In February 2004, the meeting future prospects of German in Europe took place in Berlin. It was initiated and jointly prepared by the Advisory Board of the German DAAD and the German German Studies Association and was divided into four sections: 1 Germany Studies and Cultural Studies European Studies: Development Perspectives of a German in Europe 2. German teacher training Sprachunterricht3. Multilingual Wissenschaft4. Professional relevance and practical orientation in the GermanistikDie above four priority actions should include the current discussions about the expansion of the subject area of German as part of Germany studies and European studies, one of the central fields of practice, namely teacher training and language teaching in various embodiments comparative discuss the debate about concepts of multilingualism in thematize the sciences in conjunction with the outlook for German as a scientific language, and finally discuss the relationship between scientific and professional field orientation in the art and exemplary practice fields vorstellen.Vengono illustrate innovazioni e criticità della didattica della lingua e della letteratura inglese nel passaggio dal vecchio al nuovo ordinamento. Vengono esplorate chance le di innovazione insite nel processo di Bologna, ma anche i messi in evidenza rischi di tale riforma se la didattica non si rinnoverà profondamente.
Im Februar 2004 fand in Berlin die Tagung Zukunftsperspektiven der Germanistik in Europa statt. Sie wurde gemeinsam vom Beirat Germanistik des DAAD und vom Deutschen Germanistenverband initiiert und vorbereitet und war in vier Sektionen unterteilt: 1. Deutschlandstudien und Kulturwissenschaftliche Europäische Studien: Entwicklungsperspektiven einer Germanistik in Europa 2. Germanistik Lehrerausbildung Sprachunterricht 3. Mehrsprachige Wissenschaft 4. Berufsbezug und Praxisorientierung in der Germanistik Die vier genannten Schwerpunktthemen sollten die aktuellen Diskussionen um die Ausweitung des Gegenstandsbereichs der Germanistik im Rahmen von Deutschlandstudien und Europastudien aufnehmen, eines der zentralen Praxisfelder, nämlich Lehrerausbildung und Sprachunterricht in verschiedenen Ausgestaltungsformen vergleichend erörtern, die Auseinandersetzung um Konzepte von Mehrsprachigkeit in den Wissenschaften in Verbindung mit Perspektiven für das Deutsche als Wissenschaftssprache thematisieren und schließlich das Verhältnis von Wissenschafts- und Berufsfeldorientierung im Fach erörtern und exemplarische Praxisfelder vorstellen. Vengono illustrate innovazioni e criticità della didattica della lingua e della letteratura tedesca nel passaggio dal vecchio al nuovo ordinamento. Vengono esplorate le chance di innovazione insite nel processo di Bologna, ma messi in evidenza anche i rischi di tale riforma se la didattica non si rinnoverà profondamente.
Germanistik an der Universitaet Napoli, L'Orientale. Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven hinsichtlich des Bologna-Prozesses / Miglio, Camilla; Morlicchio, E.; Peter, K.. - STAMPA. - (2006), pp. 144-167.
Germanistik an der Universitaet Napoli, L'Orientale. Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven hinsichtlich des Bologna-Prozesses
MIGLIO, Camilla;
In February 2004, the meeting future prospects of German in Europe took place in Berlin. It was initiated and jointly prepared by the Advisory Board of the German DAAD and the German German Studies Association and was divided into four sections: 1 Germany Studies and Cultural Studies European Studies: Development Perspectives of a German in Europe 2. German teacher training Sprachunterricht3. Multilingual Wissenschaft4. Professional relevance and practical orientation in the GermanistikDie above four priority actions should include the current discussions about the expansion of the subject area of German as part of Germany studies and European studies, one of the central fields of practice, namely teacher training and language teaching in various embodiments comparative discuss the debate about concepts of multilingualism in thematize the sciences in conjunction with the outlook for German as a scientific language, and finally discuss the relationship between scientific and professional field orientation in the art and exemplary practice fields vorstellen.Vengono illustrate innovazioni e criticità della didattica della lingua e della letteratura inglese nel passaggio dal vecchio al nuovo ordinamento. Vengono esplorate chance le di innovazione insite nel processo di Bologna, ma anche i messi in evidenza rischi di tale riforma se la didattica non si rinnoverà profondamente.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.