The Best in the Class "Series Giorgio Eminent" shall have the aim to showcase the work of some graduates of the Master in Marketing Management, presenting the case history novel, built from the experiences of project work conducted at some of the business partners of the Master . The cases are of great use and interest to anyone who, students and professionals wishing to enhance their marketing knowledge through reading and analysis of practical business experience. This fifth volume of the series features the stories of: Gentilini, Chrysler, Wind and GN Research.Il book welcomes also the contributions of the speakers at the Conference MUMM Day 2008, dedicated to the theme of "Global Branding". At the annual conference of the Master attended high-profile scholars and managers representing both academia both companies of international renown such as Henkel, Fox TV, McDonald's and Mercedes.Con the necklace, the MUMM also intends to recall the figure of Professor George eminent, distinguished scholar of marketing, which has always devoted an extraordinary commitment to the training of young people.
I Best in Class della “Collana Giorgio Eminente” perseguono l’obiettivo di valorizzare i lavori di alcuni diplomati del Master Universitario in Marketing Management, presentando delle case history inedite, costruite a partire dalle esperienze di project work condotte presso alcune delle imprese partner del Master. I casi proposti sono di grande utilità e interesse per tutti coloro i quali, studenti e professionisti, desiderino accrescere le proprie conoscenze di marketing attraverso la lettura e l’analisi di concrete esperienze d’impresa. Questo quinto volume della Collana presenta le storie di: Gentilini, Chrysler, Wind e GN Research. Il libro accoglie, inoltre, i contributi dei relatori intervenuti al MUMM Conference Day 2008, dedicato al tema del “Global branding”. Al Convegno annuale del Master hanno partecipato studiosi e manager di elevato profilo in rappresentanza sia del mondo accademico sia di imprese di rilievo internazionale come: Henkel, Fox TV, McDonald’s e Mercedes. Con la Collana, il MUMM intende anche ricordare la figura del Professor Giorgio Eminente, insigne studioso di marketing, che ha sempre dedicato uno straordinario impegno verso la formazione dei giovani.
Casi di Marketing - Vol. 5 / Vernuccio, Maria. - STAMPA. - (2009), pp. 1-196.
Casi di Marketing - Vol. 5
The Best in the Class "Series Giorgio Eminent" shall have the aim to showcase the work of some graduates of the Master in Marketing Management, presenting the case history novel, built from the experiences of project work conducted at some of the business partners of the Master . The cases are of great use and interest to anyone who, students and professionals wishing to enhance their marketing knowledge through reading and analysis of practical business experience. This fifth volume of the series features the stories of: Gentilini, Chrysler, Wind and GN Research.Il book welcomes also the contributions of the speakers at the Conference MUMM Day 2008, dedicated to the theme of "Global Branding". At the annual conference of the Master attended high-profile scholars and managers representing both academia both companies of international renown such as Henkel, Fox TV, McDonald's and Mercedes.Con the necklace, the MUMM also intends to recall the figure of Professor George eminent, distinguished scholar of marketing, which has always devoted an extraordinary commitment to the training of young people.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.