A cluster analysis of adolescents’ styles of technology use: what is the role of maladaptive personality functioning?
2019 Amendola, Simone; Spensieri, Valentina; Biuso, GIUSEPPE STEFANO
A Longitudinal Study on Generalized Anxiety Among University Students During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland
2021 Amendola, Simone; von Wyl, Agnes; Volken, Thomas; Zysset, Annina; Huber, Marion; Dratva, Julia
Adaptation and psychometric analysis of the test of mobile phone dependence-brief version in italian adolescents
2021 Cerutti, Rita; Presaghi, Fabio; Spensieri, Valentina; Fontana, Andrea; Amendola, Simone
Alexithymic traits and somatic symptoms in children and adolescents: a screening approach to explore the mediation role of depression
2020 Cerutti, Rita; Spensieri, Valentina; Presaghi, Fabio; Renzi, Alessia; Palumbo, Nicola; Amendola, Simone; Solano, Luigi; Di Trani, Michela
Burden of mental health and substance use disorders among Italian young people aged 10-24 years: results from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study
2022 Amendola, Simone
Clinical symptoms in pre-COVID-19 pandemic versus COVID-19 pandemic samples of Italian university students
2023 Cerutti, R.; Spensieri, V.; Amendola, S.; Biuso, G. S.; Renzi, A.; Gambardella, A.; Tambelli, R.
Commentary on Karhulahti et al. (2022): exploring gaming disorder from the harmful dysfunction analysis perspective
2023 Amendola, Simone
Depressive symptoms in Swiss University students during the COVID-19 pandemic and its correlates
2021 Volken, Thomas; Zysset, Annina; Amendola, Simone; Klein Swormink, Anthony; Huber, Marion; von Wyl, Agnes; Dratva, Julia
Did the introduction and increased prescribing of antidepressants lead to changes in long-term trends of suicide rates?
2020 Amendola, Simone; Plöderl, Martin; P Hengartner, Michael
Does depressive symptomatology moderate the relationship between problematic internet use and psychoticism domain in adolescence?
2018 Amendola, Simone; Spensieri, Valentina; Cerutti, Rita
From attachment to parents to somatic symptoms in children: exploring the mediation role of anxiety, attachment to peers and depressive symptoms
2019 Amendola, S.; Spensieri, V.; Sgrò, S.; Cerutti, R.
Generalized Anxiety among Swiss Health Professions and Non-Health Professions Students: An Open Cohort Study over 14 Months in the COVID-19 Pandemic
2021 Volken, Thomas; Zysset, Annina; Amendola, Simone; von Wyl, Agnes; Dratva, Julia
Hikikomori, problematic internet use and psychopathology: correlates in non-clinical and clinical samples of young adults in Italy
2021 Amendola, Simone; Cerutti, Rita; Presaghi, Fabio; Spensieri, Valentina; Lucidi, Chiara; Silvestri, Elisa; Di Giorgio, Vassilij; Conti, Fabio; Martorelli, Alessandro; Izzi, Gaia; Teo, Alan
Hikikomori: la sofferenza silenziosa dei giovani [Hikikomori: the silent suffering among young people]
2021 Cerutti, Rita; Spensieri, Valentina; DAVIDE SIRACUSA, Valerio; Gazzillo, Francesco; Amendola, Simone
Italian validation of the Children’s Shyness Questionnaire. Exploring associations between shyness and psychosocial functioning
2019 Spensieri, Valentina; Cerutti, Rita; Presaghi, Fabio; Amendola, Simone; Ray Crozier, W.
L'uso dei videogiochi. Personalità e regolazione emotiva in un campione di adolescenti italiani
2019 Amendola, Simone; Spensieri, Valentina; Cerutti, Rita
Longitudinal reciprocal associations between depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders over three decades of life
2022 Amendola, S.; Hengartner, M. P.; Ajdacic-Gross, V.; Angst, J.; Rossler, W.
Macro-Determinants of NEET: An Ecological Study at the Country Level of Analysis for the Period 1997–2020
2022 Amendola, Simone
Maladaptive personality traits, anxiety and somatic symptoms in adolescence
2019 Spensieri, Valentina; Amendola, Simone
Mental health of Italian adults during COVID-19 pandemic
2021 Amendola, Simone; Spensieri, Valentina; Hengartner, Michael P.; Cerutti, Rita