1. Introduction. - 2. The essential elements of the "new approach" for the regulation of technological applications in the European Union: the implementation of the model been consolidated in Germany. - 3. The "New Approach" to the Community Standards. - 4. The costs of the regulation of technological applications. - 5. Suitability of private technical standards, the disclosure of which is dependent on a spontaneous adaptation by individual operators to configure non-tariff barriers to the free movement of goods within the Community market. - A) enforceability of the technical standards it private by the national authorities. - B) enforceability of technical standards adopted by a private entity controlled by national authorities. - C) enforceability of technical standards adopted by private persons as substantiate the anti-competitive behavior. - 6. The institutionalization of the subjects of standardization: Directive 83/189/EEC on the provision of information in the field of standards and technical regulations. - 7. Control over the standardization community. - A) The hypothesis of a check on the suitability of harmonized standards in the courts: the inability to affect the presumption of conformity by the courts. - B) Follows - asymmetry of the effects introduced which constitute a presumption that the judge is absolute, while it remains only relative to the administrative authorities. - C) The assumption of control over technical standards harmonized by the European Commission: the publication of the details of the standards in the Official Journal of the European Communities - d) Follows - the cancellation of the extremes of the standards prepared by the Commission at the end of the procedure verification. - E) The role of the Member States to guarantee the "safety" of harmonized standards. - F) Follows - the assumption of control over the harmonized technical standards through technical committees composed of representatives of the States, working at the European Commission: the role of inter-administrative cooperation. - G) Inability to control the technical standards at the stage of transposition by the national standards organizations. 8. Control "indirect" of technical standards through a control on the standardization bodies. - A) The participation of "stakeholders" in the work of standardization at national level. - B) The involvement of "interested parties" to the standardization work at Community level. - C) Follows - the failure of the "Green Paper on the development of European standardization." - D) The means of control over the process of drafting of technical standards private. - 9. Delegation of legislative powers to the institutions of technical standardization '. - 10. Democratic nature of standardization bodies and judicial review as a check on the assumption of European standardization.
1. Introduzione. – 2. Gli elementi essenziali del “Nuovo approccio” per la regolamentazione delle applicazioni tecnologiche nell’Unione europea: il recepimento del modello consolidatosi in Germania. – 3. Il “Nuovo approccio” alla normalizzazione comunitaria. – 4. Gli oneri della regolamentazione delle applicazioni tecnologiche. – 5. Idoneità delle norme tecniche private, la cui diffusione dipende da un adeguamento spontaneo da parte dei singoli operatori, a configurare barriere non tariffarie alla libera circolazione dei prodotti all’interno del mercato comunitario. – a) Sanzionabilità del rinvio alle norme tecniche private da parte delle autorità nazionali. – b) Sanzionabilità delle norme tecniche adottate da soggetti di diritto privato controllati dalle autorità nazionali. – c) Sanzionabilità delle norme tecniche adottate da soggetti di diritto privato in quanto sostanziano comportamenti restrittivi della concorrenza. – 6. L’istituzionalizzazione dei soggetti della normalizzazione: la direttiva 83/189/CEE sulla procedura d'informazione nel settore delle norme e delle regolamentazioni tecniche. – 7. Il controllo sulla normazione tecnica comunitaria. – a) L’ipotesi di un controllo sull’idoneità delle norme tecniche armonizzate in sede giurisdizionale: l’impossibilità di inficiare la presunzione di conformità da parte dei tribunali. – b) Segue - asimmetria degli effetti introdotti che configurano una presunzione che è assoluta per il giudice, mentre rimane solamente relativa per le autorità amministrative. – c) L’ipotesi di un controllo sulle norme tecniche armonizzate da parte della Commissione europea: la pubblicazione degli estremi delle norme sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale delle Comunità europee – d) Segue - la cancellazione degli estremi delle norme disposta dalla Commissione al termine della procedura di verifica. – e) Il ruolo degli Stati membri a garanzia della “sicurezza” delle norme tecniche armonizzate. – f) Segue - l’ipotesi di un controllo sulle norme tecniche armonizzate attraverso i Comitati tecnici composti dai rappresentanti degli Stati che operano presso la Commissione europea: il ruolo della cooperazione amministrativa interstatale. – g) Impossibilità di un controllo sulle norme tecniche nella fase del recepimento da parte degli enti nazionali di normazione. 8. Il controllo “indiretto” delle norme tecniche attraverso un controllo sugli enti di normazione. – a) La partecipazione delle “parti interessate“ ai lavori di normazione a livello nazionale. – b) La partecipazione delle “parti interessate” ai lavori di normazione a livello comunitario. – c) Segue - il fallimento del “Libro verde sullo sviluppo della standardizzazione europea”. – d) Gli strumenti per un controllo sul procedimento di elaborazione delle norme tecniche private. – 9. Delegazione di competenze normative agli enti tecnici di normazione?. – 10. Democraticità degli enti di normazione e sindacato giurisdizionale come ipotesi di controllo sulla normazione tecnica europea.
LA NORMAZIONE TECNICA NELL'UNIONE EUROPEA / Zei, Astrid. - In: NOMOS. LE ATTUALITÀ NEL DIRITTO. - ISSN 1120-298X. - STAMPA. - 2003, n. 1:n. 1, 2003(2003), pp. 105-183.
ZEI, Astrid
1. Introduction. - 2. The essential elements of the "new approach" for the regulation of technological applications in the European Union: the implementation of the model been consolidated in Germany. - 3. The "New Approach" to the Community Standards. - 4. The costs of the regulation of technological applications. - 5. Suitability of private technical standards, the disclosure of which is dependent on a spontaneous adaptation by individual operators to configure non-tariff barriers to the free movement of goods within the Community market. - A) enforceability of the technical standards it private by the national authorities. - B) enforceability of technical standards adopted by a private entity controlled by national authorities. - C) enforceability of technical standards adopted by private persons as substantiate the anti-competitive behavior. - 6. The institutionalization of the subjects of standardization: Directive 83/189/EEC on the provision of information in the field of standards and technical regulations. - 7. Control over the standardization community. - A) The hypothesis of a check on the suitability of harmonized standards in the courts: the inability to affect the presumption of conformity by the courts. - B) Follows - asymmetry of the effects introduced which constitute a presumption that the judge is absolute, while it remains only relative to the administrative authorities. - C) The assumption of control over technical standards harmonized by the European Commission: the publication of the details of the standards in the Official Journal of the European Communities - d) Follows - the cancellation of the extremes of the standards prepared by the Commission at the end of the procedure verification. - E) The role of the Member States to guarantee the "safety" of harmonized standards. - F) Follows - the assumption of control over the harmonized technical standards through technical committees composed of representatives of the States, working at the European Commission: the role of inter-administrative cooperation. - G) Inability to control the technical standards at the stage of transposition by the national standards organizations. 8. Control "indirect" of technical standards through a control on the standardization bodies. - A) The participation of "stakeholders" in the work of standardization at national level. - B) The involvement of "interested parties" to the standardization work at Community level. - C) Follows - the failure of the "Green Paper on the development of European standardization." - D) The means of control over the process of drafting of technical standards private. - 9. Delegation of legislative powers to the institutions of technical standardization '. - 10. Democratic nature of standardization bodies and judicial review as a check on the assumption of European standardization.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.