment of human development through remote sensing: Evidences from Italy 82
La distribuzione dei benefici di produttività secondo l'approccio SAM: un'applicazione all'economia italiana, 1990-1998 81
Toward a new cycle: Short-term population dynamics, gentrification, and re-urbanization of Milan (Italy) 81
Land quality, sustainable development and environmental degradation in agricultural districts: A computational approach based on entropy indexes 81
Price Dispersion: The Case of “Pasta” 80
In memoriam: Antonino Giannone (1915-2003) 75
Assessing the effectiveness of sustainable land management policies for combating desertification: A data mining approach 75
Forest and the city: A multivariate analysis of peri-urban forest land cover patterns in 283 European metropolitan areas 74
Patterns of Sprawl: The Socioeconomic and Territorial Profile of Dispersed Urban Areas in Italy 74
A comprehensive insight into the geography of forest cover in Italy: Exploring the importance of socioeconomic local contexts 74
A composite index of sustainable development at the local scale: Italy as a case study 73
Uneven dispersion or adaptive polycentrism? Urban expansion, population dynamics and employment growth in an 'ordinary' city 73
The 2007 crisis and Greek wildfires: a multivariate analysis of suppression times 73
Vertical specialization across the world: evidence from the World Input-Output Table 73
Exploring complex relationships using non-parametric principal component analysis: a case study with land-use data 72
Lost in translation, found in entropy: An exploratory data analysis of latent growth factors in a Mediterranean city (1960–2010) 72
Distance matters: Land consumption and the mono-centric model in two southern European cities 72
Re-urbanizing the European City: A Multivariate Analysis of Population Dynamics During Expansion and Recession Times 71
Socio-spatial Disparities and the Crisis: Swimming Pools as a Proxy of Class Segregation in Athens 71
Recession, resilience, local labour markets: wealthier is better? 70
Long-term urban growth and land use efficiency in Southern Europe: implications for sustainable land management 68
Unraveling the ‘stable’ landscape: a multi-factor analysis of unchanged agricultural and forest land (1987–2007) in a rapidly-expanding urban region 68
Socioeconomic development and vulnerability to land degradation in Italy 67
Urban growth, population, and recession: Unveiling multiple spatial patterns of demographic indicators in a Mediterranean City 67
Urban growth and demographic dynamics in southern Europe: Toward a new statistical approach to regional science 67
The impact of mediterranean land degradation on agricultural income: A short-term scenario 66
Paths to Change: Bio-Economic Factors, Geographical Gradients and the Land-Use Structure of Italy 66
null 66
Emerging urban centrality: An entropy-based indicator of polycentric development and economic growth 64
Demographic transitions and socioeconomic development in Italy, 1862-2009: A brief overview 64
Socioeconomic development, demographic dynamics and forest fires in Italy, 1961-2017: A time-series analysis 64
Territorial systems, regional disparities and sustainability: Economic structure and soil degradation in Italy 62
Revisiting a hegemonic honcept: long-term ‘Mediterranean urbanization’ in between city re-polarization and metropolitan decline 61
In-between regional disparities and spatial heterogeneity: a multivariate analysis of territorial divides in Italy 61
Scattered or polycentric? Untangling urban growth in three southern European metropolitan regions through exploratory spatial data analysis 61
Latent sprawl patterns and the spatial distribution of businesses in a southern European city 61
Shaping Dimensions of Urban Complexity: The Role of Economic Structure and Socio-Demographic Local Contexts 61
Estimating land degradation risk for agriculture in Italy using an indirect approach 61
Specificity and sensitivity of diluted aPTT and anticardiolipin antibodies towards thrombosis and miscarriages in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus 58
Alternative Tax Systems and Structural Change 54
Unraveling latent dimensions of the urban mosaic: A multi-criteria spatial approach to metropolitan transformations 54
Prefiguring a future city: urban growth, spatial planning and the economic local context in Catalonia 54
Estimating Quarterly Regional Accounts for Southern Italy 53
Divergent Sectorial Paths in Productivity and Long-term Inflation 53
null 52
Forest transition and changes in the socio-economic structure of a developed country: a long-term analysis 51
Environmental variables in National Accounts: a case study for Italy 50
The economic and environmental performances of rural districts in Italy: Are competitiveness and sustainability compatible targets? 50
La valutazione della componente ambientale del benessere nel sistema dei conti nazionali 49
The long breadth of cities: revisiting worldwide urbanization patterns, 1950–2030 49
Assessing path-dependent urban growth with geographically weighted regressions 43
Statistica economica e strumenti di analisi 42
La tavola input-output regionale: significato e metodi di stima 42
Effetti della recessione: un'analisi dei divari territoriali del reddito pro capite in Grecia 42
L'economia italiana degli ultimi cinquanta anni nei dati di contabilità nazionale 40
La misurazione delle scale di equivalenza per la politica sociale: quale paniere adottare? 40
Cambiamento climatico e crisi economica: due effetti della stessa ideologia 40
Il nuovo approccio integrato ai conti nazionali - Le tavole delle risorse e degli impieghi: Discussione 39
Zero Net Land Degradation in Italy: The role of socioeconomic and agro-forest factors. 39
Mixed Land Use as an Intrinsic Feature of Sprawl: A Short-Term Analysis of Settlement Growth and Population Distribution Using European Urban Atlas 38
The Industrial Pattern of Italian Regions: A Disaggregated Sectoral Analysis Based on Input–Output Tables 37
Accumulazione e crescita in Sardegna: la posizione dell'Isola nell'ambito delle regioni del Mezzogiorno ed il ruolo degli interventi diretti a ridurre le diseconomie esterne reali 36
L'evoluzione dei principali aggregati economici nell'ultimo cinquantennio 35
Il sistema industriale della Liguria 35
Strumenti teorici e metodologici per la costruzione di un sistema integrato di conti nazionali: prime riflessioni 35
Understanding the spatial distribution of forest fires in a peri-urban area: socioeconomic indicators tell you more 34
Indicatori territoriali disaggregati per l'analisi dei fenomeni economico-ambientali 32
Individuazione dei potenziali territoriali tramite indicatori indiretti di reddito 32
Una valutazione del prodotto interno lordo sostenibile dell'Italia, 1985-1987 32
L'ambiente e il sistema dei conti nazionali 30
Urban Growth and Land-Use Structure in Two Mediterranean Regions: An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis 30
Formazione ed impiego del risparmio nell'economia meridionale: ruolo dei trasferimenti e del progresso tecnico in un modello econometrico 28
Beyond the 'Mediterranean City': Socioeconomic Disparities and Urban Sprawl in three Southern European Cities 28
La contabilità ambientale 25
Forest transition and urban growth: exploring latent dynamics (1936–2006) in Rome, Italy, using a geographically weighted regression and implications for coastal forest conservation 25
Una nuova fotografia del divario tra Nord e Sud: disparità regionali degli indicatori socioeconomici e ambientali 23
Greek recession at stake: the short-term evolution of territorial disparities in declared income 23
Urban Growth, Economic Activities and Land-use structure: exploring latent sprawl in an Eastern Mediterranean city 23
Toward a ‘reverse density dividend’? Population growth and socioeconomic evolution of Greek districts before and after crisis 22
L'impatto economico della legge n. 64 del 1986: un approccio input-output 22
Agglomeration vs amenities? Unraveling the latent engine of growth in metropolitan Greece 19
Un tentativo di caratterizzazione delle regioni italiane tramite lo schema input-output 19
The Marche region and its industry pattern: a quantitative evaluation 18
Sprawl matters: the evolution of fringe land, natural amenities and disposable income in a Mediterranean urban area 17
Official statistics, spatio-temporal dynamics and local-scale monitoring: toward integrated environmental-economic accounting for land degradation 15
Totale 5.538
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.486
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 239
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 17.725

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020830 0 0 0 0 0 138 143 139 124 110 118 58
2020/2021472 53 87 16 34 32 19 23 66 37 68 31 6
2021/20221.024 7 60 86 35 132 26 14 93 78 61 132 300
2022/2023927 201 157 33 81 78 106 27 64 110 11 46 13
2023/2024509 50 50 13 19 37 116 21 20 3 62 65 53
2024/2025396 38 24 58 64 62 150 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.646