In the 1950s and 1960s, a period marked by the dominance of audiovisual communication, television rapidly spreads, reshaping relational dynamics through its mediating role. However, in the United States, its use is largely directed towards fostering a nationalist civilisation and promoting a consumer culture, underpinned by a design aimed at mass commercialisation. In this context, in contrast to such a trend and in line with contemporary reflections on television as a medium for alternative education and socialisation, television — both as a broadcast schedule and a physical device — becomes, in the hands of Victor Papanek, a tool for social critique. Through a historiographical re-examination of classic media and design studies, which intersect in Papanek’s work, this paper analyses the educational television programme Design Dimensions (1959-1962) and the Ujamah television project for Africa as opportunities to promote a design culture aimed at social improvement, thereby reconfiguring the concept of a better television
Negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta, un periodo dominato dalla comunicazione audiovisiva, la televisione si diffonde rapidamente, mediatizzando le dinamiche relazionali. Eppure, negli Stati Uniti, il suo impiego si orienta verso una civilizzazione nazionalista e di educazione alla cultura del consumo, sostenuta da un design mirato alla commercializzazione massiva. In questo scenario, in contrapposizione a tale tendenza, e in linea con le contemporanee riflessioni sul medium televisivo come veicolo di educazione alternativa e socializzazione, la televisione — intesa sia come palinsesto, sia come dispositivo f isico — diventa, nelle mani di Victor Papanek, strumento di critica sociale. Mediante una rilettura storiografica degli studi classici sui media e del design, interrelati nel lavoro di Papanek, il contributo analizza il programma televisivo educativo Design Dimensions (1959-1962), e il progetto Ujamah, televisore per l’Africa, come occasioni per promuovere una cultura del progetto finalizzata al miglioramento sociale, risemantizzando così il concetto di una better television.
Towards a Better Television. L’impatto e il ruolo della TV nel design e nella critica sociale di Victor Papanek, 1954-1970 / Manfra, Marco; Quercia, Grazia. - In: AIS / DESIGN. - ISSN 2281-7603. - 11:21(2024), pp. 95-118.
Towards a Better Television. L’impatto e il ruolo della TV nel design e nella critica sociale di Victor Papanek, 1954-1970
Grazia Quercia
In the 1950s and 1960s, a period marked by the dominance of audiovisual communication, television rapidly spreads, reshaping relational dynamics through its mediating role. However, in the United States, its use is largely directed towards fostering a nationalist civilisation and promoting a consumer culture, underpinned by a design aimed at mass commercialisation. In this context, in contrast to such a trend and in line with contemporary reflections on television as a medium for alternative education and socialisation, television — both as a broadcast schedule and a physical device — becomes, in the hands of Victor Papanek, a tool for social critique. Through a historiographical re-examination of classic media and design studies, which intersect in Papanek’s work, this paper analyses the educational television programme Design Dimensions (1959-1962) and the Ujamah television project for Africa as opportunities to promote a design culture aimed at social improvement, thereby reconfiguring the concept of a better televisionI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.