From the perspective of public law financial relations between center and periphery that are rooted in constitutional charters, do not take place in an institutional vacuum. Instead, they are related to the fundamental principles of the form of state in the broad sense that allows you to declinarle according to one version of solidarity and an opposite second cooperative or competitive version. In our system, intergovernmental financial relations defined in art. 119 of the Constitution shall be informed by the principle of autonomy and pluralism in the context of the protection order unity and indivisibility of art. 5 of the Constitution, and the principle of solidarity enshrined in art. 2 of the Constitution. As we have argued elsewhere, with particular reference to the equalization of resources. The conditioning of the form of state on intergovernmental relations and choices that axiological similar bond requires, in terms of protection of economic and social cohesion in the sorting, but must compare herself with another aspect. You can not, in fact, ignore the increasingly stronger indicators to measure the actions of the government, in accordance with the principle of efficiency and rationality in public choices. Public policies, in fact, are influenced more and more by the indices and parameters capable of measuring the costs of government in the delivery of services to citizens. The reasons for this trend can be found in the progressive reduction in resources available for the public authorities and in the multiplicity of interests that are opposed in a complex society, resulting in a reduction of discretionary policy choices on quomodo. In the context of intergovernmental relations, similar criteria are used to measure the exercise of the powers constitutionally guaranteed territorial levels, in response to financial and budgetary reasons. The precondition for the exercise of constitutionally guaranteed autonomy of regional and local authorities is based on the combination of resources - functions, since the fourth paragraph of Art. 119 of the Constitution defines the income levels of government as a tool to fully finance the public functions assigned to them, by introducing into the Constitution the principle of self-sufficiency. With the reform of Title V, also the financing of the functions is not subject solely to the criterion of coverage of the planned expenditure. The mechanism works in reverse, namely that decisions on revenue should be older than the expenditure, subject - with some adjustments - the financing of the functions related to the protection of the essential levels of civil and social rights referred to in the second paragraph, letter. m), art. 117 of the Constitution This trend is also apparent from the analysis art. 119, which introduces new parameters, which meet the criteria of efficiency and rationality in the exercise of the functions of local authorities, as demonstrated by replacing the criterion of need, as an indicator of the financing of the functions contained in the above constitutional provision, with reference to the more detailed fiscal capacity per inhabitant, pursuant to the third paragraph of Art. 119 of the Constitution Consequently, we are witnessing the passing of the criterion for funding of the functions previously used, given by the so-called historical expenditure, based on the cost of the actual exercise of the functions of local authorities in a predetermined period of time. In the perspective of the financial intergovernmental relations, in fact, the indicator is a historical expenditure arbitrary criterion in the use of resources, linked to the needs of a more balanced economic management and rational functions.
Nella prospettiva giuspubblicistica le relazioni finanziarie tra centro e periferia che trovano il loro fondamento nelle carte costituzionali, non si svolgono in un vuoto istituzionale. Al contrario, esse sono connesse ai principi fondamentali della forma di Stato intesa in senso lato che consente di declinarle secondo una versione solidaristica e cooperativa ovvero secondo un’opposta versione competitiva. Nel nostro ordinamento, le relazioni intergovernative finanziarie definite dall’art. 119 Cost. sono informate al rispetto del principio pluralistico e autonomistico, nel quadro della tutela dell’unità e indivisibilità dell’ordinamento di cui all’art. 5 Cost., e del principio solidaristico sancito all’art. 2 della Costituzione. Come si è sostenuto in altra sede con particolare riferimento alla perequazione delle risorse. Il condizionamento della forma di Stato sulle relazioni intergovernative e sulle scelte assiologiche che simile legame impone, in termini di tutela della coesione economica e sociale nell’ordinamento, deve raffrontarsi però con un altro aspetto. Non si può, infatti, trascurare il ricorso sempre più incisivo ad indicatori per misurare l’operato delle amministrazioni, in ossequio al principio di efficienza e di razionalità nelle scelte pubbliche. Le politiche pubbliche, infatti, sono condizionate sempre più da indici e da parametri in grado di misurare i costi delle amministrazioni nell’erogazione dei servizi ai cittadini. Le ragioni di questa tendenza sono rinvenibili nella progressiva contrazione delle risorse disponibili per i pubblici poteri e nella molteplicità di interessi che si contrappongono nella società complessa, dando luogo ad una riduzione della discrezionalità delle scelte politiche sul quomodo. Nel contesto delle relazioni intergovernative, simili criteri vengono impiegati per misurare l’esercizio delle attribuzioni costituzionalmente garantite dei livelli territoriali, rispondendo a ragioni finanziarie e di bilancio. Il presupposto per l’esercizio dell’autonomia costituzionalmente garantita di regioni ed enti territoriali è basato sul binomio risorse – funzioni, dal momento che il quarto comma dell’art. 119 Cost. definisce le entrate dei livelli di governo come lo strumento per finanziare integralmente le funzioni pubbliche loro attribuite, introducendo nella Carta costituzionale il principio dell’autosufficienza finanziaria. Con la riforma del titolo V, inoltre, il finanziamento delle funzioni non soggiace unicamente al criterio della copertura delle spese previste. Il meccanismo opera alla rovescia, vale a dire che le decisioni sulle entrate devono essere precedenti a quelle di spesa, fatto salvo – con alcuni correttivi – il finanziamento delle funzioni legate alla tutela dei livelli essenziali dei diritti civili e sociali di cui al secondo comma, lett. m), dell’art. 117 Cost. Questa evoluzione emerge anche dall’analisi dell’art. 119 che introduce parametri nuovi, rispondenti a criteri di maggiore efficienza e razionalità nell’esercizio delle funzioni degli enti territoriali, come dimostra la sostituzione del criterio del bisogno, quale indicatore del finanziamento delle funzioni contenuto nella precedente disposizione costituzionale, con il più puntuale riferimento alla capacità fiscale per abitante, di cui al terzo comma dell’art. 119 Cost. Conseguentemente, si assiste al superamento del criterio di finanziamento delle funzioni utilizzato in precedenza, dato dalla c.d. spesa storica, basato sul costo d’esercizio effettivo delle funzioni degli enti territoriali in un arco temporale prefissato. Nell’attuale prospettiva delle relazioni intergovernative finanziarie, infatti, l’indicatore della spesa storica risulta un criterio arbitrario nell’impiego delle risorse, legato più ai bisogni che ad una gestione economica equilibrata e razionale delle funzioni.
COVINO, Fabrizia
From the perspective of public law financial relations between center and periphery that are rooted in constitutional charters, do not take place in an institutional vacuum. Instead, they are related to the fundamental principles of the form of state in the broad sense that allows you to declinarle according to one version of solidarity and an opposite second cooperative or competitive version. In our system, intergovernmental financial relations defined in art. 119 of the Constitution shall be informed by the principle of autonomy and pluralism in the context of the protection order unity and indivisibility of art. 5 of the Constitution, and the principle of solidarity enshrined in art. 2 of the Constitution. As we have argued elsewhere, with particular reference to the equalization of resources. The conditioning of the form of state on intergovernmental relations and choices that axiological similar bond requires, in terms of protection of economic and social cohesion in the sorting, but must compare herself with another aspect. You can not, in fact, ignore the increasingly stronger indicators to measure the actions of the government, in accordance with the principle of efficiency and rationality in public choices. Public policies, in fact, are influenced more and more by the indices and parameters capable of measuring the costs of government in the delivery of services to citizens. The reasons for this trend can be found in the progressive reduction in resources available for the public authorities and in the multiplicity of interests that are opposed in a complex society, resulting in a reduction of discretionary policy choices on quomodo. In the context of intergovernmental relations, similar criteria are used to measure the exercise of the powers constitutionally guaranteed territorial levels, in response to financial and budgetary reasons. The precondition for the exercise of constitutionally guaranteed autonomy of regional and local authorities is based on the combination of resources - functions, since the fourth paragraph of Art. 119 of the Constitution defines the income levels of government as a tool to fully finance the public functions assigned to them, by introducing into the Constitution the principle of self-sufficiency. With the reform of Title V, also the financing of the functions is not subject solely to the criterion of coverage of the planned expenditure. The mechanism works in reverse, namely that decisions on revenue should be older than the expenditure, subject - with some adjustments - the financing of the functions related to the protection of the essential levels of civil and social rights referred to in the second paragraph, letter. m), art. 117 of the Constitution This trend is also apparent from the analysis art. 119, which introduces new parameters, which meet the criteria of efficiency and rationality in the exercise of the functions of local authorities, as demonstrated by replacing the criterion of need, as an indicator of the financing of the functions contained in the above constitutional provision, with reference to the more detailed fiscal capacity per inhabitant, pursuant to the third paragraph of Art. 119 of the Constitution Consequently, we are witnessing the passing of the criterion for funding of the functions previously used, given by the so-called historical expenditure, based on the cost of the actual exercise of the functions of local authorities in a predetermined period of time. In the perspective of the financial intergovernmental relations, in fact, the indicator is a historical expenditure arbitrary criterion in the use of resources, linked to the needs of a more balanced economic management and rational functions.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.