NIGRO, Lorenzo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.422
EU - Europa 6.643
AS - Asia 2.347
SA - Sud America 154
AF - Africa 72
OC - Oceania 66
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 16.713
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.244
IT - Italia 2.964
UA - Ucraina 962
SG - Singapore 685
IN - India 662
FI - Finlandia 577
CN - Cina 491
SE - Svezia 470
DE - Germania 338
ES - Italia 292
GB - Regno Unito 244
CA - Canada 162
FR - Francia 157
IL - Israele 124
AR - Argentina 102
IE - Irlanda 87
NL - Olanda 80
CH - Svizzera 70
TR - Turchia 70
RO - Romania 68
ID - Indonesia 65
BE - Belgio 57
AU - Australia 50
BR - Brasile 42
GR - Grecia 42
JP - Giappone 40
RU - Federazione Russa 38
BG - Bulgaria 30
ZA - Sudafrica 28
IR - Iran 26
MT - Malta 26
JO - Giordania 24
PL - Polonia 23
PS - Palestinian Territory 23
AT - Austria 20
DK - Danimarca 16
KR - Corea 16
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 16
RS - Serbia 14
LB - Libano 13
MX - Messico 13
NO - Norvegia 13
HK - Hong Kong 12
MY - Malesia 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
PK - Pakistan 11
IQ - Iraq 10
PT - Portogallo 9
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 9
EG - Egitto 8
PH - Filippine 8
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 8
AM - Armenia 7
DZ - Algeria 7
EU - Europa 7
OM - Oman 7
SI - Slovenia 7
TG - Togo 7
CL - Cile 6
SC - Seychelles 5
VN - Vietnam 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
HR - Croazia 4
KH - Cambogia 4
LY - Libia 4
TN - Tunisia 4
TW - Taiwan 4
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
HU - Ungheria 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LT - Lituania 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MM - Myanmar 2
NG - Nigeria 2
TH - Thailandia 2
VE - Venezuela 2
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GE - Georgia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KE - Kenya 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MN - Mongolia 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
SN - Senegal 1
Totale 16.713
Città #
Rome 1.025
Chandler 711
Fairfield 496
Woodbridge 463
Princeton 455
Singapore 442
Jacksonville 356
Helsinki 318
Ashburn 303
Dearborn 301
Plano 285
Wilmington 265
Ann Arbor 244
Houston 221
Santa Clara 183
Beijing 169
Boston 154
Milan 154
Millbury 124
Cambridge 121
Seattle 110
Andover 109
Federal 93
San Diego 88
Dublin 82
New York 80
Des Moines 76
Toronto 72
Norwalk 58
Rocca Priora 52
Jakarta 51
La Unión 51
Boardman 48
Florence 48
Bremen 45
Hefei 43
Jerusalem 42
Falls Church 39
Catania 38
Kunming 37
Nanjing 34
Tel Aviv 34
Las Vegas 33
Palermo 33
Southend 33
Lawrence 32
Madrid 31
San Paolo di Civitate 30
Bologna 29
Bühl 29
Nuremberg 29
Redwood City 29
Berlin 28
Ottawa 26
Sofia 26
Turin 26
Tucson 23
Istanbul 22
Washington 22
Falkenstein 21
Barcelona 20
Naples 20
Durham 19
Guangzhou 19
London 19
Mannheim 19
Nanchang 19
San Mateo 19
Amman 18
Thessaloniki 18
Los Angeles 17
Brussels 16
Guidonia 16
Lyon 16
Prato 16
Tübingen 16
Amsterdam 15
Jinan 15
Paris 15
Pune 15
Ankara 14
Dallas 14
Leicester 14
Melbourne 14
Valencia 14
Therwil 13
Bucharest 11
Cagliari 11
Chicago 11
Ichihara 11
Napoli 11
Oxford 11
Rio De Janeiro 11
Slatina 11
Zurich 11
Altadena 10
Auburn Hills 10
Frankfurt am Main 10
Liège 10
Moscow 10
Totale 9.201
Nome #
Gli Apkallu, i sette saggi antidiluviani, i sacerdoti-pesce e gli esorcisti di Ea. Nota su un cilindro votivo neoassiro da Nimrud della Collezione del Pontificio Istituto Biblico 276
Tell es-Sultan/Jericho in the Late Bronze Age. An overall reconstruction in the light of most recent research 261
Jericho. From the Neolithic to the Bronze and Iron Ages: The Urban diversity 241
The Two Steles of Sargon: Iconology and Visual Propaganda at the Beginning of Royal Akkadian Relief 222
Mozia tra VI e V secolo a.C. Monumentalizzazione e organizzazione socio-politica: un nuovo modello 183
Botany meets archaeology: archaeobotany at Motya (Italy) 182
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) from Motya and its deepest oriental roots 175
Ricerche sull'architettura palaziale della Palestina nelle Età del Bronzo e del Ferro. Contesto archeologico e sviluppo storico (Contributi e Materiali di Archeologia Orientale 5) 163
Food and weed plants in sacred and secular contexts: archaeobotany at the Phoenician – Punic site of Motya (Sicily, Italy) 162
Motya through the millenia: Analyzing Phoenician impact on the local vegetation 154
Temples in Motya and their Levantine prototypes: Phoenician religious architectural tradition 149
3d modelling of archaeological small finds by a low-cost range camera. Methodology and first results 145
3D modelling of archaeological small finds by the structure sensor range camera: comparison of different scanning applications 142
Conventional and advanced techniques for archaeological diagnostic of iron artefacts 132
Landing on Motya. The earliest Phoenician settlement of the 8th century BC and the creation of a West Phoenician Cultural Identity in the excavations of Sapienza University of Rome - 2012-2016 127
. 122
Beheaded Ancestors. Of skulls and stautes in Pre-Pottery Neolithic Jericho 117
Per un'analisi formale dello schema compositivo della Stele di Naram-Sin 116
XRM imaging for non-destructive age at death estimation of the incinerated teeth from the Motya Tophet (Sicily, 6th century BC) 115
Microstructure and chemical composition of a Sardinian bronze axe of the Iron Age from Motya (Sicily, Italy) 113
Archaeobotanic investigations at the Phoenician site of Motya (Sicily, Italy) 111
The Eighteenth Century BC Princes of Byblos and Ebla and the Chronology of the Middle Bronze Age 109
3D scanning, modelling and printing of ultra-thin nacreous shells from Jericho: a case study of small finds documentation in archaeology 109
Tiro, Cartagine, Lixus: Nuove Acquisizioni, Atti del Convegno Internazionale in onore di Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo 106
6 ICAANE. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. 5 May – 10 May 2009, “Sapienza”, Università di Roma 102
New archaeological features in Bethlehem (Palestine). The Italian-Palestinian rescue season of November 2016 102
Cultural landscape and plant use at the Phoenician site of Motya (Western Sicily, Italy) inferred from a disposal pit 100
A Sardinian early 1st millennium BC bronze axe from Motya 98
The ceramic of the “Palace of the Copper Axes” (Khirbet al-Batrawy, Jordan). A palatial special production 96
Discrimination and provenances of Phoenician red slip ware using both the solid state electrochemistry and petrographic analyses 96
Archaeobotany at Motya (Italy) 95
The Red Slip Ware from Motya (Sicily, Italy): A multi-analytical approach for determining the production technology and the nature of the raw materials 95
Technological fingerprints of Black-Gloss Ware from Motya (Western Sicily, Italy) 91
Cultic Activities in the Sacred Area of Ishtar at Ebla during the Old-Syrian Period: the Favissae F.5238 and F.5327 88
Is Khirbet Kerak Ware from Khirbet al-Batrawy (Jordan) local or imported pottery? 87
Plant assemblage of the Phoenician sacrificial pit by the Temple of Melqart/Herakles (Motya, Sicily, Italy) 87
Human-environment interactions at the central Mediterranean site of Motya (Sicily, Italy) 86
Khirbet Al-Batrawy in North-Central Jordan: New discoveries in the Early Bronze Age Palace, 2018-2020 84
Aside the spring: Byblos and Jericho from village to town in the second half of the 4th millennium BC 83
Penguin 3.0-Capturing small finds in 3D 83
Preliminary Report of the First Season of Excavations of Rome “La Sapienza” University at Khirbet al-Batrawy (Upper Wadi az-Zarqa, Jordan) 81
The divine spirit of bees. A note on honey and the origins of yeast-driven fermentation 81
A hoard of Nilotic nacreous shells from Egypt to Jericho (Early Bronze II, 3000–2800 BCE). Their finding, content and historical archaeological implications 80
Alle sorgenti del Kothon. Il rito a Mozia nell’Area sacra di Baal ‘Addir - Poseidon. Lo scavo dei pozzi sacri nel Settore C Sud-Ovest (2006-2011) (= Quaderni di Archeologia Fenicio-Punica, Colour Monograph 02) 79
The Phoenician Red Slip Ware from Sulky (Sardinia-Italy): Microstructure and quantitative phase analysis 79
Jericho and the chronology of Palestine in the Early Bronze Age: A radiometric re-assessment 78
Following Phoenician technology through red slip ware artefacts 78
Motya and the Phoenician Repertoire between the Levant and the West, 9th - 6th century BC. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Rome, 26th February 2010 (= Quaderni di Archeologia Fenicio-Punica, V) 77
The diverse urbanism of the Levant: Models and achievements. The case of Tell es-Sultan/ancient Jericho in the Early Bronze Age II 75
The "Nordburg" of Megiddo: A New Reconstruction of the Basis of Schumacher's Plan 75
Nuove scoperte archeologiche a Tell es-Sultan, biblica Gerico, 2009 75
L’ascia fenestrata e il pugnale venato: due tipologie di armi d’apparato dell’età del Bronzo Medio in Palestina 71
Tell es-Sultan 2015. A pilot project for archaeology in Palestine 71
Preliminary results on polished surface of Phoenician red slip ware 71
Nuovi scavi al Tofet di Mozia (2009-2014): il Tempio di Astarte (T6), l'Edificio T5 e il sacello T8 71
3D fractures analysis and conservation assessment of wrought iron javelin through advanced non-invasive techniques 70
The so-called “Kothon” at Motya. The sacred pool of Baal ‘Addir/Poseidon in the light of recent archaeological investigations by Rome «La Sapienza» University - 2005-2013. Stratigraphy, architecture, and finds 69
Visual Role and Ideological Meaning of the Enemies in the Royal Akkadian Relief 67
Khalet al-Jam’a. A Middle Bronze and Iron Age necropolis near Bethlehem (Palestine) 64
Alle origini di Mozia: stratigrafia e ceramica del Tempio del Kothon dall’VIII al VI secolo a.C. 63
Phoenician Red Slip Ware from Sulcis (Italy): a preliminary report 63
Protecting and rehabilitating the archaeology of Bethlehem 62
Inanna dea dei sumeri 62
Recensione a G. Garbini, I Filistei. Gli antagonisti di Israele 61
Grapes and vines of the Phoenicians: morphometric analyses of pips from modern varieties and Iron Age archaeological sites in the Western Mediterranean 61
Onorare gli dèi, rappresentare il potere regale, ammirare il monumento. Canoni, contesti, funzioni e fruizioni della statuaria divina e regale nell’Egitto, nel Vicino e Medio Oriente e nell’Asia Centrale. Atti del convegno degli orientalisti antichisti della Sapienza Università di Roma, Odeion, 30-31 maggio 2019 61
When the Walls Tumble Down. Jericho: Rise & Collapse of an Early Bronze Age Palestinian City 60
The EB IV/Intermediate Bronze Age at Batrawy and Jericho: Post-urban vs. Proto-urban 60
Ishtar di Akkad 60
A comprehensive strategy for exploring corrosion in iron-based artefacts through advanced Multiscale X-ray Microscopy 60
Urban Origins in the Upper Wādī az-Zarqā’, Jordan: The City of Khirbat al-Batrāwī in the third Millennium BC 59
Proceedings of the VIth International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Rome May 5th-10th 2008 57
Il Tempio del Kothon e il ruolo delle aree sacre nello sviluppo urbano di Mozia dall’VIII al IV secolo a.C. 57
Offerte e depositi votivi nel Santuario C3 del Kothon di Mozia nel IV secolo a.C. 56
The Early Bronze Age II City-Gate at Khirbet al-Batrawy, Jordan 56
Microstructure and chemical composition of Iron Age archaeological objects from the Phoenician-Punic site of Motya (Sicily, Italy) 56
Variability in pottery production at Khalet al-Jam'a necropolis, Bethlehem (West Bank). From the Early-Middle Bronze to the Iron Age 56
Cartagine: la città e le necropoli. Rapporto preliminare sulla prima campagna di scavi (2021) dell’Institut National du Patrimoine e dell’Università di Roma «La Sapienza» 56
Tell es-Sultan/Jericho in the Context of the Jordan Valley: Site Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held in Ariha 7th - 11th February 2005 by the Palestinian Department of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage - Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, UNESCO Office - Ramallah, Rome “La Sapienza” University (= Rome «La Sapienza» Studies on the Archaeology of Palestine & Transjordan, 2) 55
Nannorrhops ritchiana: the dwarf palm tree of the king in the 24th-23rd century BC palace of Jericho 55
3D imaging of micro-segregation and corrosion behavior of alloying elements in archaeological artefacts from Motya (Sicily, Italy) 54
Tell es-Sultan/Jericho in the Early Bronze II (3000-2700 BC): the rise of an early Palestinian city. A synthesis of the results of four archaeological expeditions (= Rome «La Sapienza» Studies on the Archaeology of Palestine & Transjordan, 5) 54
Precious Water. Paths of Jordanian Civilizations as seen in the Italian Archaeological Excavations. Proceedings of an International Conference held in Amman, October 18th 2016 54
An Egyptian green schist palette and an amazonite gemstone from the “Palace of the Copper Axes” at Batrawy, Jordan 54
Alcuni vasi del Bronzo Antico I (3300-3000 a.C.) in Ceramica grigia lustrata dalla necropoli di Gerico nei Musei Vaticani 54
Inanna dea dei Sumeri 54
Archaeological Heritage in the Jericho Oasis. A systematic catalogue of archaeological sites for the sake of their protection and cultural valorization (= Rome «La Sapienza» Studies on the Archaeology of Palestine & Transjordan, 7) 53
Khirbet al-Batrawy: An Early Bronze Age city at the fringes of the desert 53
Il corno di Tritone 53
The dwarf palm tree of the king. A Nannorrhops ritchiana in the 24th-23rd century BC palace of Jericho 53
A preliminary archaeobotanical study of charred remains from the archaeological site of Tell es-Sultan (Jericho, Palestine) 52
Khirbet al-Batrawy: una città del III millennio a.C. in Giordania 52
The sacred pool of Ba'al: a reinterpretation of the ‘Kothon’ at Motya 52
Caress the pharaoh. The tactile reproduction of Ramses II's “mummy” in the Sapienza University Museum of the Near East, Egypt and Mediterranean 51
Preliminary Report of the First Season of Excavations by the University of Rome “La Sapienza” at Khirbat al-Batrāwī (Upper Wādī az-Zarqā’) 51
Dominating the river: Khirbet Al-Batrawy, An EB II-IH City in North-Central Jordan 51
Khalet al-Jam’a. A Bronze and Iron Ages necropolis near Bethlehem (Palestine): results of the 2019 archaeological excavations 51
Exploring the chemical composition and corrosion patterns of arrowheads used in the Siege of Motya (397 BC) through a multi-analytical approach 51
A Female Clay Figurine from Tell Agrab (Iraq) 50
Totale 8.905
Categoria #
all - tutte 50.707
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 2.307
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 53.014

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.452 0 0 0 0 0 438 299 237 113 200 114 51
2020/20211.444 154 133 47 168 63 152 65 147 85 245 116 69
2021/20223.352 59 199 189 217 443 149 69 303 362 278 477 607
2022/20233.136 800 236 121 301 342 303 74 217 260 152 177 153
2023/20242.986 180 232 182 251 225 276 274 319 73 373 257 344
2024/20252.373 435 259 457 465 522 235 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.306