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Aim To assess the safety and tolerability of adjuvant subcutaneous trastuzumab (Herceptin® SC, H SC), delivered from an H SC Vial via hand-held syringe (Cohort A) or single-use injection device (Cohort B), with or without chemotherapy, for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive stage I to IIIC early breast cancer (EBC) in the phase III SafeHer study (NCT01566721). Methods Patients received 600 mg fixed-dose H SC every 3 weeks for 18 cycles. The chemotherapy partner was at the investigators' discretion (H SC monotherapy was limited to ≤10% of the population). Data from the first H SC dose until 28 days (plus a 5-day window) after the last dose are presented. Results are descriptive. Results In the overall population, 2282/2573 patients (88.7%) experienced adverse events (AEs). Of the above, 128 (5.0%) patients experienced AEs leading to study drug discontinuation; 596 (23.2%) experienced grade ≥ 3 AEs and 326 (12.7%) experienced serious AEs. Grade ≥ 3 cardiac disorders were reported in 24 patients (0.9%), including congestive heart failure in eight (0.3%). As expected, the AE rates varied according to the timing of chemotherapy in both cohorts, with higher rates in concurrent versus sequential chemotherapy subgroups. In the concurrent chemotherapy subgroup, AEs were more common during the actual period of concurrent chemotherapy compared with the period when patients did not receive concurrent chemotherapy. Conclusion SafeHer confirms the safety and tolerability of the H SC 600 mg fixed dose for 1 year (every 3 weeks for 18 cycles) as adjuvant therapy with concurrent or sequential chemotherapy for HER2-positive EBC. These primary analysis results are consistent with the known safety profile for intravenous H and H SC.
Safety and tolerability of subcutaneous trastuzumab for the adjuvant treatment of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive early breast cancer: SafeHer phase III study's primary analysis of 2573 patients / Gligorov, J.; Ataseven, B.; Verrill, M.; de Laurentiis, M.; Jung, K. H.; Azim, H. A.; Al-Sakaff, N.; Lauer, S.; Shing, M.; Pivot, X.; Koroveshi, D.; Bouzid, K.; Casalnuovo, M.; Cascallar, D.; Korbenfeld, E. P.; Bastick, P.; Beith, J.; Colosimo, Marialaura; Friedlander, M.; Ganju, V.; Green, M.; Patterson, K.; Redfern, A.; Richardson, G.; Ceric, T.; Gordana, K.; Beato, C. A.; Ferrari, M.; Hegg, R.; Helena, V.; Ismael, G. F.; Lessa, A. E.; Mano, Martin; Morelle, A.; Nogueira, J. A.; Timcheva, K.; Tomova, A.; Tsakova, M.; Zlatareva-Petrova, A.; Asselah, J.; Assi, H.; Brezden-Masley, C.; Chia, S.; Freedman, O.; Harb, NADER AHMAD MOHAMMAD; Joy, A. A.; Kulkarni, S.; Prady, C.; Gaete, A. A. A.; Matamala, L.; Torres, Riccardo; Yanez, E.; Franco, S.; Urrego, M.; Gugic, D.; Vrbanec, D.; Melichar, B.; Prausova, J.; Vyzula, R.; Pilarte, R. G.; Leon, M. I.; Munoz, R.; Ramos, G.; Azeem, H. A.; Aziz, A. A.; El Zawahry, H.; Osegueda, F. R.; Alexandre, J.; Artignan, X.; Barletta, H.; Beguier, E.; Berdah, J. -F.; Marty, C. B.; Bollet, M.; Bourgeois, H.; Bressac, C.; Burki, F.; Campone, M.; Coeffic, D.; Cojocarasu, O. Z.; Dagada, C.; Dalenc, F.; Del Piano, F.; Desauw, C.; Desmoulins, I.; Dohollou, N.; Egreteau, J.; Ferrero, J. -M.; Foa, C.; Garidi, R.; Gasnault, L.; Guardiola, E.; Hamizi, S.; Jarcau, R.; Jacquin, J. -P.; Jaubert, D.; Jolimoy, G.; Mineur, H. L.; Largillier, R.; Leduc, B.; MARTIN SOLIS, Priscilla; Melis, Alessandra; Monge, J.; Moullet, I.; Mousseau, M.; Nguyen, S.; Orfeuvre, H.; Petit, T.; Priou, F.; Bach, I. S.; Larson, SIMON HERBERT ALEXANDER; Stefani', Loreta Anna; Uwer, L.; Youssef, A.; Aktas, B.; von der Assen, A.; Augustin, D.; Balser, C.; Bauer, L. -E.; Bechtner, C.; Beyer, G.; Brucker, C.; Buckner, U.; Busch, S.; Christensen, B.; Deryal, M.; Farrokh, A.; Faust, E.; Friedrichs, K.; Graf, H.; Griesshammer, M.; Grischke, E. -M.; Hanle, C.; Heider, A.; Henschen, S.; Hesse, T.; Jackisch, C.; Kisro, J.; Kohler, A.; Kuemmel, S.; Lampe, D.; Lantzsch, T.; Latos, K.; Lex, B.; Liedtke, C.; Luedders, D.; Maintz, C.; Muller, V.; Overkamp, F.; Park-Simon, T. -W.; Paul, M.; Prechtl, A.; Ringsdorf, U.; Runnebaum, I.; Ruth, S.; Salat, C.; Scheffen, I.; Schilling, J.; Schmatloch, S.; Schmidt, M.; Schneeweiss, A.; Schrader, I.; Seipelt, G.; Simon, E.; Stefek, A.; Stickeler, E.; Thill, M.; Tio, J.; Tuczek, A.; Warm, M.; Weigel, M.; Wischnik, A.; Wojcinski, S.; Ziegler-Lohr, K.; Aravantinos, G.; Ardavanis, A.; Fountzilas, G.; Gogas, H.; Kakolyris, S.; Mavroudis, D.; Papadimitriou, C.; Papandreou, C.; Papazisis, K.; Castro, H.; Hernandez-Monroy, C. E.; Ngan, R.; Yeo, W.; Bittner, N.; Boer, K.; Csejtei, A.; Horvath, Z.; Kocsis, J.; Mangel, L. C.; Mezei, K.; Nagy, Z.; Szanto, J.; Atmakusuma, D.; Fadjari, H.; Kurnianda, D.; Prayogo, N.; Tanggo, E. H.; Coate, L.; Hennessy, B.; RAMOS DA SILVA, KELLY CRISTINA; Cabezas, MARTIN MARIA DEL HENAR; Nasim, S.; O'Connor, M.; Aieta, M.; Allegrini, G.; Amadori, D.; Bidoli, P.; Biti, G.; Bordonaro, R.; Bottini, A.; Carterni, G.; Cavanna, L.; Cazzaniga, M.; Cognetti, F.; Contu, A.; Cruciani, G.; Donadio, M.; Falcone, A.; Farci, D.; Forcignano, R. C.; Frassoldati, A.; Gaion, F.; Gamucci, T.; Giotta, F.; Livi, L.; Lorusso, V.; Maiello, E.; Marchetti, P.; Mariani, G.; Mion, M.; Moscetti, L.; Musolino, A.; Pazzola, A.; Pedrazzoli, P.; Pigi, A.; de Placido, S.; Caremoli, E. R.; Santoro, A.; Tienghi, A.; Ahn, J. -S.; Lee, K. S.; Lee, S. H.; Seo, J. H.; Sohn, J. -H.; Cesas, A.; Juozaityte, E.; Cheah, N. L. C.; Chong, F. L. T.; Devi, B. C. R.; Phua, V.; Teoh, D.; Ching, L. W.; Yusof, M.; Corona, J.; Dominguez, EVANGELINA ANDREA; Mendoza, R. L. G.; Hernandez, C. A.; Ramiro, A. J.; Santos, J. M.; Espinosa, P. M.; Villarreal Garza, C. M.; Errihani, H.; Bakker, S.; van den Berkmortel, F.; Blaisse, R. J. B.; Huinink, D. T. B.; van den Bosch, J.; Braun, J. J.; Dercksen, M. W.; Droogendijk, H.; Erdkamp, F.; Haringhuizen, A.; de Jongh, F. E.; Kok, T. C.; Los, M.; Madretsma, S.; Terwogt, J. M. M.; van der Padt, A.; van Rossum-Schornagel, Q. C.; Smilde, T. J.; de Valk, B.; VAN DER VELDEN, ABRAHAM JOHAN LOUIS; van Warmerdam, L.; van de Wouw, A. J.; North, R.; Kersten, C.; Mjaaland, I.; Wist, E.; Aziz, Z.; Masood, N.; Rashid, K.; Shah, M.; Alcedo, J. C.; Aleman, D.; Neciosup, S.; Reategui, R.; Valdiviezo, N.; Vera, L.; Fernando, G.; Roque, F.; Strebel, H. M.; Krzemieniecki, K.; Litwiniuk, M.; Mruk, A.; Pienkowski, T.; Sawrycki, P.; Slomian, G.; Tomczak, P.; Afonso, N.; Cardoso, F.; Damasceno, M.; LA NAVE, Massimo; Badulescu, F.; Ciule, L.; Curescu, S.; Eniu, A.; Filip, D.; Grecea, D.; Jinga, D. -C.; Lungulescu, D.; Oprean, C. M.; Stanculeanu, D. L.; Turdean, M.; Dvornichenko, V.; Emelyanov, S.; Lichinitser, M.; Manikhas, A.; Sakaeva, D.; Shirinkin, V.; Stroyakovskiy, D.; Abulkhair, O.; Zekri, J.; Filipovic, S.; Kovcin, V.; Nedovic, J.; Pesic, J.; Vasovic, S.; Ng, R.; Bystricky, B.; Leskova, J.; Mardiak, J.; Misurova, E.; Wagnerova, M.; Takac, I.; Demetriou, G. S.; Dreosti, L.; Govender, P.; Jordaan, J. P.; Veersamy, P.; Romero, J. L. A.; Lopez, N. B.; Arias, C. C.; CHACON CANDIA, JEANETTE ALICIA; Aramburo, A. F.; Morales, L. A. F.; Garcia, M.; Estevez, L. G.; Garcia-Palomo Perez, A.; Garcia Saenz, J. A.; Garcia Sanchis, L.; Cubells, L. G.; Cortijo, L. G.; Santiago, S. G.; De Aranguiz, B. H. F.; Manas, J. J. I.; Gallego, P. J.; Cussac, A. L.; Ferrandiz, C. L.; Garrido, M. L.; Alvarez, P. L.; Vega, J. M. L.; Del Prado, P. M.; Janez, N. M.; Murillo, S. M.; Rosales, A. M.; Jaso, L. M.; Fernandez, I. P.; Martorell, A. P.; Carrion, R. P.; Simon, S. P.; Alcibar, A. P.; Lorenzo, J. P.; Garcia, V. Q.; Asensio, T. R. Y. C.; Maicas, M. D. T.; Villanueva Silva, M. J.; Killander, F.; Svensson, J. H.; Fehr, M.; Hauser, N.; Muller, A.; Pagani, O.; Passmann-Kegel, H.; Popescu, Roxana; Rabaglio, M.; Rauch, D.; Schlatter, C.; Zaman, K.; Chang, T. -W.; Huang, C. -S.; Wang, H. -C.; Yu, J. -C.; Bandidwattanawong, C.; Maneechavakajorn, J.; Seetalarom, K.; Dejthevaporn, T. S.; Somwangprasert, A.; Vongsaisuwon, M.; Akbulut, H.; Altundag, K.; Arican, A.; Bozcuk, H.; Eralp, Y.; Idris, M.; Isikdogan, A.; Senol, C. H.; Sevinc, A.; Uygun, K.; Yucel, E.; Yucel, I.; Yumuk, F.; Shparyk, Y.; Voitko, N.; Jaloudi, M.; Adams, J.; Agrawal, R.; Ahmed, S.; Alhasso, A.; Allerton, R.; Anwar, S.; Archer, C.; Ashford, R.; Barraclough, L.; Bertelli, G.; Bishop, J.; Branson, T.; Butt, M.; Chakrabarti, A.; Chakraborti, P.; Churn, M.; Crowley, C.; Davis, R.; Dhadda, A.; Eldeeb, H.; Fraser, SIMON JOHN; Hall, JONATHAN MARK; Hickish, T.; Hogg, Michael Alexander; Howe, T.; Joffe, J.; Kelleher, M.; Kelly, S.; Kendall, A.; Kristeleit, H.; Lumsden, G.; Macmillan, C.; Macpherson, I.; Malik, Z.; Mithal, N.; Neal, A.; Panwar, U.; Proctor, A.; Proctor, S. J.; Raj, Sumit; Rehman, S.; Sandri, Innocenzo; Scatchard, K.; Sherwin, E.; Sims, E.; Singer, J.; Smith, Stefano; Tahir, S.; Taylor, W.; Tsalic, M.; Wardley, A.; Waters, S.; Wheatley, D.; Wright, K.; Yuille, F.; PERAL ALONSO, Ireneo; Artagaveytia, N.; Rodriguez, R.; Arbona, E.; Garcia, Y.; Lion, L.; MARCANO ATARS, ERICH DAVID; Van Thuan, T.. - In: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER. - ISSN 0959-8049. - 82:(2017), pp. 237-246. [10.1016/j.ejca.2017.05.010]
Safety and tolerability of subcutaneous trastuzumab for the adjuvant treatment of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive early breast cancer: SafeHer phase III study's primary analysis of 2573 patients
Gligorov J.;Ataseven B.;Verrill M.;de Laurentiis M.;Jung K. H.;Azim H. A.;Al-Sakaff N.;Lauer S.;Shing M.;Pivot X.;Koroveshi D.;Bouzid K.;Casalnuovo M.;Cascallar D.;Korbenfeld E. P.;Bastick P.;Beith J.;COLOSIMO, MARIALAURA;Friedlander M.;Ganju V.;Green M.;Patterson K.;Redfern A.;Richardson G.;Ceric T.;Gordana K.;Beato C. A.;Ferrari M.;Hegg R.;Helena V.;Ismael G. F.;Lessa A. E.;MANO, MARTIN;Morelle A.;Nogueira J. A.;Timcheva K.;Tomova A.;Tsakova M.;Zlatareva-Petrova A.;Asselah J.;Assi H.;Brezden-Masley C.;Chia S.;Freedman O.;HARB, NADER AHMAD MOHAMMAD;Joy A. A.;Kulkarni S.;Prady C.;Gaete A. A. A.;Matamala L.;TORRES, RICCARDO;Yanez E.;Franco S.;Urrego M.;Gugic D.;Vrbanec D.;Melichar B.;Prausova J.;Vyzula R.;Pilarte R. G.;Leon M. I.;Munoz R.;Ramos G.;Azeem H. A.;Aziz A. A.;El Zawahry H.;Osegueda F. R.;Alexandre J.;Artignan X.;Barletta H.;Beguier E.;Berdah J. -F.;Marty C. B.;Bollet M.;Bourgeois H.;Bressac C.;Burki F.;Campone M.;Coeffic D.;Cojocarasu O. Z.;Dagada C.;Dalenc F.;Del Piano F.;Desauw C.;Desmoulins I.;Dohollou N.;Egreteau J.;Ferrero J. -M.;Foa C.;Garidi R.;Gasnault L.;Guardiola E.;Hamizi S.;Jarcau R.;Jacquin J. -P.;Jaubert D.;Jolimoy G.;Mineur H. L.;Largillier R.;Leduc B.;MARTIN SOLIS, PRISCILLA;MELIS, ALESSANDRA;Monge J.;Moullet I.;Mousseau M.;Nguyen S.;Orfeuvre H.;Petit T.;Priou F.;Bach I. S.;LARSON, SIMON HERBERT ALEXANDER;STEFANI', Loreta Anna;Uwer L.;Youssef A.;Aktas B.;von der Assen A.;Augustin D.;Balser C.;Bauer L. -E.;Bechtner C.;Beyer G.;Brucker C.;Buckner U.;Busch S.;Christensen B.;Deryal M.;Farrokh A.;Faust E.;Friedrichs K.;Graf H.;Griesshammer M.;Grischke E. -M.;Hanle C.;Heider A.;Henschen S.;Hesse T.;Jackisch C.;Kisro J.;Kohler A.;Kuemmel S.;Lampe D.;Lantzsch T.;Latos K.;Lex B.;Liedtke C.;Luedders D.;Maintz C.;Muller V.;Overkamp F.;Park-Simon T. -W.;Paul M.;Prechtl A.;Ringsdorf U.;Runnebaum I.;Ruth S.;Salat C.;Scheffen I.;Schilling J.;Schmatloch S.;Schmidt M.;Schneeweiss A.;Schrader I.;Seipelt G.;Simon E.;Stefek A.;Stickeler E.;Thill M.;Tio J.;Tuczek A.;Warm M.;Weigel M.;Wischnik A.;Wojcinski S.;Ziegler-Lohr K.;Aravantinos G.;Ardavanis A.;Fountzilas G.;Gogas H.;Kakolyris S.;Mavroudis D.;Papadimitriou C.;Papandreou C.;Papazisis K.;Castro H.;Hernandez-Monroy C. E.;Ngan R.;Yeo W.;Bittner N.;Boer K.;Csejtei A.;Horvath Z.;Kocsis J.;Mangel L. C.;Mezei K.;Nagy Z.;Szanto J.;Atmakusuma D.;Fadjari H.;Kurnianda D.;Prayogo N.;Tanggo E. H.;Coate L.;Hennessy B.;RAMOS DA SILVA, KELLY CRISTINA;CABEZAS, MARTIN MARIA DEL HENAR;Nasim S.;O'Connor M.;Aieta M.;Allegrini G.;Amadori D.;Bidoli P.;Biti G.;Bordonaro R.;Bottini A.;Carterni G.;Cavanna L.;Cazzaniga M.;Cognetti F.;Contu A.;Cruciani G.;Donadio M.;Falcone A.;Farci D.;Forcignano R. C.;Frassoldati A.;Gaion F.;Gamucci T.;Giotta F.;Livi L.;Lorusso V.;Maiello E.;Marchetti P.;Mariani G.;Mion M.;Moscetti L.;Musolino A.;Pazzola A.;Pedrazzoli P.;Pigi A.;de Placido S.;Caremoli E. R.;Santoro A.;Tienghi A.;Ahn J. -S.;Lee K. S.;Lee S. H.;Seo J. H.;Sohn J. -H.;Cesas A.;Juozaityte E.;Cheah N. L. C.;Chong F. L. T.;Devi B. C. R.;Phua V.;Teoh D.;Ching L. W.;Yusof M.;Corona J.;DOMINGUEZ, EVANGELINA ANDREA;Mendoza R. L. G.;Hernandez C. A.;Ramiro A. J.;Santos J. M.;Espinosa P. M.;Villarreal Garza C. M.;Errihani H.;Bakker S.;van den Berkmortel F.;Blaisse R. J. B.;Huinink D. T. B.;van den Bosch J.;Braun J. J.;Dercksen M. W.;Droogendijk H.;Erdkamp F.;Haringhuizen A.;de Jongh F. E.;Kok T. C.;Los M.;Madretsma S.;Terwogt J. M. M.;van der Padt A.;van Rossum-Schornagel Q. C.;Smilde T. J.;de Valk B.;VAN DER VELDEN, ABRAHAM JOHAN LOUIS;van Warmerdam L.;van de Wouw A. J.;North R.;Kersten C.;Mjaaland I.;Wist E.;Aziz Z.;Masood N.;Rashid K.;Shah M.;Alcedo J. C.;Aleman D.;Neciosup S.;Reategui R.;Valdiviezo N.;Vera L.;Fernando G.;Roque F.;Strebel H. M.;Krzemieniecki K.;Litwiniuk M.;Mruk A.;Pienkowski T.;Sawrycki P.;Slomian G.;Tomczak P.;Afonso N.;Cardoso F.;Damasceno M.;LA NAVE, MASSIMO;Badulescu F.;Ciule L.;Curescu S.;Eniu A.;Filip D.;Grecea D.;Jinga D. -C.;Lungulescu D.;Oprean C. M.;Stanculeanu D. L.;Turdean M.;Dvornichenko V.;Emelyanov S.;Lichinitser M.;Manikhas A.;Sakaeva D.;Shirinkin V.;Stroyakovskiy D.;Abulkhair O.;Zekri J.;Filipovic S.;Kovcin V.;Nedovic J.;Pesic J.;Vasovic S.;Ng R.;Bystricky B.;Leskova J.;Mardiak J.;Misurova E.;Wagnerova M.;Takac I.;Demetriou G. S.;Dreosti L.;Govender P.;Jordaan J. P.;Veersamy P.;Romero J. L. A.;Lopez N. B.;Arias C. C.;CHACON CANDIA, JEANETTE ALICIA;Aramburo A. F.;Morales L. A. F.;Garcia M.;Estevez L. G.;Garcia-Palomo Perez A.;Garcia Saenz J. A.;Garcia Sanchis L.;Cubells L. G.;Cortijo L. G.;Santiago S. G.;De Aranguiz B. H. F.;Manas J. J. I.;Gallego P. J.;Cussac A. L.;Ferrandiz C. L.;Garrido M. L.;Alvarez P. L.;Vega J. M. L.;Del Prado P. M.;Janez N. M.;Murillo S. M.;Rosales A. M.;Jaso L. M.;Fernandez I. P.;Martorell A. P.;Carrion R. P.;Simon S. P.;Alcibar A. P.;Lorenzo J. P.;Garcia V. Q.;Asensio T. R. Y. C.;Maicas M. D. T.;Villanueva Silva M. J.;Killander F.;Svensson J. H.;Fehr M.;Hauser N.;Muller A.;Pagani O.;Passmann-Kegel H.;POPESCU, ROXANA;Rabaglio M.;Rauch D.;Schlatter C.;Zaman K.;Chang T. -W.;Huang C. -S.;Wang H. -C.;Yu J. -C.;Bandidwattanawong C.;Maneechavakajorn J.;Seetalarom K.;Dejthevaporn T. S.;Somwangprasert A.;Vongsaisuwon M.;Akbulut H.;Altundag K.;Arican A.;Bozcuk H.;Eralp Y.;Idris M.;Isikdogan A.;Senol C. H.;Sevinc A.;Uygun K.;Yucel E.;Yucel I.;Yumuk F.;Shparyk Y.;Voitko N.;Jaloudi M.;Adams J.;Agrawal R.;Ahmed S.;Alhasso A.;Allerton R.;Anwar S.;Archer C.;Ashford R.;Barraclough L.;Bertelli G.;Bishop J.;Branson T.;Butt M.;Chakrabarti A.;Chakraborti P.;Churn M.;Crowley C.;Davis R.;Dhadda A.;Eldeeb H.;FRASER, SIMON JOHN;HALL, JONATHAN MARK;Hickish T.;HOGG, Michael Alexander;Howe T.;Joffe J.;Kelleher M.;Kelly S.;Kendall A.;Kristeleit H.;Lumsden G.;Macmillan C.;MacPherson I.;Malik Z.;Mithal N.;Neal A.;Panwar U.;Proctor A.;Proctor S. J.;RAJ, SUMIT;Rehman S.;SANDRI, Innocenzo;Scatchard K.;Sherwin E.;Sims E.;Singer J.;SMITH, Stefano;Tahir S.;Taylor W.;Tsalic M.;Wardley A.;Waters S.;Wheatley D.;Wright K.;Yuille F.;PERAL ALONSO, IRENEO;Artagaveytia N.;Rodriguez R.;Arbona E.;Garcia Y.;Lion L.;MARCANO ATARS, ERICH DAVID;Van Thuan T.
Aim To assess the safety and tolerability of adjuvant subcutaneous trastuzumab (Herceptin® SC, H SC), delivered from an H SC Vial via hand-held syringe (Cohort A) or single-use injection device (Cohort B), with or without chemotherapy, for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive stage I to IIIC early breast cancer (EBC) in the phase III SafeHer study (NCT01566721). Methods Patients received 600 mg fixed-dose H SC every 3 weeks for 18 cycles. The chemotherapy partner was at the investigators' discretion (H SC monotherapy was limited to ≤10% of the population). Data from the first H SC dose until 28 days (plus a 5-day window) after the last dose are presented. Results are descriptive. Results In the overall population, 2282/2573 patients (88.7%) experienced adverse events (AEs). Of the above, 128 (5.0%) patients experienced AEs leading to study drug discontinuation; 596 (23.2%) experienced grade ≥ 3 AEs and 326 (12.7%) experienced serious AEs. Grade ≥ 3 cardiac disorders were reported in 24 patients (0.9%), including congestive heart failure in eight (0.3%). As expected, the AE rates varied according to the timing of chemotherapy in both cohorts, with higher rates in concurrent versus sequential chemotherapy subgroups. In the concurrent chemotherapy subgroup, AEs were more common during the actual period of concurrent chemotherapy compared with the period when patients did not receive concurrent chemotherapy. Conclusion SafeHer confirms the safety and tolerability of the H SC 600 mg fixed dose for 1 year (every 3 weeks for 18 cycles) as adjuvant therapy with concurrent or sequential chemotherapy for HER2-positive EBC. These primary analysis results are consistent with the known safety profile for intravenous H and H SC.
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.