Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.123
EU - Europa 1.222
AS - Asia 490
SA - Sud America 15
AF - Africa 4
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 3.855
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.104
IT - Italia 611
SG - Singapore 204
SE - Svezia 197
IN - India 161
UA - Ucraina 102
FI - Finlandia 100
DE - Germania 91
CN - Cina 83
GB - Regno Unito 26
RU - Federazione Russa 24
FR - Francia 20
CA - Canada 16
AR - Argentina 15
TR - Turchia 11
IE - Irlanda 9
IR - Iran 9
IL - Israele 8
NL - Olanda 8
BG - Bulgaria 7
RS - Serbia 6
BE - Belgio 5
KR - Corea 5
ID - Indonesia 4
NO - Norvegia 4
RO - Romania 4
LT - Lituania 3
MX - Messico 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
CH - Svizzera 2
AU - Australia 1
GE - Georgia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HR - Croazia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
PH - Filippine 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
TG - Togo 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 3.855
Città #
Chandler 241
Fairfield 213
Ashburn 179
Singapore 155
Princeton 130
Rome 119
Woodbridge 102
Wilmington 86
Plano 83
Houston 82
Seattle 81
Cambridge 79
Ann Arbor 60
Santa Clara 58
Millbury 56
Beijing 53
Des Moines 53
Boston 33
Jacksonville 29
San Paolo di Civitate 28
Lawrence 24
Andover 23
Florence 22
Norwalk 21
San Diego 21
Helsinki 20
Federal 15
Naples 14
Milan 13
Falls Church 11
Istanbul 11
Boardman 10
Falkenstein 10
Toronto 10
Bologna 9
Palermo 9
Washington 9
Dublin 8
Genova 8
Lucca 8
Napoli 8
Moscow 7
Sofia 7
Bari 6
Bergamo 6
Clermont-Ferrand 6
Leawood 6
Livorno 6
Los Angeles 6
Bühl 5
Kunming 5
London 5
Brussels 4
Dallas 4
Erice 4
Indiana 4
Jakarta 4
Montepulciano 4
Pune 4
Selargius 4
Amsterdam 3
Aversa 3
Cerea 3
Fonni 3
Giv‘atayim 3
Gorgonzola 3
Hvalstad 3
Mannheim 3
Mexico City 3
Mumbai 3
Ottawa 3
Pulce 3
Qualiano 3
Rionero in Vulture 3
Salerno 3
San Pietro in Casale 3
Serracapriola 3
Trieste 3
Turin 3
Zanjan 3
Bradenton 2
Buffalo 2
Campi Bisenzio 2
Casier 2
Ceppaloni 2
Cergy 2
Cisterna di Latina 2
Fiumicino 2
Foggia 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Genoa 2
Guspini 2
Haifa 2
Hefei 2
Kashan 2
Laurel 2
Leverano 2
Messina 2
Misterbianco 2
Muizenberg 2
Totale 2.401
Nome #
Definizione di aree di pregio ambientale, delle risorse marine e degli elementi di pericolosità: il contributo della cartografia geologica a mare esempi dai Fogli Borgo Grappa 413, Montalto di Castro 353, Messina-Reggio Calabria 601. 358
The Zannone Giant Pockmark. First evidence of a giant complex seeping structure in shallow-water, central Mediterranean Sea, Italy 104
The december 2002 Sciara del Fuoco (Stromboli Island) submarine landslide: a first caracterization. 99
Integrated stratigraphic survey of deep-water depositional systems, off-shore NE Ischia Island. 88
The Ventotene Volcanic ridge. A newly explored complex in the central Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) 85
Contourites offshore Pantelleria Island (Sicily Channel, Mediterranean Sea): depositional, erosional and biogenic elements 84
Fenomeni d’instabilità gravitativa a piccola e grande scala lungo le pendici sommerse dei vulcani insulari del Tirreno centro-meridionale. 82
Analysis and modeling of contourite drifts and contour currents off promontories in the Italian Seas (Mediterranean Sea) 82
The 1891 submarine eruption offshore Pantelleria Island (Sicily Channel, Italy): Identification of the vent and characterization of products and eruptive style 78
Seafloor characterization and benthic megafaunal distribution of an active submarine canyon and surrounding sectors. The case of Gioia Canyon (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) 77
The response of benthic meiofauna to hydrothermal emissions in the Pontine Archipelago, Tyrrhenian Sea (central Mediterranean Basin) 75
Spiculosiphon oceana (Foraminifera) a new bio-indicator of acidic environments related to fluid emissions of the Zannone Hydrothermal Field (central Tyrrhenian Sea) 74
Foraminiferal record and high-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Late Holocene succession of the submerged Ombrone River delta (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) 71
Bathy-morphological setting of Terceira Island (Azores) after the FAIVI cruise 69
Tectonics, dynamics and Plio‐Pleistocene magmatism in the central Tyrrhenian Sea. Insights from the submarine transitional basalts of the Ventotene volcanic Ridge (Pontine Islands, Italy) 68
Analysis and modeling of contourite drifts and contour currents off promontories in the Italian Seas (Mediterranean Sea) 65
Submarine geomorphic expression of active tectonics. 65
Foraminiferal assemblages in active volcanic areas: two study cases from Azores Archipelago (Atlantic Ocean) and Pantelleria Island (Mediterranean Sea) 62
Holocene sediments of the Messina Strait (southern Italy). Relationships between source area and depositional basin 58
Volcanic islands: the tip of large submerged volcanoes that only marine geology may reveal (examples from WPontine Archipelago, Ischia, Stromboli and Pantelleria). 56
Note Illustrative Aree Marine del Foglio 413 Borgo Grappa e Carta geologica in scala 1:50.000 56
High-resolution morpho-bathymetric imaging of the Messina Strait (Southern Italy). New insights on the 1908 earthquake and tsunami 56
Living and dead foraminiferal assemblages from an active submarine canyon and surrounding sectors. The Gioia Canyon system (Tyrrhenian Sea, Southern Italy) 55
Prime immagini TOBI dei fondali del Tirreno Centro Meridionale (settore orientale). 53
Nontropical Carbonate Shelf Sedimentation: The Archipelago Pontino (Central Italy) Case History 52
Benthic foraminifers and siliceous sponge spicules assemblages in the Quaternary rhodolith rich sediments from Pontine Archipelago shelf 52
Mass Wasting Features on the Submarine Flanks of Ventotene Volcanic Edifice (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) 52
Repeated events of hardground formation and colonisation by endo-epilithozoans on the sediment-starved Pontine continental slope (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) 51
Different-scale mass wasting on the flanks of Tyrrhenian Sea volcanic islands (Italy). 49
Morpho-acoustic characterization of a shallow-water mud volcano offshore Scoglio d'Affrica (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) responsible for a violent gas outburst in 2017 49
Submarine debris avalanche off the Southern flank of Ischia volcanic Island, Gulf of Naples. Proceedings of the Second international Symposium on Hard Soils 46
Il sistema idrotermale sottomarino a largo dell’Isola di Zannone (Arcipelago Pontino occidentale, Mar Tirreno). Submarine hydrothermal system off the Zannone Island (western Pontine Archipelago, Tyrrhenian Sea) 46
Cannibalization of a continental margin by regional scale mass wasting:an example from the central Tyrrenian Sea. 43
Analisi sismostratigrafica ad altissima risoluzione per la ricostruzione di dettaglio della morfologia e delle dinamiche sedimentarie postglaciali sulla piattaforma continentale calabro-tirrenica. 43
Affioramenti vulcanici sottomarini dell’Arcipelago Pontino occidentale: caratteri petrologici e morfoacustici. 42
Overview of the variability of Late Quaternary continental shelf deposits of the Italian peninsula 39
Overview of the variability of Late Quaternary continental shelf deposits of the Italian peninsula 39
Analisi di dettaglio di ingenti fenomeni d’instabilità sulla scarpata continentale antistante le isole Pontine, mediante integrazione di dati multibeam e long range side scan sonar. 38
Multi-proxy reconstruction of late Pleistocene to Holocene paleoenvironmental changes in SW calabria (southern Italy) from marine and continental records. 38
Aspetti petrologici dei prodotti magmatici delle Isole Pontine occidentali in relazione all’ambiente geodinamico 38
Application of underwater acoustics to seafloor habitat mapping: examples from three case study (Hudson Canyon, Mississippi Canyon Block 118 and Pontine Insular Shelf) 38
Studi di geologia marina lungo i fianchi delle isole vulcaniche. 37
Fluid emission affecting lowstand shelf deposits on the flank of a volcanic island (Zannone Island, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). 37
Serreta 1998–2001 submarine volcanic eruption, offshore Terceira (Azores). Characterization of the vent and inferences about the eruptive dynamics 37
Prime evidenze di cold seeps attivi attraverso analisi integrata di dati geofisici (multibeam, backscatter, profili sismici) e dati di ground-truth nell'offshore dell'Isola di Zannone (Arcipelago Pontino Occ.) 36
Deep-sea benthic habitat mapping in the Italian seas in the framework of the RITMARE Project: a 5-year perspective for the definition of best procedures for habitat mapping in complex areas 36
Caratteri e possibile genesi di un campo di megaripple ghiaiosi nella costa tirrenica della Calabria 35
Caratteri morfoacustici dei fondali dell’Arcipelago Pontino occidentale, integrazione tra dati sonar ad alta risoluzione e ad alta copertura laterale (TOBI). 34
Effects of changes in volcanic activity on post LGM seismic stratigraphy: Example from the northern Campanian Shelf (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). 33
The Ischia Debris Avalanche: the result of a catastrophic collapse of the island southern flank. 32
Long range side scan sonar analysis of instability phenomena on the submerged flanks of Ischia and Stromboli islands. 31
Benthic Habitat Mapping at Hudson Canyon head by integrated analysis of acoustic and groundtruth data: insights for the definition of approaches and methodologies 30
Seismic and sedimentological characters of a 5th order depositional sequence formed during the last glacio-eustatic cycle. 30
Contourite deposits from the Pantelleria offshore (Sicily Channel, Italy): Analysis of depositional and erosive elements. 30
Long Range Side Scan Sonar Analysys of Instability Phenomena on the Submerged Flanks of Ischia and Stromboli Islands (2001) 29
New insights on the 1891 eruption at Pantelleria Island 29
Submarine geomorphic expression of active tectonics. 29
Submarine volcanic features in the Pantelleria offshore revealed by high resolution swath bathymetry 28
Immagini TOBI delle Isole Pontine: degradazione regionale di un pendio sottomarino dovuto a instabilità gravitativa. 27
Mid-Latitude Carbonate Sedimentation on a volcanic island shelf (Pontine Islands, Tyrrhenian Sea). 26
New insights into the recent submarine volcanism of Pantelleria Island 26
Morfologie a rapida evoluzione alla testa di canyon sottomarini e in strutture canalizzate osservate con tecnologia multibeam ad alta altissima risoluzione (Calabria- Isole Eolie). 26
null 26
The 1891 Submarine Vent: New Data of the Latest Eruption at Pantelleria (Sicily Channel - Italy). 26
Multibeam data of Pantelleria volcano and new insights for the assessment of volcanic risk for submarine edificies 25
Submarine instability and sedimentary processes around Active Volcanic Islands of the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea. 24
Mitigation of coastal erosion by the use of marine sands: examples from the Tyrrhenian Sea continental shelves 24
Regional seafloor mapping in geohazard perspective : results and examples from the Italian project MAGIC (Marine Geohazards along the Italian Coasts) 24
Overbank non-erosive/erosive flows on the lower reach of the Gioia Canyon. 23
First evidence of active cold seep offshore Zannone Island: a possible new shallow-water habitat in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) 23
The problem of the 1908 Reggio and Messina earthquake and tsunami sources. A geomorphic perspective. 23
Morphological and seismic characteristics of the Vidal deep-sea channel (Western Equatorial Atlantic): preliminary results of the Vidal’97 BIO Hesperides Cruise 21
Note Illustrative Aree Marine del Foglio 601 Messina-Reggio di Calabria e Carta geologica in scala 1:50.000 20
Shelf-indenting canyon head: a major geohazard for Mediterranean harbours. Why are they often spatially linked? 19
The study of a complex deep-water system trough an integrated geophysical survey, nw Ischia Island. 18
Geological characters and evolution since LGM of Western Pontine continental shelf (Tyrrhenian Sea). 17
Geohazard features of the north-western Sicily and Pantelleria 16
Geological mapping of marine areas (Carg Italian National Project). Differences between well fed areas and sediments starved margins. 16
The Plio-Pleistocene sedimentation on the sediment-starved Pontine continental slope (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy): A complex history 16
The Western Pontine Island continental slope, erosional and instability processes related to morphostructural setting. 15
Origin and evolution of Pontine Islands magmatism (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy): geochemical constraints from submarine volcanics 15
Geohazard features of the Gulf of Naples and Pontine Islands (Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea) 14
Geological Characters and Evolution since LGM of Western Pontine Continental Shelf (Tyrrenian Sea) 13
Missing faults and landslides in the area of the 1908 Reggio and Messina earthquake and tsunami. The role of very high-resolution geomorphic analysis in marine paleoseismology. Submarine Paleoseismology 13
Morfobatimetria dei fondali dello Stretto: indizi, evidenze e ricerche future in riferimento all’evento del 1908. 13
Submarine morphology of Pantelleria volcano. The interplay between volcanic and erosive-depositional processes modulated by sea-level fluctuations 8
Geohazard features of the Aeolian Island slopes and the North-Eastern Sicily offshore 8
Totale 4.035
Categoria #
all - tutte 11.540
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 11.540

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020318 0 0 0 0 0 43 44 57 59 40 57 18
2020/2021251 18 20 10 36 20 17 13 27 13 47 25 5
2021/2022841 8 45 62 53 109 17 29 75 63 73 137 170
2022/2023944 226 140 50 85 70 147 7 71 67 28 38 15
2023/2024429 21 66 29 39 32 65 16 33 0 45 39 44
2024/2025375 58 29 54 37 98 99 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.035