I t i s \\ell Lnonn that a\\akcning thresholds arc rclatcd t o thc depth 01 slccp. Thcrc I\ consi\tcnt c\ idcncc that auditor! arousal thresholds progrcssi\cl! incrcasc as NREM sleep deepens Irom stage I to stagc 4 cc.g I ) . Anakcning threshold\ also incrca\c in the rcco\cry night alter total sleep deprivation (c.g. 2). The aini ol this stud) is to asscss arousal thrcsholds during thc rcco\cr! night that l(iIloncd t n ( i nights of sclecti\c SWS dcprnation. We h)p)thcsi/c that a deepening olslcep in thc reco\cc night (I.c. a scIccti\c incrcnsc 01 SWS amount) \\ill bc accompanicd b) an increase 01 mcan arousal thresholds. METHODS. Ten male S\ slcpl in thc laboratw! I'or 6 consccuti\c nights: I ) Adaptation (AD): 2 ) Basclinc (BSLj: 3 ) Bascline uith A\v&cnings (BSL-A): 4) SWS Dcpn\ation 1 (DEP-I): 5 ) SWS Dcpri\ation 2 (DEP-2): 6) Rcco\cr! (REC). Sclccti\c SWS dcprnation \\as obtained b! means ol an acoustic stimulation tcchniquc that alloncd to sct SWS amount near to fcro. During the rccwcr) night, a \ignilicant SWS rcbound \\as obtained (Fcrrara el al., this \olume). In rhc last4 c\penmcntal nights Ss. ncrc a\\akencd rhrcc timcs, altcr 2h (1st aoakcning). Sh (2nd anakcning) and 7.Sh ol slccp rcspectivcl) (linal anakcning). The last a ~ a k e n i n gw as the morning anakening. All the anakcnings nc r c made lrom stagc 2 (alter at least5 consecuti\c minutes of shgc 2).T hcy were obtained \\ ith IOW HI ascending tonc scries dcli\crcd through a \peaker clamped to the headboard 01 thc bcd. Onc-scc toncs \\ere deli\ ercd at I S scc inter\ als in 5 dB ascending stcps slariing lrom 40 dB and up 10 I 10 dB. Ss. ncrc considcrcd '*a\\akc" 1 1 thcir EEG displa)cd clear alpha rh) thm lor at least 10 scc. or I! the! s h m c d a mo\cment arousal. RESULTS. Awakening thrcsholds \icrc \ubmittcd t o i l rcpcntcd mcasurc ANOVA Niqlrr (BSL-A. REC) b! Aivnkrrriirg ( 1st. 2nd. Final). DEP-I and DEP-2 nights werc not considcrcd in this anal!sis bccausc makcning thrcsholds during thc dcpri\ation nights could hate becn artiliciall) modified by the use of the acoustic stimulation technique. Rcsulls showed a signilicant main cllcct l o r N i g h / (F=20.35; p=.OOI) that indicatcd an increase 01 thc arousal thrcsholds during ihe REC (mcan threshold=63 dB) nith rcyxct t o thc BSL-A (mean thrcshold=47 dB). Thc niaiii cllcct lor Aivokrrriti,q \ªi so significant (F=33.1I ; p4X)(XN)lj. showing a lincilr dccrcasc 01 thc auakening thrc\holds during thc night (nican thrcshold ol thc 1\1 a\\ ahcning=70 dB: 2nd=52 dB: find=43 dB) CONCLUSIONS. SWS rebound in thc rccoicr! night that lollo\\cd 2 consccuti\c night\ 01 sclecti\c SWS dcprnation is parallclcd b) a signilicant increase 01 arousal thrcsholds, indicating a dccpcning 01 slccp. The c\pcrimcntal paradigm aI\o allon to conlirm that anakening thrcsholds dccrcasc during the night \\ ith amount 01 accumulatcd slcep (c.g. 3). kccping constant thc slccp stage at a\\aLcning. This signilicant dccrcasing trend i s conlirmcd bq mother ANOVA that included DEP-I and DEP-2 as lc\cls ol Ni,q/r/ factor. This latter rcwlt p l i n t s out that SWS amount I\ not an iini\ocai indicator 01 slccp dcpth. which could be related to other slcep \ariables (c.g., Slo\r Wa\c Act11 i t ) ) not )ct c\aluatcd in the prcscnt stud) AUDITORY AROUSAL THRESHOLDS INCREASE AFTER SELECTIVE SWS DEPRIVATION 1

Auditory arousal thresholds after selective slow-wave sleep (SWS) deprivation / Ferrara, M.; DE GENNARO, Luigi; Casagrande, Maria; Bertini, Mario. - In: JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. - ISSN 0962-1105. - STAMPA. - 7 (Supp. 2):(1998), pp. 85-85. (Intervento presentato al convegno 14th ESRS Congress tenutosi a Madrid).

Auditory arousal thresholds after selective slow-wave sleep (SWS) deprivation.



I t i s \\ell Lnonn that a\\akcning thresholds arc rclatcd t o thc depth 01 slccp. Thcrc I\ consi\tcnt c\ idcncc that auditor! arousal thresholds progrcssi\cl! incrcasc as NREM sleep deepens Irom stage I to stagc 4 cc.g I ) . Anakcning threshold\ also incrca\c in the rcco\cry night alter total sleep deprivation (c.g. 2). The aini ol this stud) is to asscss arousal thrcsholds during thc rcco\cr! night that l(iIloncd t n ( i nights of sclecti\c SWS dcprnation. We h)p)thcsi/c that a deepening olslcep in thc reco\cc night (I.c. a scIccti\c incrcnsc 01 SWS amount) \\ill bc accompanicd b) an increase 01 mcan arousal thresholds. METHODS. Ten male S\ slcpl in thc laboratw! I'or 6 consccuti\c nights: I ) Adaptation (AD): 2 ) Basclinc (BSLj: 3 ) Bascline uith A\v&cnings (BSL-A): 4) SWS Dcpn\ation 1 (DEP-I): 5 ) SWS Dcpri\ation 2 (DEP-2): 6) Rcco\cr! (REC). Sclccti\c SWS dcprnation \\as obtained b! means ol an acoustic stimulation tcchniquc that alloncd to sct SWS amount near to fcro. During the rccwcr) night, a \ignilicant SWS rcbound \\as obtained (Fcrrara el al., this \olume). In rhc last4 c\penmcntal nights Ss. ncrc a\\akencd rhrcc timcs, altcr 2h (1st aoakcning). Sh (2nd anakcning) and 7.Sh ol slccp rcspectivcl) (linal anakcning). The last a ~ a k e n i n gw as the morning anakening. All the anakcnings nc r c made lrom stagc 2 (alter at least5 consecuti\c minutes of shgc 2).T hcy were obtained \\ ith IOW HI ascending tonc scries dcli\crcd through a \peaker clamped to the headboard 01 thc bcd. Onc-scc toncs \\ere deli\ ercd at I S scc inter\ als in 5 dB ascending stcps slariing lrom 40 dB and up 10 I 10 dB. Ss. ncrc considcrcd '*a\\akc" 1 1 thcir EEG displa)cd clear alpha rh) thm lor at least 10 scc. or I! the! s h m c d a mo\cment arousal. RESULTS. Awakening thrcsholds \icrc \ubmittcd t o i l rcpcntcd mcasurc ANOVA Niqlrr (BSL-A. REC) b! Aivnkrrriirg ( 1st. 2nd. Final). DEP-I and DEP-2 nights werc not considcrcd in this anal!sis bccausc makcning thrcsholds during thc dcpri\ation nights could hate becn artiliciall) modified by the use of the acoustic stimulation technique. Rcsulls showed a signilicant main cllcct l o r N i g h / (F=20.35; p=.OOI) that indicatcd an increase 01 thc arousal thrcsholds during ihe REC (mcan threshold=63 dB) nith rcyxct t o thc BSL-A (mean thrcshold=47 dB). Thc niaiii cllcct lor Aivokrrriti,q \ªi so significant (F=33.1I ; p4X)(XN)lj. showing a lincilr dccrcasc 01 thc auakening thrc\holds during thc night (nican thrcshold ol thc 1\1 a\\ ahcning=70 dB: 2nd=52 dB: find=43 dB) CONCLUSIONS. SWS rebound in thc rccoicr! night that lollo\\cd 2 consccuti\c night\ 01 sclecti\c SWS dcprnation is parallclcd b) a signilicant increase 01 arousal thrcsholds, indicating a dccpcning 01 slccp. The c\pcrimcntal paradigm aI\o allon to conlirm that anakening thrcsholds dccrcasc during the night \\ ith amount 01 accumulatcd slcep (c.g. 3). kccping constant thc slccp stage at a\\aLcning. This signilicant dccrcasing trend i s conlirmcd bq mother ANOVA that included DEP-I and DEP-2 as lc\cls ol Ni,q/r/ factor. This latter rcwlt p l i n t s out that SWS amount I\ not an iini\ocai indicator 01 slccp dcpth. which could be related to other slcep \ariables (c.g., Slo\r Wa\c Act11 i t ) ) not )ct c\aluatcd in the prcscnt stud) AUDITORY AROUSAL THRESHOLDS INCREASE AFTER SELECTIVE SWS DEPRIVATION 1
14th ESRS Congress
Auditory arousal threshold; SWS; SELECTIVE deprivation
04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno::04c Atto di convegno in rivista
Auditory arousal thresholds after selective slow-wave sleep (SWS) deprivation / Ferrara, M.; DE GENNARO, Luigi; Casagrande, Maria; Bertini, Mario. - In: JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. - ISSN 0962-1105. - STAMPA. - 7 (Supp. 2):(1998), pp. 85-85. (Intervento presentato al convegno 14th ESRS Congress tenutosi a Madrid).
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