The meeting "Colloqui.AT.e 2015" Association Ar.Tec. It was held in Bologna on days 26 to 28 November 2015, at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna. The annual meeting between the members of the association was held in the headquarters town of the oldest University in the world and, in particular, between the walls of a historic building of great architectural and symbolic value, designed by Giuseppe Vaccaro, one of the most important architects of the twentieth century. This rationalist building for its architectural and construction features, acquires an added value when analyzed according to the three thematic areas identified by the conference: in fact, o ff ers an interesting opportunity for reflection in terms of performance requirements, of the employed construction techniques and architectural value and landscaping of the property. The results of this important meeting are collected in the second volume of the book series "Colloqui.AT.e", which contains all the contributions drawn at the conference Ar.Tec., Accompanied by presentations of the association's leaders and the introductions of teachers who exhibited a critical analysis of the contributions. The conference days have resulted in a confrontation between those who participated in the event by presenting their written submissions and attending debates arose from the reflections from these o ff ered. This year the organizing committee has been able to find a large ffl uence by young unstructured researchers (PhD students, doctors, fellows and research fellows) and professors (and ordinary). The exchange between these people was an important moment of sharing and transmission of knowledge, reflection and debate on issues at the base of the discipline the Technical Architecture. The conference was structured by providing a first day dedicated to young researchers and the presentation of their contributions, divided by subject areas - Building Performance, Building Design and Techniques, Heritage Building - and discussion among teachers about the training and job placement . The second day was divided following the three thematic areas identified above: for each of them, the session was opened by the reflections of teachers who have introduced the presentation of one or two contributions of young researchers, selected for special merit and valuable scientific co , followed by a moment of debate. The last morning of the conference was dedicated to the cultural visit important historical places of the city of Bologna: visit of St. Peter's Cathedral and at a high altitude in the attic to admire the large trusses above the Gothic vault - shown in photos cover - followed by the visit of Palazzo d'Accursio with ascent to the Clock Tower, the complex dell'Archiginnasio and the Anatomical Theatre in carved wood. Turning to the numbers, compared to 2014, it was found an increase in the contributions made equal to about 12%. The distribution of the 78 papers in the three thematic areas shows how much more wrought scope is that of the Building Heritage which constitutes 49% of the total. The weakest sector in terms of scientific production is that of the Building Performance contributions presented with 15 (19%) while for the scope Building Design and Techniques were presented 25 articles (32%). The clear prevalence of a research for the conservation of heritage is certainly due to the attention that has always, in the Italian context, it is devoted to this theme. In e ff ects, the historic built heritage is an element of great interest for research in this area, and provide an enhancement. The focus on new construction techniques still demonstrates the intention of the researchers to engage in complex research topics, often with multi-disciplinary and specialized features, which lead to inevitable repercussions on improving the performance of buildings, existing and new, in the horizon dictated by energy regulations. The contributions came from 26 different Italian universities, distributed throughout the peninsula, confirming how this national event is able to be an important get-together for the entire discipline. The data also indicate that there have been as many as 72 different Corresponding author, with a total investment, for various reasons, 135 people involved in the drafting of the contributions. Professors and senior researchers collaborate and then directing work teams made up of young researchers with different skills and specificity. The reading of the scientific contributions we presented here leads to its holistic nature of research carried out in the field of Architecture Technology at the various Italian venues, legible and in the specific themes ff rontate that in the research approaches used by researchers. Another fundamental factor that unites the contributions of all the areas of research concerns the strong component of technological innovation that is becoming increasingly central role in the evolution of search. The a ffi operation of technological and innovative technical tools is a key component of the submitted contributions, not only as the ultimate goal of research but also as an important means of research, aimed at optimizing ever more precise processes. Alongside technological evolution, closely linked to the progress of technology - its the subject area - shows the need to implement an international comparison with the realities ff erent to the same scientific endeavor, through exchange of information favored by seminars and conferences and by di ff usion of scientific publications. The meeting Colloqui.AT.e 2015 demonstrated the continuing evolution of the knowledge gained in research, in addition to achieving an ever greater awareness of the profound nature of the subject area of Technical Architecture: a place of synthesis of technical knowledge, primarily characterized by tilting the identification of the issues and the further processing of the paradigms and research methods for the formulation of design solutions to their resolution. This aspect is the essence of the fi gure of Construction Engineers-Architects, whose complexity and value are derived from the coexistence of two theoretical part and practical training received in the cultural, cultivated and transmitted to new young researchers.
L’incontro “Colloqui.AT.e 2015” dell’Associazione Ar.Tec. si è svolto a Bologna nelle giornate dal 26 al 28 novembre 2015, presso la Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura dell’Università di Bologna. L’appuntamento annuale fra i membri dell’associazione si è svolto nella città sede dell’Università più antica del mondo e, in particolare, fra i muri di un edificio storico di grande valore architettonico e simbolico progettato da Giuseppe Vaccaro, uno dei più importanti architetti del Novecento. Questo edificio razionalista, per le sue caratteristiche architettoniche e costruttive, acquista un valore aggiunto se analizzato secondo i tre ambiti tematici individuati dal convegno: infatti, offre una interessante occasione di riflessione sotto il profilo dei requisiti prestazionali, delle tecniche costruttive impiegate e del valore architettonico e paesaggistico del bene. Gli esiti di questo importante incontro vengono raccolti nel secondo volume della collana editoriale “Colloqui.AT.e”, che racchiude tutti i contributi redatti in occasione del convegno Ar.Tec., accompagnati dalle presentazioni dei vertici dell’associazione e dalle introduzioni dei docenti che hanno esposto una analisi critica dei contributi. Le giornate di convegno hanno dato vita a un confronto tra coloro che hanno partecipato all’evento presentando i loro contributi scritti e assistendo ai dibattiti sorti dalle riflessioni da questi offerti. Anche quest’anno il comitato organizzativo ha potuto riscontrare una grande affluenza da parte dei giovani ricercatori non strutturati (dottorandi, dottori, assegnisti e borsisti di ricerca) e dei professori (associati e ordinari). Lo scambio tra queste persone ha rappresentato un momento importante di condivisione e trasmissione del sapere, di riflessione e confronto sulle tematiche poste alla base della disciplina dell’Architettura Tecnica. Il convegno è stato strutturato prevedendo una prima giornata dedicata ai giovani ricercatori e alla presentazione dei loro contributi, suddivisi per aree tematiche – Building Performance, Building Design and Techniques, Building Heritage – e al confronto tra docenti in merito ai percorsi formativi e al collocamento professionale. La seconda giornata è stata articolata seguendo i tre ambiti tematici individuati sopra: per ciascuno di essi, la sessione è stata aperta dalle riflessioni di docenti che hanno introdotto la presentazione di uno o due contributi dei giovani ricercatori, selezionati per particolare merito e pregio scienti co, seguita da un momento di dibattito. L’ultima mattina del convegno si è dedicata alla visita culturale di alcuni luoghi storici importanti della città di Bologna: visita della Cattedrale di San Pietro e salita in quota nel sottotetto per ammirare le grandi capriate al di sopra della volta gotica – riportate nella foto in copertina – seguita dalla visita di Palazzo d’Accursio con salita alla Torre dell’Orologio, del Complesso dell’Archiginnasio e del Teatro Anatomico in legno intagliato. Passando ai numeri, rispetto al 2014, è stato riscontrato un aumento dei contributi presentati pari al 12% circa. La distribuzione dei 78 papers all’interno delle tre aree tematiche mostra come l’ambito decisamente più battuto sia quello del Building Heritage che costituisce il 49% del totale. Il settore più debole in quanto a produzione scientifica è quello del Building Performance con 15 contributi presentati (19%) mentre per l’ambito Building Design and Techniques sono stati presentati 25 articoli (32%). La chiara prevalenza di ricerche inerenti la conservazione del patrimonio è sicuramente riconducibile all’attenzione che, da sempre, nel contesto italiano, è rivolta a questo tema. In effetti, il patrimonio costruito storico è un elemento di grande interesse per la ricerca in questo ambito, anche in un’ottica di valorizzazione. L’attenzione rivolta alle nuove tecniche costruttive dimostra comunque l’intenzione dei ricercatori a cimentarsi in temi di ricerca complessi, spesso con caratteristiche multidisciplinari e specialistiche, che portano a inevitabili ricadute anche sul miglioramento delle performance degli edifici, esistenti e nuovi, nell’orizzonte dettato dalle normative energetiche. I contributi sono giunti da 26 diversi atenei italiani, distribuiti lungo tutta la penisola, a conferma di come questo appuntamento nazionale sia in grado di costituire un importante momento di aggregazione per tutta la disciplina. I dati indicano inoltre come ci siano stati ben 72 corresponding author diversi, con una partecipazione complessiva, a diverso titolo, di 135 persone coinvolte nella redazione dei contributi. Professori e ricercatori esperti collaborano ed indirizzano quindi team di lavoro costituiti da giovani ricercatori con diverse professionalità e specificità. La lettura dei contributi scienti ci presentati in questa occasione porta alla luce la multidisciplinarità delle ricerche svolte nel settore dell’Architettura Tecnica presso le diverse sedi italiane, leggibile sia nelle specifiche tematiche affrontate che negli approcci di ricerca impiegati dai ricercatori. Un altro dato fondamentale che accomuna i contributi di tutti gli ambiti di ricerca riguarda la forte componente di innovazione tecnologica che acquista un ruolo sempre più centrale per l’evoluzione della ricerca. L’affinamento di strumenti tecnologici e di tecniche innovative rappresenta una componente fondamentale dei contributi presentati, non soltanto come fine ultimo di ricerca, ma anche come importante mezzo di ricerca, volto all’ottimizzazione sempre più precisa dei processi. A fianco dell’evoluzione tecnologica, strettamente legata al progresso della tecnica – propria dell’area disciplinare – emerge la necessità di attuare un confronto internazionale con le realtà afferenti ai medesimi settori di ricerca scientifica, attraverso lo scambio di informazioni favorito dai seminari e convegni e dalla diffusione delle pubblicazioni scientifiche. L’incontro Colloqui.AT.e 2015 ha dimostrato la continua evoluzione delle conoscenze acquisite nell’ambito della ricerca, oltre al conseguimento di una sempre maggiore consapevolezza della natura profonda dell’area disciplinare di Architettura Tecnica: un luogo di sintesi del sapere tecnico, primariamente connotato dall’inclinazione all’individuazione delle problematiche e alla successiva elaborazione dei paradigmi e metodi di ricerca per la formulazione di soluzioni progettuali volte alla loro risoluzione. Questo aspetto costituisce l’essenza della fi gura degli Ingegneri Edili-Architetti, la cui complessità e valore derivano dalla convivenza della duplice componente teorica e pratica nella formazione culturale ricevuta, coltivata e trasmessa ai nuovi giovani ricercatori.
Progettazione di un cantiere ospedaliero supportata da approcci simulativi / Coraglia, UGO MARIA; Simeone, Davide; Fioravanti, Antonio; D'Alessandro, Daniela. - ELETTRONICO. - 2:(2015), pp. 203-209. (Intervento presentato al convegno Colloqui.AT.e 2015 tenutosi a Scuola di Ingegneria ed Architettura dell’Università di Bologna nel 26-28/11/2015).
Progettazione di un cantiere ospedaliero supportata da approcci simulativi
The meeting "Colloqui.AT.e 2015" Association Ar.Tec. It was held in Bologna on days 26 to 28 November 2015, at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna. The annual meeting between the members of the association was held in the headquarters town of the oldest University in the world and, in particular, between the walls of a historic building of great architectural and symbolic value, designed by Giuseppe Vaccaro, one of the most important architects of the twentieth century. This rationalist building for its architectural and construction features, acquires an added value when analyzed according to the three thematic areas identified by the conference: in fact, o ff ers an interesting opportunity for reflection in terms of performance requirements, of the employed construction techniques and architectural value and landscaping of the property. The results of this important meeting are collected in the second volume of the book series "Colloqui.AT.e", which contains all the contributions drawn at the conference Ar.Tec., Accompanied by presentations of the association's leaders and the introductions of teachers who exhibited a critical analysis of the contributions. The conference days have resulted in a confrontation between those who participated in the event by presenting their written submissions and attending debates arose from the reflections from these o ff ered. This year the organizing committee has been able to find a large ffl uence by young unstructured researchers (PhD students, doctors, fellows and research fellows) and professors (and ordinary). The exchange between these people was an important moment of sharing and transmission of knowledge, reflection and debate on issues at the base of the discipline the Technical Architecture. The conference was structured by providing a first day dedicated to young researchers and the presentation of their contributions, divided by subject areas - Building Performance, Building Design and Techniques, Heritage Building - and discussion among teachers about the training and job placement . The second day was divided following the three thematic areas identified above: for each of them, the session was opened by the reflections of teachers who have introduced the presentation of one or two contributions of young researchers, selected for special merit and valuable scientific co , followed by a moment of debate. The last morning of the conference was dedicated to the cultural visit important historical places of the city of Bologna: visit of St. Peter's Cathedral and at a high altitude in the attic to admire the large trusses above the Gothic vault - shown in photos cover - followed by the visit of Palazzo d'Accursio with ascent to the Clock Tower, the complex dell'Archiginnasio and the Anatomical Theatre in carved wood. Turning to the numbers, compared to 2014, it was found an increase in the contributions made equal to about 12%. The distribution of the 78 papers in the three thematic areas shows how much more wrought scope is that of the Building Heritage which constitutes 49% of the total. The weakest sector in terms of scientific production is that of the Building Performance contributions presented with 15 (19%) while for the scope Building Design and Techniques were presented 25 articles (32%). The clear prevalence of a research for the conservation of heritage is certainly due to the attention that has always, in the Italian context, it is devoted to this theme. In e ff ects, the historic built heritage is an element of great interest for research in this area, and provide an enhancement. The focus on new construction techniques still demonstrates the intention of the researchers to engage in complex research topics, often with multi-disciplinary and specialized features, which lead to inevitable repercussions on improving the performance of buildings, existing and new, in the horizon dictated by energy regulations. The contributions came from 26 different Italian universities, distributed throughout the peninsula, confirming how this national event is able to be an important get-together for the entire discipline. The data also indicate that there have been as many as 72 different Corresponding author, with a total investment, for various reasons, 135 people involved in the drafting of the contributions. Professors and senior researchers collaborate and then directing work teams made up of young researchers with different skills and specificity. The reading of the scientific contributions we presented here leads to its holistic nature of research carried out in the field of Architecture Technology at the various Italian venues, legible and in the specific themes ff rontate that in the research approaches used by researchers. Another fundamental factor that unites the contributions of all the areas of research concerns the strong component of technological innovation that is becoming increasingly central role in the evolution of search. The a ffi operation of technological and innovative technical tools is a key component of the submitted contributions, not only as the ultimate goal of research but also as an important means of research, aimed at optimizing ever more precise processes. Alongside technological evolution, closely linked to the progress of technology - its the subject area - shows the need to implement an international comparison with the realities ff erent to the same scientific endeavor, through exchange of information favored by seminars and conferences and by di ff usion of scientific publications. The meeting Colloqui.AT.e 2015 demonstrated the continuing evolution of the knowledge gained in research, in addition to achieving an ever greater awareness of the profound nature of the subject area of Technical Architecture: a place of synthesis of technical knowledge, primarily characterized by tilting the identification of the issues and the further processing of the paradigms and research methods for the formulation of design solutions to their resolution. This aspect is the essence of the fi gure of Construction Engineers-Architects, whose complexity and value are derived from the coexistence of two theoretical part and practical training received in the cultural, cultivated and transmitted to new young researchers.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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