Becoming a Jaguar. Spiritual routes in the Vale do Amanhecer
2016 Pierini, Emily
Becoming a spirit medium: initiatory learning and the self in the Vale do Amanhecer
2016 Pierini, Emily
Categorie evanescenti. Le pratiche medianiche nel meshwork religioso brasiliano
2020 Pierini, Emily
Corpi medianici. Prospettive organiche, tecnologiche e immaginali sulla costruzione transnazionale del corpo tra medium e spiriti
2023 Pierini, Emily
Embodied encounters. Ethnographic knowledge, emotion and the senses in the Vale do Amanhecer
2016 Pierini, Emily
Embodied epistemologies of healing. Introduction
2023 Pierini, Emily; Groisman, Alberto; Espírito Santo, Diana
Healing and therapeutic trajectories among the spirit mediums of the Brazilian Vale do Amanhecer
2018 Pierini, Emily
Healing correspondences. Experience as a pathway between spirituality and healthcare
2023 Pierini, Emily
Incontri incorporati. Pratiche medianiche e etnografia del sentire
2017 Pierini, Emily
Introduction. Fieldwork in religion. Bodily experience and ethnographic knowledge
2016 Pierini, Emily; Groisman, Alberto
2024 Pierini, Emily
Jaguars of the Dawn. Spirit mediumship in the Brazilian Vale do Amanhecer
2020 Pierini, Emily
Materialità, storicità e circolazione transnazionale degli abiti rituali del Vale do Amanhecer
2024 Pierini, Emily
Other worlds, other bodies. Embodied epistemologies and ethnographies of healing
2023 Pierini, Emily; Groisman, Alberto; Espírito Santo, Diana
Spirituality and wellbeing. Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of religion and health
2021 Pierini, Emily
The Glastonbury experience. Healing and transnationalism in the Goddess Movement
2023 Pierini, Emily
The worship of Dr Sousa Martins: Spiritual healing in Portugal
2024 Pierini, Emily
Trance-formative therapeutic experiences. Moving and being moved by spiritual healing across the Atlantic
2023 Pierini, Emily
Transnational mediumship and the development of a transhistorical self in the Vale do Amanhecer
2021 Pierini, Emily
Vestire l'invisibile. Antropologia degli abiti nelle religioni medianiche brasiliane
2024 Pierini, Emily