Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.790
EU - Europa 943
AS - Asia 415
AF - Africa 29
SA - Sud America 25
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 4.203
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.752
IT - Italia 322
SE - Svezia 235
SG - Singapore 202
IN - India 100
FI - Finlandia 88
CN - Cina 71
RU - Federazione Russa 57
UA - Ucraina 48
GB - Regno Unito 39
BG - Bulgaria 28
NL - Olanda 28
TG - Togo 26
RO - Romania 25
CA - Canada 24
ID - Indonesia 23
DE - Germania 20
AR - Argentina 14
MX - Messico 14
FR - Francia 11
IE - Irlanda 11
AT - Austria 6
BE - Belgio 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
ES - Italia 6
HK - Hong Kong 6
TR - Turchia 6
BR - Brasile 5
KR - Corea 5
EG - Egitto 2
LT - Lituania 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
HR - Croazia 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PY - Paraguay 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 4.203
Città #
Fairfield 477
Ashburn 281
Woodbridge 232
Chandler 190
Cambridge 173
Houston 171
Seattle 168
Singapore 145
Wilmington 145
Rome 109
Ann Arbor 94
Santa Clara 74
Princeton 64
Lawrence 53
San Paolo di Civitate 49
Beijing 46
Plano 44
Helsinki 43
Boston 35
Sofia 28
Lomé 26
Millbury 26
San Diego 26
Jacksonville 24
Jakarta 23
Andover 21
Boardman 16
Moscow 16
Federal 13
Utrecht 13
Norwalk 12
Toronto 12
Dublin 11
Falls Church 10
Lappeenranta 10
Ottawa 10
Stockholm 10
Brindisi 9
Council Bluffs 8
London 8
New York 7
Phoenix 7
Brussels 6
Dearborn 6
Hong Kong 6
León 6
Los Angeles 6
Paris 6
Prague 6
Washington 6
Amsterdam 4
Cuauhtémoc 4
Dallas 4
Falkenstein 4
Istanbul 4
Milan 4
Aachen 3
Boulder 3
Bühl 3
Madrid 3
Montelibretti 3
Montpellier 3
Nottingham 3
Nuremberg 3
Southend 3
State College 3
Wageningen 3
Yubileyny 3
Arborea 2
Bani Suwayf 2
Bicester 2
Bologna 2
Bucharest 2
Castellammare di Stabia 2
Chengdu 2
Colleferro 2
Darmstadt 2
Edinburgh 2
Eindhoven 2
Heidelberg 2
Laurel 2
Manduria 2
Menlo Park 2
Nanjing 2
Naples 2
Napoli 2
North Bergen 2
Piacenza 2
Sevilla 2
Timisoara 2
Trevi 2
Acton 1
Anguillara Sabazia 1
Aucamville 1
Austin 1
Baku 1
Bandar Seri Begawan 1
Barcelona 1
Bari 1
Bogotá 1
Totale 3.102
Nome #
Numerical insights on ionic microgels. Structure and swelling behaviour 118
Model for reversible colloidal gelation 112
Modelling realistic microgels in an explicit solvent 103
Gellan gum microgels as effective agents for a rapid cleaning of paper 100
Microgels Adsorbed at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces: A Joint Numerical and Experimental Study 94
One-dimensional cluster growth and branching gels in colloidal systems with short-range depletion attraction and screened electrostatic repulsion 93
In Silico Synthesis of Microgel Particles 92
Higher-order glass-transition singularities in colloidal systems with attractive interactions 91
Glass-glass transition during aging of a colloidal clay 91
Equilibrium Cluster Phases and Low-Density Arrested Disordered States: The Role of Short-Range Attraction and Long-Range Repulsion 90
Anomalous dynamics of intruders in a crowded environment of mobile obstacles 89
Aging in short-ranged attractive colloids: A numerical study 87
On the effect of the thermostat in non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations 85
A new look at effective interactions between microgel particles 84
Gaussian density fluctuations and mode coupling theory for supercooled liquids 82
Observation of empty liquids and equilibrium gels in a colloidal clay 82
Link between Morphology, Structure, and Interactions of Composite Microgels 82
Static and dynamical correlation functions behaviour in attractive colloidal systems from theory and simulation 81
Mode-coupling theory of colloids with short-range attractions 81
A spherical model with directional interactions: II. Dynamics and landscape properties 80
Two-step deswelling in the Volume Phase Transition of thermoresponsive microgels 80
Numerical modelling of non-ionic microgels: an overview 78
Gelation as arrested phase separation in short-ranged attractive colloid-polymer mixtures 77
Is There a Reentrant Glass in Binary Mixtures? 76
Internal structure and swelling behaviour of in silico microgel particles 75
Energy landscape of a simple model for strong liquids 75
Numerical study of the glass-glass transition in short-ranged attractive colloids 73
Tailoring the flow of soft glasses by soft additives 73
Dynamical arrest in dense short-ranged attractive colloids 72
Effect of bond lifetime on the dynamics of a short-range attractive colloidal system 69
Mode-coupling theory predictions for a limited valency attractive square well model 69
Modeling Microgels with a Controlled Structure across the Volume Phase Transition 68
Charge affinity and solvent effects in numerical simulations of ionic microgels 68
Equilibrium gels of limited valence colloids 67
Connecting elasticity and effective interactions of neutral microgels: The validity of the hertzian model 67
null 66
Casimir-like forces at the percolation transition 65
Ground-state clusters for short-range attractive and long-range repulsive potentials 64
Universality behaviour in 'ideal' dynamical arrest transitions of a lattice glass model 63
How soft repulsion enhances the depletion mechanism 63
null 63
Interaction between charged colloids in a low dielectric constant solvent 62
Ideal glass in attractive systems with different potentials 62
COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE Soft heaps and clumpy crystals 62
Multiple glass singularities and isodynamics in a core-softened model for glass-forming systems 59
Unveiling the complex glassy dynamics of square shoulder systems: Simulations and theory 58
Universality class of the motility-induced critical point in large scale off-lattice simulations of active particles 56
Evidence of a higher order singularity in dense short range attractive colloids 54
Silica through the eyes of colloidal models-when glass is a gel 50
Mechanical properties of a model of attractive colllidal solutions 49
Effect of Internal Architecture on the Assembly of Soft Particles at Fluid Interfaces 49
Effect of Chain Polydispersity on the Elasticity of Disordered Polymer Networks 48
Non-Gaussian energy landscape of a simple Model for strong network farring liquids: Accurate evaluation of the configuration entropy 45
Tuning effective interactions close to the critical point in colloidal suspensions 44
null 43
Soft colloids for complex interfacial assemblies 43
Dynamical properties of different models of elastic polymer rings: Confirming the link between deformation and fragility 39
Gel Formation in Reversibly Cross-Linking Polymers 34
Probing Temperature Responsivity of Microgels and Its Interplay with a Solid Surface by Super-Resolution Microscopy and Numerical Simulations 33
Volume fraction determination of microgel composed of interpenetrating polymer networks of PNIPAM and Polyacrylic acid 32
Glass and Jamming Rheology in Soft Particles made of PNIPAM and polyacrylic acid 30
Structure and elasticity of model disordered, polydisperse, and defect-free polymer networks 21
Concentration and temperature dependent interactions and state diagram of dispersions of copolymer microgels 20
Structural and microscopic relaxations in a colloidal glass 16
null 12
Discontinous change from thermally- to geometrically-dominated effective interactions in colloidal solutions 9
Critical active dynamics is captured by a colored-noise driven field theory 6
Totale 4.324
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.483
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 12.483

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020275 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 59 75 33
2020/2021370 41 45 18 11 25 12 22 32 39 93 28 4
2021/2022787 17 35 71 38 112 38 16 73 81 45 137 124
2022/2023802 135 203 62 44 112 48 33 52 54 12 37 10
2023/2024375 24 48 17 57 31 53 6 57 1 27 33 21
2024/2025456 26 69 57 37 70 87 65 44 1 0 0 0
Totale 4.324