The article explores the origins of the Greek economic crisis and its severe impact on the constitutional and political system since its first appearance in 2010. The Author discusses the bailout loans and the memorandum whereby Greece undertook the obligation to tackle its budget deficit through the introduction of severe budget cuts, imposing austerity measures which caused the limitation of several constitutional rights. According to the author the inability or perhaps the lack of will to envisage democratic alternatives for the restoration of the Greek economy in crisis has encouraged the use of forms of exploitation of the legal and constitutional mechanisms, causing the crisis of the welfare state, of the democratic state of law and a limitation of pluralism that has resulted in the de-legitimization of relevant political actors and therefore in a serious crisis of representation. The Greek sovereign debt crisis has offered a unique opportunity to the European Union to fulfill the goals of political integration. Unfortunately the solutions offered by the European institutions have proved completely split off from the democratic system and imposed from outside, thereby showing their strong anti-social component. The effect of their introduction has been a profound weakening of the social and democratic patterns of the constitutional system under challenge.
L’articolo esamina le origini della crisi greca e il suo grave impatto sul sistema politico e costituzionale del Paese sin dalle prime avvisaglie del 2010. Vengono esaminati nel dettaglio gli accordi di prestito sottoscritti dalla Grecia con la Commissione europea e il Fondo Monetario Internazionale allo scopo di riequilibrare i forti disavanzi del bilancio, introducendo misure di austerita’ limitative dei diritti fondamentali. Secondo l'autore l'incapacità o forse la mancanza di volontà di prevedere alternative democratiche per il risanamento dell'economia greca in crisi ha incoraggiato il ricorso a forme di sfruttamento dei meccanismi giuridici e costituzionali, provocando la crisi dello stato sociale, dello stato democratico di diritto e una limitazione del pluralismo, che ha portato alla delegittimazione degli attori politici e quindi ad una grave crisi di rappresentanza. La crisi del debito sovrano greco ha offerto un'opportunità unica al l'Unione europea per raggiungere gli obiettivi di integrazione politica. Purtroppo le soluzioni offerte dalle istituzioni europee si sono dimostrate completamente scisse dal sistema democratico e imposte dall'esterno, mostrando così la loro forte componente anti-sociale. L'effetto della loro introduzione è stato un profondo indebolimento dell’elemento sociale e democratico del sistema costituzionale.
L’impatto della crisi sull’ordinamento costituzionale della Repubblica di Grecia / ARAVANTINOU LEONIDI, Giulia. - (In corso di stampa).
L’impatto della crisi sull’ordinamento costituzionale della Repubblica di Grecia
In corso di stampa
The article explores the origins of the Greek economic crisis and its severe impact on the constitutional and political system since its first appearance in 2010. The Author discusses the bailout loans and the memorandum whereby Greece undertook the obligation to tackle its budget deficit through the introduction of severe budget cuts, imposing austerity measures which caused the limitation of several constitutional rights. According to the author the inability or perhaps the lack of will to envisage democratic alternatives for the restoration of the Greek economy in crisis has encouraged the use of forms of exploitation of the legal and constitutional mechanisms, causing the crisis of the welfare state, of the democratic state of law and a limitation of pluralism that has resulted in the de-legitimization of relevant political actors and therefore in a serious crisis of representation. The Greek sovereign debt crisis has offered a unique opportunity to the European Union to fulfill the goals of political integration. Unfortunately the solutions offered by the European institutions have proved completely split off from the democratic system and imposed from outside, thereby showing their strong anti-social component. The effect of their introduction has been a profound weakening of the social and democratic patterns of the constitutional system under challenge.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.