The forest landscape is at the centre of European policies related to the protection of the environment and biodiversity, as it contributes to sustainable development and the fight against climate change. This is due to the ecosystem services that its natural capital provides to society. The aim of the research is to identify the main risk factors for the protection of the natural environments on a global scale and, above all, on a local scale where it can be seen how specific ecosystems are linked to historical landscape. Many forest environments of the old continent have undoubtedly co-evolved with man, responding to countless functions but simultaneously, thanks to their landscape resilience, handing down peculiar identity-related connotations of the places. A case in point is that of the historic Laurentian landscape of Ager Laurens, between Rome and the sea, preserved within the presidential estate of Castelporziano and under threat by the city that has developed around it. Studying the history and landscape evolution of the area, that has made it possible to attest the resilience of these forests over the last three thousand years, and thanks to historical and cartographic sources, which have their roots in classical mythology, was the prerequisite for affirming the need for interventions aimed at its conservation, in line with the objectives established by the Presidents of the Republic in 1999 and renewed in 2020. For that purpose, during two years and in a permanent network, was conducted the monitoring of the phenomena of natural renewal of the planitial deciduous oak forest, one of the most valuable naturalistic components and at the same time most threatened in the Mediterranean coastal area, even more if peri-urban. Furthermore, essential analyzing and study tools was the collection and analysis of historical data and climatic series. The analysis shows that the oak forest face a critical conservation status, both on the senescence of adult individuals and the almost total absence of natural renewal that survives the second-third year. This is attributable firstly to the abundance of wildlife, followed by the high density of the tree cover and finally to the greater water stress and requires more incisive and constant integrated sustainable management interventions over time.
Il paesaggio forestale è al centro delle politiche europee di salvaguardia dell’ambiente e della biodiversità, in quanto contribuisce allo sviluppo sostenibile e al contrasto dei cambiamenti climatici. Ciò è riconducibile ai servizi ecosistemici che il suo capitale naturale fornisce alla società. La ricerca si dedica perciò all’individuazione dei principali fattori di rischio per la conservazione di questi ambienti sia a scala globale, ma anche soprattutto a scala locale dove si può constatare come specifici ecosistemi siano legati a forme storiche di paesaggio. Molti ambienti forestali del vecchio continente, infatti, si sono coevoluti con l’uomo, rispondendo a innumerevoli funzioni, ma tramandando, grazie alla loro resilienza paesaggistica, peculiari connotati identitari dei luoghi. Un caso emblematico di tutto ciò è lo storico paesaggio laurentino dell’Ager Laurens, tra Roma e il mare, conservatosi all’interno della Tenuta presidenziale di Castelporziano e assediato dalla città che vi si è sviluppata intorno. Studiare la storia e l’evoluzione paesaggistica dell’area, consentendo di attestare la resilienza di queste foreste negli ultimi tremila anni, grazie a fonti storiche e cartografiche che affondano le proprie radici nella mitologia classica, è stato il presupposto per affermare la necessità di interventi volti alla sua conservazione, in linea con gli obiettivi sanciti dai Presidenti della Repubblica nel 1999 e rinnovati nel 2020. A tal fine è stato condotto, per due anni e in una rete permanente, il monitoraggio dei fenomeni di rinnovazione naturale del querceto planiziale di caducifoglie, una delle componenti naturalistiche di maggior pregio e allo stesso tempo più minacciata nell’ambito costiero mediterraneo, ancor più se periurbano. Strumento fondamentale di approfondimento è stata inoltre la raccolta e l’analisi di dati storici presenti e quelli delle serie storiche meteo-climatiche. Dalle analisi dei dati è emerso uno stato di conservazione critico per il querceto, sia nella senescenza degli individui adulti che nella quasi assenza di rinnovazione naturale che sopravvive al secondo-terzo anno. Ciò è correlato in primo luogo alla numerosità della fauna selvatica, seguita dall’elevata densità della copertura arborea e infine al maggiore stress idrico e richiede interventi di gestione sostenibile integrata più incisivi e costanti nel tempo.
Evoluzione di un paesaggio forestale mediterraneo e periurbano. Il caso della Tenuta presidenziale di Castelporziano / Piccinno, Matteo. - (2021 Apr 23).
Evoluzione di un paesaggio forestale mediterraneo e periurbano. Il caso della Tenuta presidenziale di Castelporziano
The forest landscape is at the centre of European policies related to the protection of the environment and biodiversity, as it contributes to sustainable development and the fight against climate change. This is due to the ecosystem services that its natural capital provides to society. The aim of the research is to identify the main risk factors for the protection of the natural environments on a global scale and, above all, on a local scale where it can be seen how specific ecosystems are linked to historical landscape. Many forest environments of the old continent have undoubtedly co-evolved with man, responding to countless functions but simultaneously, thanks to their landscape resilience, handing down peculiar identity-related connotations of the places. A case in point is that of the historic Laurentian landscape of Ager Laurens, between Rome and the sea, preserved within the presidential estate of Castelporziano and under threat by the city that has developed around it. Studying the history and landscape evolution of the area, that has made it possible to attest the resilience of these forests over the last three thousand years, and thanks to historical and cartographic sources, which have their roots in classical mythology, was the prerequisite for affirming the need for interventions aimed at its conservation, in line with the objectives established by the Presidents of the Republic in 1999 and renewed in 2020. For that purpose, during two years and in a permanent network, was conducted the monitoring of the phenomena of natural renewal of the planitial deciduous oak forest, one of the most valuable naturalistic components and at the same time most threatened in the Mediterranean coastal area, even more if peri-urban. Furthermore, essential analyzing and study tools was the collection and analysis of historical data and climatic series. The analysis shows that the oak forest face a critical conservation status, both on the senescence of adult individuals and the almost total absence of natural renewal that survives the second-third year. This is attributable firstly to the abundance of wildlife, followed by the high density of the tree cover and finally to the greater water stress and requires more incisive and constant integrated sustainable management interventions over time.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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