The reaction e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-)gamma*gamma* --> e(+)e(-) hadrons is analysed using data collected by the L3 detector during the LEP runs at root s= 130-140 GeV and root s= 161 GeV. The cross sections sigma(e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-) hadrons) and sigma(gamma gamma --> hadrons) are measured in the interval 5 less than or equal to W-gamma gamma less than or equal to 75 GeV. The energy dependence of the sigma(gamma gamma --> hadrons) cross section is consistent with the universal Regge behaviour of total hadronic cross sections. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Cross section of hadron production in gamma gamma collisions at LEP / Acciarri, M; Adriani, O; Aguilarbenitez, M; Ahlen, S; Alcaraz, J; Alemanni, G; Allaby, J; Aloisio, A; Alverson, G; Alviggi, Mg; Ambrosi, G; Anderhub, H; Andreev, Vp; Angelescu, T; Anselmo, F; Arefiev, A; Azemoon, T; Aziz, T; Bagnaia, Paolo; Baksay, L; Banerjee, S; Banerjee, S; Banicz, K; Barczyk, A; Barillere, R; Barone, Luciano Maria; Bartalini, P; Baschirotto, A; Basile, M; Rattiston, R; Bay, A; Becattini, F; Becker, U; Behner, F; Berdugo, J; Berges, P; Bertucci, B; Betev, Bl; Bhattacharya, S; Biasini, M; Biland, A; Bilei, Gm; Blaising, Jj; Blyth, Sc; Bobbink, Gj; Bock, R; Bohm, A; Boldizsar, L; Borgia, B; Bourilkov, D; Bourquin, M; Braccini, S; Branson, Jg; Brigljevic, V; Brook, Ic; Buffini, A; Buijs, A; Burger, Jd; Burger, Wj; Busenitz, J; Button, A; Cai, Xd; Campanelli, M; Capell, M; Romeo, Gc; Carlino, G; Cartacci, Am; Casaus, J; Castellini, G; Cavallari, F; Cavallo, N; Cecchi, C; Cerrada, M; Cesaroni, F; Chamizo, M; Chang, Yh; Chaturvedi, Uk; Chekanov, Sv; Chemarin, M; Chen, A; Chen, G; Chen, Gm; Chen, Hf; Chen, Hs; Chereau, X; Chiefari, G; Chien, Cy; Cifarelli, L; Cindolo, F; Civinini, C; Clare, I; Clare, R; Cohn, Ho; Coignet, G; Colijn, Ap; Colino, N; Commichau, V; Costantini, S; Cotorobai, F; Delacruz, B; Csilling, A; Dai, Ts; Dalessandro, R; Deasmundis, R; Degre, A; Deiters, K; Dellavolpe, D; Denes, P; Denotaristefani, F; Dibitonto, D; Diemoz, M; Vandierendonck, D; Dilodovico, F; Dionisi, C; Dittmar, M; Dominguez, A; Doria, A; Dova, Mt; Duchesneau, D; Duinker, P; Duran, I; Dutta, S; Easo, S; Efremenko, Y; Elmamouni, H; Engler, A; Eppling, Fj; Erne, Fc; Ernenwein, Jp; Extermann, P; Fabre, M; Faccini, R; Falciano, S; Favara, A; Fay, J; Fedin, O; Felcini, M; Fenyi, B; Ferguson, T; Ferroni, Fernando; Fesefeldt, H; Fiandrini, E; Field, Jh; Filthaut, F; Fisher, Ph; Fisk, I; Forconi, G; Fredj, L; Freudenreich, K; Furetta, C; Galaktionov, Y; Ganguli, Sn; Garciaabia, P; Gau, Ss; Gentile, Simonetta; Gheordanescu, N; Giagu, Stefano; Goldfarb, S; Goldstein, J; Gong, Zf; Gougas, A; Gratta, G; Gruenewald, Mw; Gupta, Vk; Gurtu, A; Gutay, Lj; Hartmann, B; Hasan, A; Hatzifotiadou, D; Hebbeker, T; Herve, A; Vanhoek, Wc; Hofer, H; Hong, Sj; Hoorani, H; Hou, Sr; Hu, G; Innocente, V; Jenkes, K; Jin, Bn; Jones, Lw; Dejong, P; Josamutuberria, I; Kasser, A; Khan, Ra; Kamrad, D; Kamyshkov, Y; Kapustinsky, Js; Karyotakis, Y; Kaur, M; Kienzlefocacci, Mn; Kim, D; Kim, Dh; Kim, Jk; Kim, Sc; Kim, Yg; Kinnison, Ww; Kirkby, A; Kirkby, D; Kirkby, J; Kiss, D; Kittel, W; Klimentov, A; Konig, Ac; Kopp, A; Korolko, I; Koutsenko, V; Kraemer, Rw; Krenz, W; Kunin, A; Deguevara, Pl; Laktineh, I; Landi, G; Lapoint, C; Lassilaperini, K; Laurikainen, P; Lebeau, M; Lebedev, A; Lebrun, P; Lecomte, P; Lecoq, P; Lecoultre, P; Legoff, Jm; Leiste, R; Leonardi, E; Levtchenko, P; Li, C; Lin, Ch; Lin, Wt; Linde, Fl; Lista, L; Liu, Za; Lohmann, W; Longo, E; Lu, W; Lu, Ys; Lubelsmeyer, K; Luci, Claudio; Luckey, D; Luminari, L; Lustermann, W; Ma, Wg; Maity, M; Majumder, G; Malgeri, L; Malinin, A; Mana, C; Mangeol, D; Mangla, S; Marchesini, P; Marin, A; Martin, Jp; Marzano, F; Massaro, Ggg; Mcnally, D; Mcneil, Rr; Mele, S; Merola, L; Meschini, M; Metzger, Wj; Vondermey, M; Mi, Y; Mihul, A; Vanmil, Ajw; Mirabelli, G; Mnich, J; Molnar, P; Monteleoni, B; Moore, R; Morganti, S; Moulik, T; Mount, R; Muller, S; Muheim, F; Muijs, Ajm; Nahn, S; Napolitano, M; Nessitedaldi, F; Newman, H; Niessen, T; Nippe, A; Nisati, A; Nowak, H; Oh, Yd; Opitz, H; Organtini, Giovanni; Ostonen, R; Palomares, C; Pandoulas, D; Paoletti, S; Paolucci, P; Park, Hk; Park, Ih; Pascale, G; Passaleva, G; Patricelli, S; Paul, T; Pauluzzi, M; Paus, C; Pauss, F; Peach, D; Pei, Yj; Pensotti, S; Perretgallix, D; Petersen, B; Petrak, S; Pevsner, A; Piccolo, D; Pieri, M; Pinto, Jc; Piroue, Pa; Pistolesi, E; Plyaskin, V; Pohl, M; Pojidaev, V; Postema, H; Produit, N; Prokofiev, D; Rahalcallot, G; Raja, N; Rancoita, Pg; Rattaggi, M; Raven, G; Razis, P; Read, K; Ren, D; Rescigno, M; Reucroft, S; Vanrhee, T; Riemann, S; Riles, K; Robohm, A; Rodin, J; Roe, Bp; Romero, L; Rosierlees, S; Rosselet, P; Vanrossum, W; Roth, S; Rubio, Ja; Ruschmeier, D; Rykaczewski, H; Salicio, J; Sanchez, E; Sanders, Mp; Sarakinos, Me; Sarkar, S; Sassowsky, M; Schafer, C; Schegelsky, V; Schmidtkaerst, S; Schmitz, D; Schmitz, P; Scholz, N; Schopper, H; Schotanus, Dj; Schwenke, J; Schwering, G; Sciacca, C; Sciarrino, D; Servoli, L; Shevchenko, S; Shivarov, N; Shoutko, V; Shukla, J; Shumilov, E; Shvorob, A; Siedenburg, T; Son, D; Sopczak, A; Smith, B; Spillantini, P; Steuer, M; Stickland, Dp; Stone, A; Stone, H; Stoyanov, B; Straessner, A; Strauch, K; Sudhakar, K; Sultanov, G; Sun, Lz; Susinno, Gf; Suter, H; Swain, Jd; Tang, Xw; Tauscher, L; Taylor, L; Ting, Scc; Ting, Sm; Tonutti, M; Tonwar, Sc; Toth, J; Tully, C; Tuchscherer, H; Tung, Kl; Uchida, Y; Ulbricht, J; Uwer, U; Valente, E; Vandewalle, Rt; Vesztergombi, G; Vetlitsky, I; Viertel, G; Vivargent, M; Volkert, R; Vogel, H; Vogt, H; Vorobiev, I; Vorobyov, Aa; Vorvolakos, A; Wadhwa, M; Wallraff, W; Wang, Jc; Wang, Xl; Wang, Zm; Weber, A; Wittgenstein, F; Wu, Sx; Wynhoff, S; Xu, J; Xu, Zz; Yang, Bz; Yang, Cg; Yao, Xy; Ye, Jb; Yeh, Sc; You, Jm; Zalite, A; Zalite, Y; Zemp, P; Zeng, Y; Zhang, Z; Zhang, Zp; Zhou, B; Zhu, Gy; Zhu, Ry; Zichichi, A; Ziegler, F.. - In: PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B. - ISSN 0370-2693. - 408:(1997), pp. 450-464. [10.1016/S0370-2693(97)00933-7]

Cross section of hadron production in gamma gamma collisions at LEP

BAGNAIA, Paolo;BARONE, Luciano Maria;FERRONI, Fernando;GENTILE, Simonetta;GIAGU, Stefano;LUCI, Claudio;ORGANTINI, Giovanni;


The reaction e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-)gamma*gamma* --> e(+)e(-) hadrons is analysed using data collected by the L3 detector during the LEP runs at root s= 130-140 GeV and root s= 161 GeV. The cross sections sigma(e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-) hadrons) and sigma(gamma gamma --> hadrons) are measured in the interval 5 less than or equal to W-gamma gamma less than or equal to 75 GeV. The energy dependence of the sigma(gamma gamma --> hadrons) cross section is consistent with the universal Regge behaviour of total hadronic cross sections. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
01 Pubblicazione su rivista::01a Articolo in rivista
Cross section of hadron production in gamma gamma collisions at LEP / Acciarri, M; Adriani, O; Aguilarbenitez, M; Ahlen, S; Alcaraz, J; Alemanni, G; Allaby, J; Aloisio, A; Alverson, G; Alviggi, Mg; Ambrosi, G; Anderhub, H; Andreev, Vp; Angelescu, T; Anselmo, F; Arefiev, A; Azemoon, T; Aziz, T; Bagnaia, Paolo; Baksay, L; Banerjee, S; Banerjee, S; Banicz, K; Barczyk, A; Barillere, R; Barone, Luciano Maria; Bartalini, P; Baschirotto, A; Basile, M; Rattiston, R; Bay, A; Becattini, F; Becker, U; Behner, F; Berdugo, J; Berges, P; Bertucci, B; Betev, Bl; Bhattacharya, S; Biasini, M; Biland, A; Bilei, Gm; Blaising, Jj; Blyth, Sc; Bobbink, Gj; Bock, R; Bohm, A; Boldizsar, L; Borgia, B; Bourilkov, D; Bourquin, M; Braccini, S; Branson, Jg; Brigljevic, V; Brook, Ic; Buffini, A; Buijs, A; Burger, Jd; Burger, Wj; Busenitz, J; Button, A; Cai, Xd; Campanelli, M; Capell, M; Romeo, Gc; Carlino, G; Cartacci, Am; Casaus, J; Castellini, G; Cavallari, F; Cavallo, N; Cecchi, C; Cerrada, M; Cesaroni, F; Chamizo, M; Chang, Yh; Chaturvedi, Uk; Chekanov, Sv; Chemarin, M; Chen, A; Chen, G; Chen, Gm; Chen, Hf; Chen, Hs; Chereau, X; Chiefari, G; Chien, Cy; Cifarelli, L; Cindolo, F; Civinini, C; Clare, I; Clare, R; Cohn, Ho; Coignet, G; Colijn, Ap; Colino, N; Commichau, V; Costantini, S; Cotorobai, F; Delacruz, B; Csilling, A; Dai, Ts; Dalessandro, R; Deasmundis, R; Degre, A; Deiters, K; Dellavolpe, D; Denes, P; Denotaristefani, F; Dibitonto, D; Diemoz, M; Vandierendonck, D; Dilodovico, F; Dionisi, C; Dittmar, M; Dominguez, A; Doria, A; Dova, Mt; Duchesneau, D; Duinker, P; Duran, I; Dutta, S; Easo, S; Efremenko, Y; Elmamouni, H; Engler, A; Eppling, Fj; Erne, Fc; Ernenwein, Jp; Extermann, P; Fabre, M; Faccini, R; Falciano, S; Favara, A; Fay, J; Fedin, O; Felcini, M; Fenyi, B; Ferguson, T; Ferroni, Fernando; Fesefeldt, H; Fiandrini, E; Field, Jh; Filthaut, F; Fisher, Ph; Fisk, I; Forconi, G; Fredj, L; Freudenreich, K; Furetta, C; Galaktionov, Y; Ganguli, Sn; Garciaabia, P; Gau, Ss; Gentile, Simonetta; Gheordanescu, N; Giagu, Stefano; Goldfarb, S; Goldstein, J; Gong, Zf; Gougas, A; Gratta, G; Gruenewald, Mw; Gupta, Vk; Gurtu, A; Gutay, Lj; Hartmann, B; Hasan, A; Hatzifotiadou, D; Hebbeker, T; Herve, A; Vanhoek, Wc; Hofer, H; Hong, Sj; Hoorani, H; Hou, Sr; Hu, G; Innocente, V; Jenkes, K; Jin, Bn; Jones, Lw; Dejong, P; Josamutuberria, I; Kasser, A; Khan, Ra; Kamrad, D; Kamyshkov, Y; Kapustinsky, Js; Karyotakis, Y; Kaur, M; Kienzlefocacci, Mn; Kim, D; Kim, Dh; Kim, Jk; Kim, Sc; Kim, Yg; Kinnison, Ww; Kirkby, A; Kirkby, D; Kirkby, J; Kiss, D; Kittel, W; Klimentov, A; Konig, Ac; Kopp, A; Korolko, I; Koutsenko, V; Kraemer, Rw; Krenz, W; Kunin, A; Deguevara, Pl; Laktineh, I; Landi, G; Lapoint, C; Lassilaperini, K; Laurikainen, P; Lebeau, M; Lebedev, A; Lebrun, P; Lecomte, P; Lecoq, P; Lecoultre, P; Legoff, Jm; Leiste, R; Leonardi, E; Levtchenko, P; Li, C; Lin, Ch; Lin, Wt; Linde, Fl; Lista, L; Liu, Za; Lohmann, W; Longo, E; Lu, W; Lu, Ys; Lubelsmeyer, K; Luci, Claudio; Luckey, D; Luminari, L; Lustermann, W; Ma, Wg; Maity, M; Majumder, G; Malgeri, L; Malinin, A; Mana, C; Mangeol, D; Mangla, S; Marchesini, P; Marin, A; Martin, Jp; Marzano, F; Massaro, Ggg; Mcnally, D; Mcneil, Rr; Mele, S; Merola, L; Meschini, M; Metzger, Wj; Vondermey, M; Mi, Y; Mihul, A; Vanmil, Ajw; Mirabelli, G; Mnich, J; Molnar, P; Monteleoni, B; Moore, R; Morganti, S; Moulik, T; Mount, R; Muller, S; Muheim, F; Muijs, Ajm; Nahn, S; Napolitano, M; Nessitedaldi, F; Newman, H; Niessen, T; Nippe, A; Nisati, A; Nowak, H; Oh, Yd; Opitz, H; Organtini, Giovanni; Ostonen, R; Palomares, C; Pandoulas, D; Paoletti, S; Paolucci, P; Park, Hk; Park, Ih; Pascale, G; Passaleva, G; Patricelli, S; Paul, T; Pauluzzi, M; Paus, C; Pauss, F; Peach, D; Pei, Yj; Pensotti, S; Perretgallix, D; Petersen, B; Petrak, S; Pevsner, A; Piccolo, D; Pieri, M; Pinto, Jc; Piroue, Pa; Pistolesi, E; Plyaskin, V; Pohl, M; Pojidaev, V; Postema, H; Produit, N; Prokofiev, D; Rahalcallot, G; Raja, N; Rancoita, Pg; Rattaggi, M; Raven, G; Razis, P; Read, K; Ren, D; Rescigno, M; Reucroft, S; Vanrhee, T; Riemann, S; Riles, K; Robohm, A; Rodin, J; Roe, Bp; Romero, L; Rosierlees, S; Rosselet, P; Vanrossum, W; Roth, S; Rubio, Ja; Ruschmeier, D; Rykaczewski, H; Salicio, J; Sanchez, E; Sanders, Mp; Sarakinos, Me; Sarkar, S; Sassowsky, M; Schafer, C; Schegelsky, V; Schmidtkaerst, S; Schmitz, D; Schmitz, P; Scholz, N; Schopper, H; Schotanus, Dj; Schwenke, J; Schwering, G; Sciacca, C; Sciarrino, D; Servoli, L; Shevchenko, S; Shivarov, N; Shoutko, V; Shukla, J; Shumilov, E; Shvorob, A; Siedenburg, T; Son, D; Sopczak, A; Smith, B; Spillantini, P; Steuer, M; Stickland, Dp; Stone, A; Stone, H; Stoyanov, B; Straessner, A; Strauch, K; Sudhakar, K; Sultanov, G; Sun, Lz; Susinno, Gf; Suter, H; Swain, Jd; Tang, Xw; Tauscher, L; Taylor, L; Ting, Scc; Ting, Sm; Tonutti, M; Tonwar, Sc; Toth, J; Tully, C; Tuchscherer, H; Tung, Kl; Uchida, Y; Ulbricht, J; Uwer, U; Valente, E; Vandewalle, Rt; Vesztergombi, G; Vetlitsky, I; Viertel, G; Vivargent, M; Volkert, R; Vogel, H; Vogt, H; Vorobiev, I; Vorobyov, Aa; Vorvolakos, A; Wadhwa, M; Wallraff, W; Wang, Jc; Wang, Xl; Wang, Zm; Weber, A; Wittgenstein, F; Wu, Sx; Wynhoff, S; Xu, J; Xu, Zz; Yang, Bz; Yang, Cg; Yao, Xy; Ye, Jb; Yeh, Sc; You, Jm; Zalite, A; Zalite, Y; Zemp, P; Zeng, Y; Zhang, Z; Zhang, Zp; Zhou, B; Zhu, Gy; Zhu, Ry; Zichichi, A; Ziegler, F.. - In: PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B. - ISSN 0370-2693. - 408:(1997), pp. 450-464. [10.1016/S0370-2693(97)00933-7]
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