When Italy was going to the first World War against Austria in the may of 1915 there were a lot of intellectuals that take part to the conflict and sustain the offensive military. The great spread of the futurist movement had activated anywhere creative energies and the literary boldness animated the programmes of a lot of magazines. In this constellation of words it’s especially important the publication of «Diana», magazine published in Napoli between 1915 and 1917, and Gherardo Marone was the key actor. This article would like to focus the transition from a futurist to a modern poetic culture, using published works on the magazine and unpublished letters mailed to Gherardo Marone by enlisted collaborators, to underline cultural value of «Diana» and to remember some young writers, like Mario Cestaro and Annunzio Cervi, first world war victims.
All'entrata in guerra dell'Italia nel maggio 1915 contro l'Austria sono moltissimi gli intellettuali che prendono parte al conflitto e sostengono l’offensiva militare. La diffusione capillare del movimento futurista aveva attivato ovunque energie creatrici e l’ardire letterario animava i manifesti programmatici di molte riviste. In questa costellazione verbale, acquista rilevanza la pubblicazione de «La Diana», rivista pubblicata a Napoli tra il 1915 e il 1917, di cui Gherardo Marone fu il principale animatore. L’articolo intende cogliere il passaggio da un’esausta cultura futurista a una sensibilità poetica moderna, alternando gli scritti pubblicati in rivista alle inedite lettere inviate a Gherardo Marone dai collaboratori al fronte, per evidenziare il valore culturale svolto dalla rivista e per disseppellire le parole di giovani poeti come Mario Cestaro e Annunzio Cervi, le cui vite furono travolte dal destino della guerra.
“Morire secondo i regolamenti”. Gli intellettuali de «La Diana» al fronte / Volpe, Martina. - In: COSTELLAZIONI. - ISSN 2532-2001. - STAMPA. - 2:1(2017), pp. 49-73.
“Morire secondo i regolamenti”. Gli intellettuali de «La Diana» al fronte
When Italy was going to the first World War against Austria in the may of 1915 there were a lot of intellectuals that take part to the conflict and sustain the offensive military. The great spread of the futurist movement had activated anywhere creative energies and the literary boldness animated the programmes of a lot of magazines. In this constellation of words it’s especially important the publication of «Diana», magazine published in Napoli between 1915 and 1917, and Gherardo Marone was the key actor. This article would like to focus the transition from a futurist to a modern poetic culture, using published works on the magazine and unpublished letters mailed to Gherardo Marone by enlisted collaborators, to underline cultural value of «Diana» and to remember some young writers, like Mario Cestaro and Annunzio Cervi, first world war victims.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.