Thanks to the analysis of archaeological data relating to the agricultural and pastoral practices of a territory, it is possible to obtain numerous information, both of an ecological nature, and about the populations who lived there. With the reconstruction of the agro-pastoral dimension of a community it is however possible to understand not only the aspects linked to the exploitation of a territory, the subsistence and demography of a given group, but also more generally the social organization itself. Through this particular approach, which we could define as “agro-economistic”, it is therefore possible to investigate in a more articulated way the ancient communities, the relationships between them and the historical phenomena that occurred to them. Through a model developed in a GIS environment and with the application of Land Evaluation techniques it is possible to reconstruct and simulate the agro-pastoral exploitation of a territory (here the Ager Tarquiniorum at the end of the first millennium BC), calculating the food production of each settlement, as well as the consequent demography maximum sustainable. At the same time, through these data, it is possible to verify - on a quantitative basis - the socio-political models proposed by scholars for the communities or to propose new ones. Thanks to the 170 identification of sites specialized in particular productions, villages capable of producing a surplus, or vice versa non-self-sufficient settlements, it will be possible to articulate in detail these socio-political models, hypothesizing exchange networks, hierarchical relationships, or competitive relationships between the different sites. Through this approach, it is also possible to describe the historical events that occurred also from a demographic point of view, with a rough reconstruction of the population involved, further enriching the reconstructions proposed. The scenario obtained will also be compared with similar studies applied to the territory of the Monti della Tolfa and Valle del Fiora. Doing so, the different choices made by the community, will further enrich the picture hypothesized up to now about the passage from the villages... to the cities, in Southern Etruria.
Grazie all’analisi dei dati archeologici relativi alle pratiche agricole e pastorali di un territorio è possibile ottenere numerose informazioni, tanto di carattere ecologico, quanto più in generale circa le popolazioni che ivi abitavano. Con la ricostruzione della dimensione agro-pastorale di una comunità è tuttavia possibile comprendere, non solo gli aspetti legati allo sfruttamento di un territorio, alla sussistenza e alla demografia di un dato gruppo, ma anche più in generale la stessa organizzazione sociale. Attraverso questo particolare approccio, che potremmo definire come “agro-economicista”, si possono quindi indagare in maniera più articolata le comunità antiche, i rapporti tra di esse ed i fenomeni storici loro intercorsi. Con l’ausilio di un modello sviluppato in ambiente GIS e con l’applicazione delle tecniche di Land Evaluation è possibile ricostruire e simulare lo sfruttamento agro-pastorale di un territorio (in questo caso quello dell’Ager Tarquiniorum alla fine del I millennio a.C.), calcolando la produzione di cibo di ogni abitato, nonché la conseguente demografia massima sostenibile. Allo stesso tempo, attraverso questi dati, si possono verificare – su base quantitativa – i modelli socio-politici proposti per le comunità oggetto di studio o proporne di nuovi. Grazie all’individuazione di siti specializzati in particolari produzioni, insediamenti in grado di produrre un surplus, o viceversa abitati non auto-sufficienti, sarà quindi possibile articolare dettagliatamente tali modelli socio-politici, ipotizzando reti di scambio, relazioni gerarchiche, o rapporti competitivi tra i diversi siti. Tramite quest’approccio, si possono, inoltre, descrivere gli eventi occorsi anche da un punto di vista demografico, con la ricostruzione di massima della popolazione coinvolta, arricchendo ulteriormente le ricostruzioni storiche proposte. Si procederà anche a confrontare lo scenario ottenuto con quanto emerso dagli studi simili applicati al territorio dei Monti della Tolfa e della Valle del Fiora. Così facendo si arricchirà ulteriormente il quadro sin ad ora ipotizzato circa le diverse scelte fatte dalla comunità, nel passaggio dai villaggi … alle città, in Etruria Meridionale.
Un approccio “agro-economicista” per la comprensione dei fenomeni storici / Sotgia, Agostino. - In: IPOTESI DI PREISTORIA. - ISSN 1974-7985. - 14:(2021), pp. 169-202. (Intervento presentato al convegno Il paesaggio agrario tra età del Rame ed età del Ferro. Metodi di analisi delle risorse di sussistenza e delle modalità di gestione per una stima demografica. tenutosi a Online) [10.6092/issn.1974-7985/14339].
Un approccio “agro-economicista” per la comprensione dei fenomeni storici.
Agostino Sotgia
Thanks to the analysis of archaeological data relating to the agricultural and pastoral practices of a territory, it is possible to obtain numerous information, both of an ecological nature, and about the populations who lived there. With the reconstruction of the agro-pastoral dimension of a community it is however possible to understand not only the aspects linked to the exploitation of a territory, the subsistence and demography of a given group, but also more generally the social organization itself. Through this particular approach, which we could define as “agro-economistic”, it is therefore possible to investigate in a more articulated way the ancient communities, the relationships between them and the historical phenomena that occurred to them. Through a model developed in a GIS environment and with the application of Land Evaluation techniques it is possible to reconstruct and simulate the agro-pastoral exploitation of a territory (here the Ager Tarquiniorum at the end of the first millennium BC), calculating the food production of each settlement, as well as the consequent demography maximum sustainable. At the same time, through these data, it is possible to verify - on a quantitative basis - the socio-political models proposed by scholars for the communities or to propose new ones. Thanks to the 170 identification of sites specialized in particular productions, villages capable of producing a surplus, or vice versa non-self-sufficient settlements, it will be possible to articulate in detail these socio-political models, hypothesizing exchange networks, hierarchical relationships, or competitive relationships between the different sites. Through this approach, it is also possible to describe the historical events that occurred also from a demographic point of view, with a rough reconstruction of the population involved, further enriching the reconstructions proposed. The scenario obtained will also be compared with similar studies applied to the territory of the Monti della Tolfa and Valle del Fiora. Doing so, the different choices made by the community, will further enrich the picture hypothesized up to now about the passage from the villages... to the cities, in Southern Etruria.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.