Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.043
EU - Europa 1.441
AS - Asia 490
SA - Sud America 33
AF - Africa 13
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 4.021
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.019
RO - Romania 289
UA - Ucraina 240
IE - Irlanda 224
DE - Germania 201
SG - Singapore 194
SE - Svezia 191
IN - India 145
CN - Cina 134
FI - Finlandia 105
IT - Italia 99
GB - Regno Unito 36
CA - Canada 24
AR - Argentina 21
BE - Belgio 16
FR - Francia 10
BR - Brasile 9
BG - Bulgaria 7
TR - Turchia 6
LT - Lituania 5
TH - Thailandia 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
NL - Olanda 4
CH - Svizzera 3
MW - Malawi 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
CL - Cile 2
ES - Italia 2
GR - Grecia 2
LB - Libano 2
RS - Serbia 2
SC - Seychelles 2
TG - Togo 2
VN - Vietnam 2
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IR - Iran 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 4.021
Città #
Horia 279
Chandler 268
Dublin 224
Fairfield 192
Singapore 134
Frankfurt am Main 120
Woodbridge 116
Ashburn 108
Dearborn 105
Ann Arbor 99
Jacksonville 99
Wilmington 83
Houston 82
Princeton 81
Plano 79
Beijing 68
Seattle 60
Boston 50
Cambridge 49
Santa Clara 48
San Diego 29
Helsinki 28
Millbury 26
San Paolo di Civitate 23
Des Moines 22
Federal 21
Lawrence 19
Andover 18
Boardman 18
Toronto 16
Brussels 15
Norwalk 12
Kunming 10
Falls Church 9
Rome 9
Los Angeles 8
Nanjing 8
New York 7
Sofia 7
Bühl 6
Fremont 6
Istanbul 6
Jinan 6
Paris 6
Bangkok 5
Genoa 5
Hefei 5
Loria 5
Ottawa 5
Falkenstein 4
Guangzhou 4
Mannheim 4
Muizenberg 4
Nanchang 4
Napoli 4
San Mateo 4
Deal 3
Edinburgh 3
London 3
Made 3
Milan 3
Rio de Janeiro 3
Santa 3
Zhengzhou 3
Auburn Hills 2
Baotou 2
Belgrade 2
Bern 2
Bologna 2
Cagliari 2
Chengdu 2
Dallas 2
Gallarate 2
Genova 2
Hebei 2
Laurel 2
Lomé 2
Madrid 2
Moscow 2
Munich 2
Porto Torres 2
Rio De Janeiro 2
San Sebastiano al Vesuvio 2
Shanghai 2
Thessaloníki 2
Wuhan 2
Antwerp 1
Arezzo 1
Arnsberg 1
Auckland 1
Belleville 1
Bishkek 1
Bogen 1
Bremen 1
Changsha 1
Chaoyang 1
Chicago 1
Diano d'Alba 1
Elk Grove Village 1
Fort Worth 1
Totale 2.814
Nome #
Protocolli di verifica della contaminazione batterica e virale in riuniti odontoiatrici: efficacia di dispositivi “anti-cross infection”. 151
Protocolli di verifica della contaminazione virale, artificiale e naturale, su riuniti odontoiatrici in uso su pazienti HCV-positivi 139
Studio per la definizione e validazione di un nuovo protocollo per la verifica della funzionalità dei sistemi di sterilizzazione e dell’igiene in alta chirurgia e nelle sale operatorie odontoiatriche, mediante amplificazione in vitro degli acidi nucleici con reazione a catena della polimerasi (PCR) 136
Virus Alert: a chairside system for evaluation of the risk of HCV infection. 106
An initial investigation on torsional properties of nickel-titanium instruments produced with a new manufacturing method 102
Mechanical properties of a new and improved nickel-titanium alloy for endodontic use: an evaluation of file flexibility 84
The effect of a new finishing process on the torsional resistance of twisted nickel-titanium rotary instruments. 80
In Vitro Evaluation of Enterococcus faecalis Adhesion on Various Endodontic Medicaments. 79
In vitro evaluation of the cytotoxicity of FotoSan™ light-activated disinfection on human fibroblasts. 78
Fatigue resistance of engine-driven rotary nickel-titanium instruments produced by new manufacturing methods 75
The influence of three different instrumentation techniques on the incidence of postoperative pain after endodontic treatment. 74
Cyclic fatigue resistance of Ni-Ti rotary instruments constructed with different manufacturing processes. 69
Mechanical properties of nickel-titanium rotary instruments produced with a new manufacturing technique 69
Effetto aggiuntivo del cetilpiridinio cloruro in presenza di siti con suppurazione nel paziente con alitosi 68
Valutazioni comparative sulla quantità di cadmio in diversi coni di guttaperca 67
Angular deflection of rotary nickel titanium files: a comparative study. 67
Efficacy of anti-retraction devices in preventing bacterial contamination of dental unit water lines 66
Effects of KTP laser on oral soft tissues. An in vitro study 64
The effect chemiclave sterilization on mechanichal resistance of nickel-titanium instruments 63
null 63
The magnitude of the association between hepatitis C virus infection and oral lichen planus: meta-analysis and case control study 60
Influence of file motion on cyclic fatigue of new nickel titanium instruments. 58
In vitro evaluation of caries inhibiting effect by composite restorative materials. 56
Cyclic fatigue testing of new and used NiTi rotary instruments 54
Post-operative symptoms after single-visit endodontic retreatment of periapical lesions 54
Contaminazione delle linee idriche del riunito dentale. Dispositivi anti-cross-infection 53
Genotoxicity of human pupl fibroblasts 52
Azithromycin and Cyclosporine-A- Induced Gingival Overgrowth in a Pediatric Sample 51
Clinical evaluation of peroxide-containing polyethylene strips. 51
Valutazione del rischio infettivo di epatite C con un nuovo sistema per la rilevazione degli anticorpi Anti-HCV. 50
Tolerability and efficacy of an hyaluronic acid-based periodontal gel 50
Cytotoxicity of epiphany SE endodontic sealer: A comparative in vitro study 50
Il rischio HCV nei pazienti endodontici: indagine epidemiologica e valutazioni diagnostiche 49
La contaminazione degli spray per penetrazione di micro-organismi dagli strumenti: un modello sperimentale e rilevamenti sul territorio. 49
The effect of brushing motion on the cyclic fatigue of rotary nickel titanium instruments 49
Canal debridement with now NiTi files: a comparative study 48
In vitro evaluation of the cytotoxicity of different root canal filling materials 47
Accorgimenti tecnici per il rilievo dell'impronta del moncone protesico. 46
Comportamento clinico e propietà biologiche di un nuovo cemento endodontico 45
Azithromycin and Cyclosporine-A- Induced Gingival Overgrowth in a Pediatric Sample. (abstract) 44
Deflection resistance of different Ni-Ti rotary instruments. 44
Tumori professionali: melanoma del cavo orale. 42
Effect of two dentifrices containing fluoride and different additives on plaque, gengivitis and halitosis. 42
Genotoxicity of Chlorophenol on human pulp fibroblasts 42
Lime di Hedstroe in titanio: resistenza alla frattura. 41
Biocompatibility of dental adhesive a comparative study 41
Microbial contamination of DUWLs: effectiveness of anti cross infection devices. 41
Individuazione del rischio HCV in ambito odontoiatrico 41
Fatigue life of different Ni-Ti rotary files in “S” shaped artificial root canal. 40
Efficacy and safety assessment of a new liquid tooth whitening gel containing 5.9% hydrogen peroxide. 39
Le grosse lesioni periapicali di origine endodontica: etiopatogenesi e possibilità terapeutiche. 38
Indagine al microscopio elettronico di impianti rimossi per loosening. 37
Rischio di infezione crociata da virus dell'epatite C. 36
Efficacy of canal debridement using new Ni-Ti rotary Files 36
Bending properties of GT Rotary Files 36
Influence of universal HBV vaccination on chronic HBV infection in Italy: results of a cross-sectional multicenter study 36
Clinical significance of Actinobacillus actinomicetemcomitans in young individuals during orthodontic treatment. A 3 years longitudinal study 36
Una metodica di condensazione verticale della guttaperca 35
Gli anaerobi e la malattia parodontale 35
Influence of reciprocating motion or continuous rotation on cyclic fatigue resistance of Ni-Ti endodontic instruments. 35
Mechanichal properties of NiTi rotary instruments 35
A comparison of canal preparation using Profile .04 Tapers and Lightspeed in simulated curved canals. 35
Effects of sterilization procedures on NiTi files 33
Terapia locale delle stomatiti aftose 32
Guida alla terapia rigenerativa guidata con membrane del difetto infraosseo parodontale 32
Chemichal stability of heated sodium hypochlorite endodontic irrigants 31
Meccanismi biologici e possibilità terapeutiche in ortodonzia funzionale. 29
Il rispetto del parodonto nella pratica quotidiana. 28
Effect of hyaluronan on calcification-nodule formation from human periodontal ligament cell culture. 27
Una metodica immunoenzimatica per il dosaggio di un polipeptide del complesso MHC 1 nei fluidi orali. 26
In vitro cytotoxicity of chelating agent for endodontic use 25
Solubilità dei coni di guttaperca nei solventi organici. 24
Two different laser surgical technique for the treatment of the labial mucocele 19
Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene and dental rubber dam barrier membranes in the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects 19
Tissue toxicity of three endodontic sealers 18
Mechanical properties of titanium and stainless steel endodontic K-Files. (abstract) 18
Characteristics of liver cirrhosis in Italy: Evidence for a decreasing role of HCV aetiology 18
Totale 4.083
Categoria #
all - tutte 14.386
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 14.386

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020444 0 0 0 0 0 113 84 107 42 65 22 11
2020/2021510 39 36 3 284 1 31 8 19 9 46 16 18
2021/2022706 4 53 42 41 103 12 6 70 59 64 98 154
2022/2023979 147 105 44 172 152 93 95 47 65 7 46 6
2023/2024421 62 52 6 22 15 53 75 33 1 39 34 29
2024/2025240 54 42 32 18 52 42 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.083