A characterization of tree-like Resolution size
2013 Beyersdorff, Olaf; Galesi, Nicola; Lauria, Massimo
A framework for space complexity in algebraic proof systems
2016 Bonacina, Ilario; Galesi, Nicola
A lower bound for the pigeonhole principle in tree-like Resolution by asymmetric Prover-Delayer games
2010 Olaf, Beyersdorff; Galesi, Nicola; Lauria, Massimo
A predicative and decidable characterization of the polynomial classes of languages
2001 S., Caporaso; M., Zito; Galesi, Nicola
A Study of Proof Search Algorithms for Resolution and Polynomial Calculus
1999 Bonet, M. L.; Galesi, Nicola
A Syntactic Characterization of Bounded-Rank Decision Trees in Terms of Decision Lists.
1997 Galesi, Nicola
Bounded-depth frege complexity of tseitin formulas for all graphs
2019 Galesi, N.; Itsykson, D.; Riazanov, A.; Sofronova, A.
Bounded-depth Frege complexity of Tseitin formulas for all graphs
2023 Galesi, N.; Itsykson, D.; Riazanov, A.; Sofronova, A.
Cops-Robber Games and the Resolution of Tseitin Formulas
2020 Galesi, N.; Talebanfard, N.; Toran, J.
Cops-Robber games and the resolution of Tseitin Formulas
2018 Galesi, Nicola; Talebanfard, Navid; Torán, Jacobo
Degree complexity for a modified pigeonhole principle
2003 Maria Luisa, Bonet; Galesi, Nicola
Depth lower bounds in Stabbing Planes for combinatorial principles
2024 Dantchev, S.; Galesi, N.; Ghani, A.; Martin, B.
Depth Lower Bounds in Stabbing Planes for Combinatorial Principles
2022 Dantchev, S.; Galesi, N.; Ghani, A.; Martin, B.
Exponential Separations between Restricted Resolution and Cutting Planes Proof Systems
1998 BONET M., L; Esteban, J. L.; Galesi, Nicola; Johannsen, J.
Membro di Comitato di Programma
2006 Galesi, Nicola
Membro di Comitato di Programma
2010 Galesi, Nicola
Membro di Ocmitato di Programma
2009 Galesi, Nicola
Monotone Proofs of the Pigeon Hole Principle
2001 Atserias, A.; Galesi, Nicola; Gavalda, R.
Monotone Proofs of the Pigeon Hole Principle
2000 Atserias, A.; Galesi, Nicola; Gavalda, R.
Monotone Simulations of Nonmonotone Proofs
2002 A., Atserias; Galesi, Nicola; P., Pudlak