Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.266
EU - Europa 1.160
AS - Asia 352
SA - Sud America 11
AF - Africa 4
OC - Oceania 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 2.798
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.249
IT - Italia 504
FI - Finlandia 235
SG - Singapore 139
DE - Germania 103
SE - Svezia 96
IN - India 62
CN - Cina 57
GB - Regno Unito 46
NL - Olanda 36
ID - Indonesia 35
BG - Bulgaria 20
FR - Francia 18
GR - Grecia 18
JP - Giappone 17
RO - Romania 17
CA - Canada 14
IE - Irlanda 12
ES - Italia 11
HK - Hong Kong 11
UA - Ucraina 10
CH - Svizzera 9
TR - Turchia 9
BR - Brasile 7
KR - Corea 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
BE - Belgio 6
AR - Argentina 4
AT - Austria 4
IR - Iran 4
PK - Pakistan 4
PT - Portogallo 4
IQ - Iraq 3
LV - Lettonia 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
EU - Europa 2
MX - Messico 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
AU - Australia 1
BZ - Belize 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
TG - Togo 1
VN - Vietnam 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 2.798
Città #
Rome 222
Lappeenranta 204
Fairfield 176
Singapore 112
Ashburn 101
Chandler 92
Wilmington 71
Woodbridge 71
Seattle 67
Santa Clara 62
Houston 53
Cambridge 47
Princeton 37
Jakarta 35
Ann Arbor 28
Milan 28
New York 27
San Paolo di Civitate 27
Beijing 24
Helsinki 23
Lawrence 22
Boston 21
Dearborn 21
Sofia 20
Plano 16
Boxmeer 15
Andover 13
Norwalk 13
Oxford 12
Millbury 11
Dublin 10
Falkenstein 10
Nürnberg 10
Boardman 9
San Jose 9
Tokyo 9
Turin 9
Leawood 8
Mumbai 8
San Diego 8
Falls Church 7
Nottingham 7
Ottawa 7
Cagliari 6
Eugene 6
Phoenix 6
Castel Goffredo 5
Chicago 5
Jung-gu 5
Korydallos 5
Los Angeles 5
Modena 5
Moscow 5
Torino 5
Bollate 4
Evora 4
Federal 4
Hanover 4
Livorno 4
Madrid 4
Marino 4
Melegnano 4
Munich 4
Pisa 4
San Mateo 4
Southend 4
São Paulo 4
Toronto 4
Barcelona 3
Berkeley 3
Bhopal 3
Brussels 3
Buffalo 3
Ercolano 3
Florence 3
Gilly 3
Istanbul 3
Jacksonville 3
Kunming 3
La Tour-de-Peilz 3
Matlock 3
Mountain View 3
Rotterdam 3
Sacramento 3
Scansano 3
Thessaloniki 3
Uberlândia 3
Veroli 3
Vicenza 3
Adro 2
Alcobendas 2
Ancona 2
Antalya 2
Aobadai 2
Auckland 2
Birmingham 2
Chennai 2
Chesterfield 2
Civitavecchia 2
Como 2
Totale 1.981
Nome #
Recent progress in the WCLL breeding blanket design for the DEMO fusion reactor 174
Study on liquid metal magnetohydrodynamic flows and numerical application to a water-cooled blanket for fusion reactors 160
Numerical analysis of temperature stratification in the CIRCE pool facility 127
DEMO WCLL BB breeding zone cooling system design: analysis and discussion 121
Recent progress in developing a feasible and integrated conceptual design of the WCLL BB in EUROfusion Project 118
CFD simulation of the magnetohydrodynamic flow inside the WCLL breeding blanket module 105
WCLL breeding blanket design and integration for DEMO 2015: status and perspectives 104
Three-dimensional MHD flow and heat transfer in a channel with internal obstacle 97
Advancements in DEMO WCLL breeding blanket design and integration 86
Numerical study of the MHD flow around a bounded heating cylinder: heat transfer and pressure drops 82
null 81
Cutting-edge R&D activities of CIRTEN in support of the Technology Park annexed to the Italian National Repository of radioactive waste 78
Numerical study of laminar magneto-convection in a differentially heated square duct 74
Preliminary MHD pressure drop analysis for the prototypical WCLL TBM with RELAP5/MOD3.3 74
MHD mixed convection flow in the WCLL: heat transfer analysis and cooling system 73
Electromagnetic coupling phenomena in co-axial rectangular channels 72
Magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer around a heated cylinder of arbitrary conductivity 67
Thermo-fluid dynamic study of the MHD flow around a cylinder in the case of bounding walls with non-uniform electrical conductivity 66
Numerical simulation of thin-film MHD flow for nonuniform conductivity walls 65
Computational MHD analyses in support of the design of the WCLL TBM breeding zone 65
MHD forced convection flow in dielectric and electro-conductive rectangular annuli 64
Influence of PbLi hydraulic path and integration layout on MHD pressure losses 63
Specifications for a coupled neutronics thermal-hydraulics SFR test case 62
The DEMO water-cooled lead–lithium breeding blanket: design status at the end of the pre-conceptual design phase 62
MHD pressure drop estimate for the WCLL in-magnet PbLi loop 61
MHD and heat transfer analyses in PbLi radial channels for the EUROfusion WCLL breeding blanket 58
Development of a RELAP5/MOD3.3 module for MHD pressure drop analysis in liquid metals loops. Verification and validation 57
Numerical study of mhd thin-film flows for plasma facing components 52
Design and integration of the EU-DEMO water-cooled lead lithium breeding blanket 51
Numerical characterization of liquid metal MHD flow in electroconductive thick orifices with asymmetric contraction 48
Liquid metal turbulent heat transfer in cross-flow bundles for advanced nuclear reactors 48
A multi-region and a multiphase MHD OpenFOAM solver for fusion reactor analysis 47
MHD R&D activities for liquid metal blankets 44
Bubble motion in high-density ratio two-phase mixtures using InterIsoFoam 44
Three-dimensional MHD flow in moderate change ratio orifice 40
A magnetohydrodynamic Method Of Characteristics for the study of pressure transients in liquid metal piping systems 38
OpenFOAM solver development for pressure waves propagation in liquid metals 37
Numerical Simulation of High-Density Ratio Bubble Motion with interIsoFoam 36
Magnetic induction and electric potential solvers for incompressible MHD flows 35
CFD Analysis and optimization of the DEMO WCLL central outboard segment bottom-Cap elementary cell 33
3D MHD analysis of prototypical manifold for liquid metal blankets 30
Numerical characterization of liquid metal MHD flow in co-axial rectangular manifolds 25
PbLi/Water Reaction: Experimental Campaign and Modeling Advancements in WPBB EUROfusion Project 20
Numerical study of liquid metal turbulent heat transfer in cross-flow tube banks 19
Magnetohydraulic flow in a rectangular channel filled with stream-wise obstacles 16
Computational magnetohydrodynamics codes for the development of liquid metal breeding blankets in magnetic fusion reactors 15
RELAP5/Mod3.3 MHD module development and validation: WCLL-TBM mock-up model 15
Numerical analysis of extreme magnetoconvective phenomena in the WCLL blanket 13
MHD mixed convection around curved pipes in water-cooled breeding blankets 13
Presentation and preliminary test of APRIL. A new facility for the characterization of antipermeation coatings for fission and fusion applications 13
Totale 3.048
Categoria #
all - tutte 9.604
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 9.604

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020256 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 45 59 40 27 32
2020/2021366 41 37 19 28 5 13 12 47 81 48 30 5
2021/2022352 6 13 32 19 50 24 14 42 27 21 50 54
2022/2023468 88 92 28 20 45 35 29 34 32 11 21 33
2023/2024728 25 51 29 84 23 76 45 29 15 254 41 56
2024/2025431 36 35 62 103 107 87 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.048