Review of the book by Amedeo De Luca, "" Innovation and competitiveness of SMEs in Italy. Methods and models to market "", Franco Angeli, Milan, 2009.Il manual Amedeo De Luca is specifically addressed to SMEs and is a work of a purely methodological, aimed at encouraging the use of decision support tools most updated with the times in order to elevate the level of innovation and competition. It is, therefore, a guide - designed for entrepreneurs and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises - with the advantages of the methodologies "quantitative" applicable in the company, so as to use the valuable information assets represented by its clients to make more effective and efficient manual process presents a great variety of methods and quantitative techniques to support strategic and operational business, so as to transform the "data" into "information" and then in "knowledge", from a perspective of marketing intelligence and Data Mining (DM). Its validity is expressed in some areas. It should be noted, in particular, the strength and methodological technique that describes the tools on the market segmentation and the marketing mix (decision-making models, methods for targeting, new product launches and conjoint analysis, business intelligence tools for innovation and business competitiveness, CRM, quality and customer satisfaction), as well as the operational and strategic planning of the company (internationalization, competitiveness with the Activity Based Costing, audit with the Balanced Scorecard, geo-marketing tools for the planning of districts and the estimated potential market of services and consumer goods). Of particular interest is the description of a new and effective approach to sales forecast based on regression of indicator variables. More generally, the work shows a cutting operation, since each topic is dealt with documentary rigor, illustrating the various aspects with a purpose of service to small businesses that further enhances the validity manualistica.In conclusion, the manual is a work transversal which explores the main functional areas of PMI (manufacturing, marketing, information systems, management control, finance), can be used as a guide and guidance for entrepreneurs and managers of SMEs who wish to pursue innovation, competitiveness and excellence in a competitive scenario increasingly complex and globalized. In this sense, the work is very valuable, given the absence in company literature, works of methodology designed exclusively for SMEs. Nevertheless, a further advantage arises from the lesson that can be drawn from this reading, which are evident causes of the prevalence, in Italy, of a kind of innovation without research, resulting from the co-existence of an entrepreneurial culture that is still backward in shortage tools for decision support, a fatal support.
recensione del libro di Amedeo De Luca, "Innovazione e competitività delle PMI in Italia. Metodi e modelli di mercato", Franco Angeli, Milano, 2009. Il manuale di Amedeo De Luca è specificamente indirizzato alle PMI ed è un’opera di carattere prettamente metodologico, volta a favorire l’uso di strumenti di supporto alle decisioni più aggiornati coi tempi, onde elevarne il livello di innovazione e di competizione. Si tratta, quindi, di una guida - destinata agli imprenditori ed ai dirigenti delle piccole e medie imprese - ai vantaggi delle metodologie “quantitative” applicabili in azienda, così da utilizzare il prezioso patrimonio informativo costituito dalla propria clientela per rendere più efficace ed efficiente il processo decisionale. il manuale presenta una notevole varietà di metodi e tecniche quantitative di supporto alle attività strategiche e operative aziendali, così da trasformare il “dato” in “informazione” e, poi, in “conoscenza”, in una prospettiva di marketing intelligence e data mining (DM). La sua validità trova espressione in alcune aree tematiche. Si segnala, in modo particolare, la robustezza metodologica e tecnica con cui sono descritti gli strumenti riguardanti la segmentazione di mercato ed il marketing-mix (modelli decisionali, metodi per il targeting, lancio di nuovi prodotti e conjoint analysis, strumenti di Business Intelligence per l’innovazione e la competitività aziendale, CRM, qualità e customer satisfaction), nonché la pianificazione operativa e strategica dell'impresa (internazionalizzazione, competitività con l’Activity Based Costing, audit con la Balanced Scorecard, strumenti di geomarketing per la pianificazione territoriale dei distretti e stima del potenziale di mercato di servizi e di beni di largo consumo). È di particolare interesse la descrizione di un nuovo ed efficace approccio alla previsione delle vendite basato sulla regressione su variabili indicatrici. Più in generale, il lavoro mostra un taglio operativo, poiché ogni argomento è affrontato con rigore documentaristico, illustrandone i molteplici aspetti con una finalità di servizio alle imprese minori che ne valorizza ulteriormente la validità manualistica. In conclusione, il manuale costituisce un’opera trasversale che esplora le principali aree funzionali delle PMI (produzione, marketing, sistemi informativi, controllo di gestione, finanza), utilizzabile come guida e orientamento per gli imprenditori e i manager delle PMI che intendano perseguire innovazione, competitività ed eccellenza in uno scenario competitivo sempre più complesso e globalizzato. In tal senso, il lavoro è davvero prezioso, stante l’assenza, nella letteratura aziendale, di opere di carattere metodologico destinate esclusivamente alle PMI. Nondimeno, un ulteriore pregio nasce dalla lezione che si può trarre da questa lettura, da cui risultano evidenti le cause del prevalere, in Italia, di una sorta di innovazione senza ricerca, conseguente al coesistere di una cultura imprenditoriale ancora arretrata che trova, nella carenza di strumenti di supporto alle decisioni, un fatale sostegno.
Recensione per la rivista Economia e Diritto del Terziario n. 3 del 2009 / ESPOSITO DE FALCO, Salvatore. - In: ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DEL TERZIARIO. - ISSN 1593-9464. - STAMPA. - 3/2009:(2009), pp. 564-567.
Recensione per la rivista Economia e Diritto del Terziario n. 3 del 2009.
Review of the book by Amedeo De Luca, "" Innovation and competitiveness of SMEs in Italy. Methods and models to market "", Franco Angeli, Milan, 2009.Il manual Amedeo De Luca is specifically addressed to SMEs and is a work of a purely methodological, aimed at encouraging the use of decision support tools most updated with the times in order to elevate the level of innovation and competition. It is, therefore, a guide - designed for entrepreneurs and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises - with the advantages of the methodologies "quantitative" applicable in the company, so as to use the valuable information assets represented by its clients to make more effective and efficient manual process presents a great variety of methods and quantitative techniques to support strategic and operational business, so as to transform the "data" into "information" and then in "knowledge", from a perspective of marketing intelligence and Data Mining (DM). Its validity is expressed in some areas. It should be noted, in particular, the strength and methodological technique that describes the tools on the market segmentation and the marketing mix (decision-making models, methods for targeting, new product launches and conjoint analysis, business intelligence tools for innovation and business competitiveness, CRM, quality and customer satisfaction), as well as the operational and strategic planning of the company (internationalization, competitiveness with the Activity Based Costing, audit with the Balanced Scorecard, geo-marketing tools for the planning of districts and the estimated potential market of services and consumer goods). Of particular interest is the description of a new and effective approach to sales forecast based on regression of indicator variables. More generally, the work shows a cutting operation, since each topic is dealt with documentary rigor, illustrating the various aspects with a purpose of service to small businesses that further enhances the validity manualistica.In conclusion, the manual is a work transversal which explores the main functional areas of PMI (manufacturing, marketing, information systems, management control, finance), can be used as a guide and guidance for entrepreneurs and managers of SMEs who wish to pursue innovation, competitiveness and excellence in a competitive scenario increasingly complex and globalized. In this sense, the work is very valuable, given the absence in company literature, works of methodology designed exclusively for SMEs. Nevertheless, a further advantage arises from the lesson that can be drawn from this reading, which are evident causes of the prevalence, in Italy, of a kind of innovation without research, resulting from the co-existence of an entrepreneurial culture that is still backward in shortage tools for decision support, a fatal support.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.