This paper examines some psychological aspects of the academic adjustment and social inclusion of young people with an immigrant background at school, addressing some methodological issues and discussing the empirical evidence obtained from representative samples of students in Italy. Initially we examined methodologies related to the analysis of grouped data, with reference to procedures based on statistical correction and multilevel analysis. The choice of which approach is to be used should be based on the research questions, for example by clarifying whether they are asked at an individual or at a group level. Subsequently we considered the problem of conducting school investigations on sensitive issues, where an exclusive use of closed questions can be problematic. Instruments featuring open questions based on metaphors have, in this case, the advantage of allowing students to use their own words based on their personal experiences, making it possible to deal with delicate subjects indirectly. Evidence based on representative samples shows that, as regards academic adjustment, an immigrant pupil in primary school is, on average, more and better motivated regarding his/her activities at school than are his/her peers. At the same time, in secondary school, immigrant students use less self-regulated cognitive strategies. In both cases, first-generations show a more adaptive pattern than second-generations. As regards social inclusion, Italian studies show that in class an immigrant student has lower levels of peer acceptance and has less friends than native pupils. Moreover, he/she reports being victimized more frequently at school than other students. Second-generations are more socially included than first-generations suggesting an assimilation effect. Finally, as regards attitudes towards immigrants, Italian data show students' perceptions that, from a cognitive and emotional perspective can't be described simply using a positive/negative dichotomy.
Il presente contributo esamina vari aspetti psicologici relativi all’adattamento scolastico e all’inclusione sociale dei giovani con un background migratorio a scuola e affronta alcune questioni metodologiche, discutendo parallelamente delle evidenze empiriche ottenute su campioni rappresentativi di studenti delle scuole italiane. Inizialmente viene trattato il problema dell’analisi di dati raggruppati, il quale sottende le ricerche psicologiche su base campionaria effettuate nel contesto scolastico. Le metodologie piu diffuse per affrontare questa situazione sono la correzione statistica rispetto alla dipendenza tra osservazioni appartenenti a uno stesso gruppo e l’analisi multilivello. La scelta di quale approccio utilizzare dovrebbe basarsi sulle domande di ricerca, ad esempio valutando se esse sono poste a livello individuale o di gruppo. Successivamente e stata presa in considerazione la questione metodologica posta dal condurre indagini a scuola su tematiche sensibili, dove puo risultare problematico l’utilizzo esclusivo di domande chiuse. In questi casi strumenti che contengano domande aperte basate su metafore hanno il vantaggio di consentire agli studenti di utilizzare le loro parole e la loro esperienza, permettendo cosi di trattare in maniera indiretta argomenti delicati. Le evidenze empiriche discusse nel presente contributo rispetto all’adattamento scolastico, mostrano come uno studente immigrato nella scuola primaria risulti essere, in media, piu e meglio motivato nello studio rispetto agli altri studenti. Allo stesso tempo, nella scuola secondaria, chi ha un background migratorio risulta adottare strategie cognitive di studio meno autoregolate e piu superficiali. In entrambi i casi la generazione di appartenenza dello studente risulta essere un elemento rilevante, con le prime generazioni che presentano un pattern, paradossalmente, piu adattivo. Rispetto all’inclusione, i risultati evidenziano come un allievo con un background migratorio, sia, in classe, meno accettato e abbia meno amici degli altri studenti. Inoltre e piu spesso vittima di comportamenti aggressivi a scuola. Contrariamente a quanto visto per l’adattamento scolastico, si assiste per l’inclusione a una attenuazione da una generazione all’altra delle problematiche riscontrate. Infine, per quello che riguarda gli atteggiamenti nei confronti degli immigrati, spesso visti in stretta connessione con comportamenti di natura discriminatoria, le evidenze empiriche mostrano percezioni degli studenti che dal punto di vista cognitivo ed emotivo non appaiono riducibili a una semplice dicotomia positivo/negativo.
Lo studio dell'adattamento scolastico e dell'inclusione sociale degli studenti immigrati in Italia: sfide metodologiche ed evidenze empiriche / Lucidi, Fabio; Alivernini, Fabio; Cavicchiolo, Elisa. - In: RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA. - ISSN 1972-5620. - 43:1(2020), pp. 301-326. [10.3280/RIP2020-001014]
Lo studio dell'adattamento scolastico e dell'inclusione sociale degli studenti immigrati in Italia: sfide metodologiche ed evidenze empiriche
Fabio Lucidi;Fabio Alivernini;Elisa Cavicchiolo
This paper examines some psychological aspects of the academic adjustment and social inclusion of young people with an immigrant background at school, addressing some methodological issues and discussing the empirical evidence obtained from representative samples of students in Italy. Initially we examined methodologies related to the analysis of grouped data, with reference to procedures based on statistical correction and multilevel analysis. The choice of which approach is to be used should be based on the research questions, for example by clarifying whether they are asked at an individual or at a group level. Subsequently we considered the problem of conducting school investigations on sensitive issues, where an exclusive use of closed questions can be problematic. Instruments featuring open questions based on metaphors have, in this case, the advantage of allowing students to use their own words based on their personal experiences, making it possible to deal with delicate subjects indirectly. Evidence based on representative samples shows that, as regards academic adjustment, an immigrant pupil in primary school is, on average, more and better motivated regarding his/her activities at school than are his/her peers. At the same time, in secondary school, immigrant students use less self-regulated cognitive strategies. In both cases, first-generations show a more adaptive pattern than second-generations. As regards social inclusion, Italian studies show that in class an immigrant student has lower levels of peer acceptance and has less friends than native pupils. Moreover, he/she reports being victimized more frequently at school than other students. Second-generations are more socially included than first-generations suggesting an assimilation effect. Finally, as regards attitudes towards immigrants, Italian data show students' perceptions that, from a cognitive and emotional perspective can't be described simply using a positive/negative dichotomy.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.