Once a tire no longer has the characteristics required for a safe and efficient performance it becomes a waste, i.e. an end-of-life tyre (ELT). According to the Directive on the Landfill of Waste 1999/31/EC, the post-consumer rubber products, including the ELTs, can not be disposed in landfills. This prohibition has made it necessary to find alternative forms of valorisation such as collection and recovery of the ELTs. In order to ensure management of the large amounts of ELTs produced every year (3.2 million tons in Europe, 315 thousand tons in Italy), the EU has established National consortia responsible for tracking, collection, treatment and final destination of ELTs. In Italy, the MD no. 82 of 11th April 2011 appointed head of the new management system the consortium Ecopneus which, according to the model of Extended Producer Responsibility, represents the production, import and sale tyres companies operating in Italy. The various consortia have to ensure legality and traceability of ELT flows on the whole EU territory, as well as promote their valorisation through material or energy recovery. In fact, due to its chemical-physical characteristics the rubber recovered from ELTs can be used as a secondary raw material in numerous applications, such as flooring for outdoor structures, modified asphalts, insulation materials, etc. In addition, thanks to their calorific value higher to coal, rubber wastes can be used as secondary solid fuel in energy-intensive industries (cement plants, power plants, etc.). Both these recovery paths bring environmental and economic benefits, contributing to the sustainability and competitiveness of European markets in the international arena.
Quando uno pneumatico non ha più le caratteristiche necessarie per prestazioni sicure ed efficienti diventa un rifiuto, ovvero uno pneumatico fuori uso (PFU). Secondo quanto stabilito dalla Direttiva 1999/31/CE in materia di discariche di rifiuti, la gomma post-consumo, ed in particolare i PFU, non possono essere smaltiti in discarica. Tale divieto ha reso necessario trovare forme alternative di valorizzazione come l’avvio alla raccolta e al recupero. Al fine di razionalizzare la gestione delle ingenti quantità di PFU prodotti ogni anno (3.2 milioni di tonnellate in Europa, 315 mila tonnellate in Italia), l’UE ha istituito consorzi nazionali incaricati della rintracciabilità, raccolta, trattamento e destinazione finale dei PFU. In Italia, il DM n. 82 del 2011 ha nominato quale guida del nuovo sistema di gestione il consorzio Ecopneus che rappresenta, secondo il modello della Extended Producer Responsibility, le aziende di produzione, importazione e vendita di pneumatici operanti nel nostro Paese. Garantendo la legalità e la tracciabilità dei flussi di PFU su tutto il territorio dell’UE, i vari consorzi ne promuovono la valorizzazione mediante il riciclo o il recupero di energia. Infatti, in virtù delle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche del materiale di partenza, la gomma recuperata dai PFU può essere impiegata come materia prima seconda in numerose applicazioni quali pavimentazione di strutture outdoor, asfalti modificati, materiali per l’isolamento, ecc. Inoltre, grazie al suo potere calorifico superiore a quello del carbone, la gomma da PFU può essere impiegata come combustibile solido secondario in settori industriali altamente “energivori” (cementifici, centrali termoelettriche, ecc.). Entrambi i percorsi di recupero portano indiscutibili benefici sia in termini ambientali che economici contribuendo alla sostenibilità e competitività dei mercati europei nello scenario internazionale.
Aspetti rilevanti nella valorizzazione della gomma post-consumo / Giannetti, Vanessa; BOCCACCI MARIANI, Maurizio; Mannino, Paola. - unico:(2014), pp. 312-320. (Intervento presentato al convegno Innovazione, sostenibilità e tutela dei consumatori: l’evoluzione delle scienze merceologiche per la creazione di valore e competitività tenutosi a Pisa nel 13-15 febbraio 2015).
Aspetti rilevanti nella valorizzazione della gomma post-consumo
Once a tire no longer has the characteristics required for a safe and efficient performance it becomes a waste, i.e. an end-of-life tyre (ELT). According to the Directive on the Landfill of Waste 1999/31/EC, the post-consumer rubber products, including the ELTs, can not be disposed in landfills. This prohibition has made it necessary to find alternative forms of valorisation such as collection and recovery of the ELTs. In order to ensure management of the large amounts of ELTs produced every year (3.2 million tons in Europe, 315 thousand tons in Italy), the EU has established National consortia responsible for tracking, collection, treatment and final destination of ELTs. In Italy, the MD no. 82 of 11th April 2011 appointed head of the new management system the consortium Ecopneus which, according to the model of Extended Producer Responsibility, represents the production, import and sale tyres companies operating in Italy. The various consortia have to ensure legality and traceability of ELT flows on the whole EU territory, as well as promote their valorisation through material or energy recovery. In fact, due to its chemical-physical characteristics the rubber recovered from ELTs can be used as a secondary raw material in numerous applications, such as flooring for outdoor structures, modified asphalts, insulation materials, etc. In addition, thanks to their calorific value higher to coal, rubber wastes can be used as secondary solid fuel in energy-intensive industries (cement plants, power plants, etc.). Both these recovery paths bring environmental and economic benefits, contributing to the sustainability and competitiveness of European markets in the international arena.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.