The use of hyperbaric chambers prevailed in medical therapy for vascular diseases and for outbreaks of embolism in emergency situations. This implies the achievement of environmental pressure conditions from two to three times higher than the atmospheric one, in such a short time to require delivery of the air flow that leads to very high intensity noise. The attenuation of this noise is usually performed through the installation of silencers at the air outlets. In this work a series of noise measurements is presented, carried out inside the chamber, limited to the periods it is available to maintenance activities, in various conditions of the opening of the air inlet valve, with and without silencers mounted on the air outlet nozzles and with or without different layers of floor covering. In order to characterize the attenuation capacity of the silencers and to verify that the air flow is the most significant source of noise, a series of noise measurements is also presented, carried out in the open field while emptying a pressurized tank, in various conditions of opening of the exhaust valve, for different types of silencers placed at the outlet. The analysis of the frequency spectra allows to evaluate the behaviour of these devices, at the light of theoretical predictions concerning the aerodynamic noise. The results suggest that the optimization of some of the flow parameters and the operating conditions of the chamber can contribute significantly to the reduction of noise, with a consequent net improvement of such device, in particular under operating conditions of emergency.
L’uso delle camere iperbariche, invalso in terapie medicali per patologie vascolari e in situazioni di emergenza per insorgenze di embolia, prevede il raggiungimento di una condizione di pressione ambientale da due a tre volte superiore a quella atmosferica, in tempi così ridotti da richiedere un’erogazione del flusso d’aria tale da ingenerare rumore di elevata intensità. L’attenuazione di tale rumore è in genere affidata all’installazione di silenziatori in corrispondenza delle bocche di uscita dell’aria. In questo lavoro viene presentata una serie di misure di rumore effettuate in campo aperto durante lo svuotamento di un serbatoio pressurizzato, in varie condizioni di apertura della valvola di scarico, per differenti tipologie di silenziatori posti sulla bocca di uscita. L’analisi degli spettri in frequenza ottenuti permette una preliminare valutazione del comportamento di tali dispositivi, alla luce delle previsioni teoriche relative al rumore aerodinamico. I risultati preliminari ottenuti inducono oggi a ritenere che l’ottimizzazione di alcuni dei parametri di flusso e delle condizioni di funzionamento della camera possa contribuire sensibilmente alla riduzione del rumore e a un conseguente netto miglioramento di tale dispositivo, in particolare in condizioni operative di emergenza. La scelta dei dispositivi di attenuazione dovrà essere attentamente valutata in relazione agli stringenti vincoli di sicurezza vigenti.
Analisi sperimentale di silenziatori commerciali per la riduzione del rumore aerodinamico all’interno di camere iperbariche / Alippi, Chiara; D'Orazio, Annunziata; Venditti, Andrea. - STAMPA. - (2012). (Intervento presentato al convegno 39° Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Acustica tenutosi a Roma nel 4-6 luglio 2012).
Analisi sperimentale di silenziatori commerciali per la riduzione del rumore aerodinamico all’interno di camere iperbariche
The use of hyperbaric chambers prevailed in medical therapy for vascular diseases and for outbreaks of embolism in emergency situations. This implies the achievement of environmental pressure conditions from two to three times higher than the atmospheric one, in such a short time to require delivery of the air flow that leads to very high intensity noise. The attenuation of this noise is usually performed through the installation of silencers at the air outlets. In this work a series of noise measurements is presented, carried out inside the chamber, limited to the periods it is available to maintenance activities, in various conditions of the opening of the air inlet valve, with and without silencers mounted on the air outlet nozzles and with or without different layers of floor covering. In order to characterize the attenuation capacity of the silencers and to verify that the air flow is the most significant source of noise, a series of noise measurements is also presented, carried out in the open field while emptying a pressurized tank, in various conditions of opening of the exhaust valve, for different types of silencers placed at the outlet. The analysis of the frequency spectra allows to evaluate the behaviour of these devices, at the light of theoretical predictions concerning the aerodynamic noise. The results suggest that the optimization of some of the flow parameters and the operating conditions of the chamber can contribute significantly to the reduction of noise, with a consequent net improvement of such device, in particular under operating conditions of emergency.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.