Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.709
EU - Europa 6.282
AS - Asia 2.678
SA - Sud America 159
AF - Africa 128
OC - Oceania 44
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 19.003
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.547
IT - Italia 2.670
SG - Singapore 1.017
FI - Finlandia 687
IN - India 652
CN - Cina 607
UA - Ucraina 588
SE - Svezia 510
GB - Regno Unito 334
DE - Germania 234
ES - Italia 173
CA - Canada 153
TR - Turchia 132
FR - Francia 129
AR - Argentina 115
NL - Olanda 114
CH - Svizzera 107
IE - Irlanda 100
RU - Federazione Russa 88
RO - Romania 87
BE - Belgio 85
BG - Bulgaria 77
IL - Israele 65
TG - Togo 54
AT - Austria 46
ID - Indonesia 44
PL - Polonia 44
EG - Egitto 41
GR - Grecia 39
BR - Brasile 37
AU - Australia 34
PH - Filippine 29
PT - Portogallo 29
PK - Pakistan 22
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 21
IR - Iran 21
RS - Serbia 20
HK - Hong Kong 18
LT - Lituania 16
HR - Croazia 15
DK - Danimarca 13
HU - Ungheria 11
JP - Giappone 11
NO - Norvegia 11
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
KR - Corea 9
ZA - Sudafrica 9
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 8
CY - Cipro 8
AL - Albania 6
DZ - Algeria 6
KE - Kenya 6
MX - Messico 6
MY - Malesia 6
IS - Islanda 5
MT - Malta 5
PE - Perù 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
GE - Georgia 4
KZ - Kazakistan 4
OM - Oman 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
EU - Europa 3
LB - Libano 3
SC - Seychelles 3
TN - Tunisia 3
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 2
AM - Armenia 2
CL - Cile 2
EE - Estonia 2
JO - Giordania 2
KY - Cayman, isole 2
MA - Marocco 2
ME - Montenegro 2
NG - Nigeria 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TW - Taiwan 2
VN - Vietnam 2
AD - Andorra 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BJ - Benin 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
Totale 19.003
Città #
Fairfield 1.114
Rome 882
Chandler 782
Singapore 750
Woodbridge 693
Ashburn 649
Houston 458
Beijing 444
Santa Clara 417
Helsinki 405
Wilmington 402
Seattle 401
Ann Arbor 397
Princeton 387
Cambridge 364
Plano 312
Jacksonville 213
Boston 172
Milan 156
Des Moines 149
Millbury 149
Lawrence 121
San Paolo di Civitate 113
Florence 103
Newcastle upon Tyne 103
San Diego 100
Andover 94
Dublin 91
Federal 88
Sofia 76
New York 68
Norwalk 67
Toronto 61
Dearborn 60
Lomé 54
Ottawa 52
Boardman 50
Brussels 43
Jakarta 42
Moscow 39
Bologna 36
San Mateo 33
Falkenstein 31
Naples 31
Vienna 31
Council Bluffs 29
Falls Church 29
Guidonia 29
Turin 29
Grafing 27
Madrid 27
Basel 26
Tel Aviv 26
Paris 25
Ankara 24
Redwood City 24
Athens 23
Frankfurt am Main 23
Istanbul 22
Buenos Aires 21
Bühl 21
Rio De Janeiro 20
Prato 19
Al Mansurah 18
Jerusalem 18
London 18
Amsterdam 17
Belgrade 17
Castel San Giorgio 17
Modena 17
Nanjing 17
Pisa 17
Zurich 17
Barcelona 16
Bremen 16
Buffalo 16
Izmir 16
Los Angeles 16
Perugia 16
Verona 16
Tarragona 15
Warsaw 15
Lappeenranta 14
Mannheim 14
Cagliari 13
Glasgow 13
Palermo 13
Scafati 13
Therwil 13
Bari 12
Berlin 12
Cairo 12
Parma 12
Porto 12
Prague 12
Stockholm 12
Sydney 12
Washington 12
Bern 11
Develi 11
Totale 12.265
Nome #
Archaeological excavations in Jerusalem, Holy Sepulchre. A preliminary report 271
Botany meets archaeology: archaeobotany at Motya (Italy) 185
250,000-year pollen record from Valle di Castiglione (Roma) 181
Food and weed plants in sacred and secular contexts: archaeobotany at the Phoenician – Punic site of Motya (Sicily, Italy) 165
Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 163
Motya through the millenia: Analyzing Phoenician impact on the local vegetation 159
Nanoparticelle di chitosano caricate con pulegone, un sistema alternativo di protezione antimicotica per la conservazione delle opere d’arte lignee 148
Beech and stone Pine, the Italian landscape modelled by valuable ritual trees 121
Study and Analysis of Plant remains from the tomb of Tutankhamun 118
Extending the tephra and palaeoenvironmental record of the Central Mediterranean back to 430 ka. A new core from Fucino Basin, Central Italy 114
Archaeobotanic investigations at the Phoenician site of Motya (Sicily, Italy) 114
Pollen and macroremains from Holocene archaeological sites. A dataset for the understanding of the bio-cultural diversity of the Italian landscape 110
Changes in the Near Eastern chronology between the 5th and the 3rd millennium BC. New AMS 14C dates from Arslantepe (Turkey) 103
Palaeoenvironmental, palaeoclimatic and chronological interpretations of a late Quaternary sediment core from Piana di Rieti (central Apennines, Italy) 102
Changes in the Near Eastern chronology between 5th and 3rd millennium BC: new AMS 14C dates from Arslantepe (Turkey) 101
The Botanical Record of Archaeobotany Italian Network - BRAIN. A cooperative network, database and website 101
Tyrrhenian central Italy. Holocene population and landscape ecology 101
Cultural landscape and plant use at the Phoenician site of Motya (Western Sicily, Italy) inferred from a disposal pit 101
Pollen Records, Postglacial. Southern Europe 100
A key continental archive for the last 2 Ma of climatic history of the central Mediterranean region. A pilot drilling in the Fucino Basin, central Italy 99
Multidisciplinary study of the sediments from the Imperial harbour of Rome 98
Archaeobotany in Italian ancient Roman harbours 96
All together now. An international palynological team documents vegetation and climate changes during the last 500 kyr at lake ohrid (Se Europe) 96
Archaeobotany at Motya (Italy) 96
Palynology of the Last Interglacial Complex at Lake Ohrid. Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic inferences 94
The lateglacial and Holocene vegetation and climate history of Lago di Mezzano (central Italy) 92
Lab2Go: a project for supporting laboratory practice in teaching STEM disciplines in high school 92
Lake Ohrid, the mirror of Mediterranean climate change over the last 500 Ka years. 91
Comparison of terrestrial and marine records of changing climate of the last 500,000 years 91
Climate changes in the central Mediterranean and Italian vegetation dynamics since the Pliocene 90
Pollen data of the last 500 ka BP at Lake Ohrid (south-eastern Europe) 90
The 4.2 ka BP event in the Mediterranean Region. An overview 90
Archaeobotanical research at Arslantepe: traditional approach and new challenges 89
Human-environment interactions at the central Mediterranean site of Motya (Sicily, Italy) 88
Multidisciplinary study of Middle-Upper Pleistocene deposits in a core from the Piana Pontina (central Italy) 88
Plant assemblage of the Phoenician sacrificial pit by the Temple of Melqart/Herakles (Motya, Sicily, Italy) 88
Desertification trends in Spain and Italy based on pollen analysis. implications. 87
Agriculture at Arslantepe at the end of the IV millennium B.C. Did the centralised political institutions have an influence on farming practices? 87
Climate-driven past fires in central Sicily 87
Mediterranean winter rainfall in phase with African monsoons during the past 1.36 million years 87
Hints of economic change during the late Roman Empire period in central Italy: a study of charred plant remains from "La Fontanaccia", near Rome 87
Timber exploitation during the 5th–3rd millennia BCE at Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey). Environmental constraints and cultural choices 87
Indagini archeobotaniche su alcuni materiali degli horti luculliani (Roma) e di Villa Adriana (Tivoli) 86
Climate, environment and society in southern Italy during the last 2000 years. A review of the environmental, historical and archaeological evidence 86
At the origins of Pompeii. The plant landscape of the Sarno River floodplain from the first millennium bc to the ad 79 eruption 86
Aligning and synchronization of MIS5 proxy records from Lake Ohrid (FYROM) with independently dated Mediterranean archives: implications for DEEP core chronology 85
Natural and human impact in Mediterranean landscapes. An intriguing puzzle or only a question of time? 82
High‐resolution multiparametric MRI of contemporary and waterlogged archaeological wood 82
Genetic analysis of archaeological wood remains: first results and prospects 82
Archaeobotanical data and crop storage evidence from an early Bronze Age 2 burnt house at Arslantepe, Malatya, Turkey 80
NYMPHA - Microalgae polysaccharides for cultural heritage preservation 79
La vegetazione naturale potenziale dell'area romana 79
Multidisciplinary study on a Middle-Late Pleistocene sequence in the Pontina Plain (Central Italy) 79
Il progetto Lab2Go per la diffusione della pratica laboratoriale nell’insegnamento delle discipline STEM nelle scuole secondarie di II grado 79
14C dating, geochemical features, faunistic and pollen analyses of the uppermost 10 m core from Valle di Castiglione (Rome, Italy) 79
A 500.000 yrs paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic record from the Balkans inferred from Lake Ohrid pollen data 78
Distribution of artifacts and ecofacts in an early bronze age house in Eastern Anatolia. Space use and household economy at Arslantepe VI b2 (2900–2750 bce) 77
Vegetation Changes during MIS 11c. Palynological Analysis from a sediment succession from Fucino Basin (central Italy) 75
Sediments from Lago di Mezzano, central Italy: a record of Lateglacial/Holocene climatic variations and anthropogenic impact 75
BRAIN. Cooperative network and website 75
Pollen-based paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic change at Lake Ohrid (south-eastern Europe) during the past 500 ka 75
Charcoal analysis, a method to study vegetation and climate of the Holocene: The case of Lago di Pergusa (Sicily, Italy) 75
New species from the New World: early archaeobotanical and archaeozoological evidence from the Santi Quattro Coronati complex in Rome (Italy) 75
The last 5000 years of vegetation history in lacustrine records of central Mediterranean 74
The plant landscape of the imperial harbour of Rome 74
Fluttuazioni vegetazionali nel Lazio durante l'ultimo glaciale 74
The Postglacial record of environmental history from Lago di Pergusa, Sicily 73
Human-climate interactions in the central Mediterranean region during the last millennia. The laminated record of Lake Butrint (Albania) 73
Late Holocene pollen record from Fiume Morto (Dead River), a palaeomeander of Tiber River near Ancient Ostia (central Italy) 73
Terrestrial biosphere changes over the last 120 kyr 73
Regional vegetation histories. An overview of the pollen evidence from the Central Mediterranean 73
Food production at Arslantepe (Turkey). Botanical evidences from kitchens of the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age 73
A terrestrial scheme of vegetation events of the last 500 000 years from southern Europe 72
Organic geochemical and palynological evidence for Holocene natural and anthropogenic environmental change at Lake Dojran (Macedonia/Greece) 72
The environmental and evolutionary history of Lake Ohrid (FYROM/Albania). Interim results from the SCOPSCO deep drilling project 72
Mediterranean and north-African cultural adaptations to mid-Holocene environmental and climatic changes 70
30. Mediterranean culture and climatic change: past patterns and future trends. 70
δ13C values in archaeological 14C-AMS dated charcoals: assessing mid-Holocene climate fluctuations and human response from a high-resolution isotope record (Arslantepe, Turkey) 70
Pollen and biomarker record of Lake Dojran 70
Elite food between the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Some case studies from Latium 70
Last Glacial to Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution at Lago di Pergusa (Sicily, Southern Italy) as inferred by pollen, microcharcoal, and stable isotopes 70
Analisi archeobotaniche delle terre di fusione della Lupa Capitolina 69
Pollen from late pleistocene hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea) coprolites. An interdisciplinary approach from two Italian sites 69
Stable carbon isotope analysis as a crop management indicator at Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey) during the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age 68
Tephrostratigraphy of paleoclimatic archives in central Mediterranean during the Bronze Age 68
Late Chalcolithic - Early Bronze Age (5350 to 4000 years BP) carbon isotope record of plant macroremains from an Eastern Anatolian archaeological site 68
A new combined approach to detect Holocene environmental changes: the different roles of man and climate. 67
Crops storing at Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey) during the Early Bronze Age 67
Desertification trends in Spain and Italy based on pollen analysis 67
Holocene vegetation and climate changes in the central Mediterranean inferred from a high-resolution marine pollen record (Adriatic Sea) 67
Archaeobotany in Italian ancient Roman harbours 67
The pollen record from Grotta Romanelli (Apulia, Italy). New insight for the Late Pleistocene Mediterranean vegetation and plant use 67
One Man’s Trash Is Someone Else’s Treasure: Plant Remains From The Tomb Of The Pharaoh Tutankhamun 66
Palynostratigraphy of the last glacial period in the volcanic region of Central Italy 66
Analisi palinologiche. In: CHIARINI E., D’OREFICE M., GRACIOTTI R., LA POSTA E., PAPASODARO F., GIARDINI M., SADORI L., Note illustrative della Carta Geomorfologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000. F. 367 Tagliacozzo 66
Rome in its setting. Post-glacial aggradation history of the Tiber river alluvial deposits and tectonic origin of the Tiber Island 66
Elite food between the late Middle Ages and Renaissance: some case studies from Latium 66
Pleistocene tephrostratigraphy and palaeoclimatology in the central Mediterranean region: ongoing research in Fucino Basin (central Apennines, Italy) 66
Discriminating the long distance dispersal of fine ash from sustained columns or near ground ash clouds: The example of the Pomici di Avellino eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, Italy) 65
Totale 8.883
Categoria #
all - tutte 61.427
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 648
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 62.075

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.837 0 0 0 0 0 299 285 293 236 380 267 77
2020/20211.188 149 137 34 97 37 99 47 97 126 176 126 63
2021/20223.399 60 212 297 177 449 73 106 318 276 253 507 671
2022/20233.327 695 440 171 292 318 420 64 203 286 158 174 106
2023/20243.095 171 261 202 268 227 334 170 366 55 348 276 417
2024/20253.134 346 464 598 440 701 585 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.666