Purpose of the paper: The paper aims to analyse the Financial Instruments, under the Cohesion Policy framework, acting as a key driver for the urban and territorial development, underpinning economic growth and social cohesion, and facilitating the mobilization of the systemic components operating in the region and the value creation process for the territory. Methodology: The A. adopts the Viable System Approach (ASV) to identify the main characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of the Financial Instruments. The work is based on an empirical analysis of several cases in Italy, during the period 2007-13, with the aim of identify critical elements and potential improvements for the programming period 2014-20. Findings: Leveraging on the analysis of the Italian case in 2007-13, the A. identify common features and critical success factors and finally propose potential areas for improvement in the design and implementation of Financial Instruments during the current programming period 2014 -20. Research limits: The paper is developed in the perspective of the policy makers and city planners. Further insights could address any limitations of the upstream (at European Commission level) and downstream (between the various bodies involved in the multi-level implementation process) negotiation process and investigate empirically possible limiting factors for the territorial development. Practical implications: If the territory is a "viable organism", then the social and economic operators (public, private, non-profit, citizens, financial intermediaries, etc.) will interact with each other as systemic components. Consequently, the policy maker needs models and programming tools able to respond synergistically to different stakeholders needs. For their revolving, integrated and participative nature, Financial Instruments results to be particularly suited to be analysed through the conceptual and interpretive methodology under the Viable System Approach (ASV), which may contribute at creating innovative models to optimize the use of ESI funds and maximize positive impacts on the territory. Originality of the paper: In the opinion of the A., the consolidation of the Financial Instruments represents a new modus pensandi concerning the spatial planning, which goes beyond structure-centric approaches (focusing on public grants and single initiatives), to adopt vital-systemic approaches (which provide for development strategies based on relationships and interrelationships between the systemic components and supra-systems, through integrated programmes and value co-creation models). According to such interpretative scheme, the various territorial players work in partnership, aligning their evolutionary paths, towards a “context consonance”, with the final aim to ensure the sustainability - and therefore the long-term survival capacity – of the whole system: not only the enterprise, financial or political systems, but also the neighborhood, the city, in other words, the "territorial system”.
Obiettivo del paper: Il paper si propone di analizzare gli strumenti finanziari a valere su Fondi Strutturali di Investimento Europei (SIE), come volando di sviluppo dello spazio urbano e di area vasta, agendo sulle leve della crescita economica e della coesione sociale, mobilitando le diverse componenti sistemiche del territorio e creando valore per lo stesso. Metodologia: L’A. utilizza la matrice concettuale dell’Approccio Sistemico Vitale (ASV) per identificare principali caratteristiche, punti di forza e di debolezza degli strumenti finanziari. Il lavoro si basa sull’analisi empirica di diversi casi in Italia nel precedente periodo 2007-13, per arrivare a identificare elementi di criticità e possibili aree di miglioramento per la successiva programmazione. Risultati: Il lavoro fornisce un’analisi dei diversi Strumenti Finanziari e propone potenziali aree di miglioramento per una loro virtuosa implementazione nel periodo di programmazione 2014-20. Limiti della ricerca: Il lavoro si pone dal punto di vista del pianificatore territoriale. Ulteriori spunti e approfondimenti potrebbero riguardare eventuali limiti del processo negoziale a monte (a livello di Commissione Europea) e a valle (tra i diversi organismi coinvolti nel processo multilivello di implementazione), nonché ulteriori indagini volte ad avvalorare, attraverso indagini empiriche, i meccanismi che possono costituire fattori limitanti dello sviluppo territoriale. Implicazioni pratiche: Se il territorio è un “organismo vitale”, allora gli operatori (pubblici, privati, del mondo no-profit, cittadini, intermediari finanziari, ecc.), che vi operano, interagiscono tra loro come componenti sistemiche, sicché il programmatore, non può esimersi dall’evolvere i modelli e gli strumenti della programmazione per rispondere sinergicamente alle istanze dei diversi sovrasistemi. Per la loro natura revolving, integrata e partecipativa, gli strumenti finanziari a valere su fondi SIE risultano particolarmente idonei a sfruttare l’impianto concettuale e interpretativo della teoria sistemico-vitale, come piattaforma di lancio vero modelli innovativi, che ottimizzino l’uso di tali fondi, massimizzando l’impatto per il territorio. Originalità del lavoro: Il paper si pone secondo un modus pensandi innovativo alla programmazione territoriale, che superi visioni struttura-centriche, focalizzate sui finanziamenti a fondo perduto di singole iniziative, per adottare approcci di tipo sistemico, che implementino direttrici di sviluppo “a raggio”, basate sulle relazioni e interrelazioni tra le componenti e i sovrasistemi rilevanti, mediante progetti integrati e strumenti di co-creazione di valore. Secondo tale visione, i diversi attori del territorio collaborano, in una logica partenariale, allineando i propri percorsi evolutivi, in un meccanismo di progressivo appressamento a condizioni di consonanza di contesto, tali da garantire la sostenibilità – e quindi la sopravvivenza nel lungo periodo – del sistema: non soltanto il sistema impresa, sistema finanziario o sistema politico, ma il sistema quartiere, città, area vasta, ossia il “sistema territorio”.
Gli strumenti finanziari per lo sviluppo del territorio come sistema / Fotino, Federica. - In: ESPERIENZE D'IMPRESA. - ISSN 1971-5293. - STAMPA. - 24:2(2016), pp. 65-97.
Gli strumenti finanziari per lo sviluppo del territorio come sistema
federica fotino
Writing – Original Draft Preparation
Purpose of the paper: The paper aims to analyse the Financial Instruments, under the Cohesion Policy framework, acting as a key driver for the urban and territorial development, underpinning economic growth and social cohesion, and facilitating the mobilization of the systemic components operating in the region and the value creation process for the territory. Methodology: The A. adopts the Viable System Approach (ASV) to identify the main characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of the Financial Instruments. The work is based on an empirical analysis of several cases in Italy, during the period 2007-13, with the aim of identify critical elements and potential improvements for the programming period 2014-20. Findings: Leveraging on the analysis of the Italian case in 2007-13, the A. identify common features and critical success factors and finally propose potential areas for improvement in the design and implementation of Financial Instruments during the current programming period 2014 -20. Research limits: The paper is developed in the perspective of the policy makers and city planners. Further insights could address any limitations of the upstream (at European Commission level) and downstream (between the various bodies involved in the multi-level implementation process) negotiation process and investigate empirically possible limiting factors for the territorial development. Practical implications: If the territory is a "viable organism", then the social and economic operators (public, private, non-profit, citizens, financial intermediaries, etc.) will interact with each other as systemic components. Consequently, the policy maker needs models and programming tools able to respond synergistically to different stakeholders needs. For their revolving, integrated and participative nature, Financial Instruments results to be particularly suited to be analysed through the conceptual and interpretive methodology under the Viable System Approach (ASV), which may contribute at creating innovative models to optimize the use of ESI funds and maximize positive impacts on the territory. Originality of the paper: In the opinion of the A., the consolidation of the Financial Instruments represents a new modus pensandi concerning the spatial planning, which goes beyond structure-centric approaches (focusing on public grants and single initiatives), to adopt vital-systemic approaches (which provide for development strategies based on relationships and interrelationships between the systemic components and supra-systems, through integrated programmes and value co-creation models). According to such interpretative scheme, the various territorial players work in partnership, aligning their evolutionary paths, towards a “context consonance”, with the final aim to ensure the sustainability - and therefore the long-term survival capacity – of the whole system: not only the enterprise, financial or political systems, but also the neighborhood, the city, in other words, the "territorial system”.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.