In the literary environment of the Padua of Francesco da Carrara the Elder, in which around the Petrarca (in his last years) a workshop was gathered that was particularly motivated by a difficult and precocious imitation of the master (with the participation of versifiers such as Giovanni Dondi and Francesco di Vannozzo), this contribution outlines for the first time the role played by Niccolò Beccari, brother of the most famous Antonio da Ferrara. Known so far almost exclusively for his "Regulae singulares" (four Latin epistles of political argument), Niccolò Beccari was in fact, in the three years spent in Padua (1370-72) an enthusiastic admirer of Petrarch, who tried to imitate in the composition of some sonnets (of which eight have survived), but above all by experimenting with the difficult and very Petrarchist lyrical genre of the "sestina", still very rare at this chronological height. The study critically publishes and analyzes not only this unpublished, interesting composition, but the entire lyric production of Niccolò Beccari, which we have received, in a small part already available to the press.
Nell'ambiente letterario della Padova di Francesco da Carrara il Vecchio, in cui intorno al Petrarca (giunto ai suoi ultimi anni) si raccoglieva un laboratorio particolarmente motivato ad una pur ardua e precoce imitazione del maestro (con la partecipazione di rimatori come Giovanni Dondi e Francesco di Vannozzo), questo contributo delinea per la prima volta il ruolo svolto da Niccolò Beccari, fratello del più conosciuto Antonio da Ferrara. Noto finora quasi esclusivamente per le sue "Regulae singulares" (quattro epistole latine di argomento politico), Niccolò Beccari fu infatti, nei tre anni trascorsi a Padova (1370-72) un entusiasta ammiratore del Petrarca, che tentò di imitare nella composizione di alcuni sonetti (di cui otto pervenutici), ma soprattutto cimentandosi nel difficile e molto petrarchesco genere lirico della “sestina”, ancora assai raro a questa altezza cronologica. Lo studio pubblica criticamente e analizza non solo questo inedito, interessante componimento, ma l’intera produzione lirica di Niccolò Beccari pervenutaci, in minima parte già disponibile a stampa.
Un'inedita sestina del Trecento (tra le rime di Niccolò Beccari) / Pantani, Italo. - In: RIVISTA DI LETTERATURA ITALIANA. - ISSN 0392-825X. - STAMPA. - XI (1993):(1993), pp. 609-631.
Un'inedita sestina del Trecento (tra le rime di Niccolò Beccari)
In the literary environment of the Padua of Francesco da Carrara the Elder, in which around the Petrarca (in his last years) a workshop was gathered that was particularly motivated by a difficult and precocious imitation of the master (with the participation of versifiers such as Giovanni Dondi and Francesco di Vannozzo), this contribution outlines for the first time the role played by Niccolò Beccari, brother of the most famous Antonio da Ferrara. Known so far almost exclusively for his "Regulae singulares" (four Latin epistles of political argument), Niccolò Beccari was in fact, in the three years spent in Padua (1370-72) an enthusiastic admirer of Petrarch, who tried to imitate in the composition of some sonnets (of which eight have survived), but above all by experimenting with the difficult and very Petrarchist lyrical genre of the "sestina", still very rare at this chronological height. The study critically publishes and analyzes not only this unpublished, interesting composition, but the entire lyric production of Niccolò Beccari, which we have received, in a small part already available to the press.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.